Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
Ah, interesting. I think that oftentimes I'm too afraid of goofing up emotionally, so I have a hard time "letting loose." But when I'm in a good mood and in comfortable company I have no problem telling jokes and contributing to conversation, just I have little energy to do these things.
Same here. I feel I'm quite emotional and rather expressive without it being overdone like a 2E but I also have all of the emotional vulnerabilities of a 3E.

Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
What I relate to in 2E is this: "Their love for emotional games and prodding in the emotions of others can lead to hostile reactions, due to overstepping emotional boundaries." I think that I learn socially by experimentation; not sure how individualistic a trait that is. I suck at social "games" unless I am the one making the rules.

That's the part of 2E I don't relate to. I never like to intrude and prod in on people although I admit I can be quite curious sometimes regarding peoples' emotional drama. I don't like emotional games. It seems manipulative and dishonest. Prefer things to be more straightforward.

Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
What I relate to in 3V is this: "Nonconformist tendencies and actively (Though not necessarily directly) questions authority, preventing hasty or rushed decisions that have not been properly thought through. Strong knowledge of what they do not want." I can relate to this more than I can relate to 2V or even 2E.

I relate to this too. I still think I relate to 2V more overall but I could be wrong about my typing.

When you get a chance, could you look over my questionnaire that I posted?

Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
For anyone that knows me in real life, 1L and 4F would be pretty obvious - I'm like a walking caricature of these descriptions. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... For what it's worth, I don't think I come off as a know-it-all unless you ask my opinion of something, or ask me to explain why I did something in a certain way.
Okay, maybe I'm misunderstanding 1L. @Suz also mentioned that the dogmatic, know-it-all-ness could be more 1V like. I do feel like I'm most confident in my logical thoughts and my opinions about things. I know why I do things a certain way. Why I think the things I do. Sure my opinion can be swayed, but there's got to be good convincing argument.

Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
i've been mulling this over and i dont think any of these sextas are meant to correspond to any socionics quadras. What I see are possible overlaps, socionics quadras spanning more than one sexta, as well as certain sextas potentially appealing to members of several different socionic quadras. I think megane set up these polls to kind of explore the correlation between PY and socionic self-typings, so I dont think we should be jumping to these conclusions or swaying people's minds like that.
Yeah, you're right. It's probably just a coincidence but I still can't help seeing the resemblance and seeing relationships between different systems.