Quote Originally Posted by KanRen View Post
Talk about a significant event from your life.
Ugh. I enjoy my life very much. But I do not really have anything 'significant' or noteworthy. I also find this question too general to answer properly. I'd be happy to answer specifics.

What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
Well if it is an item, normally I will try to buy it from the individual or a store. If someone took something from me/ripped me off, it depends on the situation. For me it is a cost-benefit analysis, if the reason is worth fighting for- then I will use aggression, intimidation, and physical force if necessary. This would only occur if someone attacks me, or offends my close-ones. I am very aggressive and confrontational in defending others that I trust, more so then myself. This aspect is important to me because I feel responsible for my trustees and its a form of honor and dignity for myself. Trustees only include very close friends, SO, and family. I do not like to be responsible for other people. It is not my right to intervene in other peoples' affairs if I am not fully knowledgeable of the situation.

Very rarely do I fight for materialistic purposes, I would rather just walk away and move on. Although I am not a push-over. If someone is clearly being disrespectful towards me, then I have no problem verbalizing it. Example: Today, I was waiting in line for a vending machine. I was next. Then, a guy who is likely a friend of the stranger in front of me tried to cut before me. I immediately recognized and reacted by forcefully moving forward and said, "I am next." They both said something in Spanish, and I ignored them, acquired my snack, and left without responding to them. Yes, they definitely cursed me out but I chose not to react or develop the situation because I got what I want and left. There is not benefit for me to cause confrontation.

If it is something I want from from someone I am close to, I will either persistently ask (emotional persuasion) or try to bargain (logical persuasion). Additionally, my opinion of them will be significantly effected if they are not willing to accommodate me. Although, I rarely want something from others.
Te lead
Se HA: not all that strong Se. The defensive aspect you describe is stereotypically 2D/normative Se (two-dimensional, weak, works by social norms). You walk away from some more complex situations.

What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

My favorite place to go is Atlantic City, New Jersey and the Bahamas. I have gone to AC as a family tradition since I was 7. Bahamas, I enjoy the weather, environment, people, etc.

My ultimate goal for a place when I get older: I want to live on my own property in the Philippines, 5 acres, construct a mansion or compound, and reside with trustworthy family members and friends. Slightly isolated and secure from exterior threats are preferable. Additionally, maintain my property in the United States.
A bit more Se HA stereotypically though.

How do you dress or manage your appearance?

Regularly, I dress with the same dark blue jeans, button down, and vest. Greased back hair, and Adidas shoes. Although if I am forced to wake up early in the morning, I am too lazy to get dressed. So I will often wear sweatpants, etc. But later in the day, I regret that I was too lazy to dress properly.
Si PoLR.

I am very judgmental but rarely voice my opinions when the subject does not matter or hold significant pragmatic/economic incentive or value to me. I do not tell other people what to do unless it affects my life, and I expect the same treatment. This only applies to people I do not have strong attachment to. People that I trust and am emotionally invested, I am very strict and direct in sharing my opinion when I agree or disagree with something.
More Te base

I have also begun to consider the possibility of being SLI or LSE-Si. I am most likely E8.
No way you'd be SLI or LSE-Si, too little Si for that

I read a post from UDP about ESTJ-Si and having interrogating attitudes towards people/questioning people. I share very similar qualities in those aspects and a lot of his other posts.
Seriously, that would make a lot of people LSE-Si. This is completely not type specific. Instead of reading about a lot of irrelevant detail that's not specific (check out Forer effect too), what's wrong with reading information element definitions/descriptions?

The only way to really annoy me, is tell me what to do- primarily when it is about insignificant details or hypocrisy, from an individual that I view as unqualified or immoral. Example: I was at a volleyball practice. I was waiting in line to be next for a passing drill and my foot was slightly on the line for the court. I was completely away from the player on the court. A domineering player behind yelled at me to back up. During situations like this, I always ignore the person and continue to pretend that I did not hear them.
Curiosity - how do the other LIEs on here relate to this?