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    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    @Suz Interesting article but I'm still not quite sure which will position I am because I can see myself in all of these descriptions, bolding what particularly fits and crossing out what doesn/t. I think I'm mostly like 2 and 3 but I'm not sure which!

    Actually, all four of the Will can be represented figuratively.

    1st Will is like a diamond. Diamond is known to be the hardest stone on earth. However, it is very fragile and you need to understand that these people are strong and firm in their decisions, but sometimes they give vent to emotions and the diamond falls, because lost control.

    2nd Will is like rubber - it can afford to stretch myself to certain very broad limits. It is very flexible and likes to check himself, throwing a bunch of unnecessary responsibilities. And when the limit flexibility and strength reaches its climax, 2nd Will shoots like a spring! But it happens very rarely.

    3rd Will - a crystal glass. There is the appearance that it is something hard and powerful, but upon closer inspection you realize that it is not. That is why the 3rd Will like to erect a fortress around him, so that no one knows that inside they are insecure about their decisions, and they are insanely jealous of those who are able to take the first step on the way to achieving goals.

    NOTE: I'm not so jealous of those who took the first step but I tend to be jealous of those who I perceive as more accomplished than me.

    4th Will resembles clay. We all loved to sculpt a child of his figures, and we remember what it is to the touch - soft and flexible. Such people have no pride inherent in other Volyam. She just serve people, live and enjoy life. They were the main thing that was about life and everything moved.

    NOTE: I don't mind serving people, but I don't want to be constantly doing that. I want to things for myself too.

    And now I will try to talk about wills from another angle, so that you can understand how all this works in practice.

    1st Will. Her look says it all - calm, confident, steadfast, it has a lot of energy and he knows what he wants. I like the subtle comparisons 1st Will the king or queen, who offered Afanasiev in his book "The syntax of Love." First of all, anti-social person with a surprisingly powerful energy solutions, which allows it to achieve your goals regardless of the obstacles head. But at his trial he was alone and he does not need a society, because it is self-sufficient. He has charisma, quality born leader - a hard, strong-willed, energetic, clearly knows what he wants. But "break" a man I do not advise. At a loss, so to speak, out. On 1st Will can only agree - because no one has yet been canceled powers of persuasion!

    There is at first Will another amazing ability - the ability to anticipate events. It's kind of animal instinct that can happen. And very often it happens that way, as they say 1st Will. By the way, from my personal observations, these people often see prophetic dreams and trust your intuition, because it works for them on all cylinders.

    NOTE: In my case, I think my ability to anticipate events is demonstrative Ni

    2nd Will. If the first single will to life, the second - her complete opposite. She always has a sense of "right - wrong", "good - bad", and inside there is a sense of the moral law. And there is always the feeling: "I was always with the people. I have to help, explain, and together we can do something. " She likes to help people, to give them. And others, it protects better than themselves. In many situations, it shows no dyuzhuyu tolerance and compliance. But often they take a lot, burdens, and suffer from it - it will of flexible and loves to check yourself for strength. Therefore, the internal problems at the 2nd Will suffice. After all, often giving themselves to others, she forgets herself. That's only after a certain time, she begins to think: "I'm not sparing themselves, and that the feedback that I need, I do not get." And then she had to go away for a while from people to recuperate, and then start again ... give yourself to people!

    NOTE: I like to help others and make a positive contribution but I also need alot of time to just do my own thing and not have to worry about being tied down to others. But I also feel a strong sense of responsibility to the other people. It's important that other people be treated with respect and if I promised someone something you can be sure I'll keep my word.

    Man with 2nd Will not a psychologist, not curious, it has its simplicity, transparency and confidence in the people. Sometimes it is seen as spineless and infirm. But this is only deceptive appearance. For he is very stubborn and his will.

    In a sense, the analogy comes to mercury. Mercury - liquid, but it is a metal. And 2nd Will.

    NOTE: I am both trustful and wary of the people. People often perceive me as quite passive, which I resent being called because I know there is a strong inner strength in there and I can be firm and stubborn at the right times as needed. I suppose it also ties into Se PoLR and type 9 enneagram fix.

    3rd Will. As for any third function, we always feel flawed. This also applies to logic, and physics, and emotions ... and will. 3rd Will has great creative potential. At the same time it can completely deny it. After all, it is important that people will say when disclosing this potential. If people give meaningful feedback and support third Will in many of its endeavors, it begins to unfold.

    It tricky intertwined vanity and a great resentment at the same time. It can be the result of the step up to stop and throw all without bringing the process to its logical conclusion. And all this because of the insecurity. This confidence 3rd Will gaining outside. From the outside world. It needs the support of others, especially loved ones, because then comes the belief in themselves and begin a multi-faceted creative life.

    For the third Will affirmation in society plays a significant role. After all, she is jealous of people who have overcome themselves and decided to take the first steps towards achieving its objectives. And she has a great confidence in the fact that like it victors. Therefore, it is peculiar to seek their place in the sun, making their way up the hierarchy of society. For them, the struggle - the meaning of life. A stubborn - this action.

    NOTE: I often feel like an underachiever with alot of untapped potential. Being appreciated and valued by others means everything to me. I am often concerned about whether or not I'm making a useful contribution at all or if I'm just a useless bump on a log.

