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Thread: True and pissed version of me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Reading bullshit into my lines about my motivations is not gonna do any good. You're very very off there with these assumptions, wtf.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I did give OP an analysis in his other type thread before.
    Sorry, I must've missed it. I'll give it a look-see when I have the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No, not solid evidence, simply playing around with weak-ish correlations between concrete traits and type is no good to find what information processing one does in their head.
    I think behaviors and tendencies have a great deal to do with information processing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No, it can come from other factors.
    In the context of socionics I think it's a surefire indicator. Negativists are prickly and grumbly, positivists are ebullient and carefree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    This is even less related.
    Absolutely not. Emotivists tend to be tangential and free-form in their speech, constructivists tend to stick to a point/topic of conversation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I'm quite sure that Ti valuing types can have this knowledge too.
    Okay, I'll give you that. But Te is often associated with factual information, which is what OP was offering there. Plus, you're the one who thinks he's a Te-ego.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Well we will see that. *skepticism*
    *Confidence* We will indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Because I don't agree with you? LOL
    No, becuz you think he's Gamma SF.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Ah and I see gamma SF primarily because of his posts on the forum so far indicating Fi valuing, high S with weak and devalued Ne and Ti. If OP is interested I will gladly find those posts for him.
    So we agree on some things. Nice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olduvai View Post
    I think behaviors and tendencies have a great deal to do with information processing.
    There is a link but I find the correlations too weak; it's not a one to one relation as behaviours can result from different factors, information processing can't be derived from them directly.

    If you were to try and using such operationalizations of definitions you tried put all those traits together for every representative of each socionics type, you'd often end up with observations contradicting this version of the theory.

    In the context of socionics I think it's a surefire indicator. Negativists are prickly and grumbly, positivists are ebullient and carefree.
    It cannot be a surefire indicator as these are just behavioural traits again while the concept of negativism/positivism is not about that.

    Also, as above, I'm sure observations would not match up.

    Absolutely not. Emotivists tend to be tangential and free-form in their speech, constructivists tend to stick to a point/topic of conversation.
    "Tend to be", like, 60% of the time? That'd be a pretty weak trend for my liking if trying to type someone.

    Okay, I'll give you that. But Te is often associated with factual information, which is what OP was offering there. Plus, you're the one who thinks he's a Te-ego.
    Er, you mean Te valuing, not Te ego, yea?

    Anyhow, yes I happen to think Te valuing for him, just not strong enough Te to be in ego.

    *Confidence* We will indeed.

    No, becuz you think he's Gamma SF.
    And how's that a reason for anything regarding the quality of my opinion on his type?

    So we agree on some things. Nice.
    Sure, @nondescript's not gonna escape Gamma quadra that easily

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    There is a link but I find the correlations too weak; it's not a one to one relation as behaviours can result from different factors, information processing can't be derived from them directly.
    It's evidence in favor of. It isn't much, but it's there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    If you were to try and using such operationalizations of definitions you tried put all those traits together for every representative of each socionics type, you'd often end up with observations contradicting this version of the theory.
    I feel like that's true no matter how you choose to define your concepts. Socionics is pretty vague and imprecise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    It cannot be a surefire indicator as these are just behavioural traits again while the concept of negativism/positivism is not about that.
    Figuratively speaking, if a positivist is shown the "front side", they will continue to look at the front side. A negativist, on the other hand, will try to find the "back side". Positivists generally accept things at face value (at least initially), whereas negativists are virtually always doubtful. Negstivists are quick to contradict/invalidate. Positivists are a bit more willing to entertain ideas. You'll more often hear negativists use invalidating words or phrases ("no", "you're wrong", "bullshit", etc) when expressing disagreement than you will positivists, who are more likely to voice their skepticism by painting the topic in an ironic or absurdist light. Hence why negativists come off as prickly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    "Tend to be", like, 60% of the time? That'd be a pretty weak trend for my liking if trying to type someone.
    How about "more often than not".

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Er, you mean Te valuing, not Te ego, yea?
    Yeah, my bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Anyhow, yes I happen to think Te valuing for him, just not strong enough Te to be in ego.
    Well, maybe I can find some nore evidence for strong Te.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    And how's that a reason for anything regarding the quality of my opinion on his type?
    It was kind of a joke. As in, "it's ridiculous that you'd type him gamma sf becuz that obviously isn't the case".

