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Thread: New boy to type

  1. #41
    implied's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    IMHO he's ISTp
    6w5 sx
    model Φ: -+0
    sloan - rcuei

  2. #42

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    Where's Rocky, we need Rocky

  3. #43
    XoX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polly
    Where's Rocky, we need Rocky
    Rocky thinks he is ISTj nowadays Can he be trusted in ISTp matters anymore?

    Anyways many things you wrote about in your latest post sound like an INTj guy I worked with. But then again he was an intelligent computer programmer too and all of them probably sound a bit alike. My first impression from your initial post was ISTp.

    Do you feel you have somekind of mutual "correction mechanism" like mirrors do? Or do you feel you complement each other like semi-duals would do? Both relations should have some "spark" every now and then though.

  4. #44

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    Hmm having to think about this one. See INTJs and me see very eye to eye on things. Its more like their strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa.

    Like I'll have an idea pop in my head and he'll tell me how that idea could be realized. I don't know if others would notice it so much but we can really feel how he is creative in a far more introverted while I'm creative in a extroverted way. We joke we are going to be the next power couple because we work so well together in this way.

    Rather than corrective though I think it works different if your in a relationship together. You just have faith your partner's strengths so it doesn't really feel like correction. You let them work in areas which are their strenghts and they do the same. It just works out and things get accomplished with a fair amount of ease.

    There is really no doubt at this point that he's an INTJ. The more I get to know him actually the more it confirmed. We communicate in a way its very difficult for others to keep up. Other people in the room get quiet. They simply can't give the level of input we do on the amount of topics we both do. I'm always somewhat interested in what he's saying and vice versa.

    Basically, we stimulate thought and ideas in each other. I find myself excited even if a bit tired after these interactions. Not many people can hold my focus in this way and I'll drift off daydreaming sometimes when they talk (not on purpose). He can actually maintain my focus for a long time.

    From my experience, its only other intuitives who can hold my attention in this way. Normally after several interactions with a sensor I'll actually start getting a bit bored with the conversation. I think it has a lot to do with how I tend communicate via concept and theory. Its actually real work for me quite often to communicate with sensors because of it.

    With this guy, I can almost picture us talking in an almost short-hand way because we get each other so easily.

    He has exhibited some corrective behavior but not much. But its still pretty new. I'm the type to listen to that stuff but if I feel if its anyway becoming controlling I will sit down and talk about it. I guess that would be my form of corrective behavior.

    I never make people feel wrong for their behavior. I just point out that because of who I am, this is the impact its having on me.

    Interesting little factoid though: When I last dated an INTJ for 6 years my feeling scores shot up. I actually adapted and became more of a feeler for him. It was nothing conscious its just the environment we were in made it less necessary for me to think constantly and I became a lot more feely.

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