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    Duality somewhere in the Gamma quadrant

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    Too funny how well this fits the hot ESI Sp/Sx stereotype.

    And here's the SEE version, haha.

    what the fuck? If a dude wore that I wouldn't trust him. My ESI partner's gonna have to genuinely like me and go through feast and foodstamps with me, not be some entitled trustfund boyfriend I carry around on a pillow. *not impressed

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol. I, too, have a great ILI friend who married an ESI-Se. Even though he's a lawyer, she managed to secretly run up enough credit card debt that he had to re-mortgage their house to pay it off (at a lower interest rate). It nearly ended their marriage.
    She wants more affection from him than he's willing or able to give, too.

    I've spent weeks at a time visiting them, and she and I get along seamlessly, in a completely drama-free manner. I'm not poaching, though. One, I don't do that. Two, he's one of my best friends and she's too heavy to be an option for me.

    This is just one more example of why, for me, it's Duality or GTFO.
    I'd want the ESI to go take out a mortgage. You made this mess, you clean it up, Dude. (Assuming I was with a dude ESI)

  5. #125
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    Maya Plisetskaya - ESFP Napoleon

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Paris Hilton self-satirizes her own culture while also profiting off of it. Her message is pretty clear when you look at her books and watch her shows. She literally says "What is Walmart?" and had a show where people got to compete be her best friend.
    I don't know that she's gamma so much as mind-numbingly wealthy and inconsiderate and trust-fund secure to the point her empathy has atrophied. the gammas I know are as empathetic and kind and self-aware as other types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post

    Oh, I do like me that hair. That's kind of fabulous.

  8. #128
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    ESFP Napoleon and INTP Balzac

    This is the comment you are looking for

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    Debra Messing - ESFP Napoleon

    This is the comment you are looking for

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    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    how do i shot web

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    Gamma NTs in a nutshell

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Gamma NTs in a nutshell

    Lmao. Like alpha NTs, but cooler.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol. I, too, have a great ILI friend who married an ESI-Se. Even though he's a lawyer, she managed to secretly run up enough credit card debt that he had to re-mortgage their house to pay it off (at a lower interest rate). It nearly ended their marriage.
    She wants more affection from him than he's willing or able to give, too.

    I've spent weeks at a time visiting them, and she and I get along seamlessly, in a completely drama-free manner. I'm not poaching, though. One, I don't do that. Two, he's one of my best friends and she's too heavy to be an option for me.

    This is just one more example of why, for me, it's Duality or GTFO.
    Ok first, that doesn't just happen. Credit Card debt is hella hard to hide if you are living under the same roof with another person let alone presumably fucking and thus know all about each other's sleep schedule, go to the same bank at the same time on average and thus catch glimpses of each others balances, etc. Hell Amazon Packages show up and good luck ensuring they show up at times where the other has exactly zero chance of seeing them on the stoop or in the mailbox. Even if you use a P.O. Box it'll be hard to just "dip out" flawlessly all the time for years. Remember, double lives are said to be easy. People who say this don't live with someone else who isn't also living a double life and/or they don't got two standard deviations on in the IQ department. True though that even if you are both living double lives it's the triple and quadruple lives that'll get ya no matter what. Lies beget lies beget more lies and sin makes you stupid. Take from that what you will.

    This is me as a paranoid ILI- speaking and thus I may focus on and notice things most tend to miss but for me if my SO was pulling this shit I'm quite sure I'd notice really quick and really hard because while love is blind God is Reason and if you asked me to choose between God and my new hot GF I'm going with the Creator over a Created Good like myself so there's that.

    I can imagine making it work with an ESI- however. She's not as vivacious or "aggressive" as my dream girl Tomboy/Dandy SEE- but pretty and aggressive enough to make me think she's wife material. She's a bit more subtle about it and might even be more cruel upon closer inspection, but again, clear communication of desires and needs is absolutely essential. With that you can make a full blown marriage work with your own friggin' Conflictor. I mean hell folks, I get along great with my LII's cousin's Wife. She's an ESE as that's a textbook dual relationship and thus at first I got along surprisingly well with him while she gave us distance as we talked as I now suspect she knew that while he saw my own theories and opinions as something worth discussing in autistic detail she'd get too heated if she hung around long enough to hear me say something really offensive and not back down because doesn't do that no matter what has to say.

