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Thread: Psyche-Yoga Questionnaire

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    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Default Psyche-Yoga Questionnaire

    I found this questionnaire over on the Psyche-Yoga Facebook group. It's been translated from a Russian site and not all of the questions could be accurately translated so for those, feel free to make up your own questions or write what you want. Or nothing at all.

    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?

    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?

    8. [Unable to translate]

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?

    11.[Unable to translate]

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?

    17.[Unable to translate]

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?

    19.[Unable to translate, and quite possibly way too personal]

    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?

    23.[Unable to translate]

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?
    Last edited by The Exception; 08-24-2015 at 12:02 AM.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Well I did it. @Megane @Hacim @Suz @Aylen @inumbra @Galen @Myst and anyone else who wants to offer me some good insight.

    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?

    1. Intellectual stimulation- being able to totally immerse myself in some topic of great interest to me.
    2. Humor, funny jokes
    3. Music, almost all kinds, something to stimulate the mind and emotions
    4. Mastering skills in an area of importance to me
    5. The beauty of nature and the world around me.

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Whydo you think this is happening (or not happening)?

    Yes, sometimes. Some things are hard to express in words and/or I feel that the way I think about it is rather unique so I have to ‘translate it’ to a language that the typical person would understand. Also, I won’t express thoughts if people aren’t likely to be interested in them, understand them, or just put them down.

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?

    Not sure. What does it even mean to say someone has a ‘well-established’ view of the world? I’m not even sure I fully understand. I can say that I build up my view of the world through a combination of scientific understanding as well as personal experiences. I’m not sure what the ‘accepted view’ is. In some ways, I think it lines up well with the norm. For instance, conventional wisdom like ‘do unto others as you want done to yourself’. ‘Seek happiness, avoid pain’. Blah, blah, blah. In other ways, less so. For example, the majority of people believe in some form of religion whereas I’m agnostic.

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?

    I’m not particularly good at either. I suppose I’m better at convincing than persuading. Convincing seems to have more of a logical bent to it, persuading more emotional. I can more easily and comfortably demonstrate something through logic than via emotional manipulation. But I even find that convincing isn’t always so easy. People often closed to other points of view, don’t want to hear yours. They are going to think what they think.

    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?

    Yes, unfortunately. I have trouble letting go of past hurts and disappointments in my life. I don’t like to risk emotional involvement or rejection unless I know that I can deal well with the worst case scenario.

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?
    Depends on the type of help. A simple how-to? Or more personal distressing matters?
    Google. I’m half joking and half serious here. Seriously, Googling things has often been a great help. I don’t recommend it for more personal, distressing things but for simple how-to type stuff, it’s great.

    For more personal problems, I go to family and close friends. If for some reason I’m not comfortable discussing it with them, than I may go to a therapist or some online forum that has some reasonable degree of privacy.

    7.Do you feel that you are fully yourself? Do you feel that you areresponsible for someone else?

    I don’t think in the literal sense of the word it is ever feasible to be 100% yourself 100% of the time. Sure, most of the time I’m myself, but sometimes I want to do something or act in a way that could negatively impact someone else or come back to haunt me later. So by necessity, there must be some level of restraint. Sure I might want to just skip going to work but if I want to keep my job, probably not a good idea.

    But that said, for the most part and in most situations, I try to be true to myself as much as I can so long as it doesn’t harm others or doesn’t come back to haunt me later. If I’m in a job, relationship, etc. where I feel like I would have to sacrifice too much of my true self to make it work, then it’s not a desireable job, relationship, etc. and I try to get out.

    Yes, I do feel responsible for other people at times. In my job as a librarian, I feel responsible for imparting information to customers to help them find what they’re looking for. I am responsible for ensuring the information I give them is accurate and timely. I also teach community ed computer courses and once again, responsible for helping them learn the basics effectively.

    I have a love/hate thing for being responsible for others. It makes me feel useful, that I’m contributing something positive, making a difference. On the other hand, it does tie me down at times and intrudes on my personal freedom. It’s probably why I’m prefer to be single, no kids, even in my 30s.

    8. [Unableto translate]

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? How about yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?

    Yes, I can cheer up others. Comfort them, empathize, say something funny. I’m not sure how good at it I am though.

    I try to cheer myself up with mixed results. When I’m in a sad mood, it’s pretty hard to make myself be happy. I guess it’s a lot easier to control thoughts than feelings. Sometimes talking with someone who lends a sympathetic ear, listening to music or watching a funny video helps somewhat. But mostly, I just need to let the bad feelings eventually pass on their own.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?

    I don’t actively seek out leadership positions but I will step in when asked or if it’s an area I feel highly confident in and no once else has stepped up. I don’t care that much about being recognized as the leader.

    Getting some credit and recognition for my accomplishments is nice but I’m not particularly insistent that I get it. I don’t want to seem too pushy.

    I think it’s more important for things to go my way and stay in the shade w/o getting credit. I don’t always insist on things being my way though because that’s just selfish. If someone’s way is just as good or better than mine than I’m fine to do it their way.

    11.[Unable to translate]

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?

    I’m smarter than most of society in general but only IQ wise. On an official IQ test, I scored around 95% percentile. No, I’m not trying to brag because there are plenty of things I’m stupid at. I just happen to be smart in the things that IQ tests for.

    I tend to choose friends who are around my intelligence level so intellectually, I’m probably on par with most of them. I’m probably smarter in some ways like in things related to math/science and dumber in other ways like people skills or body smarts.

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?

    No. It’s often necessary to hold back my true feelings for various reasons. It’s inappropriate to express it at the time, like laughing at a funeral. Or it would offend someone- like watching a friends performance and I happen to find it boring but I try to hide my boredom.

    I will also suppress emotions if I feel that I will likely be misunderstood or ridiculed for them.

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?

    1. People who are really intelligent and insightful. Have some exceptional skill of sort that’s awe inspiring.
    2. People who are true to themselves with a strong sense of integrity
    3. People who aren’t overly worried what others think of them. They can stand up for what they believe in, even if it’s unpopular.
    4. People who can think outside of the box, are really creative. Aren’t afraid to be different.
    5. People who are really resilient and who have managed to overcome great difficulty in their lives and still be sane.

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?

    Yes, most of my conversations tend to have a purpose. I’m not the greatest conversationalist, don’t do well with just idle chatter.

    Typically, I go into conversation hoping to get my questions on things answered, to gather new information and insights on matters, share something interesting or funny, or get emotional support on some issue in my life.

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?

    Stupidity and lack of foresight and ability to see consequences of their actions
    Can’t think for themselves
    Apathy- nothing seems to interest them
    People who won’t even try to help themselves

    17.[Unable to translate]

    Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island. Discuss.

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?

    In a physical sense, I’m not particularly attractive nor particularly ugly. Just average I think. In all honesty, I haven’t exactly done much work in trying to increase my sex appeal. Sometimes I’m just unaware of this aspect. Sometimes someone is interested in me and I may not recognize the signals.

    I think I’m attractive in other non-physical ways. My intelligence, my personality, I like to think are attractive.

    I suppose I’d be more physically attractive if I wore make-up, styled my hair better or lost some weight but usually I can’t be bothered to do so. Other more interesting things I’m thinking about.

    Personality wise, I suppose some see me as rather boring and self-contained. If I was more outgoing and self-expressive I might get noticed by the opposite sex more.

    19.[Unable to translate, and quite possibly way too personal]

    Why do birds suddenly appear? Everytime you are near? Just like me, they long to be, close to you. La La La La La La close to yoooou.

    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?

    It depends on the specific type of work I suppose. I work hard, I try my best. Physical work, like household chores I don’t enjoy but I get them done because I like a clean house. Physical things like repairs and making things I’m bad and clumsy at and would just prefer someone else do it.

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?

