Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
Anyway, if you look at subtypes, LSI-Ti doesn't have that emphasis on forcefulness like LSI-Se does, also LSI-Ti is more rigid, so all that can match ISTJ better. I agree on the Te creative thing and I don't relate to that myself. In MBTI I don't have a very well fitting type, tbh.
Yeah, MBTI doesn't fit me well either. Good point about varying subtype descriptions too. I suppose you could argue that LII-Ne is closer to INTP than LII-Ti.

With LII/ILI and INTJ/INTP, yeah that's quite different, it looks like really a J/P switch there for INTx, while for ISTx it's a lot more ambiguous. Though INTJ is again closer to ILI-Te than ILI-Ni, it seems.
Yeah, seems that j/p works best (but not always) for intuitive introverts. Any EII/IEI want to add?

These are clearly just stereotypes and the functions or IEs are often deduced by just using a compilation of external traits, which is a big no no.
Welcome to MBTI.

Also, I've heard of INTPs and INTJs typing themselves ILE or LIE, on the basis that extroversion and introversion aren't defined the same across the systems.