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Sure, nondescript not gonna escape Gamma quadra that easily
    Dude knows about obscure nerdy shit like the 7 forms of lightsaber combat. He even has a favorite form. He's also very familiar with abstract theoretical concepts (socionics, jung, etc). I just don't think a sensor would venture that far outside of the immediately tangible. They'd be lost in the woods.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olduvai View Post
    It's evidence in favor of. It isn't much, but it's there.
    You sounded more confident of the LIE typing originally, lol

    I feel like that's true no matter how you choose to define your concepts. Socionics is pretty vague and imprecise.
    I find the real core definitions are not vague. Imprecise sure in terms of the basic IE categories being really broad meaning you have to be careful at what conclusions you can draw based on them.

    Figuratively speaking, if a positivist is shown the "front side", they will continue to look at the front side. A negativist, on the other hand, will try to find the "back side". Positivists generally accept things at face value (at least initially), whereas negativists are virtually always doubtful. Negstivists are quick to contradict/invalidate. Positivists are a bit more willing to entertain ideas. You'll more often hear negativists use invalidating words or phrases ("no", "you're wrong", "bullshit", etc) when expressing disagreement than you will positivists, who are more likely to voice their skepticism by painting the topic in an ironic or absurdist light. Hence why negativists come off as prickly.
    My problem with this is that I can relate to both sides of such descriptions of the dichotomies. The same with trying to apply it to other people too. All the reinin dichotomies if looked at in this way turn out bullshit whereas if I look at their core definitions from a Model A standpoint I can find some validity to some of the reinin dichotomies ...though I'm still a bit doubtful on that too

    How about "more often than not".
    Doesn't help, lol

    Well, maybe I can find some nore evidence for strong Te.
    Do try. Is @nondescript interested still, though? Let us know.

    It was kind of a joke. As in, "it's ridiculous that you'd type him gamma sf becuz that obviously isn't the case".
    Huh ok, would never have guessed it was a joke... IRL these things are easier.

    Dude knows about obscure nerdy shit like the 7 forms of lightsaber combat. He even has a favorite form. He's also very familiar with abstract theoretical concepts (socionics, jung, etc). I just don't think a sensor would venture that far outside of the immediately tangible. They'd be lost in the woods.
    I like reading Jung thus I can't be a sensor? No one on this forum is S type, as well? What sort of reasoning is this? Reeks of superficial MBTI bollocks, sorry.

    Tbh, it did give me a hard time at first and OP does seem lost in this theory so far, lol.

    So say, the difference is more like, S types will struggle a bit with N stuff, takes more time to process it but it's not like it's impossible. Also the examples here can be approached via other IEs too, not just Ne/Ni, which also helps in processing such topics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I find the real core definitions are not vague. Imprecise sure in terms of the basic IE categories being really broad meaning you have to be careful at what conclusions you can draw based on them.
    Don't vague and imprecise basically mean the same thing? Anyway, I think the lack of consensus around typings proves my point. Not that I favor a consensus-based approach to typing. Not yet, at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    My problem with this is that I can relate to both sides of such descriptions of the dichotomies. The same with trying to apply it to other people too.
    huh, I think the distinction in this case is pretty clear.
    Sometimes Positivism / Negativism is taken for criticalness, under which interpretation Positivists are often depicted as always accepting and never critical of anything. This, of course, does not hold up to scrutiny of statements of Positivist types. Positivist types will critically analyze the information that they have received, but the manner in which they relay their criticisms differs from Negativist types. Positivist types are more inclined to voice affirmative statements designed to point out contradictions, or depict the topics in an ironic or absurdist light in order to demonstrate their disbelief or critique something that they've found to be untrue; while criticisms delivered by Negativist types contains a higher proportion of negating, eliminating, or invalidating statements and propositions. Negativists are as if excluding, "cutting off", or barring information (or people) that they've found to be lacking by their standards. In general, Positivists are initially more open and accepting of new information (or people), but later may reject it; while Negativists have a larger initial barrier to "entry" of new information (or people), but have greater difficulty rejecting something that they have already accepted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    All the reinin dichotomies if looked at in this way turn out bullshit whereas if I look at their core definitions from a Model A standpoint I can find some validity to some of the reinin dichotomies ...though I'm still a bit doubtful on that too
    I'll admit, I do find the basis for the reinin dichotomies a bit shakey. Not the methodology they used to arrive at the possibility of more dichotomies, but how they actually "filled" those dichotomies and named them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Doesn't help, lol
    Oh stop, yes it does. Don't be so dense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Do try. Is @nondescript interested still, though? Let us know.
    Yeah, seriously @nondescript, we're trying to give you some answers!

