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Thread: Member Questionnaire- Sweet, Short, and Simple :>

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    Living 2Day's Avatar
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    My name is KanRen. I have been determining my Socionics type for several years. Many helpful members suggested I was an ENTj or ESTj. Thanks a bunch for assisting me!

    I have finally concluded that I am an ESTp-Ti subtype. I primarily used intertype relations and information elements to resolve my dilemma. So here is some information about me and my perspective of various people in connection with their predicted Socionics type. It may be useful? IDK. Just sit back. Enjoy the rant...

    I am a college student. I study Computer Science, Information Systems and Graphic Design. I am in an art scholars program. I hate the students in this program. They all have the 'poor me' disease. My response... "I am sorry that it was so hard for you to grow up as a middle-classed Caucasian individual in the United States." A real struggle.

    ExTj Female- She is not an art student. I don't even think she is in college. She just likes hanging out with some of the artists in our program, which I realized are INFjs. Pretty nice and polite, however she seems kind of disconnected emotionally and doesn't express much. The INFjs she hangs out with is a guy and a girl. Both artsy-fartsy, but very peaceful, passive, no back-bone, couldn't hurt a fly, still a virgin- no-porno type of people. Great people just not really fun to hang out with so I keep my distance.

    A lot of the other students are INTjs, specifically my two suite mates. These guys give me cancer. I think it is the idiosyncrasies they both have. Here are some famous highlights of the week:
    Can you not chew so loudly?
    Don't put deodorant on. It is bad for you. Try baking soda or vinegar.
    Can you lower the brightness of the monitor (at 8PM)?

    I know of two ENFjs. One now, one in HS. The HS was very philosophical. I always thought she tried too hard to be mature and 'deep-thinking'. Wanted to go to Oxford and was hung up on this INTj, who was getting it from an ESFj.

    The ENFj now is a complete job. Drama queen. She specifically tries to always be the center of attention. Everything has to be theatrical. Don't say pussy or anything in reference to the female genitalia in her presence, else you are in for a 20 to 30 minute rant about sexism and female empowerment.

    My best college friends are an ENTj and INxp (males). We all have similar humor and values. I remember that I became friends with the ENTj because he refused to hang out with one of his friends that we bumped into on campus after he committed to hanging out with me. I thought it was friendly and a loyal action. So I realized I was not an ENTJ after my interaction with him. He is a great guy, but sometimes he lacks focus and carrying things through. He is very scattered and overworks himself then craps out. He is much more entrepreneurial and independent. He always thinks of what things are to be. The 'future'. He wants to be his own boss. These things are opposite for me... I do not plan or participate in so many activities as him. Mine is a more general, I do this and see how things go. He always thinks of money schemes and making it big. I never thought of being my own boss or entrepreneurial as realistic or even worth planning for. I just want to study something that will put me in the right direction and wait for the opportunities to present itself. So that is definitely what differentiates between us, he creates and finds the preferred situation per-say, where as I manipulate and take control of the current situation.

    He definitely has much more energy then me. He will start anything with a lot of energy but then die out due to overexertion. I think my energy level is more calm, relaxed in the beginning. I save up and evaluate the developing situation or plan. Then at the final moment, I put in complete energy once the project/plan is complete then return to my relaxed state. In summation, his natural state is full-out and then crash, my natural state is trail/moderate, full-out, relax. Our temperament is also different. I am much more aggressive, confrontational and solid overall. He will have his periods of aggression, but generally he is relatively aloof and avoids conflict. I am much more domineering, but he is more independent. I need the opportunity to feel cared for/appreciated and vice-versa. He more-so prefers freedom and exploration. He doesn't really need someone in his life or emotional support per-say. He also is not as grouchy as I am sometimes.

    He loves working out, starving himself and putting his body in hardship. The challenge of overcoming things and appearing as strong and powerful. That is what he values. I put value in mental discipline, aggression and social power. So basically more about acting powerful. I do have a negative opinion about guys that I view as significantly physically weak. Often times they are INTjs... haha. I think I feel that because of their physique and lack of 'masculinity', they are not really upholding their 'responsibility'. The ENTj friend in contrast dislikes overweight people because he views it as an over-consumption of resources. I am the opposite and feel sympathetic for their state. Where as, I blame physically weak males for not trying to improve their fitness.