    Yes, but I see my body as just being there like a vessel that holds all my thoughts, feelings, etc. So I don’t really see my body as being something I’m particularly comfortable with or uncomfortable with. I hate the idea that people need to feel like their body should fit some norm or ideal. We have all these people suffering from eating disorders and low self-esteem just because their body doesn’t fit some supermodel’s body.

    I guess overall I’m happy with my body. Sure I’d like to lose 20-30 pounds but more important for me to be healthy and happy.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?

    Intellectual > Spirtual >>> Material

    Intellectual and spiritual may be switched. It’s hard to say what’s more important to me. Intellectually, my mind is my life so to say. My intellectual needs are for things to make logical sense and to understand the world around me. My spirtual needs are to feel a sense of wonder and inspiration to feel like there is some higher meaning and purpose to my life. Material needs are by far the least important. Mostly survival needs like food, water, shelter, clothing, etc. I do enjoy some material pleasures like good food and sex but it’s still overall the least important for me.

    23.[Unable to translate]

    These are the types of questions that potentially offer the most insight.

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?

    Intelligence, insight, strong sense of integrity and fairness, my openmindedness and intellectual curiosity, my sense of humor (this is debateable, some don’t like it, most of them are gammas.)
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?

    Rain, music, energy exchange, talking to people I care about (topic not important), documentaries exploring the universe or nature (without people).

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?

    Yes, because my thoughts are more like, a feeling, of the essence of something and it is something I know but cannot always put into words that make sense to others.

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?


    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?


    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?


    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?

    My family.

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?

    Yes for both but I can be irresponsible too.

    8. [Unable to translate]

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? How about yourself? How do you cheer up yourself?

    I can cheer others up even when I feel awful. It's a skill I developed in childhood because my mom was somewhat of a downer. I can calm myself but not really cheer myself up. I am more likely to intensify my misery before I seek to change it. Then I just make a choice to let it go.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everything to go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?

    I don't care either way. I can lead if I have to. I prefer not to because that is a lot of responsibility.

    11.[Unable to translate]

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?

    So I have been told

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?

    It depends. Sometimes yes and sometimes a cover because I don't like to put my problems on others. I do suppress until I have worked it out then I might share what I discovered about myself.

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?

    I can't even think of one thing right now. Maybe it is not the individual qualities I admire but the whole person.

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? What could that be?

    I always have a purpose when I enter a conversation unless it is with close friends. Then anything goes.

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?

    Some forms of rudeness and inconsiderate behavior. (get off your ass and give that old person your seat instead of pretending not to notice them shaking right next to you) <-- yes I give up my seat.

    17.[Unable to translate]

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? What qualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?

    I am like a little ray of sunshine, blocked by clouds, and pouring rain.. I have no clue. I am some people's type and not other people's type. If they don't like what I offer then not my problem.

    19.[Unable to translate, and quite possibly way too personal]

    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?

    No I was not made for physical labor. I was made for mental labor. (see my Michael teachings body type in other thread)

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that of others?

    Depends on the day. I am fine with what I was given.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. What kind of material and spiritual needs do you have?

    Spiritual, intellectual and material. I am able to meet my spiritual needs and also realize when someone else in my life is there for spiritual growth. I don't need any material things that I don't already have. Sometimes I impulse buy for others because it gives me a high to give to people I care about. I find it hard to receive from others. It is just easier for me to give.

    23.[Unable to translate]

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?

    Isn't pride a deadly sin? I try not to be too prideful. even though I have my moments, because I know at any point the universe can take it away from me. I try to stay off the radar by attempting to remain modest. I do have too much pride to beg for approval or acceptance.
    Last edited by Aylen; 08-22-2015 at 11:48 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    @Aylen Maybe ELVF? I saw strong L and E I'd say emotion > logic suggested by #4, #9, #16, and #22 It sounds like you don't place much value or interest in neither V nor F. For some reason you give off more of an ELVF than an ELFV vibe. I think the latter being V4 seems more easygoing more go with the flow whereas there seems to be some intensity and stubbornness about you as well as valuing your own freedom and not wanting to be responsible. Seems a bit more like 3V. Also, didn't see any evidence for 3F.
    Last edited by The Exception; 08-22-2015 at 06:25 AM.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    @Aylen actually now I'm thinking ELFV could work for you. Here's the section on V4 in the ELFV description:

    [4V] Fourth Willpower: ELFV is indifferent to position, rank, status, hierarchies, etc. ELFV is rather arrogant, as they do not need confirmation of their success. ELFV sees himself as a very deep and insightful human being, knowing their own merits and is able to give their opinion about the weaknesses of piety, regalia, positions, titles, hierarchy, and so on. They believe that all ambitions can originate from self-doubt, and ELFV is apart of the vast majority of people that need constant confirmation that they are valued and respected. ELFV deeply believes that they are self-confident people, they see themselves as very deep people that can personally resolve philosophical issues and bring value to the universe.

    Your answer to #24 seems pretty consistent with that.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    @Aylen Maybe ELVF? I saw strong L and E I'd say emotion > logic suggested by #4, #9, #16, and #22 It sounds like you don't place much value or interest in neither V nor F. For some reason you give off more of an ELVF than an ELFV vibe. I think the latter being V4 seems more easygoing more go with the flow whereas there seems to be some intensity and stubbornness about you as well as valuing your own freedom and not wanting to be responsible. Seems a bit more like 3V. Also, didn't see any evidence for 3F.
    It was close between the two but ultimately EVLF is more fitting. I have a very strong will. I do not focus on the negative like the ELVF. Irl, I have been described as a "ray of sunshine" just minus the dark clouds and rain (in my description since those are inner perceptions of myself at times). hah. I do tend to sarcasm and dark humor. I will show you a video clip, in pm, then tell me what you think is more fitting? Most of my dark emotions are contained and only come out when I am at my worst.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?

    Coming to understand something I haven't before
    Becoming immersed in an interesting book, video game, or musical piece.
    Solving a problem in general whether it is for intellectual enjoyment or to come up with a workable solution to a real life problem.
    The few really good relationships I have in life.
    I enjoy a lot of outdoor activities and spending time in nature.

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?
    Verbally yes, but I have little trouble doing so through writing. I prefer to build upon my thoughts until I'm satisfied that what I wrote reflects what I meant to say. I'm still not always successful.

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?
    I don't think I know enough about the world to know the answer to this question.

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?
    Definitely convince through facts.

    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?
    I usually don't ask for help. I tend to do things myself.

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?
    I take responsibility for myself and my actions. I feel responsible for my aging mother, for my wife and kids. Otherwise, no.

    8. [Unable to translate]

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?
    I do not know how to cheer others up. The best I can do is to be supportive and be present. I think time heals all wounds.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?
    I prefer to be thought of as a guide than a leader. I tend to lead in a more subdued, quiet manner, and prefer that other people take credit for what they've done well too. Getting compliments often make me feel a little uncomfortable, but I do like them if it feels deserved. I would only take on an official leaderships position if I were justly compensated. I usually have a vision of how all of the smaller jobs come together as a whole.
    11.[Unable to translate]

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?
    I've been told that I'm practical, creative, intelligent, and weird. I do not think I'm smarter, but I do approach things differently from them.

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?
    Emotions are strange to me. I do have them and only really explore them when alone. I suppress expressing anything too extreme for sure.

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?
    Intelligent, creative, funny, practical, scientific, freethinking, and/or skeptical people. I like people you can depend on if needed.

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?
    There are many different reasons to enter into a conversation. Sometimes it is just to chat about something interesting. Other times it is about getting more information out of each other.

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?
    People who are unreliable, full of self-pity, are overly accommodating, and have no self-control. *Also, those who try and manipulate you with emotion and social status*
    17.[Unable to translate]

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?
    I really have no idea and don't really care about this anymore.

    19.[Unable to translate, and quite possibly way too personal]

    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?
    Sometimes. I am not well coordinated.

