I got the same results as Nelya.

Ix / Jaguar

Personality: Tight-lipped, sensitive, intelligent and psychic. Interested in spirituality and religion.
Aggressive but avoids confrontation.
As a Jaguar, you are probably a religious or spiritual person, or spirituality plays an important role in your life. According to the Mayans, the Jaguar is the guardian of temples and the ones born on this day are trained as shamans. The Jaguar is also known as the magician; you are interested in religion, philosophy and spiritual subjects, and you also have the talent to become a master in them. However, you prefer to stay hidden. You cast your spells while being invisible and you like to stay distant from people.
You are born with a deep love towards mother earth and you are directly connected to all source of earthly spells. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of the plains, mountains and forests. Therefore, you are in harmony with feminine energy and you like working with women in the community. You may also direct the love you carry towards the nature and try to do good things for the environment.
Relationships are a difficult subject for the Jaguar. [...]
According to the Mayans, those born on the Jaguar day tend to become rich. [...]
Jaguar is an animal with strong night vision. [...]
The Jaguar's spirit lives in the temples and is called upon for help to assist in both material and spiritual ways. [...]
Challenge: Relationships that are confusing and complex.[...]
Solution: Developing counseling skills.[...]
Signs that contribute to your growth: Jaguar, Knife, Wind, Death and Dog.