    Still, I've told them both about how that's absolutely essential to any healthy relationship whether it be between friends, family, spouses, or any other kind of crazy relationship you can concoct in your imagination and they both agreed completely. Note: They both know I like and still like Trump and they do NOT but that hasn't stopped us from getting along. Also don't know what Type Peter Zeihan is but while I don't like his support for Globalism I do dig his analysis of the current Geopolitical situation. Globohomo shill though he is I can't find any compelling counterpoints to his analysis of things like Russia, China, etc. Hell the dude told us the whole Ukraine War we're currently living through would happen six years ago​.

    Don't care how you did that for a dude who values that puts you on the map.

  17. #137
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    Also, as From Soft is basically Gamma Quadra Incarnate. Damnit Can't find an image to post but Pile Bunker. Full Windup. Impending Doom from ye who resides on the business end of that.

    If that ain't Gamma tell me why it isn't and convince me and I'll agree to admit you into the Gamma tribe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    and thus catch glimpses of each others balances
    Love is... when you may don't
    as you trust same as to yourself in the degree you are in this feeling

    but I doubt that ESI (especially in not bad relations) was irrensonsible to 1) spent much on something not important (in other case this would be noticed), 2) doing serious spares did not consulted with and even reported to the pair

    Adam assigned ESI to suspiciously many of women. To be attractive seems often leaded to become a dual for him.
    He flew away from the site without leaving a note. He was not young and liked ethanol much. I'm not sure the reason was not his health state.

    Seems as not. He was incompetent but funny to read. The death case can be "brain stroke".

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Also, as From Soft is basically Gamma Quadra Incarnate. Damnit Can't find an image to post but Pile Bunker. Full Windup. Impending Doom from ye who resides on the business end of that.

    If that ain't Gamma tell me why it isn't and convince me and I'll agree to admit you into the Gamma tribe.
    Fromsoft games are divine warnings to the gamers of the world of the deadly sin of avarice.
    >Some disagree with me. They suck.

  20. #140
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    FromSoftware Gamma? what? most of their games feature Knights. the series is beta and Miyazaki an IEI
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  21. #141
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    I think there's nothing more Gamma SF than the study motivation pics on pinterest. Note it if you need it.

  22. #142
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    I haven't played any games from FromSoftware but I've heard that they have a non-linear way of telling the story, one that doesn't drag you by the hand and forces you to figure it by yourself. I believe this is related with devaluation of Ti information, which seeks to make things as clear and direct as possible, devoid of any vague information that could lead people to misunderstand it.

    These games to leave some players confused and wondering if there is even a story present in them:

    Also the other half of their games feature mechas. Very TeNi.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by sudo View Post
    Fromsoft games are divine warnings to the gamers of the world of the deadly sin of avarice.
    There is a bit of an esoteric overlap here. See, Catholic Exorcists have identified the Demon on the back of the American "Nation".

    Avarice. Our collective vice is Avarice/Greed. Hell, ask anyone who experienced "Dollar" Diplomacy and it didn't take anything like a Priest to tell you what was up. Our virtues include creativity and Charity but that is a result of the rule of vices. Your Greatest and most abiding vice is, ironically, the direct result of your greatest potential virtue.

    Greedy money grubbing fucktards who spend all their considerable energies towards more inventively cheating people out of their rightful gains are, ironically, both capable of and called towards being charitable in the extreme and inventing ways to exploit any geography for the maximum benefit of all for instance.

    Also, on the creativity front. If you are NOT American ask one about some problem. I can almost guarantee you they'll display BS that you'd never even thought possible or, if ya did, get shocked when you find they actually built/tried that! My favorite quote from a VN: "It comes from that crazy American mindset of: 'If this isn't powerful what is?'"

