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Thread: How do ISTps experience Si

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    Default How do ISTps experience Si

    I don't get it... the ISTp I know isn't very healthy at all... He does a lot of drugs and is overweight. Could someone explain how ISTps use Si? And do you think an ISTp would ever say something like this?

    I am horribly out of tune with my body. I worked the entire time I had mono because I didn't know I had mono (I knew I was sick, but I didn't realize I was THAT sick) and worked for a week with whooping cough. I have always had a hard time sleeping. My eating habits are inconsistent. I often don't know that I'm hungry until I realize that I have no energy or I get a headache. I have passed out a handful of times due to dehydration and lack of the proper amount of rest. I have also had a few issues with taking too much stimulants and losing too much weight. People around me would scold me and try to warn me about the direction my health was headed, but I didn't see their point (at least not at the time). My hygiene... ummm... well, let's just say that I am mostly aware of my appearance because of professional reasons. I mean, I take much better care of myself than a lot of people do, but it's for reasons of practicality. I feel absolutely no motivation to make (or keep) my surroundings attractive. I do enjoy good food though. Sometimes I get almost obsessed with getting a certain food if I decide I want it. I also over indulge when I go out to eat or have whatever that food was the I wanted, to the point of feeling uncomfortable for the rest of the night.

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    Because they are tough maybe. And he may do drugs and be over weight because he is depressed.

    I think Si and Se are used differently with different people. Some, it makes them very sensative to everything, how hungry they are or how they feel in general. Others it may annoy that they are that sensative, so they try to toughen themselves up and ignore those "petty" feelings of hunger or irriation that they may think of as weakness.

    Just an idea.

    *doesn't understand much about Si/Se*

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    My husband did drugs (mainly marijuana) and stopped exercising/started drinking too much beer/got overweight in his early-to-mid 20s because he got depressed.

    No your quote (I assume that's you) doesn't sound very ISTp to me. Hmm or maybe a depressed ISTp. Did you write it when you were depressed?

    Now that my husband isn't depressed anymore he is desperate to get healthy again and has started the South Beach diet. *sigh* This means I do all the work and end up at least somewhat following it even though I'm not overweight and don't want to. Though I do weigh a little bit more than I did before I got pregnant with my daughter so it won't hurt me to take that off. . . I suppose . . . if I have to eat diet food.

    He is concerned about the house being at least fairly in order now, but as I understand it during his depression phase his place was a PIGSTY.

    Oh and I'm sure my husband would never forget to eat.
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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Default Re: Si in ISTps

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I don't get it... the ISTp I know isn't very healthy at all... He does a lot of drugs and is overweight. Could someone explain how ISTps use Si? And do you think an ISTp would ever say something like this?

    I am horribly out of tune with my body. I worked the entire time I had mono because I didn't know I had mono (I knew I was sick, but I didn't realize I was THAT sick) and worked for a week with whooping cough. I have always had a hard time sleeping. My eating habits are inconsistent. I often don't know that I'm hungry until I realize that I have no energy or I get a headache. I have passed out a handful of times due to dehydration and lack of the proper amount of rest. I have also had a few issues with taking too much stimulants and losing too much weight. People around me would scold me and try to warn me about the direction my health was headed, but I didn't see their point (at least not at the time). My hygiene... ummm... well, let's just say that I am mostly aware of my appearance because of professional reasons. I mean, I take much better care of myself than a lot of people do, but it's for reasons of practicality. I feel absolutely no motivation to make (or keep) my surroundings attractive. I do enjoy good food though. Sometimes I get almost obsessed with getting a certain food if I decide I want it. I also over indulge when I go out to eat or have whatever that food was the I wanted, to the point of feeling uncomfortable for the rest of the night.
    Sometimes I think and are not always 100% correct in their meaning.

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    I can also relate to that Mr Wonder

    I can also relate to this thread. My ISTp friend lives in the garage of his parents house. He has put sheets and boxes off to block off where the cars come in and where his room is. He was living out of home in another state and returned around 6 months ago. Anyway his room is quite Disguisting, clothes and ash trays on the floor.

    Anyway as to his health? He rides his bike a lot so hes in good shape. He also smokes dope ever day, smokes cigarettes, drinks a lot & will drop the occasional extacy tablet here and there.

