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Thread: Member Questionnaire (luchoislurking)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (luchoislurking)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (luchoislurking)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    That question is very subjective. It can be interpreted symbolically by each person, in their own way. Some say beauty is only skin deep, some say it's in the arts, others say it's through expression. As for love, the same aspects applies. No-one knows the correct answer, but we all know that there are universal forces out there which create feelings, emotions, actions and images towards both aspects of human nature.
    What are your most important values?
    My most important values? To be honest, I don't really have many values, and any values I have, I like to keep to a minimum. And sometimes, they may change. I can't stand by my values/morals. To me, they aren't as important as keeping things going and intact e.g relationships, jobs, spiritual things etc. Basically, I am a simplistic person who goes with the flow regarding values. It depends on my customs, and how inclined I am to support them.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    Religious beliefs? To be fair, I believe in God. Why? Because God has shown me his existence, and how he works. And that he is the closest thing to truth we as humans will be able to find within this universe. God is everything, God is everywhere. God is love.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War is inevitable. There's no pint in protesting against it. War will go on, as long as mankind strives. War is fuelled by a bunch of greedy men, who want to own the world. There's no point in saying 'war is bad boo hoo! I hate war, and wanna stop it. This hurts my feelings!' when it's never gonna stop.

    What is power to me? What is power to anyone? Again, very subjective.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Honestly? Anything, and everything. I'm that kinda person who can sit and talk to anyone, about anything. The type of person who can engage a tree in a conversation about deforestation. Anything interests me. People intrigue me a lot. And their stories and interests also.

    What are my interests? Shopping, going to the gym, reading, walking, music (playing and listening to it), socializing, eating food, social drinking, writing novels, joking about and soccer. (Man, this is starting to sound like a dating profile..)

    Why do I hold these interests? Because these interests have captured my attention the most. I have became skilled in those certain fields and enjoy doing them.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Yes, I am. I am interested in healthy eating, exercising, the medical industry, drugs and self-cures. Although I don't always set a good example, I try to.

    Focused on my body? I guess so. Not obsessed, but focused on what I need to do to ensure decent health.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Who does 'em anymore?

    Irrelevant. Just do what you need to do get by, and things will sort themselves out.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    Clear and Present Danger (film based on Tom Clancy's novel). It was action packed, learned a bit about Latin culture, and the plot in general was good.

    The Three Stooges Remake. It was hilarious.

    Savages. Very interesting book. Seems to be getting good. The humor and wit in it is great.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I don't cry, I'm a rock.

    What has made me smile? Crude humor, bad jokes. Nah, kidding or am I? Just general jokes, nice things happening to poor people, people tickling me, KFC and practical jokes, you know?
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Hm... *dances around, ponders and sits back down again*

    Where do I feel at one with the environment? When I am with a large group of people, entertaining them and having fun. When I am shopping for food. Basically, I can feel at one anywhere and everywhere if I try hard enough.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    My weaknesses? I dunno, some people have seen me as too weird/hyper. But that is part of my personality. Don't like it? There's the door, Kiddo.

    What do I dislike about myself? Nothing really. I am usually a happy person, when I'm not feeling self-critical.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My strengths? That I am fun to be around, have good people skills, charming, can talk to anyone about anything. Can be logical, am good at problem solving, am a good listener, intelligent, wise and have my head screwed on.

    What do I like about myself? Pretty much everything. I work with what I've got. Work work work yeah work it girl yeah!
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Hm.. organization, I guess. That's it, really.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes, I am a dragonfly. Stuck. Helpless, panicing about life.
    I get scared.
    I need to talk to someone, but dunno who to turn to.
    I try to solve my own problems, but get deterred.
    Sometimes it lasts a while, sometimes I calm down;
    It depends on what worries me, and how long.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like honest people, interest people, people who are intelligent, people who aren't afraid to cause controversy. People who see it as it is. People who are ballsy. People with a sense of humor. People with character. People who aren't from TOWIE. People who have lived.

    All types.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I feel good.

