Lamat / Rabbit

You have a mind that never gives up and needs constant stimulation. Therefore, you like to read, talk and communicate with people about every subject. We can call you an abundance magnet.[...]
Your highly developed aesthetic perception, bright mind and humorous manner allow you to have a joyful life. Your magic secret to a healthy life is having the ability to keep your heart light and humorous even at the most difficult times. This helps you to keep moving forward. You are a morale booster for depressed people.[...]
In general, you are very lucky and you have a fortunate destiny. The Mayan sign Rabbit symbolizes luck just like in China and it has similar characteristics in the Chinese culture and astrology. Your prominent feature is your comfortable and easy going way in the "real" world. You can easily become successful and always fall on your four feet. You have a natural talent that is embedded in your subconscious mind and that is the ability to make money. Efficiency and productivity are your main features.[...]
According to the Mayan belief, the good heritage from the ancestors comes to the Rabbit child in the family. This situation is described as a" star seed", which means that a bright future awaits you. [...]
Like all the stars in the sky you shine equally in all directions. [...]
You search for peace in your relationships. [...]
You may be a productive person as well as a pleasure seeker. [...]
Like a star that shines in four directions, you wish to live and share the feeling of unity by overcoming duality. [...]
Challenge: Keeping self under control to complete tasks.[...]
Solution: Avoidance of extremes and excess. Choosing friends and lovers carefully. [...]
Signs that contribute to your growth: Rabbit, Road, Owl, Light and Seed.[...]

Your Galactic Tone

The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

Tone: 1(Unity)

* Beginning of All
* The First
* The Whole
You like to create because 1 is the tone of creation. You take action quickly and possess great power. You are confident and you like moving forward in life.

Your Past Sign

Ahau / Light
You are gentle, well-intentioned and generous. You are also courageous, intelligent and have a strong self-confidence. You were born on the day for taking the guidance of your ancestors. You reflect the purity and brightness of the Light. You are imaginative and have strong inner ideals. You are stubborn in your efforts to realize your ideals.[...]
The Aztecs say that this sign is the sign of poets, singers, dancers and creative artists. These types of vocations show the inner connection with a higher power. You can be an artist, hero or an athlete, or a wise visionary that leads people. You can be an artist or an artisan in one or more fields. If you are more of an intellectual, you can find beauty in numbers, math, science and philosophy.[...]
Light, being the last sign, signifies that you carry within you the highest level of developed consciousness.[...]
Relationships are the biggest challenge for you. [...]
In this life time you are going through many life lessons. [...]
You may have psychic abilities and have strong connections with the collective consciousness. [...]

Sign of Destiny

Cib / Owl
Old spirits carry the wisdom of the ancient times. With the energy of the Owl you are in contact with the other worlds and have telepathic abilities that keep you connected to the wisdom of sacred places. You wish the best for yourself and people close to you but you eliminate the people that do not fit your high standards. Because of your teaching characteristic, you tend to look for position and authority in society. This is also caused by you being an old soul, in anticipation of respect. You know who you are when in company of other people. You discover that you have an incredible inner strength that gives you space for quiet, internal observation. This trait brings you wisdom, which is considered much more valuable than any archaeological treasure. To remember this wisdom, you can take an interest in ancient cultures and their spirituality. You can even travel to ancient temples and wander around. [...]
When you lack balance in your life, you may become numb towards life and be harsh in your relationships. At this point, it is important that you forgive yourself. When you are connected to your higher self, the temporary depression that may occur brings valuable lessons. After this experience, you develop a new perspective of life, a bigger heart and compassion. You are lazy but wise like the Owl. Even though you may lead an irresponsible life, you sail towards wealth with luck. It is possible that you will live a long and healthy life.[...]
Your sharp awareness of difficulties in life and of what works and what does not, makes you an excellent guide.[...]
The Mayans consider the people born on the day of the Owl, to be old souls that have come to this world to clear their karmas. [...]
Let us tell you a short story describing what karma is. [...]
Believe it or not, this is how the law of karma works. [...]

Your Female Sign

Ix / Jaguar
As a Jaguar, you are probably a religious or spiritual person, or spirituality plays an important role in your life. According to the Mayans, the Jaguar is the guardian of temples and the ones born on this day are trained as shamans. The Jaguar is also known as the magician; you are interested in religion, philosophy and spiritual subjects, and you also have the talent to become a master in them. However, you prefer to stay hidden. You cast your spells while being invisible and you like to stay distant from people. [...]
You are born with a deep love towards mother earth and you are directly connected to all source of earthly spells. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of the plains, mountains and forests. Therefore, you are in harmony with feminine energy and you like working with women in the community. You may also direct the love you carry towards the nature and try to do good things for the environment.[...]
Relationships are a difficult subject for the Jaguar. [...]
According to the Mayans, those born on the Jaguar day tend to become rich. [...]
Jaguar is an animal with strong night vision. [...]
The Jaguar's spirit lives in the temples and is called upon for help to assist in both material and spiritual ways. [...]

Your Male Sign

Ik / Wind
You have a strong, sincere, harmonious personality that can live sudden changes. Because you are able to make quick changes people may sometimes think you are inconsistent or fickle. You are unpredictable like the wind and have a hyper nature. Your extreme imagination and ideas keeps your feet off the ground. However, you must learn to be tranquil, centered and balanced. [...]
Spirit and breath of life. The Wind blows life to matter and brings new awareness to the world with its messages. You carry the power to spread good seeds and ideas. For example, you can talk about spirituality in a very inspirational way for hours without feeling a bit tired. However, you must be careful about the messages you share. You are very talented in communications and can be very successful in this line of business. [...]
The Wind that gives us life and keeps us alive (called “prana” in India) symbolizes the essence of life. [...]
You must be careful not to have sudden bursts of anger. [...]
The Wind sign is behind the power of natural cycles of weather, erosion and cultural change. [...]

Some of this is spot on, some of this is totally off. I also put my parent's info in and the descriptions were nothing like them. Basically bullshit.