    Another possible correlation:
    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Ok, I think, nah scratch that, BELIEVE this is it! The full truth that fits me both in MBTI and in Socio(stereotypes discarded). So, if anyone has ANYTHING more to add, please feel free to. Otherwise I'll lock the thread because it has done its purpose and oh boy did it do it perfectly!

    I'll be humble and just say:

    Thank you! (an awesome character ended his story like that and who am I to disagree with him?)
    Positivists, in contrast to Negativists, who seem too cautious and mistrustful due to their propensity search for and carefully investigate alternatives to anything, more often make an impression of being too single-minded, opinionated and stubborn, too oriented at "one answer", promoting and enforcing a singular opinion, viewpoint, or interpretation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I like reading Jung thus I can't be a sensor?
    Well, do you have any other theoretical/conceptual pursuits/interests? Do you have a diverse taste in music that includes many obscure artists and/or genres? Are you skeptical of astronomy, cosmology, and/or space exploration? Do you like sci fi/fantasy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No one on this forum is S type, as well?
    Not very many I'd say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    What sort of reasoning is this? Reeks of superficial MBTI bollocks, sorry.
    Oh yeah, let's just compare it to MBTI, that way we can dismiss it more easily! And you call into question my reasoning...

    Either way, I happen to think MBTI has some validity. Its concept of Fi in particular makes a lot more sense to me than Aushra's boneheaded "internal static properties of fields, like/dislike, attraction/repulsion, WTF/GTFO" bullshit. Hers sounds mechanical and contrived, MBTI's sounds empirical and derived.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    So say, the difference is more like, S types will struggle a bit with N stuff, takes more time to process it but it's not like it's impossible.
    Well, it depends on the type. A N-PoLR can only experience N stuff, they can't educate themselves on the topic because they lack the capacity for understanding norms.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olduvai View Post
    Don't vague and imprecise basically mean the same thing?
    Nope, vague to me: ambiguous, not clear in meaning; imprecise: not precise but it doesn't mean it can't still be specified in a way to have clear meaning.

    There can be overlap but they are not the same thing to me.

    Anyway, I think the lack of consensus around typings proves my point. Not that I favor a consensus-based approach to typing. Not yet, at least.
    The lack of consensus comes from how typology fans all have different theories in their heads about concrete manifestations of the information processing.

    huh, I think the distinction in this case is pretty clear.
    No because I can be doing both.

    I'll admit, I do find the basis for the reinin dichotomies a bit shakey. Not the methodology they used to arrive at the possibility of more dichotomies, but how they actually "filled" those dichotomies and named them.

    Oh stop, yes it does. Don't be so dense.
    If anyone is being dense here, that's not me. How on earth would it specify a *definite* type when something to base the type on is just "more often than not" related to type? Not better than my example number of 60%. Which is what my "doesn't help" comment referred to.

    Another possible correlation:
    Too many "possible" unverified correlations for my liking.

    Well, do you have any other theoretical/conceptual pursuits/interests? Do you have a diverse taste in music that includes many obscure artists and/or genres? Are you skeptical of astronomy, cosmology, and/or space exploration? Do you like sci fi/fantasy?
    That question was rhetorical, I know full well I'm S type, no need to analyse this. I do in general like things that have a basis in reality and many scientific theories do. Socionics and its jungian origins are not considered scientific but I still prefer to link it to reality.

    Oh yeah, let's just compare it to MBTI, that way we can dismiss it more easily! And you call into question my reasoning...
    No, what I was referring to was the popular stereotyped thinking by MBTI fans.