    Someone who is experimental, fun and cool.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I don't want kids, but I guess to make sure all its needs were met, teach it not to be dumb and let it have the freedom to make its own decisions.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I probably wouldn't care much. I would probably listen to music, until they cooled down. Dang!
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Society as a whole is a sheep.
    The leaders are wolves.
    God is the controller.
    Life is a game.

    One problem? Hell, I can list more than one.

    -No jobs
    -No food

    The list could go on.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I choose the people I connect with the most.
    Like I usually do. Awesome.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    Curious. I like to talk to them, and hang around with them. Ask them how their day was etc. Usually.

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    Your type isn't very clear to me, but I can say surely that you are an extrotim and you probably value Fe. The thing you said about having "no values" indicates to me devaluing Fi, possibly as a PoLR. I'd consider SLE. Note that some SLEs aren't as "warm and friendly" as you seem to be. There's also the possibility that you're a masquerading ESE - these are difficult to identify for me when male.

    I would recommend reading about quadras, specifically Alpha and Beta, and I wish you well on your search!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacim View Post
    Your type isn't very clear to me, but I can say surely that you are an extrotim and you probably value Fe. The thing you said about having "no values" indicates to me devaluing Fi, possibly as a PoLR. I'd consider SLE. Note that some SLEs aren't as "warm and friendly" as you seem to be. There's also the possibility that you're a masquerading ESE - these are difficult to identify for me when male.

    I would recommend reading about quadras, specifically Alpha and Beta, and I wish you well on your search!
    Yes, I have thought SLE from the start SLE-Se specifically. I have idenified with SLE a lot, and some aspects of other types (SEE, ESE and EIE specifically). I am certain about extrovert, and I will look into both Quadras (even Gamma, if needs be)
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    I'm pretty bad at typing most people, but I saw some of myself (LIE) in the answers, but then there were some statements that were completely off from LIE, so I will go out on a limb and say SLE.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-07-2015 at 09:23 AM.

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    if SLE probably the Ti subtype, answers sound kind of muted but to the point similar to @Satan

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    if SLE probably the Ti subtype, answers sound kind of muted but to the point similar to @Satan
    If it helps any, I am certain my enneagram core is 8w7.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm pretty bad at typing most people, but I saw some of myself (LIE) in the answers, but then there were some statements that were completely off from LIE, so I will go out on a limb and say SLE.
    LIE? That's a first in Socionics I have gotten that in MBTI before, never Socionics.


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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    Yes, I have thought SLE from the start SLE-Se specifically. I have idenified with SLE a lot, and some aspects of other types (SEE, ESE and EIE specifically). I am certain about extrovert, and I will look into both Quadras (even Gamma, if needs be)
    Which specific aspects of SEE, ESE and EIE did you identify with?

    I'm still thinking Fe base and ESE isn't out of the question for sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    If it helps any, I am certain my enneagram core is 8w7.
    Not sure what this is supposed to help with, but I recall Satan/mercutio being typed as 7w8. By now I've grown really skeptical of anyone claiming to be a core 8 because in my experience half of these people turn out to be anything but an 8, and seemed to have typed into this type idealizing some of its traits. Naranjo picked up on the same trend, when he asked the 8s in his audience to raise their hands and then gently hinted to them that there isn't that many 8s in the crowd. But there's too little in this questionare to tell either way ....

    Otherwise answers sound strongly static and seem to be written all in present tense, like it's all happening right now, with accentuated subjectivity, so at this point I'd guess a static type with emphasized Ji function: Ji-Ep or Ji-Ij. Very different from the more flowy ESE/Ej writing.

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    I dunno how people are getting Fe base from him. Slightly casual does not mean Fe!

    it's a fucking internet site, and he's new, of course he's going to be slightly casual.

    sle works for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Not sure what this is supposed to help with, but I recall Satan/mercutio being typed as 7w8. By now I've grown really skeptical of anyone claiming to be a core 8 because in my experience half of these people turn out to be anything but an 8, and seemed to have typed into this type idealizing some of its traits. Naranjo picked up on the same trend, when he asked the 8s in his audience to raise their hands and then gently hinted to them that there isn't that many 8s in the crowd. But there's too little in this questionare to tell either way ....
    You also sound like you are idealizing 8's.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Which specific aspects of SEE, ESE and EIE did you identify with?

