Hey ScarletteLux
First of all I'm not certain yet that I am s x/sp so please take my post with a grain of salt.

As far as I remember, I've always had one or two close friends with whom I share everything (sometimes too much lol) and that's it. I first feel the drive to go and talk to a lot of people, I ask many questions about their life, hobbies, tastes... but if I feel like the person is only going to be an acquaintance I just bye and move on. It sounds pretty rude (and it may even look so) but it's just that I don't want to waste time trying to build a relationship that is going to hit a dead end at some point. It's not even voluntary, it's a deep lack of energy to socialize with people I don't find "exciting".
I'm currently spending some time with an so first introvert and I have to say I'm jealous of her very wide circle of friends even though I'm sure I wouldn't be able to maintain that much friendships without going crazy. But not having that many (but intense) friendships makes it easy to feel alone. It also gets weird when a close friend is so first or place a high value on being extensively social.
I could also be an introvert.