    The ENTJ friend is much more messy than me and cares less about his surroundings. For example, he would often sleep on the floor in his dorm or lay on his mattress without sheets, pillows or a blanket. I am a minimalist but I do need the basics... I am much more organized and specific about my surroundings compared to him. Also he is erotically a victim type... definitely not me.

    The INxp friend is trustworthy to a fault, but he has no initiative and has very controversial ideologies. For example: he justifies the action of importing illegal ivory because other Asian people will do it regardless. So he may as well...

    Next year, I am dorming with an ESTj. It is not optimal, but he was the best option. It definitely exhibits quasi-identical relations. It is not bad, but its not good. Overall, he is a nice guy. Just sometimes our interactions do not sync. Here is one of the things I can think of atm... in general he is a very talkative guy. Sometimes his jokes are not really 'funny', but he laughs at them. If you do not laugh he kind of views it negatively. However, in class his personality completely changes from talkative to serious. He will not respond to anyone that tries to get his attention while the professor is talking. I once asked him what time our class ended and he refused to answer me. I was sitting right next to him and the professor is several feet away. After a few minutes of delay, he finally puts his hand up next to me, indicating 5 minutes. Now this is not a big deal, but stuff like that is sometimes just annoying. If someone asked me a simple question, I just respond. No biggie. Let's see how it goes next year.

    The people I get/got along with the best are:
    My girlfriend- INFp-Ni
    Chemistry Classmate in HS- INTp
    Art Classmate in HS- INFp and INxp

    One of things I noticed about my girlfriend is her ability to predict stuff in the future. I never really noticed until a few months ago. She accurately guesses movie plots, future speeches and real life situations. She never really voiced them until I prodded her to share her opinion. That's when I realized what Ni was. I don't know how to explain it, but it manifests in which she has a in-born sense of time and patterns. She is never really worried about the future (complete opposite with me). But she also does not value the ability, never discusses or talks about it. Where as, I think I always wanted to 'have' the ability so I could control my life and future. So I put it on display to act as if I had it. But in reality it was artificial.

    What they all have in common: passivity and non-judging. They accept my often aggressive, blunt and direct personality. But they recognize I do have good intentions and appreciate my qualities. I often serve as the 'leader', frequently bad mouthing to the INTp or INFp, while defending our 'territory'. Often, I think they find me humorous, encouraging because they often have issues with confidence and somewhat as a 'protector'. We balance each other out. I appreciate them for their loyalty, submissiveness, insights and companionship.

    Example of a tonight's conversation with an INFp friend:
    *We are talking about one of our high school class mates, extremely stereotypical, flamboyant, proud homosexual
    Me: "He is a nice guy, just when he get's in those monologue modes." (He will go on 20 minute declarations about his passion, success and individual qualities. It's basically him jacking off his ego and you swallowing.)
    "Yeah but he is passionate"
    Me: "Passion as a blowhard"
    Me: "I mean. I just think that you can't really make those type of speeches when we are only in college. Now if he was a successful big-shot artist, then sure. But he has to make something of himself first."
    "Yeah but what he's doing is selling himself."
    Me: "He is not selling himself. You sell yourself better than him. He's like one of those cheap ads on those porn websites."
    *Laugh "Oh my god"
    Me: "When he becomes a Beyonce, call me."

    So I am getting tired. I am not sure what kind of reaction this will get from the community. Hopefully positive, I don't add much to online forums. But you know what they say, quality over quantity bitches

    PS: I will also try to redo the questionnaire for documentation purposes. I deleted my original post because I felt that such responses do not reflect upon my current views which have changed much since the creation of this thread. Now it should be "Member Questionnaire- Long, Repetitive, Shut Up Already and Stop Bumping It :<" lol
    Last edited by Living 2Day; 03-15-2018 at 01:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanRen View Post

    My name is KanRen. I have been determining my Socionics type for several years. Many helpful members suggested I was an ENTj or ESTj. Thanks a bunch for assisting me!