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?
    I often feel disconnected from my body.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?
    Intellectual, spiritual, material. Spirituality is an intuitive process that evolves with my understanding of the world. My material needs fluctuate from minimalism to indulging in technological and material prowess. Spiritual needs are inversely proportional to material needs.
    23.[Unable to translate]

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?
    Artistic and Scientific thinking is at the heart of what I think I do well.

    Last edited by Skepsis; 08-23-2015 at 08:38 AM.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    @Aylen actually now I'm thinking ELFV could work for you. Here's the section on V4 in the ELFV description:

    [4V] Fourth Willpower: ELFV is indifferent to position, rank, status, hierarchies, etc. ELFV is rather arrogant, as they do not need confirmation of their success. ELFV sees himself as a very deep and insightful human being, knowing their own merits and is able to give their opinion about the weaknesses of piety, regalia, positions, titles, hierarchy, and so on. They believe that all ambitions can originate from self-doubt, and ELFV is apart of the vast majority of people that need constant confirmation that they are valued and respected. ELFV deeply believes that they are self-confident people, they see themselves as very deep people that can personally resolve philosophical issues and bring value to the universe.

    Your answer to #24 seems pretty consistent with that.
    My answer to #24 is based on my experience. I am a bit superstitious since every time I get too full of myself or arrogant I lose the things I value most. Your world falls apart one too many times, just when you thought you had it all figured out, and everything seemed great, it can make you more cautious about taking too much pride in anything. Like I don't even like to talk about anything that makes me feel proud since I don't want to lose it. Like I said, I try to stay off the radar of whatever forces that might be looking to take me down a notch.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    @TJay LVEF maybe?

    I think you have strong V as indicated by #6, 7, 10 16. Your answer to #10 suggests more flexible, adaptive will. So probably position 2V.

    F4 is likely as indicated in questions 18, 20, 21, 22. You seem rather unaware of the physical, material world and less interested in it. There is some interst in technological prowess but that might be explained by strong logic.

    E seems week as evidenced in #5, 9, 13. E3.

    Logic is strong throughout. L1.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?
    -Well-thought-out jokes about people being stupid
    -Talking to someone who likes to rant about controversial topics and actually makes sense
    -Narrowly escaping mildly serious or fake danger
    -Finding a book I truly like to read

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?
    -Yes, a lot of things I know unconsciously but have a hard time putting into words.

    Also on the fly thinking is difficult because I tend to try to cover all my bases.

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world? Sort of. I think I have a nuanced view of the world and don't seek to truly nail things down for what they are. It seems like that when I argue, but in the end, I let go of whatever I've just done except for further reflection.

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?

    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?
    -Whoever I think can do the best job at solving the problem

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?
    -To some degree I am not responsible for myself, that is the degree to which other people can be responsible for what I am not confident about and there is no boundary of decency against

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?
    -It depends on how self absorbed they are.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?
    -I'm fine with everything going my way as long as I get credit in the long run.

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?
    -I don't usually think about that, I just know what I can do and what others can do. I get frustrated if someone is doing things in a sub optimal way, that is the only way I have a hint that they might be stupid. If they're acting that way I probably won't be friends with them for long.

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?
    -I have a tendency to suppress my emotions if they feel childish and/or I know they won't be received well. Most of the time I don't feel particularly strongly about anything unless it concerns gross errors to people's way of handling things.

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?
    -no thanks
    well ok.
    I guess I admire people who are like how I see my ideal self:
    honest, making the best decisions possible, being considerate to a degree appropriate for the situation,
    not shooting down people just because they feel like it, patience, and general diplomatic and rational handling of situations.

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?
    -Sometimes to manipulate to my pov, sometimes to comment.

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?
    -Lack of consideration for others and unwillingness to correct critical errors.

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?
    -I'm not very good looking, I don't care about success all that much, and I'm not athletic. Usually what attracts women to me(and me to them) is that we can talk and enjoy ourselves and get lost in our minds and the moment.

    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?
    -It depends on how complicated it is. I like to work hard, it feels good at the end of the day. But it has to be of my own choice. Usually physical work is surrounded by the prospect of making money for someone you'd stick a knife in in another life. I don't like that.

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?
    -If I could have a better body, I would take it, but just for the health aspect of it. I'm not out of shape but I'm not in shape either, and I've probably eaten way too much junk food over my lifetime.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?

    Material needs are whatever I need to live a comfortable life. I don't like to feel like I don't have options. I may not spend the money, but as long as I feel abundant, I have a major load off of my chest.
    My spiritual needs...usually just consist of fantasizing.

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?
    Last edited by ouronis; 08-22-2015 at 05:20 PM.

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    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?
    In order of importance:
    * following my curiosity, exploring something I'm curious about
    * learning something new. Not just learning new facts, but really understanding the basic principles behind something.
    * sharing what I've learned with someone who's intersted in the same/similar subject
    * scritches on my back, legs, and arms
    * feeling as if I accomplished something, no matter how small it was

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?
    It's usually difficult for me to express my thoughts. Especially verbally, nonwritten. At least with writing I can edit, rearrange, add, delete, etc. Verbally I can't do that. My thoughts jump too much. I'll have multiple strains of thought going on, often the conversation itself, plus my critiquing my words, jumping from pov to pov, and numerous thoughts/ideas held in limbo as maybe/maybenot applying, etc.

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?
    I'm not good at convincing, nor of persuasion. I guess at most I feel I can say that I can do a somewhat decent job of persuading someone to consider a different way of looking at something.

    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?
    Depends on what I need help with. Books and internet for better knowledge/understanding of a topic. I used to go to my brother for help in editing my writings for better clarity and expressing my thoughts/ideas better. I turn to R for help with household and physical work. I also turn to R for his ability to build things and figure out an easier way of doing something.

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?
    Responsible for my actions? Yes.
    Responsible for my thoughts/feelings? No, I have no control over them. Nor of my immediate, instinctual reactions. I can only control my actions after the instinctual part has subsided enough for conscious thought. (Though conscious thought and effort can eventually influence some of the instinctual reactions.)
    Responsible for someone else's actions? No.
    Responsible for their thoughts/feelings? Maybe, somewhat. What I say/do might trigger thoughts/feelings in them. But it isn't my responsibility to protect them from aversive thoughts/feelings.
    When I am with a friend/child, I do tend to feel responsible for their safety and well-being while with me.

    8. [Unable to translate]

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?
    Being cheerful isn't of primary importance to me. Addressing issues is more important, as is finding alternative povs and possible courses of action to solve a problem. These can help me/someone feel better, more settled for having a game plan or a different way of viewing something. But it's not the same thing as cheering me/them up.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?
    While being given credit for something I've offered that helped is nice, it's more important to me that a problem/situation improves.

    11.[Unable to translate]

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?
    I think we are each smarter in different ways. One friend is more creative and can figure out how to achieve the artsncraft idea she's imagining. Another is so much better at creatively putting objects together and turning garbage into something useful AND attractive. R is better at figuring out how to do something with less effort, how to build things with wood, how to use knots/rope, and is better at logical thinking than I am. Etc. My 'smarts' comes from my explorations and curiosity, and from drilling down to basic principles from which to build ideas/understandings off of.

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?
    Most of my emotions, or how I feel about something, are difficult for others to read. But I don't think I can fake an emotion. Or if I did it wouldn't be faked well. Suppressing my emotions is pretty limited to when my emotions are at risk of getting in the way of something immediate, like an emergency or a super important discussion. But I cannot and will not suppress my emotions long term. I value my feelings, as they show me areas I need to consider when making decisions or when developing my understanding of something. Basically, I consider my emotions/feelings to be useful information and guides.