    The way i interpret his is that he is simply calm a lot. He is happy to just sit on the couch and relax with a beer and zone out etc. He has a relaxedness to him.

    Another common theme he is displaying though, is that i also think he is depressed!!! Although maybe hes not hes just not showing emotion like most ISTp's

    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

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    I agree with depression being the cause; I'm all too familiar with it.

    When i do get in a state of depression, I abuse everything in, drink, illegal things...haha. I just don't care. When i'm not in that state, I'm extremely focused on my health. Sometimes it's shocking how much I'll abuse these things when I look back on it. Alcohol seems to be my biggest weakness. Sometimes I just don't see the point in limiting yourself to things that make you feel better even if it is temporary and not the healthiest thing to do. You only live once, eh...

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    what is Si like in ISTps while they're healthy?

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    Hey were here for a good time not a long time right??

    The problem with Alcohol is it is only a short term fix. It wont make you feel better for long unless you address why your depressed

    Nothing like a depressant to chase the blues away they say :wink:
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    And the thing is, i know alcohol just compounds the problem and makes me so much worse the next's generally just a bad feeling knowing you resorted to that to 'fix' things and yet I resort to it whenever i'm feeling low. I'm guessing that's considered being an alcoholic, lol. ah, well, at least i can laugh at it.


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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
    I agree with depression being the cause; I'm all too familiar with it.

    When i do get in a state of depression, I abuse everything in, drink, illegal things...haha. I just don't care. When i'm not in that state, I'm extremely focused on my health. Sometimes it's shocking how much I'll abuse these things when I look back on it. Alcohol seems to be my biggest weakness. Sometimes I just don't see the point in limiting yourself to things that make you feel better even if it is temporary and not the healthiest thing to do. You only live once, eh...
    *feels more sane*

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    if i am an istp, and i supervise joy:

    You are alright. I think your only problem is your relentless self-promotion. I generally think if you have an idea you should quietly and efficiently refine it. Also, relax. Also, you may be a drug addict.

    the subject of drugs, supposing i am an istp:

    I have a real problem with drugs. Whenever I take drugs recreationally I rationalize their use, and try to find an efficient use for them. I can't see taking the drug without a purpose. You know, smoking pot can't be used to relax. I need to smoke pot to more efficiently complete a task, etc. This is why I don't like using drugs recreationally. Also, it takes me at least 20 minutes to eat a bowl of cereal on drugs.

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    First of all, what are those functions doing in Rocky's signature?

    Second, now that my husband is healthy, his si is all about getting his health back that he gave up in his 20s for booze and pot (and way too many munchies). He is on the South Beach diet, and he rides his bike to/from work, and he got weights to put in the basement, and an exercise bike to put in the office, plus he uses the gym at work. He is determined. But it's a lot harder to take weight off in your mid to late 30s than it is to put it on in your 20s. Word of warning to any young people who drink too much/smoke too much pot and who might be reading.

    His cholesterol is a bit high, but just at the level where they start to consider it high. Still, this is a sign to him that he will die young unless he gets himself in better health. Health is a very big deal to him now. Our daughter's health and my health are also continually monitored. He keeps up on what our daughter eats and how much outside play time she gets every day, for instance. And even though I'm not overweight, he thinks the South Beach diet done not as strictly as he's doing it will be good for me because I generally eat junk. I suppose he's right.

    Also, he will not talk about exercise or diet with anyone. I don't know why, exactly, but I think he's embarassed that he didn't hold onto that when he had it. He used to do distance bicycling, distance swimming, and distance kayaking. So he was not only in good shape but very athletic in his early 20s.

    His Te is taking the lead as of late though. He's very into buying thing with broken motors, and then fixing or replacing the motors, and selling the stuff. Also, he wants me to start going to garage sales when our daughter starts preschool next week so I can buy stuff for him to sell on ebay. This is his latest huge hobby and he's really into it.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    About the reason ISTps get overweight / drink too much / whatever:

    My theory is: with not enough . Those are all things that make you feel good and give you good sensations, but on the long run they've got... well, negative potential. (Ta-DAH. Geddit? Potential? ?) I've often got the feeling that ISTps are a bit... impulsive like that, tied down to the present moment, to what seems a good idea at the time. Sometimes I'm more "organized" than my ISTp, simply because I've got a kind of bird's eye view on all the possible ramifications, consequences and future developments that might influence a plan. The weight, drink, drugs etc thing looks a bit like it. What do you all think? Is this typical?