    If you get that reference than I think we can get along famously

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    My favorite quote from a VN: "It comes from that crazy American mindset of: 'If this isn't powerful what is?'"

    If you get that reference than I think we can get along famously
    Only VNs I've ever played were Muramasa and Muv-Luv. I have yet to finish the former, and if the line was in the latter, it didn't stick out to me, though it somewhat fits with the story, so I wouldn't be surprised.

    Muramasa strikes me as annoyingly preachy, but its better qualities have outweighed that so far (I am ever the sucker for those sorts of aesthetics (hence the itoshiki nozomu pfp)). Everybody should read Muv-Luv. Not only is it a masterpiece, but I met my beloved wife there.
    >Some disagree with me. They suck.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by sudo View Post
    Only VNs I've ever played were Muramasa and Muv-Luv. I have yet to finish the former, and if the line was in the latter, it didn't stick out to me, though it somewhat fits with the story, so I wouldn't be surprised.

    Muramasa strikes me as annoyingly preachy, but its better qualities have outweighed that so far (I am ever the sucker for those sorts of aesthetics (hence the itoshiki nozomu pfp)). Everybody should read Muv-Luv. Not only is it a masterpiece, but I met my beloved wife there.
    It is from the latter. That one "ship" that was plot critical was built by the Americans and it was Yuuko who said that when describing it. The GBU-57 is a "Real Life" example of this phenomenon. As one person put it: "Only the Americans would ever conceive of let alone build such a thing!"

    I also agree that everyone should read Muv-Luv. The whole Trilogy. Alternative is great but it only REALLY "hits" if you know all the stuff that lead up to it. Yes, even that bog standard "Rom-Com Harem" it starts as. That one throw away line from Yuuko was plot critical in a major way. If ya know ya know.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    There is a bit of an esoteric overlap here. See, Catholic Exorcists have identified the Demon on the back of the American "Nation".
    Speaking of backs of American things and avarice, what's with the back of the dollar bill? "new world order" + "he/she/it assents to our undertakings" and that creepy eye. This has been bothering me for a while. You think it's a gamma image?

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Speaking of backs of American things and avarice, what's with the back of the dollar bill? "new world order" + "he/she/it assents to our undertakings" and that creepy eye. This has been bothering me for a while. You think it's a gamma image?
    In a very dark way yeah. dominance would like to portray itself as such if it is being used for evil. The Beta's and especially Alpha's would try to hide the steel fist behind a happy velvet glove though. Wokies value far too much for me to ever respect them for instance. We Gamma's (and Delta's to a lesser extent) would just dispense with all the pleasantries and tell you, to your face, that we have the capacity for Weather Manipulation/Orbital Bombardment/etc. equivalents and just be rather blunt with ya with how we can completely end your entire civilization on a whim and so you'd better do as we say and count yourself lucky we aren't as sexually deviant as we could be in regards to you and your, well, hell has no bottom and neither does degeneracy.

    I'd look up the band "Gamma Ray" and their Album "No World Order" in particular. Mirror visions of how works for good or evil. The band is one of my favorites and the album's focus on the better ends is why I love it so much. Fitting how the "evil" side on the cover uses the eye you speak of. Also dig the subtle difference between the left and the right side. The evil "left" side snarls in rage while the good "right" side roars in defiance. Can't not see it once ya do

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Speaking of backs of American things and avarice, what's with the back of the dollar bill? "new world order" + "he/she/it assents to our undertakings" and that creepy eye. This has been bothering me for a while. You think it's a gamma image?
    I'm not sure on the symbology, like eye of horus or something, but I always see it as the 'all-seeing "I"', sorry I meant "Eye"...or did I?

    Its in every person and that's why it sits at the top of the pyramid. Hidden, but present.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    You think it's a gamma image?
    Any valued info can be found in anything. The more stable and efficient structure is - the more equal input of any functional info there is.

    Pyramid is the symbol of social hierarchy. Can be more interpretations too.
    In common, symbolism of USA is linked with masonry organisations. Those are kind of secret, where more details of used symbols people get with higher post in them, - so it's harder to get the supposed total meaning.

