ILE: *says something too Ne-ish, goes on a totally un-feeling Ne rant while not talking about the main Ni point*
ESI: *says 'Yeah but we're talking about *this* not those other things...'
ILE: *keeps on narcissistically Ne ranting*
ESI: *is visibly angry and annoyed, glares at ILE hatefully to make him stop*
ILE: *doesn't stop and instead says something callous and even makes fun of ESI in a jerk-ish way - remember ILE is lookalike to SLE*
ESI: *boiled with rage now- uses Se to either physically stop the ILE or remove themselves.*

A little later...

ESI: (comes back after calming down, ready to seek revenge) *uses a cutting Fi remark to make him feel like shit*
ILE: *feels like shit but doesn't talk about it since they are an autistic T type- then goes back to #1 of Ne-ranting

and the cycle keeps going until one or both of them is dead.