    Either way, I happen to think MBTI has some validity. Its concept of Fi in particular makes a lot more sense to me than Aushra's boneheaded "internal static properties of fields, like/dislike, attraction/repulsion, WTF/GTFO" bullshit. Hers sounds mechanical and contrived, MBTI's sounds empirical and derived.
    Sure, that theory is correlated to Big 5 and shit like that.

    Well, it depends on the type. A N-PoLR can only experience N stuff, they can't educate themselves on the topic because they lack the capacity for understanding norms.
    N PoLR also has 2D N HA so they can. And many topics can be processed by other IEs too as I said.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    The lack of consensus comes from how typology fans all have different theories in their heads about concrete manifestations of the information processing.
    Right, which is what you criticized me for doing. Even though everyone else does it. But apparently I'm superficial.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No because I can be doing both.
    Not really:
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No, not solid evidence
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No, it can come from other factors.
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    This is even less related.
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Nope, vague to me
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Too many "possible" unverified correlations for my liking.
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No, what I was referring to was the popular stereotyped thinking by MBTI fans.
    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No because I can be doing both.
    criticisms delivered by Negativist types contains a higher proportion of negating, eliminating, or invalidating statements and propositions. Negativists are as if excluding, "cutting off", or barring information (or people) that they've found to be lacking by their standards.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    If anyone is being dense here, that's not me. How on earth would it specify a *definite* type when something to base the type on is just "more often than not" related to type? Not better than my example number of 60%. Which is what my "doesn't help" comment referred to.
    No, it's definitely you. Ease your standards for a bit, this isn't science. I understand what you're saying and I respect your opinion but I think you're being stubborn and closed-minded (if not for the right reasons).

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Too many "possible" unverified correlations for my liking.
    You're so picky.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    That question was rhetorical, I know full well I'm S type, no need to analyse this.
    I doubt that but okay.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I do in general like things that have a basis in reality and many scientific theories do. Socionics and its jungian origins are not considered scientific but I still prefer to link it to reality.
    Basis in reality =/= sensation. Logic has a basis in reality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    No, what I was referring to was the popular stereotyped thinking by MBTI fans.
    You're lumping my thoughts into the same category as your reviled MBTI fans (MBTI is such a dirty word! err... acronym). You're taking the easy way out. I doubt you've even seriously considered the possibility that MBTI fans might be correct in their "stereotyped thinking".

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Sure, that theory is correlated to Big 5 and shit like that.
    I don't know anything about the Big 5.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    N PoLR also has 2D N HA so they can. And many topics can be processed by other IEs too as I said.
    But if a topic is somehow inherently Ne, then it can't be processed by Ni. Not to mention there's behaviors that accompany these preferences, meaning someone with Ne-PoLR simply wouldnt be interested in exploring such topics, even if they're rudimentarily capable of processing them via Ni.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olduvai View Post
    Don't vague and imprecise basically mean the same thing? Anyway, I think the lack of consensus around typings proves my point. Not that I favor a consensus-based approach to typing. Not yet, at least.

    huh, I think the distinction in this case is pretty clear.

    I'll admit, I do find the basis for the reinin dichotomies a bit shakey. Not the methodology they used to arrive at the possibility of more dichotomies, but how they actually "filled" those dichotomies and named them.

    Oh stop, yes it does. Don't be so dense.

    Yeah, seriously @nondescript, we're trying to give you some answers!

    Another possible correlation:

    Well, do you have any other theoretical/conceptual pursuits/interests? Do you have a diverse taste in music that includes many obscure artists and/or genres? Are you skeptical of astronomy, cosmology, and/or space exploration? Do you like sci fi/fantasy?

    Not very many I'd say.

    Oh yeah, let's just compare it to MBTI, that way we can dismiss it more easily! And you call into question my reasoning...

    Either way, I happen to think MBTI has some validity. Its concept of Fi in particular makes a lot more sense to me than Aushra's boneheaded "internal static properties of fields, like/dislike, attraction/repulsion, WTF/GTFO" bullshit. Hers sounds mechanical and contrived, MBTI's sounds empirical and derived.

    Well, it depends on the type. A N-PoLR can only experience N stuff, they can't educate themselves on the topic because they lack the capacity for understanding norms.
    Ah, ok. What did you have in mind?

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