Quote Originally Posted by mikemex

I think she's INTp. INTp are more aggressive than ISTp and are more self conscious. In the interview you mentioned she doesn't look so focused and turn her eyes up and side, which shows that she's accessing her visual memory. Sensors don't visualize that much as they are more wired to their immediate environment. I have ISTp friends which almost freeze at the middle of the conversation with me because they simply can't follow what I imagine in my head.

INTp also makes more sense because INTp value Se but don't express it themselves.
I have a similar problem with most intuitives. I usually don't understand processes when they are presented as words in informal conversations(I have a good memory for rules, and definitions presented in this format. Also, I can understand them better if they are presented in a lecture). Ne types are especially good at describing processes in informal conversation. I usually understand processes better when I can manipulate them in my environment with my hands, or see the object on paper(diagrams) or in person. Or at least have time to process the information in study. So, as soon as you put down what's in your head on paper and give exact details we will surely recognize you idea's glory. Conversation is too loose!