Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
I would say that if I held your mouth open with my hands and coughed into it, that would be forcing pathogens into your body. Casually coughing is different, of course, you can always tell me to go somewhere else if you're afraid to catch my germs and you can get up and go somewhere else.
I can't tell you to go somewhere else in a public space. Neither of us own the place.

Why should I go somewhere else, when you're the one who should be getting vaccinated? If you're not vaccinated, then maybe you should just stay at home so you don't spread your pathogens.

The government can't force you against your will, but the government also has the responsibility of protecting other citizens. Not "forcing" is not an absolute value, just like freedom of speech isn't an absolute value. Some expressions are not protected under freedom of speech.

Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
You're framing the issue as one of harassment. It's not. Of course someone who harasses others should be held acountable, noone is saying otherwise.
It is about harassment, under this law. Even if you have no intention of harassing someone, it could count as harassment.

The real issue is why should all the other groups and attributes such as gender, race, age, etc., be protected under this law, but not "gender identity"? That is indeed singling out and discriminating gender identity.

Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
A better example would be if a teacher once calls a Christian student an athiest, and gets fired for it. Maybe he didn't mean to and maybe he did, but it's pretty draconian grounds for firing someone in any case.
Well you're changing the subject, because nobody is getting fired over this. At best you're getting fined, or forced to apologize, or take some courses in human rights. Of course if you refuse to do that, then it turns into a criminal case of not paying fines, which is a separate issue.