Let's get to the point

I am pretty sure I am either SLI or ILI, since I easily identify with Te-Fi axes and having Fe as POLR

So the problem is mainly about Si vs Ni

when it comes to Ni I identify with:
1. have well-developed imaginative abilities and mental wanderings
attuned to hidden connections between things
easily recognize patterns of events
but I don't identify with "the
ability to see through time", true I can tell if for example a project is going to succeed or fail
but it is not like I can tell if A happened then B will happen or something similar.

and when it comes to Si I identify with:
sensitive to sensations of internal discomfort and dissonance
2. sensing if
something is aesthetically out of place
take the time to experience pleasurable and soothing sensations
but I don't identify with being interested in maintaining healthy lifestyle or taking care of your body
true anyone care about their health but still I prefer to enjoy tasty food plus being lazy makes me fat and I don't think that's a healthy lifestyle

Also I read that SLIs are
skeptical but in reinin dichotomies they are "Positivists" how can that be?

That's all, so what are your thoughts?