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    The funny thing about consequences is that my husband can see every consequence of money-related things. I suppose it's . But he doesn't really consider the consequences of a lot of things.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    First of all, what are those functions doing in Rocky's signature?
    Am I not allowed to make fun of socionics now?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    First of all, what are those functions doing in Rocky's signature?
    Am I not allowed to make fun of socionics now?
    Oh you're just making fun! I thought you were taking those comments seriously. I couldn't see how you would seriously think you weren't ISTp but there's been so much of that kind of thing going on lately . . .
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Plus I think whatever type you are, my husband is likely to be, and no way in hell is he

    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    First of all, what are those functions doing in Rocky's signature?
    Am I not allowed to make fun of socionics now?
    Oh you're just making fun! I thought you were taking those comments seriously. I couldn't see how you would seriously think you weren't ISTp but there's been so much of that kind of thing going on lately . . .
    It has a LOT to do with the collective opinions of the INTJs about functions and how I either stongly disagree, or I'm not ISTP.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    He's an ironic ISTj.

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    Does that mean you want to be my conflict?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky

    Does that mean you want to be my conflict?
    Most definitely not. And have someone else give me that "you've just displayed weak Ti - are you insane?" kind of look?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stefana
    Between his/her job and hunger, the ISTp chooses to satisfy the latter. Stomach first, work later. Even if s/he is immersed in his/her work, s/he will not forget to eat, shower and sleep. S/he may also feel repulsed at those who do not care about grooming.
    I agree about that. What about ISTps who are caught up in a project of their own? Let's say they're practising the guitar or building a wardrobe or whatever. Something they enjoy doing. Is it typical for them to get so caught up in the moment that they emerge again hours later wondering where the time went and while they're feeling so funny? I'd say yes, but I could be wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    Most definitely not. And have someone else give me that "you've just displayed weak Ti - are you insane?" kind of look?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stefana
    I agree about that. What about ISTps who are caught up in a project of their own? Let's say they're practising the guitar or building a wardrobe or whatever. Something they enjoy doing. Is it typical for them to get so caught up in the moment that they emerge again hours later wondering where the time went and while they're feeling so funny? I'd say yes, but I could be wrong.
    I say yes, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Default Reflections on Si

    I don't claim for a certainty I'm an SLI, but it seems to fit, so I work with it. With that disclaimer out the way, I thought I would write some thoughts on how I recognize Si in my own life. I want to find out if anyone identifies, or if they in fact disagree. Your comments, criticisms, and contributions are by all means welcome.

    As my main function, I obviously find Si to be a big part of my method of operation. I have a good handle on it, but sometimes the opposite appears to be the case. For example, if I get involved with a project, I don't rest until it is done. I fidget through breaks. I rush through lunch. But all through it, even in periods of frenzied activity, I feel as though I am riding a flow of sorts. And so long as there are no external factors threatening that flow, I feel content no matter my level of activity.

    I also have a good ability of blocking out externals. For example, I can fall asleep with a loud party going on in the next apartment, or even in the room itself where I am staying (had a great experience with this at field school). Working up north here, I'd found that despite having a couple hundred black flies, mosquitos, and bulldogs buzzing around my head while hiking through a swamp (no exaggeration), it's no hard task to simply block our their buzzing and biting, and focus on doing the job. I find it extremely surprising to know I can do that. It is like I am in The Matrix and can tunnel myself through the physical world.

    Well, that is all for now... I plan to update this thing as more examples come to mind.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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    If you can sleep while there is a loud party going on nearby, then I doubt you're Si dominant.

    If you want a somewhat longer explanation, having Si as dominant makes you an introvert, and as an introvert you should tire easily of external stimulus. One characteristic of all introverts is a tendency for reclusion and isolation from the external world.

    Chances are that you're LSE and not SLI.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex View Post
    If you can sleep while there is a loud party going on nearby, then I doubt you're Si dominant.

    If you want a somewhat longer explanation, having Si as dominant makes you an introvert, and as an introvert you should tire easily of external stimulus. One characteristic of all introverts is a tendency for reclusion and isolation from the external world.

