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Thread: ILI-NI newbie here

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    End's Avatar
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    Default ILI-NI newbie here

    Hello everyone, been lurking for about a month or two and not sure if I'm doing this right but my dominant Ni hasn't led me astray so far so I'ma just wing this and see what happens.

    Poor, single, and seeking to complete my world theory/philosophy so that I can finally tell everyone how to live their lives to the fullest and be happy and actually be right in saying those things. I found it interesting that in this sphere of thinking there are things like "victims" that contradicted my studies into "game" and the like. Game, for instance, says that any good "alpha" male is aggressive and seeks to conquer his woman and subordinate her to himself and that if he doesn't then he's a pathetic "beta" who will never find romantic success in the long term, period. I found that to be true given my previous observations on human nature, r/K selection, and what I had seen going on in my life in the past yet I kept on fantasizing about an aggressive girl taking me for her own no matter how hard I tried not to. I saw that as ideal, a woman should know exactly what she wants and move to take it even if she has to get a little forceful and mean. Push him down, kiss him, ram your tongue down his throat, tell him how much you need him, that's how you make him yours!

    As a "Philosopher" I found this contradiction rather disturbing and unsettling. In philosophy one's contradictions are unacceptable, if at any point one thing contradicts another in your theory then you either resolve the contradiction or be known by any real philosopher as a total idiot and fool (things I strive not to be). I've been reading Jung and MBTI material as well and found much to be valued as, again, I've been seeing it now all around me. The types exist, their interactions between each other are also very much predictable and they're playing out according to the theories espoused on this site. For instance, I suspect my brother is my "dual" as we never have trouble interacting and I find his company most enjoyable. He's really the best brother I could have hoped for in my eyes and yeah, I can almost guarantee he's SEE and boy am I glad that's the case since he's married to what I suspect is an IEI so, while not ideal, at least he probably won't get divorced for bullshit reasons (and you do NOT want a divorce in the western world if you're a dude, lemme tell ya). My mom is my "semi-dual" as, among other major identifiers, while we generally get along every now and then it all breaks down and we get viciously nasty with each other yet, as according to socionics, we can't stay mad at each other for very long and make up rather quickly. I got a cousin who I suspect is my quasi-identical and... Well, you understand, it all plays out according to theory by and large.

    And, as I relish telling people how things really are, ask a question about your life. I'll apply my Ni and tell ya how things are probably gonna work out for ya, though you probably won't like how I say it, ILI is famously misanthropic and I'll show you how and why .

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    You may make a video so your type could be checked.Mistyping is a common thing.

  3. #3
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    Looked up the description for that type. It doesn't really jive with me, I don't do Si, hell I suck at sensing in general. One time I even didn't know my car was right in front of me when, in fact, it was! My brother worried about that quite strongly, questioned if I was alright. It's a common car, but I was at an angle where I couldn't see the "identifying" mark for it I have in my head, so I kept looking around thinking I had made a mistake when I in fact had not. Mom worried about it too, got into a bit of a fight as I insisted there was nothing wrong with me.

    Really good at Ni though, how it often happens I "know" something in a kind of wraith-like way, then I hit the books and find ample confirmation of what I "knew" before I confirmed it. I even try to disprove it, only to ironically prove it 9 times out of 10. Hell, I can even predict how the fiction I watch and read will go with a high degree of accuracy and am actually a bit disappointed when it goes in a "cliche" directions. Once you know these things people become predictable, seeing something defy future projections is endlessly entertaining. It humbles the self, keeps one from falling into the trap of solipsism and acute narcissism. That's something I'm told my type has a LOT of trouble with and I can see why. When you're right more often than not, well, it can go to your head and swell that ego into a very unhealthy size.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    Now you just sound like a try hard ISFj. But welcome anyway. Hope you have fun on the forums, and find some likeminded people
    What seemed ESI in this, you see Te seeking instead of Se seeking?

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Looked up the description for that type. It doesn't really jive with me, I don't do Si, hell I suck at sensing in general. One time I even didn't know my car was right in front of me when, in fact, it was! My brother worried about that quite strongly, questioned if I was alright. It's a common car, but I was at an angle where I couldn't see the "identifying" mark for it I have in my head, so I kept looking around thinking I had made a mistake when I in fact had not. Mom worried about it too, got into a bit of a fight as I insisted there was nothing wrong with me.

