The saving grace for me in living with a conflictor roommate is her Fe. I find it quite endearing.

I briefly experimented last week with laying out the red carpet a little more with Fe. Was helped by a different ILE describing Fe to me as basically good intentions in the moment. So I pushed myself and after our usual greeting which she initiates w/ much more enthusiasm than I do, I went for it and was kinda all buddy-pal Fe-like, 'whaaat's up?' (a question for the life of me I've never known how to answer since middle school) -- while my back was turned to her and I felt freer to experiment. She seemed to relax in hearing it and started telling me more about what she'd just been out and about up to. Success, I silently observed. Lol.

But it's waay too tiring for me to keep that on the reg. Ive basically gotten used to it now. This is WAY easier to deal with than trying to make a casual dating/casual sex thing with an ILE work, as I did this time two years ago, and then an attempt at platonic friendship last year (nope).

I've known since pretty early on with this roommate that we conflict. In fact that's why I joined this forum last month, bc I felt exTREMEly stressed in just the second week of living w/ her, and that's more than enough proof to me of the usefulness of socionics. I've had a good experience so far. Esp being home during the pandemic so much, I do think it's helpful to have a community of sorts to turn to, where I know (in an Fi way I guess...) that people are basically gonna support the path of not trying to get very close w/ my conflict partner.


Keep up with the cute Fe hidden agenda, ILEs. Im here for it and, thank you to the ILEs who accept my bumbling?, goofy energy and dont get too particular about their preferences for people. It's cool that you can be so forgiving. Im getting lots of good practice in letting things GO from living w/ you and another roommate that I also juust met.
