My longest-lasting best friend in school was very introverted, probably EII or SEI. She was pleasant company, but didn't talk much and her intelligence level was lower than mine. So I often felt like her entertainment. I would do most of the talking, and when she laughed I felt I was doing it right.

As an extrovert, I sometimes feel like it's my duty to keep conversation going, to keep people from growing bored. And I was considering whether there was a type this was more prevalent with.

I thought I don't have that much with LIIs, then remembered I've behaved like an ESE to entertain an LII before.
I don't think I feel the need to entertain LSIs, mostly because I know if I tried I'd be likely to annoy them.
I do think I feel the need to entertain SLIs, but mostly because I don't expect anyone else to.
I also often feel the need to entertain EIIs.
I guess I don't see extroverts as needing entertained as much, but as needing stimulated. Like just talking would be enough for an introvert, but with an extrovert they would want a thing going on.

Of course, it's more relaxing to not feel the need to entertain anyone (including myself).
I was wondering what others' views on this were. (Maybe it's related to my stacking.)