Quote Originally Posted by mu4 View Post

but I seriously doubt he's SLE. When he talks about how he values the little traditions she and him shared this clearly places them in the Fi/Te quadra values imo and the very face they're exposing this part of their relationship to public view is extremely Fi oriented. Fe types tend to be different with how they present their relationships and it's more image conscious. IEE's are Fe 4d types and are quite expressive, if there's a type she's similar to it's Lena Dunham, who happen to write a show about this exact sort of self-flagellating female on her show Girls. This video is getting buzz for the same reason Girls gets buzz, there's a lot of people that can relate to this sort of behavior and experience, it's very mundane commonplace and such. Putting nice production value on it doesn't make it any less squirmy to observe or make these individuals any less trope.

A SLE would be absolutely allergic to this sort of navel gazing Fi discussion, this video is like PoLR hit every scene for a SLE.

The quote are the part of our post that I agree with.

I agree this is a Fi sort of discussion and this sort of talk is very common throughout the lives of Fi valuers. That its happening all at once and much later after it ended tells me that the styles of Fi for these two was very "off".