    I'm still thinking Fe base and ESE isn't out of the question for sure.
    Well, I am thinking S*E and EIE more. I can't see Si creative in myself.

    I resonate a lot with SLE, a bit with SEE and EIE. More functional usage than descriptions though.

    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Not sure what this is supposed to help with, but I recall Satan/mercutio being typed as 7w8. By now I've grown really skeptical of anyone claiming to be a core 8 because in my experience half of these people turn out to be anything but an 8, and seemed to have typed into this type idealizing some of its traits. Naranjo picked up on the same trend, when he asked the 8s in his audience to raise their hands and then gently hinted to them that there isn't that many 8s in the crowd. But there's too little in this questionare to tell either way ....

    Otherwise answers sound strongly static and seem to be written all in present tense, like it's all happening right now, with accentuated subjectivity, so at this point I'd guess a static type with emphasized Ji function: Ji-Ep or Ji-Ij. Very different from the more flowy ESE/Ej writing.
    IJ? Interesting...

    Well, I don't resonate much with 7, 3, 1, 2 or 5 as my core/wings. That leaves 8, 6 and 4. I resonate with 8's description the most. I see 8 the most in me, even in tests and from others' opinions.

    Do you want me to fake being a seven, so it fits the SLE-ESTp stereotypes or something? -.- Piss off.

    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    I dunno how people are getting Fe base from him. Slightly casual does not mean Fe!

    it's a fucking internet site, and he's new, of course he's going to be slightly casual.

    sle works for me.
    SLE? Fair enough.
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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    Well, I am thinking S*E and EIE more. I can't see Si creative in myself.

    I resonate a lot with SLE, a bit with SEE and EIE. More functional usage than descriptions though.
    Cool can you write about your functional usage then in terms of those types?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Cool can you write about your functional usage then in terms of those types?
    I know this is a little off topic, but is it fair to say that I resonate more with the way EIEs use their functions (especially Te and Si), but that my attitude resembles an SLE more?
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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    I know this is a little off topic, but is it fair to say that I resonate more with the way EIEs use their functions (especially Te and Si), but that my attitude resembles an SLE more?
    I don't see how this would be off topic, lol, this is your type thread. So feel free to talk about yourself heh. Can you describe more on the Te Si thing? How it manifests internally/externally. And your SLE-ish attitude?

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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    I know this is a little off topic, but is it fair to say that I resonate more with the way EIEs use their functions (especially Te and Si), but that my attitude resembles an SLE more?
    Ah I see now that it was a question actually about whether this is a good idea to conceptualize your typing this way.. yes sure I can see this working for you. I'd still like to know what you call a SLE attitude for yourself, though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Ah I see now that it was a question actually about whether this is a good idea to conceptualize your typing this way.. yes sure I can see this working for you. I'd still like to know what you call a SLE attitude for yourself, though.
    So, am I gonna go with EIE-ENFj then? I have properly figured out that my enneagram is most likely a 7wX, 8w7 and 3w4, and my Tritype is most likely 783. It seems to match pretty well, imo. And I am sx/so/sp, fyi.
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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    So, am I gonna go with EIE-ENFj then? I have properly figured out that my enneagram is most likely a 7wX, 8w7 and 3w4, and my Tritype is most likely 783. It seems to match pretty well, imo. And I am sx/so/sp, fyi.
    Sure that tritype explains a lot about your... "SLE attitude"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Sure that tritype explains a lot about your... "SLE attitude"
    Yes, because 7 and 8 resonate a lot more with the SLE attitude than 2 and 3 do.
    Personally, I think that people take Enneagram and MBTI too literally, which is amusing, but disappointing at the same time. The 'most common' types is just a guide thing, not written in stone. I know any enneagram type can be any Socionics type. There are some people who fit the LSI description, and aren't 7,9,3 or 8, but resonate highly with the Socionics type, yet a different Enneagram type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    Yes, because 7 and 8 resonate a lot more with the SLE attitude than 2 and 3 do.
    Personally, I think that people take Enneagram and MBTI too literally, which is amusing, but disappointing at the same time. The 'most common' types is just a guide thing, not written in stone.

