I actually did this about a year ago on another forum and got mixed results. It will be interesting to see what you think. Particularly on the Ti section. I was told conflicting things- I have strong Ti and I have weak Ti. Personally I believe the former.


1. General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?
Specific is like a subset of the general. The details, the particulars. Specific to general- finding an underlying thread that links the specifics together. General is more big picture oriented.

2. What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?
It is easily reasonable and makes sense in all aspects. It’s coherent, it all fits together. I’m not sure what the common view of logical exactly is. I would assume so- most people think I’m quite logical.

3. How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?
Since there are 12 hours on the clock, divide into twelves. So 1:00 is like 1/12th, 7:00 is like 7/12ths and so on. You can also think of it like a pie. 3:00 pm with the hour hand on the 3 and the minute hand on the 12, is like a quarter of a pie. 3/12ths which is equal to 1/4th

4. What is a rule? What rules do you have to follow?
There are rules of nature- like principles of physics and then there are rules people set up, like governmental laws and organizational rules for the sake of order and morality of society. Obviously laws of nature have to be followed- I haven’t gotten around the laws of physics yet (I’ll let you know if I find a way ). Moral laws for the most part should be followed for the good of society. Rules in your job should be followed if you want to keep your job. The moral laws and organizational laws don’t absolutely have to be followed. You do have free will, you can always choose not to follow them. But you have to be prepared for the consequences if you don’t. You might be regarded as an outcast by society, you might go to prison, you might lose your job, etc. For the most part laws and rules in society are a ‘necessary evil’ and are needed for society to run smoothly. Sometimes though, there will be an overly arbitrary rule that makes little sense. Rules like those should be challenged. Think bureaucracy.

5. What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?
What sort of hierarchy are we talking about here? Social hierarchies? Logical hierarchies- like an outline for a paper?
Hierarchies among people I tend to not like- I don’t like all these social classes and stuff. Prefer everyone is on an equal level. I can understand why organizations though have hierarchies. CEO, middle manager, subordinates. It probably runs more smoothly that way. Someone more knowledgeable and experienced should probably be in charge. Do you have to follow the hierarchy? No, but there may be consequences if you don’t like losing your job or being an outcast.
Logical hierarchies I see like an outline of a paper. You have a main point, and then subpoints and sometimes sub-sub points, etc. You don’t need to follow them either but to make your ideas clear and understandable its probably best that you do.

6. What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual? If so, what type of instruction manual would you most likely write?
I like instructions if they are clear, concise, and make logical sense. I like it when it’s explained why the individual steps are important- something that’s often left out. Too often, instructions are poorly written- there are ambiguities, it’s not clear enough, it’s too long- pointing out the obvious without pointing out the less obvious but still important points. Sometimes I’ve had the urge to write an instruction manual myself because I feel I could do a better job than the one provided. Not sure what kind I’d write- maybe something on how to do something on a computer. I see instruction writing like an art. You want to make it so an idiot could understand without that person being made to feel like an idiot. Easier said than done, probably. Regarding instructions, I prefer to try to figure things out myself first and if I can’t then ask for assistance. If that doesn’t work, then I refer to the instructions.

7. Please explain: "Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws"? Do you agree with the statement? Why?
I see it as kind of the opposite, actually. It’s important to know what the laws are and why they are in place and not just ignore them entirely. Most laws I believe, have good intentions- they bring an order and moral fabric to society. There are times when exceptions need to be made and when the laws are doing more harm than good. The wise person realizes when this is the case and when it may be in the best interest to not comply or challenge them. You are free to choose whether or not to comply.

8. Tell us how consistent you are.
It depends on the context. Logically, I strive for consistency as much as possible. In my personal habits, I’m more variable- I find schedules overly rigid preferring to go to bed and eat when I feel like it and tend to work in spurts. Things like that. Morally, I also strive to be consistent as much as possible- with the realization that exceptions sometimes need to be made. Emotionally, I don’t feel as consistent even though I wish I was more that way. My moods can widely vary time to time.

9. What is a "standard"? Why do people need it?
A benchmark of something generally considered to be ‘ideal’ by most- whether it be work performance, product quality, behavior, etc. People need standards to know what level of quality is acceptable and what to work towards. It gives something to focus on.

