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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanRen View Post

    Since my last post, I have began to side with being ESTj/LSE - Si. I have came to this conclusion after reviewing the IE Descriptions, Erotic Attitudes, and Duality Descriptions written by Stratiyevskaya.

    Erotic Attitudes:
    I do not identify with being a 'victim' in the Erotic Attitudes Theory. I identify more with 'caregiver'. The ESTj and INFj duality description seems very accurate to the relational development with my current SO. I always initiate physical intimacy, and obviously more dominant. But I also take a more 'caring' technique, such as fixing her car & electronics, carrying her stuff, buying food, etc. I realized my expressions of affection relate a lot to Si. I provide for the current moment and environment - making sure we are comfortable and safe. In contrast, I read that ENTjs are more mentally and intellectually 'challenging' to their partners. I do not really see this trait in me, as it feels like I would be 'attacking' my partner.

    Positivism vs. Negativism:
    Another primary difference between ENTj and ESTj is positivism vs. negativism. Primarily in regards to Fi and people, I am very cynical and distrustful of the intentions/feelings of others. When I meet new people, my initial impression is relatively negative even though I do not publicize it.

    Possible Duality:
    I believe my SO is an INFj. Originally, I thought INFj were 'deep', a bit out there, disorganized, and dreamy people. This seems like an exaggeration within the MBTI descriptions, as INFPs are often portrayed as lost artists. The Oldham Description describes her principles and values quite accurately. She is very gentle and outgoing but at the same time reserved about her inner feelings. Even after 2 years, I still truly do not fully know her deep thoughts/opinions. These characteristics are polar to me. I am much more upfront, and honest (sometimes too much).

    I retract my previous statement of not getting along with INFjs. I miss identified these individuals and believe that they are ISFps. I have noticed a few physical patterns with these people that I view as the same personality type. They are relatively 'artsy', a lot of them wear sandles with socks, some have dyed hair, dislike me 'watching' them, have a lot of dramatic displays of emotions/quick mood swings, and often are overweight. I apologize if this is offensive to anyone.

    Information Elements:
    I found the following quote from the Ni as Vulnerable Function very accurate, "when talking about the future, especially one's longer-term plan), the individual treats it as if it were accessible today and often is not aware of all the developments that must happen first." I associated my tendency to plan the future as an ENTj trait. But what I did not realize was that my plans primarily consist of the final results and not the processes/steps in between.

    I relate with the
    Oldham ESTj description about 95%, by far the most accurate description thus far. The only statement I have slight disagreements with is statement 4 in the first listing about "Belief in playing fair".

    My personality type search has been narrowed down to ENTj or ESTj. I think the only way for me to gain complete confidence in my decision is through experiencing intertype relations and understanding how I cooperate with each type. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you again for all previous help!

    Very interesting. ENTj or ESTj.

    I am ENTj, I have a few friends of both types, and my mother is ESTj. Honestly, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference between these Kindred types if you aren't actually in the presence of one or the other. In that case, the differences are almost unmistakable (to me, anyway), but they are hard to describe.

    Here is what I look for:

    ENTj's are quicker than ESTj's. They move quicker, and they jump from one thought to the next quicker. (What is quicker? -problem.)
    ESTj's seem much more grounded than ENTj's. They seem more solid, more deliberate.

    ENTj's are always thinking of the best possible future and how to bring it about, sometimes by using highly speculative methods which, while seeming speculative or even naive to a casual observer, somehow will still usually work, when other methods fail.
    ESTj's are much better at perfecting things which already exist, sometimes beyond all expectations, based on what has been proven to work in the past. ESTj's are more likely to implement something that stays within the commonly accepted rules, to ensure that it will be most widely accepted.

    ENTj's don't care very much about your opinions of them. They may try to understand your viewpoint, but it is usually for the purpose of understanding all the obstacles in the path to their objectives (you being one possible obstacle), or to be able to influence you into following their course of action. They often find out what you want, and give it to you (if efficient) so you will internalize their goals (basically, so they don't have to bother with watching you every minute).
    ESTj's care a great deal about your opinion of them and how you perceive them. They basically want to be respected by strangers. They can be less concerned with the opinions of their family members.