    I have finally concluded that I am an ESTp-Ti subtype. I primarily used intertype relations and information elements to resolve my dilemma. So here is some information about me and my perspective of various people in connection with their predicted Socionics type. It may be useful? IDK. Just sit back. Enjoy the rant...

    I am a college student. I study Computer Science, Information Systems and Graphic Design. I am in an art scholars program. I hate the students in this program. They all have the 'poor me' disease. My response... "I am sorry that it was so hard for you to grow up as a middle-classed Caucasian individual in the United States." A real struggle.

    ExTj Female- She is not an art student. I don't even think she is in college. She just likes hanging out with some of the artists in our program, which I realized are INFjs. Pretty nice and polite, however she seems kind of disconnected emotionally and doesn't express much. The INFjs she hangs out with is a guy and a girl. Both artsy-fartsy, but very peaceful, passive, no back-bone, couldn't hurt a fly, still a virgin- no-porno type of people. Great people just not really fun to hang out with so I keep my distance.

    A lot of the other students are INTjs, specifically my two suite mates. These guys give me cancer. I think it is the idiosyncrasies they both have. Here are some famous highlights of the week:
    Can you not chew so loudly?
    Don't put deodorant on. It is bad for you. Try baking soda or vinegar.
    Can you lower the brightness of the monitor (at 8PM)?

    I know of two ENFjs. One now, one in HS. The HS was very philosophical. I always thought she tried too hard to be mature and 'deep-thinking'. Wanted to go to Oxford and was hung up on this INTj, who was getting it from an ESFj.

    The ENFj now is a complete job. Drama queen. She specifically tries to always be the center of attention. Everything has to be theatrical. Don't say pussy or anything in reference to the female genitalia in her presence, else you are in for a 20 to 30 minute rant about sexism and female empowerment.

    My best college friends are an ENTj and INxp (males). We all have similar humor and values. I remember that I became friends with the ENTj because he refused to hang out with one of his friends that we bumped into on campus after he committed to hanging out with me. I thought it was friendly and a loyal action. So I realized I was not an ENTJ after my interaction with him. He is a great guy, but sometimes he lacks focus and carrying things through. He is very scattered and overworks himself then craps out. He is much more entrepreneurial and independent. He always thinks of what things are to be. The 'future'. He wants to be his own boss. These things are opposite for me... I do not plan or participate in so many activities as him. Mine is a more general, I do this and see how things go. He always thinks of money schemes and making it big. I never thought of being my own boss or entrepreneurial as realistic or even worth planning for. I just want to study something that will put me in the right direction and wait for the opportunities to present itself. So that is definitely what differentiates between us, he creates and finds the preferred situation per-say, where as I manipulate and take control of the current situation.

    He definitely has much more energy then me. He will start anything with a lot of energy but then die out due to overexertion. I think my energy level is more calm, relaxed in the beginning. I save up and evaluate the developing situation or plan. Then at the final moment, I put in complete energy once the project/plan is complete then return to my relaxed state. In summation, his natural state is full-out and then crash, my natural state is trail/moderate, full-out, relax. Our temperament is also different. I am much more aggressive, confrontational and solid overall. He will have his periods of aggression, but generally he is relatively aloof and avoids conflict. I am much more domineering, but he is more independent. I need the opportunity to feel cared for/appreciated and vice-versa. He more-so prefers freedom and exploration. He doesn't really need someone in his life or emotional support per-say. He also is not as grouchy as I am sometimes.

    He loves working out, starving himself and putting his body in hardship. The challenge of overcoming things and appearing as strong and powerful. That is what he values. I put value in mental discipline, aggression and social power. So basically more about acting powerful. I do have a negative opinion about guys that I view as significantly physically weak. Often times they are INTjs... haha. I think I feel that because of their physique and lack of 'masculinity', they are not really upholding their 'responsibility'. The ENTj friend in contrast dislikes overweight people because he views it as an over-consumption of resources. I am the opposite and feel sympathetic for their state. Where as, I blame physically weak males for not trying to improve their fitness.

