Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
Quote Originally Posted by cracka
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Quote Originally Posted by Polly
The first thing that pops to my head is that they care about appearances far more than I do. That they care so much about their superficial outward appearance they are willing to spend a great deal of time doing so...time not spent on developing their brain or self-improvement in other areas of their life to make them a really well rounded person.
When are you going to end with this stereotypical crap? First, S and N, now, fit != brainz....
*says the guy with perfect physique* I do agree though, just because someone's in shape doesn't mean anything about how smart, superficial or not, or how well rounded they are.
She was talking of muscle-bound types, probably like that gugelhupf guy in the photos. Bodybuilders. Not athletes, or people who work out in a gym in order to stay fit.
yeah, I know...I was just bored and felt like typing earlier.