    Chances are that you're LSE and not SLI.
    I think novel thing in my mind is that I seem to be developing the ability to block off external stimulus by boosting what's going on inside. It's like a force field.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    For example, if I get involved with a project, I don't rest until it is done. I fidget through breaks. I rush through lunch. But all through it, even in periods of frenzied activity, I feel as though I am riding a flow of sorts. And so long as there are no external factors threatening that flow, I feel content no matter my level of activity.
    I identify with this 100%.

    I also have a good ability of blocking out externals. For example, I can fall asleep with a loud party going on in the next apartment, or even in the room itself where I am staying (had a great experience with this at field school). Working up north here, I'd found that despite having a couple hundred black flies, mosquitos, and bulldogs buzzing around my head while hiking through a swamp (no exaggeration), it's no hard task to simply block our their buzzing and biting, and focus on doing the job. I find it extremely surprising to know I can do that. It is like I am in The Matrix and can tunnel myself through the physical world.
    Blocking out noise/people to fall asleep - sure, can do and I 've done it. But things that get in physical contact with me, bugging me constantly, like your flies, mosquitos, and what not, not really. They usually irritate the shit out of me and in such a situation I'd exterminate all insects around me if I had the magic gun to do so. I am not sure how this relates to Si exactly but what you're describing here sound mostly like Te Ego to me. It could even indicate Si-PoLR in an ENTj as far as I am concerned.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex View Post
    If you can sleep while there is a loud party going on nearby, then I doubt you're Si dominant.
    Then you can doubt my Si dominance as well.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex View Post
    If you can sleep while there is a loud party going on nearby, then I doubt you're Si dominant.

    If you want a somewhat longer explanation, having Si as dominant makes you an introvert, and as an introvert you should tire easily of external stimulus. One characteristic of all introverts is a tendency for reclusion and isolation from the external world.

    Chances are that you're LSE and not SLI.

    Could an Si-dominant person not train him/herself to block out certain annoying extranneous sensations? I ask because when I was younger (like, toddler age) even the quietest ticking clock across the room drove me nuts, but after years of my mom making me deal with it, I learned to cope with it by focusing on other sensations (Si stuff) or, later, by going into my own head (Ni stuff) I didn't understand this at the time, of course, but looking back it makes perfect sense. Now, I can block out all kinds of Si annoyances at will by daydreaming/going into my own head.

    Doesn't the theory say that the third function and first function are both used, but never together? So then, it makes sense that an SLI could "turn off" his Si function by activating his Ni function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by songofsappho View Post
    Doesn't the theory say that the third function and first function are both used, but never together? So then, it makes sense that an SLI could "turn off" his Si function by activating his Ni function.
    I think it's a neat idea. But ignoring theory, do you think it is a matter of turning it off, or perhaps using it in a different manner?
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

  34. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    I think it's a neat idea. But ignoring theory, do you think it is a matter of turning it off, or perhaps using it in a different manner?
    I don't know. That you're simply using it differently is a good possibility as well.

    A story:
    A couple of months ago I was on a plane and bored, so I decided to take a nap, even though it was a daytime flight and people were talking and eating all around. So I grabbed a blanket and made myself as physically comfortable as I could, then picked something to think about/imagine and dove in... after a while my daydreams turned into real dreams, because the next thing I remember is the person next to me tapping my shoulder to wake me up.

    That's what I do in that kind of situation... whether it's "turning off" to "turn on" , I am not well-versed enough to say at this point. But I think it must be something like that.

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    so the point is maintaining a calm flow and focusing on it more than the other things... at all times...?

    like hiking through the woods could be a "zen-like" experience rather than one of feeling like just when you noticed one annoying bug and got rid of it, suddenly there's another one biting at you... and then as you get it off you, a fly starts buzzing in your ear, and mosquitoes start making that high-pitched squeaking noise... and everything is sticky and tiring and gross... and your bag is too heavy and weighing down on your shoulders, which are starting to ache... and really it's time to get this hike over with...

    the weird thing is I could see both states as ... the first because it's focused on maintaining a calm, paced, relaxed, "enjoyment" (not the "e" word!); the second because it's focused on the reactions to all the things in the environment or something...

