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Thread: True and pissed version of me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spider View Post
    Skimming this godawful thread, this looks like the only constructive I'll try to build on it

    I've talked to this user in pm, and tend to lean towards a similar analysis (though for different reasons)... E.g. why should being tech savvy rule out Ti? I'd wondered about LSI before...

    Desire to connect is human... Not related to Fi. Though you could argue a different mood or goal or something within the desire being related to gamma Fi versus beta Fe, etc.

    Idk about "reluctance to be sharp and senseless"... I don't know that most of this stuff people say—especially when they know they're under observation—is very good typing material. After all, words probably comprise humanity's primary tools of manipulation. (and... If you're looking into personality theory, might nt you be seeking validation? And don't people seek validation when they feel invalid and, like, nullified by their surroundings ) Still, from method/communication style and even attitude, to an extent, I'm also inclined to think (though not positive) that this person would be positivist, emotivist, and decisive

    If @nondescript is cool with it, I can share some Q&A from when he was new. From that, I drew the above assumptions, and thought LSI or SEE... I've a hard time imagining ESI...
    .. Watching him on video, I'd think LSI could work. He kinda seems logical emotivist... But LIE s seem to like, hold themselves differently? But to demonstrate this I'd have to find a good celebrity example of an LIE and I don't trust anyone's lists, nor keep my own (too many typings, too relative) so this is energy... Expending would hurt..

    I guess he kinda looks LSI though, to me, maybe
    @nondescript, nobody on the forum knows how to type, that's why you're getting radio static. But SEEs might have a little more social finesse? I guess it's not impossible that you'd be SEE. But you ultimately have to decide, and wearing an incorrect type might make you itch, so don't listen primarily to morons you meet on the internet. On the bright side, once you get done typing yourself, everyone will believe you if you insist (because on some level they realize they haven't a fucking clue) and then your typing, correct or not, will inform their future typings... So essentially, they'll punish themselves for you.
    I'll check my pm later, but did you read the article I sent? If there's an answer, it's in your own head. Maybe a family member or close friend could help more than forum junkies (do I have a life? No, I don't)

    And why couldn't an LSI know seven forms of light saber combat... Especially if they had a 5 fix....
    Itch? What kind of an itch? What does it feel when you try to act outside your own type?

    And you are free to do as you wish. Thanks for asking tho!
    Last edited by nondescript; 07-28-2015 at 11:32 PM.

  2. #42

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    Also, Fe pisses me off so badly.

    I hate it when someone says "but think what the others-usually strangers btw-will think / be more quiet etc". I am surrounded by two identical personalities (my sis / my grandma) who drive me INSANE with their complacency. It's better to be quiet and have an heart attack than to upset a neighbour? Lol wtf!

    Edit: I don't know whether this is Fe or just flatout weakness and complacency. Sure there are laws, but there are things and then there are things.

    Also, people who act openly Fe tend to be kinda...opportunistic and manipulative. Especially the Ni variant(Adolf the FeNi ?) I don't like to hear what I want to hear, I like to hear what I need to hear. Otherwise, there'll be no progress. "Yes men" pfah!

    edit: otoh, I'm sure this is Fe and it's a gross, twotiming attribute.
    Last edited by nondescript; 07-28-2015 at 11:56 PM.

  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spider View Post
    I'm not sure that's exclusively Fe. Worrying what others might think could be related to not wanting to cause a scene— a trait possessed by many Fi valuers. And, while a lot depends on the individual, as a group, deltas are probably the quietest and least inclined to drama. As a group, the most outspoken quadra—willing to cause a scene if that's what it takes to stand up for their beliefs— is probably beta.

    Alpha Fe (-Fe) can reduce negativity and such in interactions. While I sometimes appreciate this, it can rub me really badly—if there's an elephant in the room and people are playing nice, I'm usually squirming, and people get mad at me when I bring stuff up in those cases. I'm trying to settle things, but some people see it as starting fights. Beta Fe has no problem hashing things out though, ime. Betas tend to be more progress-oriented (e.g., advocating political change).... So I wouldn't call most of them complaisant
    Yeah, I value hugs, kisses and shows of true emotion. That can really tranquilise me. Minimising negativity and avoiding hot topics is bleh imo. And when I ask for an emotion and get a categorical imperative? ...That's when I fly off the handle. I need emotions and affirmation, not worry for some neighbour who could be dead or dying from a plague for all I care(because, get this, I don't know him! Or if I do, who cares? There are more important things anyhow). If I need ethics, I'll just go to the cathedral while our luminous cardinal is there . At home I need different things.

    My Lord! I am Fe valuing lol!

    Edit: I don't care if I cause a scene as long as I do whatever I set out to do. Really, I act how I will and if someone has a problem with speak up! I'll be mostly within norms anyhow, so that person's point is moot . Maybe I'm breaking one of ten commendments and I'll end up in hell. And if that is really what it takes to go down be it! With all good DEEDS(not INTENTIONS!) and all...whatever. I don't care what anyone thinks of me-I am my own person and I'll be within rules(mostly). So if anyone wants to hate...Flame ON!

