I do not think so. I have two or three LSE friends. One thing that I have noticed from a female LSE specifically, in regards to stereotypical LSEs... they talk so much if encouraged the opportunity.

Nothing bad either, often it is constructive and interesting topics. But they can go on for hours talking haha. In summary, I do not see much similarities. Additionally, I become very stressed, depressed, lost of energy, and procrastinate when it comes to busy/repetitive work, which ESTjs often have a strong capacity for.

I know of many INFjs because I am in a secondary major for game design and product development (artsy fartsy). I do not get along with them. I often become impatient with them and in return, they think I am blunt and inappropriate in my behavior. Sorry to be rude, but I often think that a lot (not all) of INFjs do not fully incorporate themselves in their success, thus not accepting responsibility for their own difficult situations. Instead they say, "why is my life so hard, I do not deserve this?"

Would you want a totally loyal and submissive partner in a romantic relationship too?
I do not want a submissive partner. I want a loyal and trustworthy partner, possibly snobby too. During the start of relations, I prefer her to make me work for it, but at the same time provide subtle hints and signs that relations are progressing. I am perfectly satisfied with my SO having their independent interests.

Basically, I want a person that supports my principles of striving to be a two-person team that values exclusivity, trust, honesty, independence, self-development, and an extreme ideology of us vs. them. The expectations I ask from her, I uphold for myself too.

My girlfriend of almost 2 years is a <I think> ISTp. We are both very jealous people. We try to accommodate each other by deleting our Snapchats and permitting the mutual use of each others' phones voluntarily. This may seem extreme, but for us it significantly eliminates our insecurities and strengthens our trust, in which neither of us are ever hiding anything from one another. In contrast, we each have our own independent interests/hobbies (pet projects).

Additionally, when she complains or states that she does not like a specific person. I will on purposely decrease my contact with that person and fully support my SO. Regardless of the situation, I will always prioritize the people I trust.