Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
They are trying to be worthy of recognition. Stating their merits. From Se perspective it's facts and evidence. From Te it's"look at my actions and what I've been able to do."
Yeah, in a sense I agree. But is that not the other way around? Does Te not like to present facts and evidence, and Se actions and accomplishments?

Quote Originally Posted by glam View Post
haven't noticed an "Se craze" thing, but as others mentioned, maybe it can seem that way online due to the preponderance of IEIs and other intuitives & introverts on typology forums. online there's also a lot of Withdrawn enneagram types and so-last instincts.

here in 'Merica, Se is certainly valued, but along with Te. right now i'm in a job-seeking stage, and everything is about competing against others (between individuals, companies, organizations), building up a "well-rounded" resume with a ton of activities and accomplishments, all with emphasis on making making as much money as possible. on your resume and cover letters, you're expected to emphasize all your accomplishments (i.e. brag) and "sell yourself". you gotta look like an extroverted, busy person with a positive attitude who can do anything and everything! it's stressful, really....

my friend living in Sweden (a Delta, non-Se-valuing country) says if you ever tried bragging about yourself when applying for a job, people would think you're an ass and you'd never get hired.

i think Western culture as a whole is pretty Te-valuing right now, but there can be a big difference between Gamma and Delta if you're looking at integral types of countries/cultures.
Yeah, I guess so. Social as a last? I don't think that means much though. So is my last/second last, and I like to be social.

Yeah, same here. They want you to have a load of achievements, sell yourself in your CV, and appear a confident, active, friendly person who'll enjoy their job.

Really? Dang. No-one here would do well in Sweden.

Delta and Gamma? Hm. I still seem to see a lot of Betas here. My Dad is Delta/Gamma (ExTJ, not sure).

Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
Because its description sucks

Quote Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
Because se suggestive ones get hooked on it as if it was pure drugs, sometimes we have an impression that se leads can do the impossible within the physical world, similar to what we can generate in our heads but not able to implement in reality. It's totally addictive.
Yes, Se can be addictive. I can see how people can think it's wonderful in a psychical sense, but sometimes it's nice to give it a break and focus on other Functions.