    I know any enneagram type can be any Socionics type. There are some people who fit the LSI description, and aren't 7,9,3 or 8, but resonate highly with the Socionics type, yet a different Enneagram type.
    Erhm, not sure I'm fully following here, LSI is usually 1, 5, 6 or 9... some people tell me I can't exist as LSI 8, lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    Erhm, not sure I'm fully following here, LSI is usually 1, 5, 6 or 9... some people tell me I can't exist as LSI 8, lol.
    you're probably a sexual 1

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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    you're probably a sexual 1
    We will agree on sx here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    you're probably a sexual 1
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    We will agree on sx here.
    For me, or Myst? I'm confused.

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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    For me, or Myst? I'm confused.
    He meant me there

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    He meant me there
    Can you please bring that discussion to your own threads? It confuses people. Thanks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    Can you please bring that discussion to your own threads? It confuses people. Thanks.
    It was already finished before your question.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    It was already finished before your question.
    Then the case is closed. I'm going with EIE as my first choice, SLE, SEE and finally ESE. If I had to pick my top four choices in that order.

    I resonate the most with how the EIE Functions are presented in Socionics (even the shadow functions), and I agree with the description the most, even though I seem like an SLE attitude wise.

    Next, I am going with the second Extroverted Beta, because they use the same functions in different orders. That would be the next likely, if we are going by the Quadra I resonate with the most.

    Then SEE, as it is the other Extroverted Sensation type, which matches closely with SLE (they are cousins, I guess).

    And finally, ESE, because it was suggested to me by various members. I looked into it and resonated with parts of it, but I felt I didn't resonate with it enough to be in the top three.
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    Quote Originally Posted by luchoislurking View Post
    Then the case is closed. I'm going with EIE as my first choice, SLE, SEE and finally ESE. If I had to pick my top four choices in that order.

    I resonate the most with how the EIE Functions are presented in Socionics (even the shadow functions), and I agree with the description the most, even though I seem like an SLE attitude wise.

    Next, I am going with the second Extroverted Beta, because they use the same functions in different orders. That would be the next likely, if we are going by the Quadra I resonate with the most.

    Then SEE, as it is the other Extroverted Sensation type, which matches closely with SLE (they are cousins, I guess).

    And finally, ESE, because it was suggested to me by various members. I looked into it and resonated with parts of it, but I felt I didn't resonate with it enough to be in the top three.
    So feel free to put EIE in your profile

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    So feel free to put EIE in your profile
    Hey, I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but how do EIEs gather interesting, complex facts and use them when needed. Is that through Ti? If so, then I think my Ti is actually decent, but not decent enough to be a top function.

    I have thought about LIE before, and I have resitonated with some aspects of it, and I am gravitating toward the idea of being Si-PoLr, but they seem very technical compared to EIEs. Again, that could just be a stereotype that makes them seem that way, because of Te vs Fe.

    I know Gammas are serious > merry, and Betas are merry > serious (and I'm not a very serious person, on the forums at least), and ENFj/INFp (or ESTp, ISTj) are meant to be my dual, but to be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with them. I can seem to get along with ESFps, ENFps, ISFjs etc better.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    Hey, I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but how do EIEs gather interesting, complex facts and use them when needed. Is that through Ti? If so, then I think my Ti is actually decent, but not decent enough to be a top function.
    Depends on what sort of facts you mean here and also depends on how they are actually absorbed.