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?
    * I admire people who desire to expand their understandings, rather than settle for the easiest theory/answer
    * I admire people who are curious about the world around them
    * I admire people who are curious about the inner workings of people
    * I admire people who can build physical contraptions or items. It's that understanding of how the pieces work together, with physics. I'm in awe of that ability.
    * I admire people who seek to understand the complexities involved in a situation, and seek solutions that consider those complexities, rather than limiting their solutions to just one attribute of a situation. Prioritizing is fine, willful ignorance is not.
    Edited to add:
    * I admire people who doesn't take themselves too seriously and can laugh at themselves, their mistakes, and their flaws.
    * I admire people who can remain clear headed when under stress.
    * I admire people who are willing to and make the effort to work out misunderstandings.

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?
    Usually I enter conversations to exchange information, whether obtaining more info, or offering info.
    Edited to add: I also tend to enter conversations by making some kind of sarcastic comment/remark that reflects on someone's poor reasonings. And, cuz karma, I'm paranoid that someone else's comment is a sarcastic reflection of my own poor reasoning, lol.

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?
    * lack of curiosity
    * superficial understandings
    * image protecting behaviors
    * lack of consideration
    * willful ignorance
    * greed
    Edited to add:
    * lack of inner drive, couch potatoes
    * lack of self-awareness
    * poor self-control, easily overtaken by and expressing strong negative emotions (like throwing items, throwing a fit, etc)
    * people who walk out on a conversation/friendship instead of working out any misunderstandings

    17.[Unable to translate]

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?
    Presently? Not attractive. I'm showing my age now, both externally and internal physical functioning. I don't do typical beauty enhancing activities. I have a better understanding of what I will/won't tolerate, with less willingness to compromise myself. And still have a mood disorder that keeps me from being mentally and energetically consistent, and thus less productively consistent.

    19.[Unable to translate, and quite possibly way too personal]

    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?
    I used to say that my body was built for endurance, not strength nor agility. It still is, but unfortunately health issues have reduced that endurance level, lol.
    As for mentally, I don't pay enough attention to my physical surroundings to be any good work that requires attention to physical surroundings.

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?
    I wish my breasts were smaller and less saggy. I wish I was thinner and didn't have the physical issues that influence easy weight gain. I wish I didn't have carpal tunnel problems. I wish even slight swellings in my upper arms didn't cause my whole arm to get pins and needles. I wish my spine was better aligned. I wish my body was stronger, younger, etc.
    But does that mean I want to be more like the body of others? No. My own feelings of health and ease of movement is more important to me than how my body compares to others'.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?
    * Spiritual- not in the religious sense, but in the psychological sense. Uplifted energetic spirit in motion/attitude.
    * Intellectual
    * Material- basic necessities with some conveniences. Enough that I don't have to waste my spirit on achieving these basics and can instead use that spirit in following my curiosities.

    23.[Unable to translate]

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?
    * my curiosity
    * my ability to look beyond the superficial and dig down towards basic principles
    * my ability to look at situations/ideas from differing perspectives
    * my (improving) constructive writing/thinking abilities
    Last edited by anndelise; 08-24-2015 at 03:12 AM.
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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    I like how everybody's filling out this questionnaire but nobody on here knows enough about the subject to give a reliable conclusion

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I like how everybody's filling out this questionnaire but nobody on here knows enough about the subject to give a reliable conclusion
    Hoping someone who knows more about it can offer ideas on where to start looking to see how it can describe oneself?

    I've read the intro and the sexta descriptions, and didn't find myself in them. I'm not interested enough to read 24 individual descriptions. I thought maybe answering the questions would make it easier for me to focus on what this personality theory focuses on as I read through the sexta descriptions. But nope.
    So far, at best, I have maybe 2L, and a ? on 3V/3L/3F. The rest are either no, or some of it applies but the rest doesn't.
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    @chips and underwear: sorry but I'm not really into this urgh, system so can't type you either

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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    Hoping someone who knows more about it can offer ideas on where to start looking to see how it can describe oneself?

    I've read the intro and the sexta descriptions, and didn't find myself in them. I'm not interested enough to read 24 individual descriptions. I thought maybe answering the questions would make it easier for me to focus on what this personality theory focuses on as I read through the sexta descriptions. But nope.
    So far, at best, I have maybe 2L, and a ? on 3V/3L/3F. The rest are either no, or some of it applies but the rest doesn't.
    I got kinda lucky. It was clear on one and two which possibilities out of those couldn't remotely describe me. So just try to eliminate what can't be you and if you're left with something that might be you...stick with it.

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    Disclaimer: This post is just to piss Satan off as usual. Like the loser Sue that he is.

    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?
    Love, Work, Party, Play, Sex
    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?
    Not realli. This is because I'm a robot. I have no need to express my algorithms
    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?
    Yes. I read the Bible. Der. Unlike you, Satan @_@t
    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?
    Yes. Unlike you, Satan @_@t
    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?
    Yes. No thanks to you, Satan @_@t
    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?
    God the Father Almighty, Ave Maria, Ave Sanctus Raphael
    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?
    Yes. Yes.
    8. [Unable to translate]
    I am at a loss for words at this piece of brilliance chippies
    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?
    Yes. Just sing LAdy Gaga's Bad Romance
    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?
    No I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ
    11.[Unable to translate]
    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?
    Yes. No wait I mean no.
    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?
    Not really. I'm just faeking it like you Satanyaro
    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?
    1. Archangels
    2. Angels
    3. Sephirim
    4. Cherubim
    5. Father, Son and Spirit
    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?
    Yes. Evangelism. And dissing Satan
    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?
    17.[Unable to translate]
    Yeah man!!!!!!!!!
    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?
    Very attractive. I just lack a bit of unconfidence.
    19.[Unable to translate, and quite possibly way too personal]
    OMG is this what i think it is chippies?
    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?
    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?
    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?
    23.[Unable to translate]
    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?
    My all knowingness
    My all annoyance
    My all control over the world
    I want to be ISTp.

    These people often have an earthy, mysterious quality to them. They are slow to commit, but once they do it is with an attitude of life commitment, to the establishment of an impermeable bond. Others can be taken aback by how suddenly and completely this type can lock into them, and by the depth of understanding of the other’s condition. They attach to others at an organic, root level, in contrast to the other subvariant’s surface formality. The sanctuary of home is of paramount concern, and this type takes particular delight in decorating their spaces to reflect their cherished sense of taste and depth. Depth and discrimination characterize this stacking.

    Motivation: to live in a secure, comfortable environment where they can pursue their private interests in depth.

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    @echan Well what stands out the most is your weak logic and constantly contradicting yourself. L4.

    I'm going to guess FEVL or maybe EFVL
    Strong sex drive you think you're attractive, strong F.
    Emotionally expresive - strong E.
    3V - indecisive, alternating between confident and unconfident

    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    It was close between the two but ultimately EVLF is more fitting. I have a very strong will. I do not focus on the negative like the ELVF. Irl, I have been described as a "ray of sunshine" just minus the dark clouds and rain (in my description since those are inner perceptions of myself at times). hah. I do tend to sarcasm and dark humor. I will show you a video clip, in pm, then tell me what you think is more fitting? Most of my dark emotions are contained and only come out when I am at my worst.
    Sorry, I got it wrong, I'm still learning.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Sorry, I got it wrong, I'm still learning.
    No worries, and no need to be sorry. Typing someone on text alone is really just a hit or miss thing since you don't get any external clues. The clip I sent is probably me at one of my higher levels of excitement so my energy levels are not as high as this little guy --> either, even though I may feel like "him" inside. I am more chill on the outside but hyper inside. Lighter on the outside and darker inside. ELVF was not a leap to make based just on my postings. I considered it myself.
    Last edited by Aylen; 08-23-2015 at 05:16 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    1L: Works, though there's no convicting evidence, you are a logical type in other personality theories.
    I suppose lack of convicting evidence is good. I'm innocent, I swear!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    2V: I can see because you talk about "personal responsibility" a lot. But I suppose 2E could work if you are more expressive than your "average" logical type.
    True. I struggle between LVEF and LEVF for this very reason. I'm leaning slightly towards the former at the moment but I could be 2E but it's subdued by the fact I'm LII with 1-D Fe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    3E: not sure
    Not sure myself either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    4F: Clear because of your comments on not noticing or caring about your body. I can relate as well, except I go through health-nut phases where I drink kale smoothies- I think I overdo things like that.
    This is one aspect I'm pretty sure of.
    I have gone through an occasional health-nut phase when younger. Now, I'm like, whatever. I want easy and convenient. If it happens to be healthy too all the better.