    4th Will. About her often write little, bypassing its uniqueness. Unlike 3rd Will she fight for power, not vain, she had no pride - it is not necessary. About her writing: "This is the nicest person in the world in its field, is very easy to breathe." And so it is. It is the executive and damn talented. The society plays the role of an archivist. In her opinion, it is important for the history of everything. And all she wants to collect, convey and transmit to future generations. It carries the evolution of life. For her, there is nothing it does not matter.

    Faithful wife, a loyal slave - it's just about it. She is inherent naturalness, simplicity behavior and open look. Outwardly, it looks like a 2nd Will, but the difference is that 2nd Will not sag like clay - it is still rubber, it is inherent stubborn.

    By the way, for this reason, 1st Will more impressed 4th than 2nd. Second Will says: "I understood everything" and make their own way. A 4th quietly satisfied with the life of someone else willed program that like 1st Will.

    NOTE: I'm quite faithful and compliant but I refuse to be anyone's slave. The whole idea behind that is repulsive to me. Also why is 'wife' used here? Men can be 4th will too. Same with 2nd will above. Why insert gender into this?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  2. #2
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    @chips and underwear, first of all i think machine translations can be difficult to interpret because many things get translated as opposite in meaning, if a crucial word is missed or something, so just bear that in mind.

    Also, i see you picking out little snippets of each "will" position that fit you, but i think the main goal in reading articles like this is to get the gist of each different one. Of course everyone might resonate with adjectives and snippets from each one, but try to step back and see the big picture of what kind of character they are trying to describe, and big picture of your general "style" and then decide which one might fit you best.

    For 4th will, for example, I see you highlighted faithful, and inherent stubborn, but i think you missed that the "inherent stubborn" part was actually being said of 2nd will, in contrast to 4th will. They were trying to say that 2nd will also looks inherently natural, has simplicity of behavior and an open look, just like 4th will, but in contrast to 4th will, 2nd will does not sag like clay, it's rubber, deep down it's stubborn, it snaps back into place.

    So, maybe this means you're 2nd will or idk maybe 3rd will.... you did pick out some things I think are quite key to 3rd will too actually. Or maybe you're somewhere in between those two.

    i feel "in between" for a different PY function too (but process of elimination kind of determined it's position, since the other possible position was unequivocal for another PY function). Not will though, i'm very clearly 2nd will. So maybe trying to identify a different PY function's position might help you narrow things down more.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  3. #3
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    @chips and underwear, first of all i think machine translations can be difficult to interpret because many things get translated as opposite in meaning, if a crucial word is missed or something, so just bear that in mind.

    Also, i see you picking out little snippets of each "will" position that fit you, but i think the main goal in reading articles like this is to get the gist of each different one. Of course everyone might resonate with adjectives and snippets from each one, but try to step back and see the big picture of what kind of character they are trying to describe, and big picture of your general "style" and then decide which one might fit you best.

    For 4th will, for example, I see you highlighted faithful, and inherent stubborn, but i think you missed that the "inherent stubborn" part was actually being said of 2nd will, in contrast to 4th will. They were trying to say that 2nd will also looks inherently natural, has simplicity of behavior and an open look, just like 4th will, but in contrast to 4th will, 2nd will does not sag like clay, it's rubber, deep down it's stubborn, it snaps back into place.

    So, maybe this means you're 2nd will or idk maybe 3rd will.... you did pick out some things I think are quite key to 3rd will too actually. Or maybe you're somewhere in between those two.

    i feel "in between" for a different PY function too (but process of elimination kind of determined it's position, since the other possible position was unequivocal for another PY function). Not will though, i'm very clearly 2nd will. So maybe trying to identify a different PY function's position might help you narrow things down more.
    Well on Megane's posts above I identify storngly with 3rd-emotion and 2nd-will. But I know I that I've always had issues with my self image, usefulness and wanting affirmation from others. Maybe that's explained by other factors such as enneagram. I am a social subtype and have a 3-fix.

    I'm less sure about logic and physics. Could be either 1 or 4. So LVEF or FVEL. But when reading descriptions from Russian sites I found I also related to LEVF.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Well on Megane's posts above I identify storngly with 3rd-emotion and 2nd-will. But I know I that I've always had issues with my self image, usefulness and wanting affirmation from others. Maybe that's explained by other factors such as enneagram. I am a social subtype and have a 3-fix.

    I'm less sure about logic and physics. Could be either 1 or 4. So LVEF or FVEL. But when reading descriptions from Russian sites I found I also related to LEVF.
    In my case the distinction between 2nd vs 3rd will is pretty clear cut, maybe will help you decide one way or the other.

    Im quite proactive about bringing people together and working with one another in a friendly cooperative way. Im quite proactive about my own goals as well. The thought of being envious of those who are able to pursue their goals is quite foreign to me bc its just never been an issue for me. The description of being like rubber i can resonate with well. I am known for being very flexible openminded and compromising, but i do have certain core values that i can be quite stubborn about. I think in the chatbox some ppl have noticed how i might initially seem to be agreeing on something but then go on to present an differing opinion, and i think that sort of exemplifies this rubber quality, as does my snapping at ppl (though an infrequent occurrence) when my core principles are more severely transgressed.

    That said, affrimation from others does feel good and is encouraging as a way to communicate that rhings are working, but i don't feel resentful nor any sense of vanity in that regard nor do i feel a sense of struggle for the meaning of life. I feel that life is in most cases what you make it and make of it.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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