Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
Conflict relations aren't that one-sided - usually conflictors can see each other's PoLRs, so if you were ILE you would see and critique ESI's +Ne PoLR as much as they could hone into your -Fi PoLR. On eastern socionics forums this usually shows itself as ILEs saying that the ESI seems to be "stuck in a rut" or "sitting in a swamp", to use the exact expression, and doesn't want to get out of it no matter how much the ILE tries to inspire and move them "towards their dreams". This brief response link could also be an example of how the ILE sees ESI +Ne PoLR as being too "unprogressive", too stuck in their own backwards views, and at the same time unwilling to adapt and change their outlook.
It was about as one-sided as much as you would expect a principle-middle school student relationship to be. The very reason I did some of the things in the first place was to mock/retaliate against the rigid morality the school was enforcing. You see, at this school, we received all sorts sorts of stupid punishments for "inappropriate behavior" left and right. For example, more often then not at lunch the we (the entire grade) would get a lecture about how badly we were acting and we would have to sit in total silence for the entire duration of lunch. This began to piss me off so I started doing the things I mentioned above as a sort of mockery against the exaggerated morality the school kept trying to constantly jam inside our heads. Regardless of whether or not I am ILE this too me seems like a perfect example of the kind of things ILEs and ESIs would do to piss each other off.