    Anyone else want to weigh in here? @Kimuchuu @ouronis @TJay @Shay @Galen @anndelise and anyone else who has replied here or in another PY thread?

    Heck, even you @echan
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  21. #21
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    To be frank I'm still trying to feel my way through this system and figure out a scheme that makes sense internally. So far what I've figured out is

    1st: Strong + valued, the primary mode by which a type understands itself and others. Uncompromising and expressive in its application.
    2nd: Strong + unvalued, adept at this aspect of life but doesn't give it much conscious focus. More flexible in application than the 1st, whatever that means.
    3rd: Weak + unvalued, habitually ignored by the type in favor of their primary function. Perhaps skeptical of this aspect's overall importance to the psyche.
    4th: Weak + valued, this point seems to carry with it a certain paranoia that the type is unable to rely on this aspect of themselves, regardless of the person's actual skill. Help is usually sought out and appreciated in this field.

    If we had more resources about what any of this means we'd probably have a clearer picture about it. Perhaps it's more the case that all of the functions are valued to some degree, and this attempt at systematizing it is only complicating things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimuchuu View Post
    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?

    Music: calm, something like this, though not only that, alot of music.

    Physical comfort: soft pillows, good chairs.

    Art and photos: When the picture gives of a sensation in me. Something that make me calm. Preferably something nature ish, but with fantasy light elements is great too. The light here is amazing . The colors in this . .

    Nature: Sounds like rain, and small waterfals. Also they beauty, like light through trees with leaves. Sunsets and everything.

    Food (I guess): ... Good food. hehe. Water can be amazing some times. I was kind of stuck on the 5th.

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?

    Yes. Sometimes I just give up. I guess they're not complete? Or maybe I don't want it to sound "wrong"? I don't know.

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?

    I don't fully understand the question. I don't know. I know the world.

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?

    I would rather avoid conflitc, which I think persuading has a higher chance of bringing. With that said, sometimes I will just give up on convincing people.

    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?

    No. I don't feel that much emotions. If I feel something, I don't fully understand it. I would never (well, idk) explode emotionally.

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?

    Depends on what I need help for. I would ofcourse go to the person I know has the most experience/know the most in what I need help to. But I need to know the person somewhat well, before I ask for help. The first place I would go for help is google.

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?

    I am fully responisble for myself. I might not always like to admit it (idk). People are most responsibel for themselves. Parents is ofcourse responsible to some degree, until a certain age, og something.

    8. [Unable to translate]


    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?

    I guess trying to act funny, or caring would cheer some people up. For myself, any of the pleasures above. Cartoons.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?

    For everything to go my way. I won't do stuff just to get recognized.

    11.[Unable to translate]

    The answeer is 5.

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?

    I think I am smart, yes. I don't know how smart my friends are. One thing is that I usually don't act smart always, even though I am smart.

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?

    No, they're not always what I feel. I don't feel much as I said, but I can fake smiles and stuff. I do suppress emotions. I try to be as indifferent as I can. When I am with people I try to give a little smile of, and act polite.

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?

    I don't really know. I guess I can try.
    - Nice people
    - Funny people
    - Good at art?
    - Welcoming.
    - Cool. idk lol
    - People that don't give a shit.
    - People that don't just want attention.

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?

    If I have knowledge in a topic, I guess I could enter. If hear someone are wrong, I might join. Most often I don't randomly join a topic. I see that as kind of rude (not really rude, but, if no one has invited me, I don't feel the need to join.)

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?

    People that make things dramatic. Ruins peace. Agressive people. Impatient people. People do bad stuff, only because they had a bad day. People that are too rulebreaking (small rulebreaking and rulebending, is ok. Especially if the rule is super stupid, and you 100% wouldn't get caught anyway. Like a rule that was set up only to please one person.)

    17.[Unable to translate]

    The answer is Obama Bin Laden

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?

    I don't feel much attraction to people at all. But I do feel more attraction to the opposite sex more than the same (I might feel an attraction to the femenine). I don't know what would make me more attractive. I guess looking more like some underwear models, but I would try to be attractive for myself if I would. I rarely try to make myself "attractive".

    19.[Unable to translate, and quite possibly way too personal]


    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?

    Well, like carpenter stuff, and very heavy stuff is not for me (I could do it ofcourse, but I never work out, which makes me not that strong). Following manuals and stuff like that, I don't have any problems with. I built my newest computer myself and had no problems with it. Physical work shouldn't be a problem unless it's too heavy for me, or something like that, but I prefer non-physical work, like computers.

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?

    Yes I am comfortable with my own body. I am not showy, and I prefer to walk around with clothes on. I hate when people whine about their body. It's most likely thems fault, but if it isn't, there shouldn't be a problem.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?

    This one is quite hard. Intellectual is always good. Spiritual is interesting, but not important. Material is more need. So I guess 1. intellectual to make something from 2. material, and then have fun with 3. spiritual.
    23.[Unable to translate]


    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?

    In myself: I appreciate art (I am glad that I can appreciate art). I am easy going. I can make music (have an understanding of music). I don't need to have too much.

    Guess that's it.
    LFEV or LVEF. 1L and 3E seem most apparent. Strong confidence in your intellectual abilities and your understanding of the world but don’t have much need to prove it to others. 1L. Little interest in the spiritual realm, not feeling much emotions, keep emotions under a tight reign, prefer calm, no dramatics. It points to 3E. Perhaps your artistic interests provide an outlet for your emotional side?
    I see elements of both 4V and 4F. You avoid conflict, don’t seek much recognition. Just stay in the shade and have things go your way. I guess it would be closer to 4V but you also mention a sense of responsibility but you don’t seem to like it that much. I lean towards 4V but 2V is also possible.
    Also physics seems most like 4F. Don’t have much material needs, don’t spend too much time or effort on your appearance, don’t like heavy physical tasks. Yet you seem to do physical tasks rather competently like fixing computers and one of the first things you mentioned about things that give you pleasure was physical in nature- a soft pillow. Also you ranked material needs higher than spiritual. A sign that F may be in a higher position than E.
    So I’m leaning slightly towards LFEV but I would definitely consider LVEF as well.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Here's my analysis

    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?
    -Well-thought-out jokes about people being stupid
    Strong L. I like these jokes too, sad to say.

    -Talking to someone who likes to rant about controversial topics and actually makes sense
    2L maybe. That’s the position of L most inclined to enjoy debates.

    Almost everyone likes music. Not very conclusive.

    -Narrowly escaping mildly serious or fake danger
    I don’t know. Related to physics somehow I suppose. Weak physics maybe? IDK.

    -Finding a book I truly like to read
    This could be L or E depending on the type of book. Is it more of an informational type book or a book that really has you feel for the characters?

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?
    -Yes, a lot of things I know unconsciously but have a hard time putting into words.

    Also on the fly thinking is difficult because I tend to try to cover all my bases.

    This I think points more towards 1L/3L than 2L

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world? Sort of. I think I have a nuanced view of the world and don't seek to truly nail things down for what they are. It seems like that when I argue, but in the end, I let go of whatever I've just done except for further reflection.

    Don’t know what this suggests. You seems to have strong logic regardless.

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?
    L > E

    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?
    3E maybe

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?
    -Whoever I think can do the best job at solving the problem

    Interest in the solving the problem itself, may suggest a high value on logic perhaps.