    ENTj's as supervisors don't micromanage you. They carefully and clearly assess your strengths (and won't tell you this unless you ask), give you an assignment that they think is just a bit of a stretch for you, and leave you alone to find a way to do it in the way you best see fit, only coming around to check to see if you need any more resources and to look at the final product.
    ESTj's give you detailed instructions (and need detailed instructions) for carrying out any task. They will frequently check up on you to ensure that you are following their instructions to the letter.

    ENTj's dress either like bums or with a certain expensive (if they get help) flair, because they like to be seen as unconventional; as the only one.
    ESTJ's dress with great good taste, usually because they have studied men's magazines and have excellent taste in clothes which are conventionally acceptable, because they want to be respected by the group.

    ENTj's often can be seen with a posse. You can call it whatever you want, but ENTj's like to have a bunch of people around them to lend them support. They may not ask those people for support, they may not seem like they need support, but they will still like to have a number of people around them.
    ESTj's never have a posse. They are solitary animals.

    ENTj's are positivists and will promise you the moon and the stars, but might only deliver a giant asteroid. On the other hand, sometimes what the ENTj's deliver is something that you can't get anywhere else.
    ESTj's are negativists and will under-promise and often over-deliver, but the product will be very conventional.

    ENTj's prefer to be in a chaotic environment, where they walk in and efficiently fix things. (In the past, one of my customers told me that I was like the 82nd Airborne, because I drop in, look around at the people running everywhere in panic because the place is on fire, assess things and fix the problem, and bounce out.)
    ESTj's prefer to be in stable environments, where incremental changes can make things better without blowing the place up.

    ENTj's typically either want to, or inexplicably find themselves in a position where they, run a company. Their methods are unconventional and they can be disruptive if things are running too smoothly.
    ESTj's make superb middle managers in large companies, because they fit in and work extremely hard.

    When relaxing, ENTj's are working on some other projects which will pay off in the future.
    When relaxing, ESTj's are either fishing or working on their boats and gear or their house or car.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-26-2017 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Living 2Day's Avatar
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    I have bolded the statements I relate to and included notes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Very interesting. ENTj or ESTj.

    I am ENTj, I have a few friends of both types, and my mother is ESTj. Honestly, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference between these Kindred types if you aren't actually in the presence of one or the other. In that case, the differences are almost unmistakable (to me, anyway), but they are hard to describe.

    Note: I have only known one ENTj, who was my temporary science teacher in high school. She was a Black American and in her 50s from the south. The cultural and age difference makes her not a suitable comparison.
    I know of female student in my graphic design class, who is either ESTj or ENTj.

    Here is what I look for:

    ENTj's are quicker than ESTj's. They move quicker, and they jump from one thought to the next quicker. (What is quicker? -problem.)
    ESTj's seem much more grounded than ENTj's. They seem more solid, more deliberate.
    Note: I have a face-paced/drive quickly. I want to travel to my destination as fast as possible. I do jump from one thought to the next quickly, but only once I feel satisfied and fully comprehended the previous topic. If someone moves to another topic without fully resolving/explaining it, I get annoyed.

    ENTj's are always thinking of the best possible future and how to bring it about, sometimes by using highly speculative methods which, while seeming speculative or even naive to a casual observer, somehow will still usually work, when other methods fail.
    ESTj's are much better at perfecting things which already exist, sometimes beyond all expectations, based on what has been proven to work in the past. ESTj's are more likely to implement something that stays within the commonly accepted rules, to ensure that it will be most widely accepted.