  4. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    A Gamma SF, when they're truly pissed off, would never apologize for their emotions, especially right in the middle of their rampage.
    I did not see it as an apology. See the next line in his post: "edit: time for massive dump of horseshit! Yeah, did you think it'd go without that? Well, tough luck! Better luck next time!"

    But OP can tell us what the intent was, sure.

    As for the ESE idea... OP doesn't actually look like the sort of person who'd get along with the -Fe of Alpha, lol.

    Clear devaluing of Ne in his posts on this forum.

    I could go further and point out your various showcases of Fe throughout the thread, but you get my point. I haven't interacted with you much directly, as I haven't been as active here recently, so this is a relatively unbiased opinion.
    Why is it not Fe demonstrative?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spider View Post
    Skimming this godawful thread, this looks like the only constructive I'll try to build on it

    I've talked to this user in pm, and tend to lean towards a similar analysis (though for different reasons)... E.g. why should being tech savvy rule out Ti? I'd wondered about LSI before...
    Based on your analysis, OP shares C-D thinking, positivism, emotivism, decisive with LSI... as an SEE.

    I considered LSI originally when others suggested it but I can't see Ti leading here at all. Ti PoLR much more easily.

    .. Watching him on video, I'd think LSI could work. He kinda seems logical emotivist...
    What seems logical about OP? I see him as freely expressing Fi opinions.

    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    I wanted to answer some of these. It can't hurt.

    1. I kinda am not, but both this and my Explosive nature could have a medical explanation. I was reading about eds and it said that an explosive personality could be because of a faulty limbic system. And not feeling emotions(I feel them like some chargeup instead of how they should feel like) + being Explosive could very well lead to a faulty amygdala or whatever. Sadly, I currently have no resources to spend on this kind of endeavour. But to answer the question: NOT REALLY, unless they're overexcited. That's exactly why I feel only rage. I don't even feel fear, only repulsion, disgust, that kind of thing.
    Can you explain the bolded a bit more?

    2. I ask someone or read somewhere. Why? Ah how Adept am I? I kinda am not. But I like it when someone explains how to detect functionalities, efficiencies, act in the moment etc.
    Te superid

    3. No, just no. Everyone is free to speak to their heart's desire even if it's balderdash.
    Ti PoLR

  5. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I did not see it as an apology. See the next line in his post: "edit: time for massive dump of horseshit! Yeah, did you think it'd go without that? Well, tough luck! Better luck next time!"

    But OP can tell us what the intent was, sure.

    As for the ESE idea... OP doesn't actually look like the sort of person who'd get along with the -Fe of Alpha, lol.

    Clear devaluing of Ne in his posts on this forum.

    Why is it not Fe demonstrative?

    Based on your analysis, OP shares C-D thinking, positivism, emotivism, decisive with LSI... as an SEE.

    I considered LSI originally when others suggested it but I can't see Ti leading here at all. Ti PoLR much more easily.

    What seems logical about OP? I see him as freely expressing Fi opinions.

    Can you explain the bolded a bit more?

    Te superid

    Ti PoLR
    ofc I can explain the bolded bit. I've grown up in an Alpha family in an Alpha country. So, it's perfectly natural to expect me to view emotions as something...glorious. Like when I'm sad(which I can't be), I'm supposed to just completely let myself go and do all the faces + tears + everything. Thing is, emotions are as idealised here as they are in Italy or in Spain or in countries like that.

    I just feel sadness as a downed state of energy. Happiness as an increased state of energy...maybe it should be like that, but this culture keeps sending me the wrong signals? Anyhow, I feel both without an ounce of external signs. When infatuated, I just want to be near that person, perhaps hug her or hold her hand(provided she isn't Plague ridden )...and some other thing I'm sure you know which it is. But I don't feel, neither have I felt anything that resembles what Neruda wrote about. But then again, maybe my piss poor Ti is misunderstanding things and is actually overexcited and Hence I try to analyse even emotions. And I set the wrong expactation-I sincerely doubt that even Fe Dom's can feel like Pablo did. idk how they should feel like. They should feel as I experience them ultimately. That's all that matters.

  6. #46

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Yeah, I value hugs, kisses and shows of true emotion. That can really tranquilise me. Minimising negativity and avoiding hot topics is bleh imo. And when I ask for an emotion and get a categorical imperative? ...That's when I fly off the handle. I need emotions and affirmation, not worry for some neighbour who could be dead or dying from a plague for all I care(because, get this, I don't know him! Or if I do, who cares? There are more important things anyhow). If I need ethics, I'll just go to the cathedral while our luminous cardinal is there . At home I need different things.

    My Lord! I am Fe valuing lol!

    Edit: I don't care if I cause a scene as long as I do whatever I set out to do. Really, I act how I will and if someone has a problem with speak up! I'll be mostly within norms anyhow, so that person's point is moot . Maybe I'm breaking one of ten commendments and I'll end up in hell. And if that is really what it takes to go down be it! With all good DEEDS(not INTENTIONS!) and all...whatever. I don't care what anyone thinks of me-I am my own person and I'll be within rules(mostly). So if anyone wants to hate...Flame ON!
    I just wanted to reply that this actually is not Fe. It's a want to get affirmation-a common human need outside of this system. I got carried out a bit and got to the wrong conclussion .

