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Thread: FUCK U

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    Default FUCK U

    Last edited by Hays; 04-25-2016 at 07:50 AM.

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    that's not angry

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shay View Post
    Yep that's an angry me.
    Really? Copying me?

    ...what has the world come down to(it's not like you're even THAT angry)...

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    very generic and commonplace, so if you must attribute it to Se, make it weak, not strong Se.

    disclaimer: it's not attributable to Se.

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    It reminds me of Anakin:

    "I HAAAATE YOUUU!!!" (golden razzy incoming!)

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    Haikus Pink's Avatar
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    Being human function

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    Fe, I suppose

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shay View Post
    So what's the angry function when someone wants to say this?
    Could be Fe or Fi. It needs some Se to make an impact though. My ESE sister makes me laugh, involuntarily, when she has a tantrum or tells me how she really told someone off. I guess her Si gives it less of an impact? It just looks "cute" to me which makes her pout. I tell her she is just too sweet to actually go off on someone to the point of scaring them. I have shocked and even scared people while in a rage though. <-- Edit: Because people do not expect me to have that level of forceful anger by looking at me.

    Righteous anger is typically a reactive emotion of anger over perceived mistreatment, insult, or malice. It is akin to what is called the sense of injustice.
    Last edited by Aylen; 08-17-2015 at 06:53 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Agree that FUCK U is not always angry. Sometimes it is just a clarifier.

    Maybe Angry is a combination of certain functions. My ex-wife says I have two emotions. Stoic and Angry. I think I would add teasing to that, but that's just me. She did admit I look OK when I smile, and smiling is neither Stoic nor Angry.
    Anger is 8w7, probably.
    Whichever functional combination is responsible for "angry and the urge to kill" (besides eating a large steak, rare, or being trapped behind some "drivers" on the freeway who are driving side-by-side across three lanes of traffic for miles and miles), it should be shared among all of the type 8's.
    The Socionics types I've seen associated with e8's are LIE's (83% e8), SLE's (33% e8), and ILE's (14% e8).

    Hmmmm, Looks like they don't all share any functions. Must be something else. Not Cheetos, probably. But I could see an overdose of Nacho-flavored Doritos producing insane anger., post #102

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    ^ I have always considered anger an emotion. Stoic to me is presenting a lack of emotion.

    a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
    "she was attempting to control her emotions"
    synonyms: feeling, sentiment; More
    instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge.
    "responses have to be based on historical insight, not simply on emotion"
    synonyms: instinct, intuition, gut feeling; More
    a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
    "the colonel's anger at his daughter's disobedience"
    synonyms: rage, vexation, exasperation, displeasure, crossness, irritation, irritability, indignation, pique; More
    fill (someone) with anger; provoke anger in.
    "she was angered by his terse answer"
    synonyms: infuriate, irritate, exasperate, irk, vex, peeve, madden, put out; More
    You don't think it even though you can think about it. You can sense or intuitively feel something that might make you angry but then it turns into a "feeling". I will stick with Fe or Fi. I suppose it depends on what position Fe or Fi are in and contributing functions (Se or Si) that determine how it is experienced or expressed.

    Or I am an SLE 8w7 on occasion.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Benny2000 View Post
    How about sissy boy?
    the benny2000 unit has spoken.

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    fuck (fe) you (fi) ! (fe)

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    it's Fe but coming from an Fi sense of moral outrage. And expressed with force, Se.

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    lol when i opened this thread i totally did not expect the OP to be @Shay
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    I suppose if it is full of hate or vengeance, it's more likely Te/Fi; if it's full of hysteria, more likely Fe/Ti. I suppose both relate to hot anger however; cold anger is a bit more interesting. It calculates, yet remains passionate. I wonder what that would most resemble in socionics.
    good bye

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shay View Post
    I've spent the last 2 & 1/2 years sorting through ideas and refining the choice of house/land purchase, house demolition, new home design and now the build on that block of land. It's been exciting as I was easily able to foresee which suburb was about to increase in value based upon amenities being improved and observe it all coming together.
    But am presently furious with a few things occurring in the build process and tired of peoples incompetence in areas which they are supposed to be good in.
    I spent a couple of hours last night voicing my fury about what's occurred to my poor husband who says that he will make sure it's all sorted out as he likes to take care of these practical matters though really it's just about an email or phone call to him (easy for him) whereas for myself I think it would involve me having to take a more confrontational approach where I like to quickly get to the point, which really I could fail at because that's really not my strength.
    Thankfully we have a building inspector checking the build process later this week and I am about to start cataloguing things I would like him to take note of.