    ENTj's don't care very much about your opinions of them. They may try to understand your viewpoint, but it is usually for the purpose of understanding all the obstacles in the path to their objectives (you being one possible obstacle), or to be able to influence you into following their course of action. They often find out what you want, and give it to you (if efficient) so you will internalize their goals (basically, so they don't have to bother with watching you every minute).
    ESTj's care a great deal about your opinion of them and how you perceive them. They basically want to be respected by strangers. They can be less concerned with the opinions of their family members.
    Note: I do not care what people think of me but I do want to be respected. Another words, people can say, "I am a jerk, arrogant, sketchy, selfish." But as long as they know that I 'get the job done'. It kinda manifests as my want for them to be intimidated of me.

    ENTj's as supervisors don't micromanage you. They carefully and clearly assess your strengths (and won't tell you this unless you ask), give you an assignment that they think is just a bit of a stretch for you, and leave you alone to find a way to do it in the way you best see fit, only coming around to check to see if you need any more resources and to look at the final product.
    ESTj's give you detailed instructions (and need detailed instructions) for carrying out any task. They will frequently check up on you to ensure that you are following their instructions to the letter.
    Note: I will give detailed instructions/frequently check up on someone if I feel that they do not have the necessary skills/discipline to achieve my assigned task. This is only when I do not have any other alternative source/supervise. If I am confident of the individual's skills to effectively and independently complete the task, then I will not micromanage and only care about the final result.

    ENTj's dress either like bums or with a certain expensive (if they get help) flair, because they like to be seen as unconventional; as the only one.
    ESTJ's dress with great good taste, usually because they have studied men's magazines and have excellent taste in clothes which are conventionally acceptable, because they want to be respected by the group.

    ENTj's often can be seen with a posse. You can call it whatever you want, but ENTj's like to have a bunch of people around them to lend them support. They may not ask those people for support, they may not seem like they need support, but they will still like to have a number of people around them.
    ESTj's never have a posse. They are solitary animals.
    Note: I do know a lot of people/positive acquaintances. But I do not have any close friends or people I hang out with consistently. I am jumping between social groups and/or pursuing my own agenda. Most often, my friendships are temporary and formed upon mutual means of business/interests.

    ENTj's are positivists and will promise you the moon and the stars, but might only deliver a giant asteroid. On the other hand, sometimes what the ENTj's deliver is something that you can't get anywhere else.
    ESTj's are negativists and will under-promise and often over-deliver, but the product will be very conventional.
    Note: I try to deliver exactly what I promised. Nothing more, nothing less.

    ENTj's prefer to be in a chaotic environment, where they walk in and efficiently fix things. (In the past, one of my customers told me that I was like the 82nd Airborne, because I drop in, look around at the people running everywhere in panic because the place is on fire, assess things and fix the problem, and bounce out.)
    ESTj's prefer to be in stable environments, where incremental changes can make things better without blowing the place up.
    Note: I like to enter an environment that has opportunities for me to utilize my skills and be 'promoted'. Not necessarily chaos, because I want an environment that has a basic foundation and potential. People are aware of their positions/roles. In summary, I want a relatively stable/open-minded environment that values efficiency and authority.

    ENTj's typically either want to, or inexplicably find themselves in a position where they, run a company. Their methods are unconventional and they can be disruptive if things are running too smoothly.
    ESTj's make superb middle managers in large companies, because they fit in and work extremely hard.
    Note: A recent example of how I 'manage'- I currently serve as a staff/counselor for volleyball gym classes at my college. I have implemented an organized schedule for the classes. I lock the volleyball cage and removed the net outside the volleyball. Students are forced to set-up the net, etc before I unlock the volleyball cage. If they don't set up, then no volleyballs. I am very strict in keeping track of all the equipment and following my 'protocol'. But I do not force them to set up the net in a specific way, I just want it set up as soon as possible.

    When relaxing, ENTj's are working on some other projects which will pay off in the future.
    When relaxing, ESTj's are either fishing or working on their boats and gear or their house or car.
    Note: When I am relaxing, it is with my SO, often watching movies. I also like to participate in one of my pet projects such as programming and genetics, visual art, concept art, researching/reading, exercising, sometimes watching TV/playing video games for a short duration. I am a homebody. I rarely tinker with my car or electronics unless it requires repairs.

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