btw @xerxe this was one of the threads in Rudy Ruckers 'Ware series. One of the main characters is a happily depraved guy named Sta Hi who after accidentally shooting his wife in the head ends up through mechanations of the second book working in the organ tanks for the moon robots. as part of the deal (for which he had to have half his brain removed with the promise of it being replaced) he gets a blank adult clone of his dead wife to fuck in a closet where they live when he isn't working. eventually his cloned wife has a sentient mold infested plastic organism take over her body for a brain, and they fall in love. he ends up as governor of california or something while she gets rich selling "wendy meat", regenerating chunks of meat from "her" empty lab grown clones.

then the 4th dimensional aliens give everyone magic wands that let them convert air into anything they desire and the entire world goes to shit.

neat series.