    I have thought about LIE before, and I have resonated with some aspects of it, and I am gravitating toward the idea of being Si-PoLr, but they seem very technical compared to EIEs. Again, that could just be a stereotype that makes them seem that way, because of Te vs Fe.

    I know Gammas are serious > merry, and Betas are merry > serious (and I'm not a very serious person, on the forums at least), and ENFj/INFp (or ESTp, ISTj) are meant to be my dual, but to be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with them. I can seem to get along with ESFps, ENFps, ISFjs etc better.
    Well do you relate to Serious/Objectivist or Merry/Subjectivist more?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Depends on what sort of facts you mean here and also depends on how they are actually absorbed.
    Normal facts. Facts you read in everyday life. Facts you absorb through reading things/watching TV shows straight to your brain. Facts you know are true and accurate, otherwise they wouldn't be facts.

    Well do you relate to Serious/Objectivist or Merry/Subjectivist more?
    I honestly don't know. It's hard to know if you're serious/merry on an online forum, because the majority of people aren't serious, because it's online and not a real life business situation.

    I'm sure most people can relate to both aspects in a sense, and can be quite well-balanced between the two temperments if they are mature enough (e.g merry subjectivist at a party, and serious objectivist in the boardroom). I never really go by Quadra Values/ Temperments, because they can be deceieving to me.

    I can relate to both, in different ways. I think knowing when to relate to/be merry/serious is more a part of human nature, than based upon Socionics Quadras. I can relate to both, and think that it's impossible for one NOT to fluctuate between the two in different life situations.

    And as for Quadras, it's funny that you're all pinning me down as Beta, when I click with Gamma people a lot more frequently, and a lot easier than the majority of Betas. I dunno, Gamma seems more natural to me, but it still doesn't mean I belong there.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    And as for Quadras, it's funny that you're all pinning me down as Beta, when I click with Gamma people a lot more frequently, and a lot easier than the majority of Betas. I dunno, Gamma seems more natural to me, but it still doesn't mean I belong there.

    Go directly to Gamma do not pass go...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    Go directly to Gamma do not pass go...

    Uh.. so imma Gamma Ray then? I don't think I'm ESFp, though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    Uh.. so imma Gamma Ray then? I don't think I'm ESFp, though.
    Never know till you try. I tried hard to fit in with gamma groups and did alright with them one on one. Mostly the SEE and ILI (they seem to get me better than most even though a lot of philosophical disagreements) interactions were pretty comfortable. It was when I was in a group of Gamma that I would feel dismissed. Sometimes it FELT like they were patting me on the head, telling me to stay quiet ,and let the grown-ups talk now sweetie.

    See how you fit in with a group of them? Beta will always welcome back the black sheep, that wander, with open arms.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Never know till you try. I tried hard to fit in with gamma groups and did alright with them one on one. Mostly the SEE and ILI (they seem to get me better than most even though a lot of philosophical disagreements) interactions were pretty comfortable. It was when I was in a group of Gamma's that I would feel dismissed. Sometimes it FELT like they were patting me on the head, telling me to stay quiet ,and let the grown-ups talk now sweetie.

    See how you fit in with a group of them? Beta will always welcome back the black sheep, that wander, with open arms.
    Yeah, well on other forums, I have been able to fit in very well with Gammas. They honestly seem to be attracted to me like I'm a magnet. It's like they just sense something off me, lol. I seem to fit in especially well Extroverted Gammas, though I can fit in well with Introverted ones fine too. They just seem to be naturally attracted me a lot more than Beta people do. Having said that, however, I get on well with SOME Introverted Betas one-on-one.