    I'm not angry that once again part of my face is paralysed ( have been told already though, that I seem to be one of the lucky ones who can likely heal from this as once again I'm showing signs that this could occur ).
    I'm not angry that my mother isn't contacting me still in regards to my name change and finally making contact with my father.
    I'm not angry that my youngest has taken off to Africa again to live permanently now she says.
    No, it's just this this build which has gotten to me and made me think again that perhaps it's when a function placement is negatively effected? A function placement that when overloaded or negatively touched can get us riled up more than others?
    I ask because really this doesn't occur too often to the same degree - husband might not agree though :-)
    Maybe I'm just tired and grumpy at the moment.
    Though the function placement descriptions of Model A could be improved surely. Things need to be improved to make it all less of a mess to correctly type....will we ever get there....
    Wikisocion has a description of the 7th function using the word 'annoyance' but what about the stage past annoyed?

    VENT IT!!!

    but yeah i've heard horror stories about the building process and have been strongly advised to not consider building from scratch because of those kinds of issues and having to babysit every little thing the builders do

    I hope everything works out though with all of those frustrating things you mentioned... usually things do
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  18. #18


    You could try to explain this with NPA Theory. First of all, don't mistake Rage/Wrath with Anger. People with the aggressive trait, exhibit the aggressive-vindictive rage, which is tied to the sympathetic nervous system. People without this trait don't, but they can exhibit the narcisstic rage, which is tied to the parasympathetic nervous system.

    Quotes on Rage vs. Anger from
    this link:

    When most people speak of ‘anger problems,’ ‘anger management,’ or fearing someone’s anger, they are speaking about rage. Rage results from the impulse of self-protection being forced through the 'fight-or-flight system, that is, mediated through the sympathetic nervous system. Anger, on the other hand, is mediated by the ventro-vagal 'social receptivity' system, part of the parasympathetic nervous system.
    Rage is not just really intense anger​. Based on the biological mechanisms mentioned above, rage or rage episodes have five universal, qualitative, and defining characteristics:

    Suddenness In a fight or flight reaction, the adrenal glands pour potent chemicals into the blood that highjack the body and mind immediately. This is unlike true anger, which works through the parasympathetic system and takes minutes or even hours to develop. That is why people sometimes say “I'm getting angry” but never say, “I'm getting enraged”

    Irretrievability It is the nature of the fight or flight system that once the chemicals are released the biological state will persist for an hour or more, even if soothing maneuvers are begun immediately, and much longer if antagonizing activity is pursued (which is usually the case) Once rage 'blows' no words or thoughts or consequences will change it. True if the consequences are severe (like arrest) sometimes actions can be crudely controlled, but the internal state remains unchanged. Even if the 'cause' of the upset goes away, the rage will persist. If an unrelated activity has to be done (like going to work) the rage will carry over to the new situation.

    Loss of Contact With rage, vision, perception, empathic feeling, and subsequent memory are diminished and distorted. That is why there is the folk expression 'blind rage,' and psychologists speak of 'dissociative rage.' After a rage, the rager often truly does not know or remember what happened (which of course aids denial.)

    Loss of Self With rage, all prior history in a relationship is lost. All principles and beliefs the rager has developed in life are inaccessible. Any previous agreements, sincerely made or not, are repudiated.. Human bonding, attachment, histories of good-will or shared pleasure are denied. The rager is temporarily without personality, a defensive entity at war with the world.

