I agree with everything below, 100%. So I guess it is safe to assume that I am an ENFp?

1. Never tell Huxley "you should," "you must" and so on. At best, it will be perceived as a violation of Huxley’s freedom and the underestimation of his abilities. "Do not tell me what to do, and I will not tell you where to go."

2. If you want him to do something, offer work that is interactive, during which he will be able to interact with others and/or see something new.

3. If you want your Huxley to take up household chores - help him out, or better yet do them yourself. Believe me, it is much easier to take out the trash yourself in five minutes than to spend half an house removing bits of trash from all over the apartment. While Huxley will be eternally grateful to you.

4. Don’ be upset with his inconsistency - he is always looking for new experiences, new people and relationships, and likes building castles in the air. Do not look at quantity of his friends - it rarely turns into quality.

5. If he finds you interesting, he will always find time to meet with you, if not - a thousand reasons not to come.

6. If Huxley is smiling at you and laughing at everything you say, this does not mean that he is in love with you. He just likes to please people!

7. Huxley ignores another person usually when he was very offended by him or her, or if he is simply not interested in that person. And most often this happens consciously.

8. Do not pressure Huxley to give promises. It is necessary to distinguish phrases "I will try, attempt, give it a shot" and "I will certainly do exactly this." If any circumstances change, the promises may also lose their meaning and change.

9. Huxley does not like gloomy and miserable people if he cannot somehow help them somehow or comfort them. If you need support - he is always ready to become a "knight on a white horse," even if you aren’t friends. But constant whining and bemoaning has a depressing effect on him, and he will run off.

10. Huxley detests when someone is being unjustly hurt, especially the weak and defenseless, he immediately begins to attack the offender. Therefore, in his presence, try not to attack and offend anyone – otherwise you risk losing his trust and affection.

11. More often praise Huxley if he did something good or pleasant for you. He will never get tired of hearing compliments, and he will invent all possible efforts to justify your confidence in him.

12. Under no circumstances make scandals in public! Huxley will never forgive you if you accuse him of something in front of everyone. He will fight back by all means to prove how wrong you are.

13. You should not lie to Huxley. Even if he pretends that everything is running smoothly, this does not mean that he is not plagued by doubts. "You don’t know that I know that you are lying, and you don’t need to know this ... for the time being."

14. If Huxley considers you a close friend, don’t ask "Can I hug you, kiss you ...? '. Just do what you want, and Huxley can easily let you know whether he is likes it or not.

15. Do not rush to fall at his feet, for Huxley likes to win someone over, to surprise them. Before you do anything of this kind, make sure that he truly values you and that he is also invested.

16. Do not repeat too often, "I love you" – that he sees well himself. A kind, gentle look and a prepared dinner will be enough for him.

17. Take good care of his health, of his well-being. It is appreciated. If Huxley is warm and cozy, he will surround you with love and joy.

18. To support Huxley, it is sufficient to say that you're on his side, and those who are against him are spiteful and envious.

19. Huxley does not remember evil (will commit an offense and forget it) and he is not vindictive, he will not conceal resentment for long. But once you have seriously failed him, he will no longer go to you, considering you an unreliable and untrustworthy person.

20. Sometimes we Huxleys play. Play not for the public, but for ourselves. It’s just more interesting like this! We like to dream and come up with new ideas, but do not condemn us or accuse us of lying.

21. It is not true that Huxley likes to talk incessantly. He is just filling pauses in the conversation! Hence don’t be quiet and go mute, you should at least occasionally say "Uh-huh", "Yes, honey, you're absolutely right!” Speaking seriously, Huxley do not like pulling words from their interlocutor if he is not predisposed to the conversation. In this case, it is easier for him to talk of something himself.