    For me, a group of Betas is a disaster, especially when ENFjs/INFps are there. They all seem to be repelled by my very existence, as if I am some sort of unwelcome object, lol. From my impression, a lot of NF Betas seem to think that they have a lot to offer to humanity, and are superior to the rest of us, and they are special messiah snowflakes who know a lot of things, when in reality, they are talking a lotta shit (yes, there are some decent ones, but they are hard to find tbh). This whole 'spirtual guide thing' throws me off, and so does the Idealist thing, especially in Beta NFs, but not as much in Delta NFs, because they KNOW when to tone that shit down, lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    Yeah, well on other forums, I have been able to fit in very well with Gammas. They honestly seem to be attracted to me like I'm a magnet. It's like they just sense something off me, lol. I seem to fit in especially well Extroverted Gammas, though I can fit in well with Introverted ones fine too. They just seem to be naturally attracted me a lot more than Beta people do. Having said that, however, I get on well with SOME Introverted Betas one-on-one.

    For me, a group of Betas is a disaster, especially when ENFjs/INFps are there. They all seem to be repelled by my very existence, as if I am some sort of unwelcome object, lol. From my impression, a lot of NF Betas seem to think that they have a lot to offer to humanity, and are superior to the rest of us, and they are special messiah snowflakes who know a lot of things, when in reality, they are talking a lotta shit (yes, there are some decent ones, but they are hard to find tbh). This whole 'spirtual guide thing' throws me off, and so does the Idealist thing, especially in Beta NFs, but not as much in Delta NFs, because they KNOW when to tone that shit down, lol.
    Going by this theory of socionics, my biological parents are LSI and EIE. and my stepdad was ILI. I was born into beta and have two very close IEI family members (one is my brother). Then I went off on my own path. Of course I ended up drawn to betas most and the rockstar atmosphere that went along with it but somehow ended up in a relationship with a gamma.

    Fortunately he was an introvert and we got along very well, after the initial issues of jealousy were worked out that is (we decided not to socialize at all, which was more his idea, at the time than mine). He did bring me into contact with gamma groups but I was young and did not express myself clearly and I stumbled on debating my ideas. I guess I was a bit too airy for the group even though I could grasp what they were talking about. I probably would do better now but I am just so not interested in being around most people right now.

    I am not repelled by your existence, fwiw. Have you considered delta NF for your type?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Going by this theory of socionics, my biological parents are LSI and EIE. and my stepdad was ILI. I was born into beta and have two very close IEI family members (one is my brother). Then I went off on my own path. Of course I ended up drawn to betas most and the rockstar atmosphere that went along with it but somehow ended up in a relationship with a gamma.

    Fortunately he was an introvert and we got along very well, after the initial issues of jealousy were worked out that is (we decided not to socialize at all, which was more his idea, at the time than mine). He did bring me into contact with gamma groups but I was young and did not express myself clearly and I stumbled on debating my ideas. I guess I was a bit too airy for the group even though I could grasp what they were talking about. I probably would do better now but I am just so not interested in being around most people right now.

    I am not repelled by your existence, fwiw. Have you considered delta NF for your type?
    I think that duality in Socionics can be off sometimes, tbh. I don't think they always get it right, lol.

    And I can't resonate with DELTA NF at all. I can't resonate with Ne and Fi as one of my top functions at all. I can't resonate with the idea of being an NF at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    I think that duality in Socionics can be off sometimes, tbh. I don't think they always get it right, lol.

    And I can't resonate with DELTA NF at all. I can't resonate with Ne and Fi as one of my top functions at all. I can't resonate with the idea of being an NF at all.
    I kind of used the process of elimination to determine my type in socionics. I came into it having primarily tested INFJ in MBTI (for years) so at first I was thinking EII would be the logical choice but the more I looked at EII the more I knew it was not me because it sounded too much like my sister. I felt very uncomfortable in a group of her delta friends. I always felt like I was making all kinds of social fuck ups around them and even though they were mostly polite about it to my face I heard what they said behind my back. :/ I knew that she and I could never socialize with each other's friends unless it was at a larger get together of mixed types.

    I am sure you will work it out soon but it takes some people years to get to know themselves well enough to identify and say yes that is how I function. The descriptions can often be misleading since it is easier to identify with certain behaviors than it is to be aware of cognitive functions in self or others.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    Normal facts. Facts you read in everyday life. Facts you absorb through reading things/watching TV shows straight to your brain. Facts you know are true and accurate, otherwise they wouldn't be facts.
    So you may have a *conscious* Te function? (In mental ring, Ego or Superego)

    Does not go against EIE. Doesn't prove it either, sure.