    Loss of Behavioral Control With rage, there is a certain amount of start/stop activity, but true control is more about guidance and achieving a desired result through just the right force and direction of movement. With rage, there is no ability to guide and really no desired results. Rather movement is either 'destroy' or 'hold back'. Holding back is physically painful. If the rage is strong, holding cannot last and destruction happens.
    Anger is commonly confused with a loss of control. It is rage, however, that results in lack of control. Rage is also recognizable by the irrationality and disorganization. A person in a rage is usually unable to state what they want. Anger tends to bring a clarity and focus. An angry person may ask for more than what is practical, but what an angry person asks for will be rational. Still, even true anger may be somewhat disorganizing at first if anger has been suppressed. Anger can always 'flip' to rage if the person is overwhelmed It may be beneficial to work with anger first in a controlled setting like therapy. Anger, when a person is ready to own it, often spurs actions that positively 'take control' of a life or situation.
    Loss of control, punishing actions, and blame all have to do with the intense other-focus of rage. Anger, on the other hand, brings a self-focus. [...] Anger is not shouting or screaming. Rather these effects on the voice are from rage and fear, which tighten the throat. True anger deepens the voice slightly...
    On a personal note: I don't relate to the key points under rage.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 03-28-2016 at 09:47 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    lol when i opened this thread i totally did not expect the OP to be @Shay
    Well...whom did you expect? me? I can't rage all the time you know...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nevra View Post
    You could try to explain this with NPA Theory. First of all, don't mistake Rage/Wrath with Anger. People with the aggressive trait, exhibit the aggressive-vindictive rage, which is tied to the sympathetic nervous system. People without this trait don't, but, they can exhibit the narcisstic rage, which is tied to the parasympathetic nervous system.

    Quotes on Rage vs. Anger from
    this link:

    On a personal note: I don't relate to the key points under rage.
    WOW! You're sexy! I didn't even understand the difference between rage and anger. I always thought they were synonimes or that rage is just intense anger. What I did not understand was that rage is actually overexcited anger, that is anger out of control. With that said:

    I NEVER experienced Anger. That is something I aspire to tbh. Because that'd mean that I succeeded in controlling that other nasty beast:


    Really, I fly off the handle every so often for the most insignificant reasons. It's like I'm brimming with rage. And I REALLY DON'T WANT TO! I HATE RAGE! It is not productive, it hurts others, it hurts me...what's the use of it? Oh right. It makes you feel "alive". Yeah until next bout that is! It's like a drug ffs! FUCK THAT SHIT!
    ...ready to be a Sith(ffs fml smh).

    Really, fuck that!

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    Fuck You at its deepest core, is implied boundaries. *puts on narcissistic strrrng eye glasses*

    Even if the person doesn't out right say it, with the power of my empathy - I am well aware of what lines to tread and what not. If I'm pissed off at times like most people get, I will troll the person easily- as I know what buttons to push. And the people who hurt me knew what buttons to push in me.

    Although friendship is nice and all the darker, more realistic side of me is well aware of how easily it is for somebody to say FUCK YOU if too many boundaries are invaded against.

    Love is precious and rare, because it's a boundaryless state between two people that actually doesn't suck. When almost always, the reverse is true. Sooo be careful who you let into your heart. Especially if it's big. <3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nevra View Post
    You could try to explain this with NPA Theory. First of all, don't mistake Rage/Wrath with Anger. People with the aggressive trait, exhibit the aggressive-vindictive rage, which is tied to the sympathetic nervous system. People without this trait don't, but, they can exhibit the narcisstic rage, which is tied to the parasympathetic nervous system.

    Quotes on Rage vs. Anger from
    this link:

    On a personal note: I don't relate to the key points under rage.
    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    I NEVER experienced Anger. That is something I aspire to tbh. Because that'd mean that I succeeded in controlling that other nasty beast:


    Really, I fly off the handle every so often for the most insignificant reasons. It's like I'm brimming with rage. And I REALLY DON'T WANT TO! I HATE RAGE! It is not productive, it hurts others, it hurts me...what's the use of it? Oh right. It makes you feel "alive". Yeah until next bout that is! It's like a drug ffs! FUCK THAT SHIT!
    ...ready to be a Sith(ffs fml smh).

    Really, fuck that!

    I rarely experience real anger. I have raged though and I disassociate when enraged. That is the only reason I can see why someone of my stature can actually terrify people I am close to (or strangers). I think it comes from too much repressed anger or even not knowing how to be angry. My rages have been brought on by too much harassment in the past. Especially in my late teens when I was being harassed daily by a group of girls over a guy. They stalked me and rode by my house screaming slut and whore. I ignored and ignored until they cornered me once at a convenience store. I went into a full blown rage since my little sister was with me (protective mode). They never bothered me again.