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?
    -To some degree I am not responsible for myself, that is the degree to which other people can be responsible for what I am not confident about and there is no boundary of decency against

    Sounds rather 3V-ish

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?
    -It depends on how self absorbed they are.

    Weak emotion. No elaboration on the how.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?
    -I'm fine with everything going my way as long as I get credit in the long run.

    Not 4V, they are mostly indifferent towards receiving credit

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?
    -I don't usually think about that, I just know what I can do and what others can do. I get frustrated if someone is doing things in a sub optimal way, that is the only way I have a hint that they might be stupid. If they're acting that way I probably won't be friends with them for long.

    Sounds rather 1V here but it could also be the 1L’s dogmatism

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?
    -I have a tendency to suppress my emotions if they feel childish and/or I know they won't be received well. Most of the time I don't feel particularly strongly about anything unless it concerns gross errors to people's way of handling things.

    Weak E. 3E most likely maybe 4E

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?
    -no thanks
    well ok.
    I guess I admire people who are like how I see my ideal self:
    honest, making the best decisions possible, being considerate to a degree appropriate for the situation,
    not shooting down people just because they feel like it, patience, and general diplomatic and rational handling of situations.

    Now this sounds more 2V-ish
    Perhaps 2V blended with 1L and 3E

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?
    -Sometimes to manipulate to my pov, sometimes to comment.

    Strong L

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?
    -Lack of consideration for others and unwillingness to correct critical errors.

    1L + 2V maybe

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?
    -I'm not very good looking, I don't care about success all that much, and I'm not athletic. Usually what attracts women to me(and me to them) is that we can talk and enjoy ourselves and get lost in our minds and the moment.

    Weak F, 4F likely

    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?
    -It depends on how complicated it is. I like to work hard, it feels good at the end of the day. But it has to be of my own choice. Usually physical work is surrounded by the prospect of making money for someone you'd stick a knife in in another life. I don't like that.

    2F has a tendency to enjoy hard, physical work

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?
    -If I could have a better body, I would take it, but just for the health aspect of it. I'm not out of shape but I'm not in shape either, and I've probably eaten way too much junk food over my lifetime.

    1F or 4F. 1F tends more towards gluttony. 4F to laziness I think.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?

    Material needs are whatever I need to live a comfortable life. I don't like to feel like I don't have options. I may not spend the money, but as long as I feel abundant, I have a major load off of my chest.
    My spiritual needs...usually just consist of fantasizing.

    The fact that you rank material over spirtual suggest F > E

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?
    Don’t be shy, answering this question would provide useful data.
    Are you not answering because you’re really modest and think it’s too personal, or think the question is too dumb, or just too lazy to answer?

    I’m not sure honestly about your type. L is very strong, and likely 1st. Emotion is either 3 or 4. Physics is hard to tell, there’s some elements of 4F but then I see signs suggesting higher F. V I’m not very sure about either.
    So possibilites would be LVEF, LVFE, LFVE, LFEV. You said you self-type yourself as LVEF. I don’t see a serious reason to doubt that.
    Last edited by The Exception; 08-24-2015 at 05:21 AM.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Guess I'd better

    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?
    1) Being in a sustained loving relationship
    2) Long, personal conversations w/ closest friends
    3) New accomplishments in my games of choice
    4) Making music that I actually like
    5) The Grand Cathartic Release

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?
    Depends on the subject matter and how well I understand it. If I pace myself well enough I can usually explain most of the things that float through my head. I usually communicate better in writing for this reason.

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?
    My perspective is pretty myopic. I have my chosen interests, but outside of that I don't really seek out a breadth of information about the world around me. I've always had some level of admiration of people who do retain a lot about what's happening in the world around me.

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?
    Depends on what I'm convincing/persuading them to do?

    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?
    Many such experiences, yes

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?
    Depends on the kind of help I'm seeking?

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?
    Ultimately yes, but at some points it gets really straining to feel like I have to be 100% accountable for every turn life throws at me.

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?
    Maybe not "cheer up" per se, but I know how to be supportive of other people in times of hardship. I dunno if I'm particularly good at cheering myself up though. Usually what brings me out of bad moods is hearing about other people's similar stories. Knowing that other people have gone through the same kind of shit.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?
    The latter? I've never considered myself to be all that power-driven.

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?
    If I was, then I wouldn't have friends to begin with. I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent, and I guess I gravitate towards people with similar analytical outlooks towards our interests of choice.

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?
    Uhm, depends on the emotion. I don't think I particularly wear my heart on my sleeve and I can keep some things in pretty well, but some times I get obscenely overwhelmed and bust out all at once. This surely doesn't happen often though.

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?
    1) People who can laugh at themselves and their past mistakes
    2) People who remain cool in tense situations
    3) People who know lots of shit about things
    4) People who can grow full beards ;_;
    5) ????????????

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?
    In most cases I don't feel particularly adept at contributing to an intellectual conversation meaningfully. So I'll either approach it by either asking lots of questions about the parts I don't know, or throwing sarcastic potshots at whoever's made the weakest argument so far.

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?
    1) Spinelessness? Lacking in internal drive of some sort
    2) Lacking in internal awareness, or the awareness of other people's internalities
    3) Emotional histrionics, poor emotional self-control

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?
    s/opposite sex/sex of choice
    I mean I know that there are people out there who find me particularly attractive. I don't think I have the capacity to give myself a number on a scale, nor do I think it really matters. I figure that so long as I just be me at my emotionally healthiest, that'll be more than good enough for being 'attractive.' The only thing I can figure that would make me more attractive is just my physical build, but that's not something I stress about too much. See #21

    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?
    I'm not a particularly physically-oriented person at all, but if I'm forced to do some sort of physical labor I'll learn to be okay with it. I'm pretty lacking in the sheer strength department, but I have enough stamina to last me for quite a while.

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?
    I guess I've learned to be alright with my body after a while. I've always been the skinny kid among my friends, and in some ways I've always wanted to be the muscle-clad hairy mans-man that all the androphiles are into. But given how much work it would require to change my body into that build, I've come to accept that I'll never want to put in the effort to make it happen. At least I'm in relatively good health.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?
    Spiritual connotes a certain pseudo-scientific hippy-dippy feel which I'm not a fan of. I imagine what they're going for is more along the lines of "emotional well-being," and if so:

    1) Spiritual
    2) Intellectual
    3) Material

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?
    Probably my capacities for strong visceral internal experience, however vague that sounds.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    To be frank I'm still trying to feel my way through this system and figure out a scheme that makes sense internally. So far what I've figured out is

    1st: Strong + valued, the primary mode by which a type understands itself and others. Uncompromising and expressive in its application.
    2nd: Strong + unvalued, adept at this aspect of life but doesn't give it much conscious focus. More flexible in application than the 1st, whatever that means.
    3rd: Weak + unvalued, habitually ignored by the type in favor of their primary function. Perhaps skeptical of this aspect's overall importance to the psyche.
    4th: Weak + valued, this point seems to carry with it a certain paranoia that the type is unable to rely on this aspect of themselves, regardless of the person's actual skill. Help is usually sought out and appreciated in this field.

    If we had more resources about what any of this means we'd probably have a clearer picture about it. Perhaps it's more the case that all of the functions are valued to some degree, and this attempt at systematizing it is only complicating things.
    In that case, I'm clearly 1L and 2V.
    But going by this definition I would be 3F and 4E which is unlikely. I think 3rd and 4th should be switched around.

    E tends to be something I value more and seek more help with. F tends to be the thing I care less about.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?
    1) People who can laugh at themselves and their past mistakes
    2) People who remain cool in tense situations
    3) People who know lots of shit about things
    4) People who can grow full beards ;_;
    5) ????????????

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?
    In most cases I don't feel particularly adept at contributing to an intellectual conversation meaningfully. So I'll either approach it by either asking lots of questions about the parts I don't know, or throwing sarcastic potshots at whoever's made the weakest argument so far.

