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Thread: Member Questionnaire- Sweet, Short, and Simple :>

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  1. #16
    Cosmic Teapot's Avatar
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    likes to experiment in order to make everything more efficient even if turns out to be less efficient and irritating (for others) in the short term.
    LIE can change their mind often. They are like human Advent calenders - every day something new happens. (New working hours, tables in different places or the LIE decides to work alone only to return a week later because he can't stand being alone). An outsider never knows what going on in their head because they come up with the most unusual solutions
    Overly trusting sometimes, not pushy (indirectly at best) does not try to control people and makes sure no one tries to control him. Will behave like a child to make that clear - by demonstratively overstepping boundaries (not personal boundaries, just house rules or the like) , talk back and provoke

    On optimism (Reinin trait) and planning for the future:
    One time the LIE had a plan where we would finish three projects by the following month. The SLI and I never believed it would work out (and it didn't because other projects and details needed maintenance) but in his head it was completely possible
    LIE make optimistic prognoses for the future and have a picture in their head what they want from life. They always make plans and if you have a role in his future plans - you will know

    On improvement:
    LIE believe bad habits need to be eradicated: self optimization. They also try to improve other's habits by making suggestions, sharing knowledge (books) or by straight talk

    Hidden Agenda Se:
    LIE are insecure about how they look. They try to hide it but look closely and you see someone who thinks he is an ugly duckling although they put (inconsistent!) effort into staying healthy and fit. They can try to pursue a low carb diet and ditch it in the next moment.
    When a LIE is in bad spirits you will see it in Si-Porl first: jogging pants instead of jeans, bad sleeping pattern, unhealthy diet, doesn't talk about new ideas- when a LIE is in good spirits he will do sports, look after his diet be more active and sociable again
    And they are a bit shy, may bump into things, forgetful of (and don't care about ) surroundings

    Impatient: When a LIE says we will test something for two weeks he means 4 days. "Tell me in a week" means tomorrow, evening.
    Will organize events and invite people. Often. It's like their whole live spins around 1.their business 2.Recruiting a life partner 3.Friends and exciting activities

    Hardworking. Both are. But ESTj have so many projects going on that they may not get enough sleep. They manage time very badly (can't accurately imagine how long something will take) and describe themselves as "spontaneous" (which, from the standpoint of someone who doesn't plan anything, completely inaccurate)

    Their presence is "softer" in comparison to LIE. More down to earth, calmer and don't seem to try to figure out the person they are talking to. They are not in a hurry to meet life goals and be ahead of others.
    Have no grand visions about the future, plan for short term.

    Caring: They appreciate kind people, but other than the LIE they will say it directly when they think you are nice, and since they are negativists they won't try to flirt right away. They don't make sex jokes and don't try to test boundaries.
    Respectful and patient.

    Look out for their friends, makes sure they keep up, will explain, inform about plan changes, may yield to other people's plans and look for guidance on what to do next and how long it will take.
    Some LIE will say "but I am not heartless. I also care about others!" Yes, but it works like this: Lets say LSE and LIE are on trip in the forest with their friends. On of those friends slips out and lands in the mud. The LIE will expect them to get up and deal with it because ESI will do exactly that.The LSE will probably see if he can help and never do this again because uhh mud.

    No experiments that might hinder the work process. It is about planning and implementation. Creativity (in the form of new gadgets, optimization ) comes at the end. LSE optimize what is and accept people who who they are. They don't try to sculpt someone into a better human being by criticizing current habits, but work as a pillar in your life.
    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 02-26-2017 at 09:25 PM.

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