    Anyway... I like it when Fmh talks about ... because it provides a perspective of being about slowing things down... bringing things into a calm... or something. I feel like it's leading somewhere... to a more complex comprehension of than the typical things said about it...

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    Well, both your posts kind of reminded me of something else: context. Think about it - you're lying in bed. It's night. You should be sleepy and sleeping. But there's a far off noise, or a bug buzzing around your head, or it's too hot, etc., etc. Point being - you can't fall asleep.

    But think about going on a roadtrip. You've been active all day taking in new sights and stressing your mind, but now you're driving somewhere - to a destination, home, or a hotel, but it's late. You're not driving, but even though the car is jostling you, and music's on the stereo, and maybe people are talking, you find yourself nodding off.

    Why? What's the difference between these two scenarios? Maybe this isn't an airtight example, but it shows the importance of context, something I'm half-proposing is connected with Si. In one case you expect something, so your Si is held hostage by it. In the other, you have no expections and you find your Si adopting to the flow around you. What I'm tempted to say is that I'm learning how to let go of my contextual expectations so I can 'liberate' my Si.

    Is this dominant-function behaviour or something else? I guess maybe I'm trying to figure that out.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

  37. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    Well, both your posts kind of reminded me of something else: context. Think about it - you're lying in bed. It's night. You should be sleepy and sleeping. But there's a far off noise, or a bug buzzing around your head, or it's too hot, etc., etc. Point being - you can't fall asleep.

    But think about going on a roadtrip. You've been active all day taking in new sights and stressing your mind, but now you're driving somewhere - to a destination, home, or a hotel, but it's late. You're not driving, but even though the car is jostling you, and music's on the stereo, and maybe people are talking, you find yourself nodding off.

    Why? What's the difference between these two scenarios? Maybe this isn't an airtight example, but it shows the importance of context, something I'm half-proposing is connected with Si. In one case you expect something, so your Si is held hostage by it. In the other, you have no expections and you find your Si adopting to the flow around you. What I'm tempted to say is that I'm learning how to let go of my contextual expectations so I can 'liberate' my Si.

    Is this dominant-function behaviour or something else? I guess maybe I'm trying to figure that out.

    Oh, great point. Expectations would make a big difference, and probably has a lot to do with context; unexpected disturbances in a should-be-quiet setting would be much more unsettling than the ones in an always-is-noisy one.

    It could be a mind-over-matter thing, but (almost) totally unconsciously... as long as the senses sense what you're expecting, you won't be terribly disturbed.

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    And Loki, what you were talking about reminded me of a discussion I recently had with my co-worker, who I believe is also ISTp. We were talking about swamp-trekking and how despite being muddy, rained-on, and bug-eaten, we really enjoyed it. Then one of us made the comment about how if you're in 'civilization', something like rain or stepping in a mud puddle is a 'big deal'. But again, it's all about context. If you're in the bush and you're wet and being bitten by bugs, you expect it - you're not surprised. If you're camping, who cares if you haven't had a shower in a few days? ...Well, some people, of course, but you see what I'm saying... You can 'tune' your mind into the current situation and find that flow.
    SLI/ISTp -- Te subtype

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    Quote Originally Posted by force my hand View Post
    Well, both your posts kind of reminded me of something else: context. Think about it - you're lying in bed. It's night. You should be sleepy and sleeping. But there's a far off noise, or a bug buzzing around your head, or it's too hot, etc., etc. Point being - you can't fall asleep.

    But think about going on a roadtrip. You've been active all day taking in new sights and stressing your mind, but now you're driving somewhere - to a destination, home, or a hotel, but it's late. You're not driving, but even though the car is jostling you, and music's on the stereo, and maybe people are talking, you find yourself nodding off.

    Why? What's the difference between these two scenarios? Maybe this isn't an airtight example, but it shows the importance of context, something I'm half-proposing is connected with Si. In one case you expect something, so your Si is held hostage by it. In the other, you have no expections and you find your Si adopting to the flow around you. What I'm tempted to say is that I'm learning how to let go of my contextual expectations so I can 'liberate' my Si.

    Is this dominant-function behaviour or something else? I guess maybe I'm trying to figure that out.
    I don't know what it is but that's one friggin great written version of something I am experiencing in my life.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Good point about the contextual expectations. Funny how much I have them and yet haven't really been aware of their existance, or been able to define 'em as such.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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