Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
Take a look at LSE.
I was considering LSE as well along with LIE.

Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
This pretty much excludes LSE:

- Dislike repetitive busy work"
LSE likes to keep busy but I'm not sure they like meaningless repetitive 'busy work' but then again, most people don't. Maybe they tolerate it more than some types though.

Anyway, I would say Te lead. Common threads of productivity, business sense, personal and career development, you see yourself and others see you as intelligent, self-confident, and maybe a bit intimidating. The latter could be used to describe Se lead but I don't think Se lead is likely based on your response to the war and militaries question. The way you responded to that suggests strong but not valued Se. Also your response to the question "what makes you cry" -- seeing the weak suffering, wanting to care for them. It could be Si creative at work. The valuing of comfort.

Also your response to the health/medicine question was interesting. Your strong interest in maintaining your health could definitely point at Si creative but then again, I've known Si PoLR types who have been health fanatics, as a way of overcompensating maybe- like they don't know what's enough or sufficient because it isn't a strong function. Also you mentioned about being rather superficial when it comes to appearance. I see this more common in Se valuing types who want to 'impact' others based on the image their appearance creative.

Interestingly one of your values you mentioned was Time. Now this could be socionics Ni valuing but it could be also suggestive of Ni PoLR in the LSE if you are always concerned about your time management skills, worried about having enough time, etc.

There were a couple of things that could suggest Ni creative-
*Having long conversations about future prospects and forecast for humanity from a moral and scientific perspective. I would see the future prospects as Ni, the scientific perspective being Ni/Te and the moral perspective as the valued Fi.

*Interest in biology- the caring for organisms as Si creative, the scientific aspect as Te, but the planning and predictions part would be more Ni related.

*Your response to your relationship with society:
"I feel extremely emotionally isolated and mentally different to that of society. As a whole, I see us as a once successful race, but seem to have loss sight in our moral purpose and existence as a species.
Aspects or activities that effect the ideology of society as a whole, in which results in a different outlook that has negative effects long term due to growing inefficiency. Modern popular culture, such as 'YOLO', I believe it encourages unproductive and degrading behavior among the younger populations."

--I see lots of Te/Ni in here. Where society is headed towards in the future, the growing inefficiency and also the valued Fi- the loss of moral purpose.

So in conclusion, I'm not quite clear if you're more LSE or LIE but Te/Fi valuing is apparent and Te lead seems clear.