    Other interesting thing is Eagle. Christianic God has no relation to it. This bird was religious symbol in pre-Christian Rome and other places. More to say - it's opposite what Christianity ideology is, - that bird is killer. So the question is - what God is meant in official USA symbolism? Or how is it understood.
    Hithlerists, which had close to opposite ideology to Christianity, mentioned some God and near this mention pictured an Eagle too:

    What God is associated with that Eagle the killer? In Rome it was linked with Jupiter / Zeus. But Rome and Greece of his time were later cultures, which took Eagle somewhere before. Where?
    Last edited by Sol; 10-10-2023 at 04:28 PM.

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    Just dropping in for the gamma images and posters...

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Any valued info can be found in anything. The more stable and efficient structure is - the more equal input of any functional info there is.

    Pyramid is the symbol of social hierarchy. Can be more interpretations too.
    In common, symbolism of USA is linked with masonry organisations. Those are kind of secret, where more details of used symbols people get with higher post in them, - so it's harder to get the supposed total meaning.

    Other interesting thing is Eagle. Christianic God has no relation to it. This bird was religious symbol in pre-Christian Rome and other places. More to say - it's opposite what Christianity ideology is, - that bird is killer. So the question is - what God is meant in official USA symbolism? Or how is it understood.
    Hithlerists, which had close to opposite ideology to Christianity, mentioned some God and near this mention pictured an Eagle too:

    What God is associated with that Eagle the killer? In Rome it was linked with Jupiter / Zeus. But Rome and Greece of his time were later cultures, which took Eagle somewhere before. Where?
    I've mentioned it before, but the Statue of Liberty in New York represents not the Roman goddess Libertas, but the goddess Hecate, associated with witchcraft, the underworld, and necromancy. It's interesting to me that she's masquerading as Liberty. The guy who made it was a Mason, of course.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Hecate, associated with witchcraft, the underworld, and necromancy. It's interesting to me that she's masquerading as Liberty. The guy who made it was a Mason, of course.
    Liberty in the sense of liberalism is cult of individualism.
    Radical individualism supposes any external limitation as done against own Self, against individual freedom. The world near represents limitations for Self, as you are not almighty in it. So liberalism supposes the hate to anything (and anyone) existing as that exists against your individual free will of Self. Love to something in the world, empathic co-feeling, pleasure of life, respect to known rules (even objective), to morality - all is "bad" limitations, while the only decent state for Self would be chaos, where is no limitations and rules. This develops to idea that death of the body and destruction of the world are steps (symbolic and religious, as minimum) to more freedom for Self. Intentionally unnatural behavior, what inspires an aversion, intentionally amoral behavior - has similar symbolic sense of opposing to rules, of choosing the chaos.
    Liberalism can be said as political representation of Satanism, of cult of death, of anything harmful and destructive.

    Masons are formally declared as monotheists close to traditional Abramic religions. Due to secrecy and evident image needs for the society, it's hard to say what they think on higher levels of hierarchy. On lower levels they may fit to common religious views, but those follow orders of the ones above and do not know their real intentions and motivations. Lower ones may get masked, destorted info and an offer to do not ask much - as common for hierarchy group (masons have ~30 levels, so there is what to tell new and what to hide still).

    Hecate, when taken as one of faces for death, so dark, destructive side of nature and for chaos - can be linked with such "Liberty". Though, mb that statue can be associated with something darker than Hecate (I'd look what Carthage had).
    Magic from the surface view of consciousness looks as breaking rules, so sometimes can be related to that face too. Magic in general sense is an influence by an imagination. Placebo is magic. To imagine warmness and such to get your vessels become wider - magic. A prey with asking something, including in Christianity - magic. Perception by an imagination, - to feel or suppose hiden, what you don't know and not think logically - magic. There is nothing dark in magic itself. Dark side appears when is tried be done a harm, when someone thinks about individual interests only - then karma acts, which regulates a possibility to break rules.
    Last edited by Sol; 10-10-2023 at 08:28 PM.

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