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?
    1) Spinelessness? Lacking in internal drive of some sort
    2) Lacking in internal awareness, or the awareness of other people's internalities
    3) Emotional histrionics, poor emotional self-control
    Ooh, yes, add these to my list, too!
    Guess I'm gonna have to edit my post.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    In that case, I'm clearly 1L and 2V.
    But going by this definition I would be 3F and 4E which is unlikely. I think 3rd and 4th should be switched around.

    E tends to be something I value more and seek more help with. F tends to be the thing I care less about.
    If what you're saying is the case, then what good does dividing sextas by shared 1st+4th functions do? You'd just be grouping people who have no means of relating to each other together. It seems to be the opposites attract mentality at work.

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    @anndelise I looked over your questionnaire.

    I think E1 - you have strong feelings, disclined to restrain them and difficultly in doing so. You placed the highest value on spiritual needs. I can’t see anything else likely as your first function.

    2V maybe? You seem to have strong willpower, a good sense of responsibility yet you don’t really need to seek power over others or dominate them, ruling out 1V. Are more interested in improving a situation than needing to get the credit. 4V would be possible too. Will doesn’t seem to be a particular area of neurosis or insecurity for you, ruling out 3V.

    It’s obvious throughout you see yourself is being weak in the physical realm. This would point to either 3F or 4F. But you have some insecurity and envy towards others with greater physical skills and abilities. So that is more suggestive of 3F.

    Logic seems process, dialog oriented for you. Probably 2L or 3L. I lean towards 3L since the 2nd position is occupied by V and you do seem to have some level of insecurity regarding ability to adequately express thoughts. It’s obvious throughout that you highly value intellectual curiosity and thinking abilities.

    So that leaves the possibililies of EVLF, ELFV
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    If what you're saying is the case, then what good does dividing sextas by shared 1st+4th functions do? You'd just be grouping people who have no means of relating to each other together. It seems to be the opposites attract mentality at work.
    PY is a different system than socionics. Sextas are divided according to process vs. result functions. Functions 1&4 are result oriented. Functions 2&3 are process oriented. So instead look for what functions seem more oriented towards achieving a result and which are more interested in the process.

    Members of the same sexta share the same process and result functions.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    PY is a different system than socionics. Sextas are divided according to process vs. result functions. Functions 1&4 are result oriented. Functions 2&3 are process oriented. So instead look for what functions seem more oriented towards achieving a result and which are more interested in the process.

    Members of the same sexta share the same process and result functions.
    Result vs Process is still kind of a vague explanation for how the fxns differ. How does one clearly demonstrate whether or not someone has a result or process orientation for any given aspect?

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    Guess I'd better


    1.Name the five things that bring you the most pleasure?
    1) Being in a sustained loving relationship
    2) Long, personal conversations w/ closest friends
    3) New accomplishments in my games of choice
    4) Making music that I actually like
    5) The Grand Cathartic Release

    Mostly see E here with V perhaps in #3

    2.Does it ever get difficult for you to express your thoughts? Why do you think this is happening (or not happening)?
    Depends on the subject matter and how well I understand it. If I pace myself well enough I can usually explain most of the things that float through my head. I usually communicate better in writing for this reason.
    Same here, not sure what it suggest type wise.

    3.Do you think that you have a well-established view of the world?
    My perspective is pretty myopic. I have my chosen interests, but outside of that I don't really seek out a breadth of information about the world around me. I've always had some level of admiration of people who do retain a lot about what's happening in the world around me.

    1L seems to have a more intense focus on selected areas of interest from what I’ve read.
    2L seems to have more of a broad range of knowledge on various topics with less depth.

    4.Is it easier for you to convince or persuade someone?
    Depends on what I'm convincing/persuading them to do?


    5.Did you ever have an emotional experience that have plagued you for many years?
    Many such experiences, yes

    Strong E perhaps.

    6.Who do you tend to go to for help?
    Depends on the kind of help I'm seeking?

    Understandable. Would be helpful though if you could elaborate more. Which types of people do you seek for what types of things? What areas do you typically seek the most help with?

    7.Do you feel that you are fully responsible for yourself? Do you feel that you are responsible for someone else?
    Ultimately yes, but at some points it gets really straining to feel like I have to be 100% accountable for every turn life throws at me.

    Same here with me.
    How about other people, do you feel responsible towards them?

    9.Do you know how to cheer up others? Howabout yourself? Howdo you cheer up yourself?
    Maybe not "cheer up" per se, but I know how to be supportive of other people in times of hardship. I dunno if I'm particularly good at cheering myself up though. Usually what brings me out of bad moods is hearing about other people's similar stories. Knowing that other people have gone through the same kind of shit.

    Good at being supportive of others is suggestive of 2E possibly, or at least process-oriented emotion. 2E or 3E. 3E is harder to cheer oneself up and is more dependent on the support of others although they don’t always feel comfortable asking for it.

    10.Is it more important for you to be recognized as the leader, or for everythingto go your way even if it means you stay in the shade and won’t get credit?
    The latter? I've never considered myself to be all that power-driven.

    Not 1V

    12.Do you think that you are smarter than most of your friends?
    If I was, then I wouldn't have friends to begin with. I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent, and I guess I gravitate towards people with similar analytical outlooks towards our interests of choice.

    Don’t know. 1L seems less likely.

    13.Are the emotions you show always an expression of what you really feel? Doyou insome cases have a tendency to suppress emotions?
    Uhm, depends on the emotion. I don't think I particularly wear my heart on my sleeve and I can keep some things in pretty well, but some times I get obscenely overwhelmed and bust out all at once. This surely doesn't happen often though.

    Same here. I have varied expressiveness. Mostly good emotional control with occasional outbursts I later regret. Not sure what position of E for you. 1E is less likely- they tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves. 2E is expressive but it’s more moderate than 1E. 3E is mostly restrained and controlled with occasional outbursts. 4E always seems to be calm regardless.
    Probably 2E or 3E.

    14.What kind of people do you admire (list five to seven of their qualities)?
    1) People who can laugh at themselves and their past mistakes
    2) People who remain cool in tense situations
    3) People who know lots of shit about things
    4) People who can grow full beards ;_;
    5) ????????????

    People who know lots of shit about things – 1L the expert on a particular topic; 2L the person who seems to have a broad range of knowledge, good debaters.

    15.In most cases, do you enter into a conversation with a specific purpose? Whatcould that be?
    In most cases I don't feel particularly adept at contributing to an intellectual conversation meaningfully. So I'll either approach it by either asking lots of questions about the parts I don't know, or throwing sarcastic potshots at whoever's made the weakest argument so far.

    Not feeling adept- perhaps weaker L for you.
    That last sentence sounds 3L

    16.What qualities in people do you look down upon?
    1) Spinelessness? Lacking in internal drive of some sort

    Not 3V/4V
    2) Lacking in internal awareness, or the awareness of other people's internalities

    3) Emotional histrionics, poor emotional self-control

    Dislike of 1E

    18.In your opinion, how attractive are you to the opposite sex? Whatqualities do you lack, to be even more attractive?
    s/opposite sex/sex of choice
    I mean I know that there are people out there who find me particularly attractive. I don't think I have the capacity to give myself a number on a scale, nor do I think it really matters. I figure that so long as I just be me at my emotionally healthiest, that'll be more than good enough for being 'attractive.' The only thing I can figure that would make me more attractive is just my physical build, but that's not something I stress about too much. See #21


    20.Are you good at physical work?Why do you think that is/isn’t so?
    I'm not a particularly physically-oriented person at all, but if I'm forced to do some sort of physical labor I'll learn to be okay with it. I'm pretty lacking in the sheer strength department, but I have enough stamina to last me for quite a while.

