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Thread: Mayan Personality Types

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    NdFeB08's Avatar
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    20-1.png 20.png

    I really like these descriptions that make me sound much better than I really am:

    Personality:*Loving, devoted, artist, imaginative and romantic. Lack social skills but well-intentioned. Stubborn and uncompromising.
    You are gentle, well-intentioned and generous. You are also courageous, intelligent and have a strong self-confidence. You were born on the day for taking the guidance of your ancestors. You reflect the purity and brightness of the Light. You are imaginative and have strong inner ideals. You are stubborn in your efforts to realize your ideals.[...]*
    The Aztecs say that this sign is the sign of poets, singers, dancers and creative artists. These types of vocations show the inner connection with a higher power. You can be an artist, hero or an athlete, or a wise visionary that leads people. You can be an artist or an artisan in one or more fields. If you are more of an intellectual, you can find beauty in numbers, math, science and philosophy.[...]*
    Light, being the last sign, signifies that you carry within you the highest level of developed consciousness.[...]*
    Relationships are the biggest challenge for you.*[...]*
    In this life time you are going through many life lessons.*[...]*
    You may have psychic abilities and have strong connections with the collective consciousness.*[...]*
    Challenge:*To cope with the frustrations caused by unrealistic expectations.[...]*
    Solution:*Keeping life simple.[...]*
    Signs that contribute to your growth:*Light, Road Owl, Seed and Rabbit.[...]*
    Tone: 13 (Ascension)

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    Wow, never seen this before.

    The Mayan calendar has 20 signs and they follow each other, changing on a daily basis. Your birthday falls on one of the days of the 20 day cycle and this is called the Day sign. The Day sign shows your typical attributes. The core of your character begins to shape when you reach puberty around 12-13 years of age. Your life evolves around what your Day sign offers to you.

    Your higher self chooses your sign before you are born in to this world. You take into consideration your needs for evolving and growing spiritually. Your “Day Sign” provides you with your life mission that includes your strong and weak aspects. You forget all of this information the minute you are born, however. This sign guides you and reminds you of your spiritual essence and personal mission to help you evolve.
    Chicchan / Serpent

    Chicchan / Serpent

    Personality: Stable, extremist, powerful and charismatic. Has strong emotions or personal forces that affect others deeply.

    You have a strong body and you like to do sports. Your good mental skills provide you with tools to handle stress better than many people. You are interested in science and reading. You have an ability to uncover information that is stored in your genes. Because you like following new information very closely, you can be successful in the field of information technology.[...]
    You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking and have strong instincts and all of that makes you a natural leader. You are like a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. You carry high spiritual potential that can make you a psychic or spiritual healer.[...]
    You can recall the symbol of the Serpent from the Kundalini snake used in yoga or the snake used for medicine. You carry magical powers and have strong connections with the other realms, giving you the opportunity to obtain wisdom that is difficult to understand. [...]
    The energy you own is also about your sexuality which brings you the risk of becoming a slave to your desires. [...]
    By bringing authority and truth together, you provide quick and final decisions. [...]
    Challenge: To consciously experience powerful transformations.[...]
    Solution: Learn and develop wisdom.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Serpent, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Water[...]

    Your Galactic Tone
    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 7 (Reflective)

    * Mysterious
    * Magic
    * Beyond the realms of the worlds
    * Reflective
    * The flow of divinity
    * Dreams
    * Purpose
    * Arrow

    The 7, right in the middle of the thirteen tones, creates a bridge between the spiritual world; just like the top of the pyramid extends to the sky. You are involved in spiritual matters since birth. Your intuition and ability to receive guidance through your dreams are your strengths. The 7 energy is a mirror that divides the light and darkness.
    Your Trecana Sign
    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Cauac / Storm
    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.[...]
    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.[...]
    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.[...]
    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you. [...]
    You are a good son or daughter and a parent. [...]
    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Tree of Life Signs
    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Caban / Earth
    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.[...]
    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power[...]
    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine. [...]
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. [...]
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life. [...]

    Sign of Destiny
    Ben / Cane
    You are intelligent, brave and productive. You have strong principles. You are a risk taker and a leader. You have a gift for public speaking and you deal with the results. Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. Whatever you choose to do, you always stand out in that area. The source of your talent is your self confidence and belief in your basic values. As an intellectual and educated person you attempt to understand the human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists and politicians registered in history.[...]
    The Mayans define the Cane sign as the body of the Earth Tree. The Cane person stands just like the body of a thousand year old tree trunk. You have a strong character with an unshakeable confidence. This self confidence comes from knowing thyself and personal power which you display comfortably. Hardships of life make you stronger and you grow from it because you learn lessons from all mistakes and defeats. Besides your tough outlook, you have a compassionate and healing side to you.[...]
    You are the spiritual essence, protector and guiding light of the home and family.[...]
    You try to bring peace and harmony to all of your relationships in a tough and analytical way. [...]
    The empty Ney metaphor in Sufi mysticism is used to explain how the Cane is a channel of Divine Origin. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign
    Chuen / Monkey
    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.[...]
    Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person. [...]
    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs [...]
    You may be in the search for a perfect life partner. [...]
    The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality. [...]
    As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Cauac / Storm
    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.[...]
    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.[...]
    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.[...]
    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you. [...]
    You are a good son or daughter and a parent. [...]
    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain. [...]

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