    The ENTJ friend is much more messy than me and cares less about his surroundings. For example, he would often sleep on the floor in his dorm or lay on his mattress without sheets, pillows or a blanket. I am a minimalist but I do need the basics... I am much more organized and specific about my surroundings compared to him. Also he is erotically a victim type... definitely not me.

    The INxp friend is trustworthy to a fault, but he has no initiative and has very controversial ideologies. For example: he justifies the action of importing illegal ivory because other Asian people will do it regardless. So he may as well...

    Next year, I am dorming with an ESTj. It is not optimal, but he was the best option. It definitely exhibits quasi-identical relations. It is not bad, but its not good. Overall, he is a nice guy. Just sometimes our interactions do not sync. Here is one of the things I can think of atm... in general he is a very talkative guy. Sometimes his jokes are not really 'funny', but he laughs at them. If you do not laugh he kind of views it negatively. However, in class his personality completely changes from talkative to serious. He will not respond to anyone that tries to get his attention while the professor is talking. I once asked him what time our class ended and he refused to answer me. I was sitting right next to him and the professor is several feet away. After a few minutes of delay, he finally puts his hand up next to me, indicating 5 minutes. Now this is not a big deal, but stuff like that is sometimes just annoying. If someone asked me a simple question, I just respond. No biggie. Let's see how it goes next year.

    The people I get/got along with the best are:
    My girlfriend- INFp-Ni
    Chemistry Classmate in HS- INTp
    Art Classmate in HS- INFp and INxp

    One of things I noticed about my girlfriend is her ability to predict stuff in the future. I never really noticed until a few months ago. She accurately guesses movie plots, future speeches and real life situations. She never really voiced them until I prodded her to share her opinion. That's when I realized what Ni was. I don't know how to explain it, but it manifests in which she has a in-born sense of time and patterns. She is never really worried about the future (complete opposite with me). But she also does not value the ability, never discusses or talks about it. Where as, I think I always wanted to 'have' the ability so I could control my life and future. So I put it on display to act as if I had it. But in reality it was artificial.

    What they all have in common: passivity and non-judging. They accept my often aggressive, blunt and direct personality. But they recognize I do have good intentions and appreciate my qualities. I often serve as the 'leader', frequently bad mouthing to the INTp or INFp, while defending our 'territory'. Often, I think they find me humorous, encouraging because they often have issues with confidence and somewhat as a 'protector'. We balance each other out. I appreciate them for their loyalty, submissiveness, insights and companionship.

    Example of a tonight's conversation with an INFp friend:
    *We are talking about one of our high school class mates, extremely stereotypical, flamboyant, proud homosexual
    Me: "He is a nice guy, just when he get's in those dialogue modes." (He will go on 20 minute declarations about his passion, success and individual qualities. It's basically him jacking off his ego and you swallowing.)
    "Yeah but he is passionate"
    Me: "Passion as a blowhard"
    Me: "I mean. I just think that you can't really make those type of speeches when we are only in college. Now if he was a successful big-shot artist, then sure. But he has to make something of himself first."
    "Yeah but what he's doing is selling himself."
    Me: "He is not selling himself. You sell yourself better than him. He's like one of those cheap ads on those porn websites."
    *Laugh "Oh my god"
    Me: "When he becomes a Beyonce, call me."

    So I am getting tired. I am not sure what kind of reaction this will get from the community. Hopefully positive, I don't add much to online forums. But you know what they say, quality over quantity bitches

    PS: I will also try to redo the questionnaire for documentation purposes. I deleted my original post because I felt that such responses do not reflect upon my current views which have changed much since the creation of this thread. Now it should be "Member Questionnaire- Long, Repetitive, Shut Up Already and Stop Bumping It :<" lol
    I’m quoting because I both liked this post and found it constructive. @KanRen, I think you nailed it.

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