    Sounds like 4F

    21.Are you comfortable with your body? Do you think it should be more like that ofothers?
    I guess I've learned to be alright with my body after a while. I've always been the skinny kid among my friends, and in some ways I've always wanted to be the muscle-clad hairy mans-man that all the androphiles are into. But given how much work it would require to change my body into that build, I've come to accept that I'll never want to put in the effort to make it happen. At least I'm in relatively good health.

    3F often has a tendency to feel their bodies are inadequate. 4F cares less about this aspect. 2F is more motivated to keep in shape.

    22.Arrange the needs in order of priority: intellectual, spiritual and material. Whatkind of material and spiritual needs do you have?
    Spiritual connotes a certain pseudo-scientific hippy-dippy feel which I'm not a fan of. I imagine what they're going for is more along the lines of "emotional well-being," and if so:

    1) Spiritual
    2) Intellectual
    3) Material

    E > L > F perhaps. It would help if you elaborated more regarding intellectual and material needs.

    24.Which of your qualities are you most proud of?
    Probably my capacities for strong visceral internal experience, however vague that sounds.

    Emotion is obviously important to you but you don’t need a strong outward expression of it necesariliy.

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    I’ll give you some ideas but I’m not the final arbiter of truth. Only you can decide for sure.

    Overall not much value or interest in F. F4, this aspect seems the clearest of any.
    Will, you didn’t elaborate much about but I will guess 2V. You don’t have much desire for power, ruling out 1V. You do have a strong sense of internal responsibility and dislike spinelessness, so I think will is reasonably strong.
    Emotion was tricky to figure out. It seems more process oriented, valuing the exchange between others. More moderated, less dramatic. It also seems important to you. Maybe 2E but you can have both 2V and 2E. I’m going to say 1E because I don’t know what else could go in the 1st position for you. Obviously throughout the questions, emotion is important to you. So 1E with good sense of emotional control maybe, bucking the stereotype of 1E drama.
    Logic, I’m guessing is weaker for you. Some doubts about your abilities to contribute intellectually to conversations and admiring of people who ‘know their shit.’ So I’m thinking it’s your 3rd function. 3L

    So my best guess for you is EVLF.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Which types of people do you seek for what types of things? What areas do you typically seek the most help with?
    I dunno tbh, I mostly just do my own research and find my own anonymous sources. It's the only way I've been able to answer 95% of my job projects, since google has all the answers.

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    How about other people, do you feel responsible towards them?
    Now that you bring it up, there are definitely times when I feel like I'm obligated to be someone's moral support when they don't know how to fend for themselves. This gets really draining pretty quickly though if the person doesn't show any signs of real change. In some social circles, I think I tend to attract types who don't really know how to make the best decisions for themselves as it pertains to the topics of choice. It seems that I exude a certain confidence and self-assuredness that I'm only barely aware of, and people have certainly told me so.

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Don’t know. 1L seems less likely.
    It might just be kind of an awkward question in the first place. If you asked "smarter than most people" I'd probably give you a more solid yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Same here. I have varied expressiveness. Mostly good emotional control with occasional outbursts I later regret. Not sure what position of E for you. 1E is less likely- they tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves. 2E is expressive but it’s more moderate than 1E. 3E is mostly restrained and controlled with occasional outbursts. 4E always seems to be calm regardless.
    Probably 2E or 3E.
    A lot of it really depends on the company I'm with. If I'm around people I trust and know really well then I'll be much more expressive and affected, much less emotional censorship and worse impulse control. But in situations where I either don't know the person or just plain don't like them, I'll intentionally shut myself off in the hopes that they go away. It's like they don't deserve to see me at my most natural, or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    2) Lacking in internal awareness, or the awareness of other people's internalities

    Emotional retardation, as it were

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    It would help if you elaborated more regarding intellectual and material needs.
    Not really sure what would classify as an intellectual need, so I guess that means I don't have a lot? When I get into a new and interesting topic, like Japanese or this PY stuff, I'll find myself mentally fixating on it almost constantly. This fanaticism eventually fades into the background after a while and I reach my base-line again. Some things like Magic the Gathering have stuck though, and I'll play it pretty consistently to bolster my problem-solving skills. Works as a great socialization excuse too, which is why I got into it in the first place.

    I have much fewer material needs. I'm usually pretty content with what I have, and I often find myself forgetting about my body's needs in favor of whatever other thing I'm focusing on. But when I do remember that food tastes good, I do try to consciously indulge myself in the experience of being alive.

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Emotion is obviously important to you but you don’t need a strong outward expression of it necesariliy.
    Seems like a possible Fi vs Fe divide + 5-wing.

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    So my best guess for you is EVLF.
    I will consider it and get back to you on this conjecture.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Also this chick looks super dumb

    while this one's super fly

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    I thought the top one looks more like a guy. Or a transsexual.

    You're right, the second one is definitely 'fly;
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    I'm pretty sure all the E>F types are represented by females, which doesn't really help me tbh
    These depictions are marginally more useful

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I'm pretty sure all the E>F types are represented by females, which doesn't really help me tbh
    LVEF and VFEL are not.

    By the way where did you find those images. Do you have them for the other types?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    LVEF and VFEL are not.
    LVEF is L > E. VFEL is the one exception.

    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    By the way where did you find those images. Do you have them for the other types?
    Megane posted them in chat a few days ago. There's a bunch of others floating around, but I lost the links. Here's the full set of the above:

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    @anndelise I looked over your questionnaire.

    I think E1 - you have strong feelings, disclined to restrain them and difficultly in doing so. You placed the highest value on spiritual needs. I can’t see anything else likely as your first function.

    2V maybe? You seem to have strong willpower, a good sense of responsibility yet you don’t really need to seek power over others or dominate them, ruling out 1V. Are more interested in improving a situation than needing to get the credit. 4V would be possible too. Will doesn’t seem to be a particular area of neurosis or insecurity for you, ruling out 3V.

    It’s obvious throughout you see yourself is being weak in the physical realm. This would point to either 3F or 4F. But you have some insecurity and envy towards others with greater physical skills and abilities. So that is more suggestive of 3F.

    Logic seems process, dialog oriented for you. Probably 2L or 3L. I lean towards 3L since the 2nd position is occupied by V and you do seem to have some level of insecurity regarding ability to adequately express thoughts. It’s obvious throughout that you highly value intellectual curiosity and thinking abilities.

    So that leaves the possibililies of EVLF, ELFV
    I think I've actually poor will, and have insecurities related to it. It's something I regularly struggle with.

    I did finally look over the profiles currently available. I identified with a mixture of ELxx (elfv/elvf).

    I'm not keen on the descriptions given. This would be a theory I would have to dig into more before I could consider it an option. Knowing how the profile descriptions hit and miss for me would make me hesitant to try applying it to others.

    Thank you though, for putting in the effort of translating our answers into the theory. I know how much work that takes. At least it's helping you gain experience in using this typing system.

    Edited to add:
    Lol, so I'm a mix of these two....seems about right.
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    Thanks for sharing those!

    I definitely look alot like both LVEF and LEVF. Uncannily similar I must add.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    I think I've actually poor will, and have insecurities related to it. It's something I regularly struggle with.

    I did finally look over the profiles currently available. I identified with a mixture of ELxx (elfv/elvf).

    I'm not keen on the descriptions given. This would be a theory I would have to dig into more before I could consider it an option. Knowing how the profile descriptions hit and miss for me would make me hesitant to try applying it to others.

    Thank you though, for putting in the effort of translating our answers into the theory. I know how much work that takes. At least it's helping you gain experience in using this typing system.

    Edited to add:
    Lol, so I'm a mix of these two....seems about right.
    The questions on will don't seem as helpful as the other aspects from what I've noticed.

    I'm going to see if I can find a better questionnaire floating around somewhere that's translatable. Preferably with more will-related questions to better find the position.

    Ultimately you're the final arbiter of your type.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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