    Last time I raged was a few years ago when I was in a fight with a bf. It was pretty serious. I almost hit him with my car because he would not let me leave. Something inside of me at the last moment realized what I was doing and slammed the brakes just in time. That has stuck with me and I never want to lose control like that ever again. Even though he forgave me I could not stop apologizing or crying for days. I have not raged like that since though. I don't really get angry. At most I get annoyed/irritated. Sometimes I snap at people with my words and it is enough to get them to back off me. So my use of rage above is not the norm. I usually just snap for a second then regain my composure.

    I don't like NPA theory but that was useful. It explains why I lacked control in those situations. My results for NPA were N type.

    Edit: Where I grew up there was a lot of warped Se and I had to actually fight to prove myself. It was not an ideal situation but I learned to cope.

    Edit2: By warped Se I mean people who would push me to fight and stand up for myself.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I rarely experience real anger. I have raged though and I disassociate when enraged. That is the only reason I can see why someone of my stature can actually terrify people I am close to (or strangers). I think it comes from too much repressed anger or even not knowing how to be angry. My rages have been brought on by too much harassment in the past. Especially in my late teens when I was being harassed daily by a group of girls over a guy. They stalked me and rode by my house screaming slut and whore. I ignored and ignored until they cornered me once at a convenience store. I went into a full blown rage since my little sister was with me (protective mode). They never bothered me again.

    Last time I raged was a few years ago when I was in a fight with a bf. It was pretty serious. I almost hit him with my car because he would not let me leave. Something inside of me at the last moment realized what I was doing and slammed the brakes just in time. That has stuck with me and I never want to lose control like that ever again. Even though he forgave me I could not stop apologizing or crying for days. I have not raged like that since though. I don't really get angry. At most I get annoyed/irritated. Sometimes I snap at people with my words and it is enough to get them to back off me. So my use of rage above is not the norm. I usually just snap for a second then regain my composure.

    I don't like NPA theory but that was useful. It explains why I lacked control in those situations. My results for NPA were N type.

    Edit: Where I grew up there was a lot of warped Se and I had to actually fight to prove myself. It was not an ideal situation but I learned to cope.

    Edit2: By warped Se I mean people who would push me to fight and stand up for myself.
    Funnily enough, I am mostly in control of my Rage, but it happens far too often for my liking. It's mostly in the form of tantrums and yelling, anything worse is HIGHLY unlike me. Just why I said that I am mostly in control of it. Still, I'd like to turn it into something productive. Because I have only SO MUCH(nigh endless amount) of that resource, so why not use it? It needs to be refined, that's for certain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Funnily enough, I am mostly in control of my Rage, but it happens far too often for my liking. It's mostly in the form of tantrums and yelling, anything worse is HIGHLY unlike me. Just why I said that I am mostly in control of it. Still, I'd like to turn it into something productive. Because I have only SO MUCH(nigh endless amount) of that resource, so why not use it? It needs to be refined, that's for certain.
    My "tantrums" are not generally directed at anyone. Like if someone were to ruin something I own and value I might start just rambling, to no one in particular, about people touching my stuff and how I have to buy another, nobody pays attention to what I have asked of them over and over again, blah blah blah...

    Then I go in my room, lock the door, and calm myself down. I also can have a little bit of an impulsive tantrum where I passively aggressively cut someone off and then feel like an idiot after, when I have to tell them what I did and why. That is humbling. Most tantrums are due to annoyances though. They are nothing like a rage.

    My IEI brother is a big door slammer and it annoys me to no end. He won't even tell you what's wrong. Just slam! I can usually guess what it is though, without talking to him, based on what is going on at the time. I just let him chill because if I don't we will argue and it is not worth it.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Thanks for this very enlightening thread.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Short anger test:

    Overall results
    Your overall anger score is low. This means that you are rather skilled at coping with potentially angering situations. There is also the possibility, however, that you are denying your real feelings of anger. The questions on this test dealt with some situations in which it is normal and understandable to feel angry. Your score indicates that you rarely felt anger, even in situations where most people would. On the one hand, this can be very positive - you may have reached a stage of enlightenment most of us never obtain - but there could be other reasons for your rather laid-back approach. Make sure that you are not bottling up your emotions and denying your true feelings, because this can be just as harmful as outright anger. Remember, it's ok to feel angry sometimes, as long as you express it in a healthy way.