    I also wanted to say that I was trying to be humorous with the edit in OP and kinda unwind the situation. That level of anger is unhealthy and if not controlled will lead to a massive case of AVGN. LOL!

  7. #47

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    Which quadra do you relate to the most?

  8. #48

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    Which quadra do you relate to the most?
    That's difficult to say.

    Alpha is(or should be anyhow) very easy going, fun and tender overall. This is something I'd wish I was in, but somehow doubt it. When there are tests which actually give you what you want to be + what you are, I usually get ESFJ, that is ESE for what I'd want to be like.

    Beta is a quadra of serious hard liners where the delineation of the boss and the subordinates is very prominent. This is also the quadra that harbours unusually high amount of dictators and the like. Adolf, Stalin etc are all located here. Which is kinda expected given the nature of this quadra. I'm against these notions. Not everyone is equal, but everyone should at least be treated as equal. I kinda don't like this quadra.

    Gamma is an industrious and hardworking quadra. It is also very realistic. This quadra actually isn't half bad, but it is too...harsh. Nah, too realistic, but that's really not a bad thing. I am neutral to slightly positive towards this one.

    Delta is a humanitarian and dreamy, yet unusually productive quadra. It is a very nice quadra to be certain and from where the whole Star Trek idea basically comes from. I LIKE this quadra, but could I relate to it? I...guess.

    It's hard to pick. Alpha is very nice to be certain, Gamma is the most relatable and Delta is somewhere in between. Beta is unfortunately disqualified, but could still prove to be the one(hey! more unusual things have happened in the past!).

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Delta is a humanitarian and dreamy
    Besides "humanitarian and dreamy" F-N types delta has two T-S types.

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    Also, I'll delineate a bit:


    Extro: One'd be nice to be(ESE), the other I'm completely indifferent towards(ILE)
    Intro: I completely doubt that I'm either of these and I wouldn't want to be one of them anyhow(LII). The other is intriguing tho(SEI).


    Extro: One is a clown(EIE) and the other is a dictator(SLE). I think I'll pass.
    Intro: I am not either of these. Neither am I drawn towards them tbh.


    Extro: One is all kinds of relatable(SEE), the other is...uhhh no(LIE).
    Intro: Both are actually relatable for their own things, but the feeler even more so.


    Extro: One is for some reason very relatable for me(IEE) and the other is a no(LSE).
    Intro: Both are actually relatable, but the feeler even more so due to my decreased will and aptitude with handywork.

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    And also this:

    If I were forced to evaluate SNFT comboes:

    NF ~ SF > ST >> NT

    NF is ever so slightly in the lead against the SF and the rest is obvious. So, we are looking for NF and SF types. Because those two are my preferences. Particularly MBTI FPs. And then we cross one by one by one. This leaves us with:


    and potentially(these are of lower value due to being rationals):


    Everything else is off due to not being my preference. Like at all. And this should be about preferences anyhow.

  12. #52

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    That's difficult to say.

    Alpha is(or should be anyhow) very easy going, fun and tender overall. This is something I'd wish I was in, but somehow doubt it. When there are tests which actually give you what you want to be + what you are, I usually get ESFJ, that is ESE for what I'd want to be like.
    Hm well my mom is ESI-Se with quite strong Se subtype but in MBTI dichotomies she's more like ESFJ... forget trying to compare MBTI with Socionics on such terms, honestly.

    Beta is a quadra of serious hard liners where the delineation of the boss and the subordinates is very prominent. This is also the quadra that harbours unusually high amount of dictators and the like. Adolf, Stalin etc are all located here. Which is kinda expected given the nature of this quadra. I'm against these notions. Not everyone is equal, but everyone should at least be treated as equal. I kinda don't like this quadra.
    Bullshit stereotypes.

    Did you note Robespierre is typed as an Alpha? (LII)

    It's hard to pick. Alpha is very nice to be certain, Gamma is the most relatable and Delta is somewhere in between. Beta is unfortunately disqualified, but could still prove to be the one(hey! more unusual things have happened in the past!).
    If Gamma is the most relatable and you are going by silly stereotypes otherwise... well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Hm well my mom is ESI-Se with quite strong Se subtype but in MBTI dichotomies she's more like ESFJ... forget trying to compare MBTI with Socionics on such terms, honestly.

    Bullshit stereotypes.

    Did you note Robespierre is typed as an Alpha? (LII)

    If Gamma is the most relatable and you are going by silly stereotypes otherwise... well.

    Then by what should I go if not by the most common stereotypes(yeah I know it's bad, but how's one supposed to differentiate them then)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Then by what should I go if not by the most common stereotypes(yeah I know it's bad, but how's one supposed to differentiate them then)?
    Understand Model A

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Understand Model A
    Ding! That's as clear Ti as it can get...

    wtf I don't understand two words and a lettel???

  16. #56
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    You could start by amping up the level of details and aim for more nuanced stereotypes.
    Reason is a whore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Ding! That's as clear Ti as it can get...

    wtf I don't understand two words and a lettel???
    lol sorry for messing with your Ti PoLR

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