Quote Originally Posted by glam View Post
ftr, i didn't just take for granted Varoufakis' ILE typing in this thread.

though at first glance i can see why Varoufakis might look Ej, i'm having a hard time seeing actual VI similarity between him and the Rock. take away their baldness (), watch them speak and how they interact with others, and they are very different imo. (i am aware of the existence of VI "doppelgangers", but i just don't see it in this case.)

i remember that old thread and how people were insisting that Dwayne Johnson is LIE, but i still think some Fe-leading EXE type works better. i had said that he shares similarities with Obama, which i still think is the case. certainly more than he does with Varoufakis.

Dwayne Johnson (EXE)
Full of Fe-speak, "infects" others with his Fe, deliberately & effortlessly evokes emotional responses from the audience - no sense of fakeness or "trying too hard" like an Fe-role type would do. it's his natural way of being. where's the Te?

Yanis Varoufakis (ILE)

Lacks the emotionality that characterizes Johnson's interactions and communication. dislikes formality (doesn't wear a suit and tie, unlike his counterparts, and resigned as finance minister via a provocative blog post). isn't motivated by seeking power, he was an economics professor before he got into politics. his doggedness at fighting the Troika's insistence of imposing further austerity on Greece is typical of an ILE vainly but valiantly "tilting at windmills" (and thus pissing a lot of people off ). EU leadership that controls the money is full of Te types and some LSIs - types that will typically not be that receptive to an ILE.

His Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/yanisvaroufakis

Thanks. This is what I think, but my ILE laziness didn't allow me to write it. Glamourama's thoroughness has bailed me out