Sexta 6


[1&4] Result aspect: L and F

[2&3] Process aspect: V and E

The sixth sexta concentrates on relaxing and falling back on the existing material pleasures. They focus heavily the positive and pleasant aspects of life while actively trying to minimize the negative, partly through their optimistic nature. They enjoy toned down but positive emotional expressions and generally are interested in scientific endeavors, but pursue those mostly for the sake of it rather than with an end product in mind. They tend to have a very moderated approach towards most areas, and are careful to not let their ideas run away with them, and thus are able to achieve a constructive friendly-mannered discussion that doesn’t drag on, becomes hostile or leads nowhere. They have a gravitation towards the beautiful, and seek to create beauty or at least be surrounded with it. This goes for both material and artistic endeavors.

Dealing with the negative aspects or problems with themselves or others is a common problem in this sexta. This suppression can leave the issues as ”ghosts” that come back to haunt them later, or cause difficulties in accepting or overcoming personal weaknesses. They also tend to downplay or avoid emotional displays, and can like other sextas with result oriented Physics be both greedy or avoid the physical aspects of life.