    I honestly don't know. It's hard to know if you're serious/merry on an online forum, because the majority of people aren't serious, because it's online and not a real life business situation.
    Noo, Merry/Subjectivist is not about being in a "merry" emotional state. It's about seeing the fun (emotional aspects in general) as separate from work (activities in general), meaning Fe valuing, and also about seeing the world, situations in a relativist way (Ti valuing). Serious/Objectivist is the opposite.

    And as for Quadras, it's funny that you're all pinning me down as Beta, when I click with Gamma people a lot more frequently, and a lot easier than the majority of Betas. I dunno, Gamma seems more natural to me, but it still doesn't mean I belong there.
    I also find Gamma rather natural, my two long term relationships so far were with two gammas (ESI and gamma NT), both relationships ended though.

    My parents were both gamma introverts, I am on very good terms with my mom (ESI). I could go on with examples.

    Theory says betas and gammas get along quite well when one-on-one, less if in a group made up of betas and gammas. I'm inclined to agree with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    Yeah, well on other forums, I have been able to fit in very well with Gammas. They honestly seem to be attracted to me like I'm a magnet. It's like they just sense something off me, lol. I seem to fit in especially well Extroverted Gammas, though I can fit in well with Introverted ones fine too. They just seem to be naturally attracted me a lot more than Beta people do. Having said that, however, I get on well with SOME Introverted Betas one-on-one.
    Yah gammas get attracted to me too a lot. So you get along with IEIs, LSIs?

    For me, a group of Betas is a disaster, especially when ENFjs/INFps are there. They all seem to be repelled by my very existence, as if I am some sort of unwelcome object, lol. From my impression, a lot of NF Betas seem to think that they have a lot to offer to humanity, and are superior to the rest of us, and they are special messiah snowflakes who know a lot of things, when in reality, they are talking a lotta shit (yes, there are some decent ones, but they are hard to find tbh). This whole 'spirtual guide thing' throws me off, and so does the Idealist thing, especially in Beta NFs, but not as much in Delta NFs, because they KNOW when to tone that shit down, lol.
    How do you identify beta NFs vs delta NFs?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I kind of used the process of elimination to determine my type in socionics. I came into it having primarily tested INFJ in MBTI (for years) so at first I was thinking EII would be the logical choice but the more I looked at EII the more I knew it was not me because it sounded too much like my sister. I felt very uncomfortable in a group of her delta friends. I always felt like I was making all kinds of social fuck ups around them and even though they were mostly polite about it to my face I heard what they said behind my back. :/ I knew that she and I could never socialize with each other's friends unless it was at a larger get together of mixed types.

    I am sure you will work it out soon but it takes some people years to get to know themselves well enough to identify and say yes that is how I function. The descriptions can often be misleading since it is easier to identify with certain behaviors than it is to be aware of cognitive functions in self or others.
    Yeah, my Dad is an ST Delta, and I am nothing like him, though we may seem similar on a superificial level. I'm not like my Mum, who there is a good chance is an Alpha SF, and I don't relate well to the majority of Alpha/Delta in general, compared to even Beta/Gamma, lol.

    Yes, I have narrowed my types down a lot, through the process of elimination. I have ruled out all Gamma, Alpha NT, and pretty much every Introverted type, lol.

    So, left I have four types, which I can relate to decently:

    1. ESTp- SLE
    2. ESFp- SEE
    3. ENTj- LIE
    4. ESFj- ESE (though unlikely)

    used to be on the list, but I can't see it anymore, after trial and error.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    So, left I have four types, which I can relate to decently:

    1. ESTp- SLE
    2. ESFp- SEE
    3. ENTj- LIE
    4. ESFj- ESE (though unlikely)

    used to be on the list, but I can't see it anymore, after trial and error.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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