Etznab / Knife

Etznab / Knife

Personality: Skillful, well-organized, can be a mechanic. Social, but has difficulty in intimate relationships. Conciliatory and self-sacrificing, but suppressing anger.
Knife is the mirror of reality. You create the sparks of divine intelligence, just like a flint stone. You are social, brave, skillful, hard working, filled with divine intelligence, talented and have great ideas. You are known to be polite, accommodating and selfless. The ability to separate emotions from reality (just like a knife) is your talent from birth. Since you are very detailed oriented, you are more interested in technical subjects. You are skillful in solving mechanical problems as well as a good craftsman. You can even be a virtuoso for musical instruments. Unraveling the mystery of veils and revealing the mystic truths is another ability you have.[...]
To be aware of contrasts means to see the world as an arena of conflict. To choose one reality over another means going in to a conflict and being a warrior. This painful awareness makes this sign a potentially difficult one. As a Knife, you tend to see the world as black and white. One of your positive features is; your approach to seeing things as right or wrong results in looking at and correcting yourself first. [...]
You have a mission of becoming the protector of truth. [...]
The Mayans say that the Knife people are healers and this sign is related to healing. [...]
Generally you are the person to solve the difficult problems [...]
Even though you are generally fair and sensitive in relationships, you may over react and finish the relationship abruptly. [...]
Defending the truth is more than just a political or legal defense. [...]
Challenge: Being stuck between thinking about self-interest or sacrificing self.[...]
Solution: Allowing others to take leadership.[...]
Signs that contribute to your growth: Knife, Jaguar, Wind, Death and Dog.[...]

Tone: 13 (Ascension)

* Bridge
* Pure creative energy
* Ascension
* Spark of understanding
* Connection to source
* Remembering

You are tolerant and sophisticated. You have unlimited motivation to overcome your obstacles and transform yourself.

Your Trecana Sign
Cimi / Death
You have a soft and feminine character and you are also smart, wise and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet and you manage to reach your goals. Your strong psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success. You can become a respected and successful business person. You are well protected from accidents and sudden death. Illness will not happen unless you create it. [...]
Do not be afraid of the word Death; according to the Mayans, this sign is one of the most fortunate signs. The most basic thing that Death symbolizes is “transformation”. The Mayan mythology explains how the heroic twins became gods by transformation. Death symbolizes the soul's evolution and the death of the ego. This is why your spiritual transformations are properly done and the effects will remain for a long time. [...]
Because of your strong spiritual power and guidance, you can provide others to have peaceful and calm transformations. [...]
Subjects like death, life after death and mysticism always interest you. [...]
You are lucky with love and may have many relationships. [...]
You have a political awareness, you commit yourself to social services or at least you follow the daily political events. [...]

My sign of the past: Oc/Dog
My sign of destiny: Cimi/Death
My female sign: Kan/Seed
My male sign: Eb/Road

NOTE: Cannot relate to the mechanical things mentioned for knife, but my enneagram tritype apparently seeks 'truth' in all aspects in life so I can relate to the truth seeker element of the sign. Also the part describing having talents and being success-oriented is relatable.
The Trecana Death sign rings true for me in transforming my life and the political part.