Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
I can't relax. I took the summer off to relax and ended up doing much worse. Ok, actually I do look relaxed. Like a happy healthy INxp, but something must be wrong, because I'm overwhelmed with memories of my entire life. I used to think there was something wrong with how I think. I thought that my memories sometimes make me too emotional for no good reason.

Now I think that all of my most hated features ARE my type. lol.
I like exploring memories. If anything of socionics (whether true or not), it lets me explore things from my past from within. Sometimes it is good to say goodbye to them in a positive way one at a time.
Awww, that was nice Jadae. I like "one at a time." That way they each get the proper attention during their send-off." Some of them, I kick to the moon and others I give a one-two punch. That may not sound positive, but it is. It issss.

BTW Kristiina, good luck with all this.