Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
Quote Originally Posted by XoX
"If this is true perhaps it could it be generalized that introverts here are generally younger than extroverts?"
Hah! I just remembered something: On this forum, the INFps are in fact younger than most ENFps. One of the blinding flashes of insight us ENFps are so rightly famous for. So... correct me if I'm jumping to conclusions... but doesn't that make the answer to XoX's question a resounding "yes", as far as ENFps and INFps are concerned?
yes it does but I was having fun avoiding the question. Its not even a matter of opinion really. Either the ENFPs in general or older or not. I technically dont know the ages of the INFPs on this forum but I do know the basic ages of at least some ENFPs so I cant actually say for sure who really is older. But Id have to put my money one ENFPs. That being said I think its just coincidence. Not all ENFPs are older than INFPs. Thats silly.