    Really good at Ni though, how it often happens I "know" something in a kind of wraith-like way, then I hit the books and find ample confirmation of what I "knew" before I confirmed it. I even try to disprove it, only to ironically prove it 9 times out of 10. Hell, I can even predict how the fiction I watch and read will go with a high degree of accuracy and am actually a bit disappointed when it goes in a "cliche" directions. Once you know these things people become predictable, seeing something defy future projections is endlessly entertaining. It humbles the self, keeps one from falling into the trap of solipsism and acute narcissism. That's something I'm told my type has a LOT of trouble with and I can see why. When you're right more often than not, well, it can go to your head and swell that ego into a very unhealthy size.
    Didn't know you were new, I have only been here a few weeks. Your type will be challenged whether it's video or written word for awhile and then it goes away. Welcome. Is that a weary soldier being comforted by a companion or is it an elevator operator?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hatesyardwork View Post
    Didn't know you were new, I have only been here a few weeks. Your type will be challenged whether it's video or written word for awhile and then it goes away. Welcome. Is that a weary soldier being comforted by a companion or is it an elevator operator?
    Weary soldier comforted by a random yet interesting companion. It's what I feel like my life is like. I've seen it so many times, the psychic battlefield. The war for the mind, the wars for our souls. So much cruelty and death, yet there is beauty there regardless. Even the enemy is capable of compassion, of humanity. As I fell each target I cannot help but think that, somehow, we could have understood each other. Yet, this is the battlefield, it's kill or be killed and I intend to be on the "kill" side of this dark, tragic equation.

    Then someone shows up and lifts my spirits. If it wasn't for them, I would have become a monster long ago...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Weary soldier comforted by a random yet interesting companion. It's what I feel like my life is like. I've seen it so many times, the psychic battlefield. The war for the mind, the wars for our souls. So much cruelty and death, yet there is beauty there regardless. Even the enemy is capable of compassion, of humanity. As I fell each target I cannot help but think that, somehow, we could have understood each other. Yet, this is the battlefield, it's kill or be killed and I intend to be on the "kill" side of this dark, tragic equation.

    Then someone shows up and lifts my spirits. If it wasn't for them, I would have become a monster long ago...
    If you were in that situation in Full Metal Jacket where a mortally wounded sniper who had sadistically killed several of your comrades wreathed in pain upon the ground begging for a bullet to put her out of her misery, do you offer her mercy, or do as everyone else wants to do and leave her there to being eaten alive by rats as she slowly dies in agony? I watched that scene like 30 times in a row. I don't think a movie scene ever made me feel like that one did. Something about her being caught in the grip of life and death in that utterly savage and primal environment sparked my HA into action I think. Yep, demons that want to be angels.

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    Quote Originally Posted by uncivilized View Post
    If you were in that situation in Full Metal Jacket where a mortally wounded sniper who had sadistically killed several of your comrades wreathed in pain upon the ground begging for a bullet to put her out of her misery, do you offer her mercy, or do as everyone else wants to do and leave her there to being eaten alive by rats as she slowly dies in agony? I watched that scene like 30 times in a row. I don't think a movie scene ever made me feel like that one did. Something about her being caught in the grip of life and death in that utterly savage and primal environment sparked my HA into action I think. Yep, demons that want to be angels.
    I plug her out of her misery. Judgement is a right reserved for God and it ain't my place, or anyone's, to inflict that level of suffering. That was a great movie and a powerful scene. Joker did the right thing, restored a bit of my faith in humanity watching that. And damn, that drill instructor. They say he got the role because they saw a tape of him spewing 30 straight minutes of insults without repeating a single one, and he was only supposed to be a consultant. That's talent, just sayin'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    And damn, that drill instructor. They say he got the role because they saw a tape of him spewing 30 straight minutes of insults without repeating a single one, and he was only supposed to be a consultant. That's talent, just sayin'.
    I believe he also was a star on a short series of documentary about weapons on Discovery Channel. I used parts of his speech in full metal jacket into some techno songs that i made. I wish i could talk like him to my colleagues. Somehow it's a bit Te i'm guessing.

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