
The logical subtype constructs an impression of quiet force and confidence for themselves. They are rational and sequential in affairs; hardworking and hardy. Usually appear cool, sustained and collected, however, in moments of irritation they express their fury in demonstratively sharp, absolute gestures. Within a quiet atmosphere they are kind and polite, while keeping the interlocutor at a distance. Their humor is sharp, sometimes rude, and they bare a quick, mistrustful glare from under their eyebrows. They’re kind but also serious and guarded. Their gait and gestures appear harmonious, smooth and precise. Tends to dress rather monotonously, however, from time to time can also clothe themselves brightly, even extravagantly. Appreciate quality in apparel and often creates many outfits from a few articles. Thus they show concern for both their behaviour and appearance; though they often seem cold and inaccessible they themselves try to appear proper, equal and benevolent, while maintaining their advantages.


Steady and sustained: trying not to lose his equanimity under all circumstances. Reserved and polite in his statements, but can sometimes flare up. Very sorry when it comes out of himself in front of strangers.Authoritative, serious, has a well developed sense of self-esteem. He prefers to talk about what feels competent. Uses formal or well-tested sources of information. New theories, untested practices, hypotheses and assumptions do not trust.Interested in laws and regulations, is able to maintain good documentation. If you turn to him for advice, delves into the details of the case and gives specific advice.Reasonable, says a confident tone, convincing evidence. Very practical, does not like theories and inappropriate actions. In contact with strangers through indirect questions clarifies their position in society, communication, and the possibility of looking for land on which it can come together to solve common business interests.This is a man of action rather than reflection, and when the time comes to respond, he immediately focused under the changed circumstances, boldly goes to the risk, well-weighed all the chances and not losing sight of their interests.Enthusiastically received for a new job. He likes to act boldly, risking "on a major," prepared for this carefully and in detail.Rational, pragmatic, and hardworking. Very logical and practical in business. Punctual and obligatory, demanding to themselves and waiting for the same from others. Monitors the quality of everything. Do not forgive schlock and negligence. Effectiveness assesses not worth the effort, but on the final result.He lives by reason, it puts the above personal feelings, because of what might inadvertently offend his interlocutor, not giving any importance to this.Do not demonstrative, but he likes to emphasize the case for his services. Proud, if everything in life is seeking its own.Mobilized in advance in order to overcome future obstacles, having considered all the risks ahead of the current situation. Always a good feel for the real situation and is able to benefit from it. Knows how to properly arrange the people to do things, well-evaluate their business skills. Difficult to understand and less confidently assess the prospects of affairs and relations.The authoritarian and strong-willed person, but if needed, can be flexible in communication, even to go on temporary assignment for the final goal. Understands the importance of material incentives and knows how to use them, without losing their benefits. Showing kindness to others and friendliness, but in matters strictly requires unity and unanimity.Bored, if no use to his abilities, and if he is forced to follow through on something that he had lost interest or does not constitute for him a practical interest. Only a new experience, and frequent change of the lift of his vitality.Has to attract people attention and specific services. In his heart a little bit suspicious, distrustful and suspicious. Afraid of dirty tricks and treachery of those trusts. Occasionally prone to fall into pessimism and melancholy.Thinking about their problems, especially personal agenda, trying not to spend them in others.In moments of despair, in need of understanding, sympathy and consolation, but because of the distrust is often not decided to be frank. Often resorting to alcohol to relieve stress.Quite secretive, does not like him "climb into the soul" can avoid a direct conversation, skilfully put a person on location. Open heart can only be a very close and tested friend.Restraint in the expression of feelings finds a guarantee of seriousness and reliability. Proud and unobtrusive, does not know how to entertain guests, even the rare compliments to women. Experiencing difficulty in expressing their feelings. Afraid of becoming dependent, even to close friends.

Description by Victor Gulenko

Prefer to remain in the shadows, not to demonstrate their aspirations, but constantly hold their hands on the pulse of all proceedings around them. Outwardly appears balanced and phlegmatic. Before acting, checks all versions of possible consequences and only then enters into the game. Distrustful and careful, skeptic, conservative and realistic. Because they are not very sociable, may appear to be introverted. If they have their aim on a victim, they act slowly, by the method of the "compressive ring".

Sexual behavior

Tend to occupy a “wait and see attitude” as they are prone to doubt others feelings towards them. Their emotional expression may appear somewhat forced as they prefer to await the initiative of others; afterwards are tender and attentive with an aim of improving sexual techniques. Internally are sentimental; love uncommon adventures. Not quick to forget past offences. Have need of someone reasonable, flexible and diplomatic. Their partner should be affectionate, attractive, merry and optimistic.