Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
Quote Originally Posted by Expat
ISFp as "slow to open up"? Not sure --
uh, yeah.
it took me months to get richard to open up....and he finally did only after I made the what-the-heck leap (his response was immediately after that). When he met my family, it took him a few meets before he relaxed. When he makes a joke or even says anything to them it's like mana to my ears. Even now, it's difficult to get him to talk about his interests and such, though after two years he finally mentions them a few times a week, and stories about his past are mentioned about once every 3 months or so.

(admittedly, though, he's a shy SiFe, so that may have something to do with it.)
I agree with Ann here. ISFPs are generally shy with their feelings, IME.