    Longer anger test:

    The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential Strengths, and Limitations.
    • You do not experience excessive anger
    • You rarely experience very angry emotions
    • You rarely, if ever, engage in angry behavior
    • You rarely dwell on anger-inducing situations
    Potential Strengths
    • No potential strengths detected
    • No limitations detected

    I couldn't really relate to their anger questioning. Those situations didn't seem a big deal in the grand scheme of things, except for maybe two of them.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post


    Short anger test:

    Overall results
    Your overall anger score is low. This means that you are rather skilled at coping with potentially angering situations. There is also the possibility, however, that you are denying your real feelings of anger. The questions on this test dealt with some situations in which it is normal and understandable to feel angry. Your score indicates that you rarely felt anger, even in situations where most people would. On the one hand, this can be very positive - you may have reached a stage of enlightenment most of us never obtain - but there could be other reasons for your rather laid-back approach. Make sure that you are not bottling up your emotions and denying your true feelings, because this can be just as harmful as outright anger. Remember, it's ok to feel angry sometimes, as long as you express it in a healthy way.

    Longer anger test:

    The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential Strengths, and Limitations.
    • You do not experience excessive anger
    • You rarely experience very angry emotions
    • You rarely, if ever, engage in angry behavior
    • You rarely dwell on anger-inducing situations
    Potential Strengths
    • No potential strengths detected
    • No limitations detected

    I couldn't really relate to their anger questioning. Those situations didn't seem a big deal in the grand scheme of things, except for maybe two of them.
    Yeah, I don't agree with those questions as well. Everything except the outright betrayal(my "soulmate" passionately kissing another person) and the medical mispractice(this is due to personal reasons because I've been a victim of one. If he mutilated my kin...I'd mutilate him-and leave him breathing so he SUFFERS. Oh and I'd also wreck his Benz. But the fucktard stays ALIVE so he can SUFFER) was not that big of a deal even for an explosive person such as me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Yeah, I don't agree with those questions as well. Everything except the outright betrayal(my "soulmate" passionately kissing another person) and the medical mispractice(this is due to personal reasons because I've been a victim of one. If he mutilated my kin...I'd mutilate him-and leave him breathing so he SUFFERS. Oh and I'd also wreck his Benz. But the fucktard stays ALIVE so he can SUFFER) was not that big of a deal even for an explosive person such as me.
    The same two questions as me. Yeah both those situations are anger/fury worthy but tbh I would probably let other family members deal with most of the legalities and I would do what I could for my injured family member on an emotional/spiritual level. I would be very angry though. The cheating thing, well that would make me furious because there is an assumed trust that I have in partner, if we made it that far, and once that is broken...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shay View Post
    Like the two of you above @Aylen & @nondescript those were the same two questions that also would cause the most angered/upset responses from myself.
    Least upset response was to do with the little kitty going toilet on the vegetable garden, though I can see how that would upset some but the garden hose or the rain would easily dilute those waste materials and I could leave the plants in the ground for longer before consuming.
    Stay little kitty won't be sprayed with that garden hose even if the vegetable garden became nothing but your kitty litter still has a function and was not pointless.
    LOL! But kitty excrement would be GOOD in a garden! Fertilizer!
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    I use Fe, and I can be one of the most explosive people I know. When I do displays of emotions, they're usually big. Mega preformances. I guess that's why I go to drama club haha.
    I do not suffer fools gladly.

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    i want to say "fuck you" sometimes, but you know, i don't know if i ever really mean it. i want to mean it. i think it just makes me feel the wind has been knocked out of me. i can feel a destructive antagonism but it comes with guilt and pain too. i guess i've found often my anger hurts me. i don't channel it well. maybe all it is, is a force to change things, and all those lovely stories about people igniting in rage to be someone new, or to become a villain... are just romanticisms of anger. it can give you the power to change something, or to redirect something, or to say enough... and maybe that really is all it can do or is.

  32. #32
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    ok, nvm, my tv was on and comcast on-demand was advertising barbie movies and although i had it on mute i could just imagine all the shit the comcast "lady" was saying. my immediate rxn was to flip off the tv and declare "fuck YOU." and i meant it. so superficial and stupid. i want to force them to understand how stupid they are. and even if they know, i want to force them to understand how badly they underestimate everyone and everything. they are the evil. not us. FUCK THEM.

    eta: obviously i'm addressing these like seriously important matters in teh universe. (i hate "teh" but it's appropriate here.)

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