Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
SEE women are assertive with high energy, the introvert subtypes distorts the signal as Gulenko says but the overall behavioural outlook, the core type mission remains intact. That's assertive and dominative behaviour, F remains in play though distorted.

Being expressive is more of a sign of emotionality rather than I or E, ethical types display emotionality (logical types only do it under Superego & Superid circumstances). Secondly observationally the sensing vs intuitive divide is best understood as the extrovert vs introvert behavioural display. (EIE, LIE, ILE, IEE are all introverts behaviourally detached and succumbed in mental ideas)
Yes, all ethical types display emotionality, however those with strong (4D) tend to display it the most and/or the most strongly, and I find this applies to Jennifer.
She seems to display Demonstrative over Ignoring. You could argue she's got Creative Fe and is an SEI, however she seems to value , so that's out.

When it comes to the expression of emotionality, I find to be the key; both its placement and its strength matters.

From most to least outwardly expressive* (ime): ExFj > ExFp > IxFp > ExTp > ExTj > IxFj > IxTj > IxTp.

* That means through facial expressions like laughing, smiling; variation of voice intonation.
The louder, brighter, more varied and intense any of those elements, the more "outwardly expressive" the person.
The more monotone the voice and sporadic or weak the facial expressions, the less "outwardly expressive" the person.