Caban / Earth

Caban / Earth

Personality: Mentally active, rational, intelligent and practical. Generally, liberal and progressive. Argumentative, and have strong convictions.
You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.
You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power
Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine. [...]
You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. [...]
You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life. [...]
Challenge: Carrying out your own life in accordance with a plan.[...]
Solution: Becoming more flexible and patient.[...]
Signs that contribute to your growth: Earth, Cane, Crocodile, Serpent and Water.

Your Galactic Tone

The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

Tone: 9 (Patience)

* Connection to others
* Soft blanket
* Comforting
* Direct connection
* Perspective
* Patience
* Remaining strong

You have a wide perspective on life and issues therefore you know how to be patient, mature and own your power.

Your Trecana Sign

Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

Muluc / Water
Your soft natured, humble, emotional and hardworking characteristics make you noticeable. You are a dynamic, intelligent and excellent communicator and these features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary and creative skills are worth noticing. You are able to find your balance like the water finds its way.[...]
Water is used for purification in Mayan rituals. These rites are made to unite collective power and bring harmony. You are well known in your community for your sacrifice and devotion to bring peace, purification and harmony. Sometimes fulfilling this difficult task may seem like one is condemned to an unfortunate destiny. This is because you may take other peoples' negativity upon you. If you do, depression, serious health issues, various problems, pessimism and setbacks can occur in your life. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. If you are willing to face your challenges and overcome them, a successful life awaits you. As you clear your Karma, life will take a turn towards the better. Your sense of gratitude and will to surrender will be your savior and it will guide you to continue your life as a wise person.[...]
If we consider Water as the subconscious, we can say that you have deep emotional currents and issues that are not yet resolved. [...]
In addition to being very emotional and fragile, you have artistic talents. [...]
You like to have passionate and intense relationships [...]
The essence of this sign is gratitude, giving back, donating and giving offerings. [...]

Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.