10. You need to put your home library in order. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?
I am actually a librarian by profession! I’d arrange the books in order by Dewey Decimal number. I’d assign each book a Dewey Decimal number and stick the code at the bottom of the spine. Just kidding. I do have my books at home though roughly sorted by subject and I put books by the same author all together. I also arrange them aesthetically (sp?) to some degree and place the ones I look at most frequently in easy to get at places. I actually enjoy organizing my books, call me an anal nerd.


1. What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?
Work is performing actions to fulfill one’s goals or for the betterment of society. People go to work for various reasons. Most probably, the main reason is to make enough money to meet basic needs and have a decent standard of living. Beyond that people work for personal fulfillment or to feel they are contributing something of value to society.

As to whether or not I can do the work, am I physically able? Am I mentally able? Do I have the skills needed? I might be able to the work in the literal sense of the word but may choose not to for various reasons- uninteresting, physically grueling, too repetitive, makes me do things against my principles, etc.

2. Is there any correlation between quality and quantity? Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?
I don’t think there is a correlation between the two. You can have high quality and low quantity and vice versa. In general, higher quality products have higher prices but not always. Price depends largely on demand. Sometimes there are things in high demand for various reasons that are not always the best quality.

3. How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?
I think people determine quality by how well it meets some preset standards. I tend to determine quality that way too. People don’t always agree on the level of quality because people use different standards to judge. I think I’m quite good at determining the quality of purchases. Better when its a type of product I’m familiar with or have purchased before. I pay a moderate amount of attention to quality. I don’t want a shoddy product but it doesn’t necessarily have to be top of the line either. I just want something that works well and is reasonably priced.

4. How do you feel if you didn't finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons?
I feel guilty about having poor time management skills or not meeting the expectations of others. Fortunately, that rarely happens. I make it a priority to finish work I take on- especially if I’m working for others. I want to make a good impression and I don’t want to get fired! With personal projects though, it’s a different story. I try to set timetables for myself, but I don’t seem to be able to stick with them for very long or very consistently. I tend to take on too many things or am unrealistic about how much I can do in a given time. Sometimes other things take precedence or become more interesting than what I was working before. I have many projects going in different stages of completion.

5. What is "interesting work" for you? Please explain in detail.
Interesting to me is something that is mentally stimulating. It is something that piques my curiosity and something I can do for long periods of time and not get bored. I know it’s interesting if I keep going and am reluctant to stop and lose track of time.

6. You go to thestore and see something you're interested in buying; there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it's overpriced, underpriced, or priced correctly?
I compare it to other similar products and see if the price falls on the high end or the low end. I compare the features of like products- is there a reason why one is higher priced than another. I look at the product and if possible test it out. That chair might be really cheap because it’s not comfortable. With minor purchases, I don’t worry too much about it- just buy what I can afford and feels right. With more major purchases I’ll do more research- check multiple stores or read product reviews. With minor purchases, I’m usually too lazy to do the research and check multiple stores.

7. When you work and someone tells you: "You don't do it right." What is your reaction?
I find that statement harsh, that just sounds rude. I don’t do well with unsolicited criticism. If I ask for feedback on how to do it better, I welcome some constructive criticism. That’s my first impression anyway. Sometimes, there isn’t one right way or best way and people should respect different approaches. Generally, I want to do it the way I see fit that makes logical sense and is efficient. I just want to be left alone to do my work and not have others intervene and tell me how to do it differently for the most part.

8. There is a professional right next to you. You always see that you can't perform the way they do. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?
My initial instinct would be to feel anxious and inadequate. I would try to observe the professional and try to learn from him or her. Later on I might come to realize that people can perform the same task in different ways- people have different personalities and work styles. I may not be as good that professional in a particular way but I may be better in some different way.

9. When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?
It depends on the context. If its a difficult or overwhelming task, I don’t mind asking for help, especially if its something I dread doing. Usually I try to do things myself first, asking for help when I get stuck or not sure how to proceed to the next step. Sometimes I’m shy about asking for help because I’m afraid of being thought of as incompetent or stupid.

10. You need to build a pyramid exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?
My initial reaction: Are you shitting me? I would ask why I was asked to do this in the first place. If they were serious about me wanting to do this I would feel very overwhelmed at such a massive undertaking. Where does one even start? I would ask alot of clarifying questions. Do you mean exactly the same size and materials as in Egypt or do you just want a small scale model that looks like it?