Chicchan / Serpent

Stable, extremist, powerful and charismatic. Has strong emotions or personal forces that affect others deeply.

You have a strong body and you like to do sports. Your good mental skills provide you with tools to handle stress better than many people. You are interested in science and reading. You have an ability to uncover information that is stored in your genes. Because you like following new information very closely, you can be successful in the field of information technology.

You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking and have strong instincts and all of that makes you a natural leader. You are like a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. You carry high spiritual potential that can make you a psychic or spiritual healer.

You can recall the symbol of the Serpent from the Kundalini snake used in yoga or the snake used for medicine. You carry magical powers and have strong connections with the other realms, giving you the opportunity to obtain wisdom that is difficult to understand.

The energy you own is also about your sexuality which brings you the risk of becoming a slave to your desires.

By bringing authority and truth together, you provide quick and final decisions.

Challenge: To consciously experience powerful transformations.
Solution: Learn and develop wisdom.
Signs that contribute to your growth: Serpent, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Water

Your Galactic Tone: 1(Unity)
* Beginning of All
* The First
* The Whole

You like to create because 1 is the tone of creation. You take action quickly and possess great power. You are confident and you like moving forward in life.

Trecana Sign: Chicchan / Serpent

Tree of Life Signs

Your Past Sign: Caban / Earth

You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.

You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power.

Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine.
You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships.
You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life.

Sign of Destiny: Ben / Cane

You are intelligent, brave and productive. You have strong principles. You are a risk taker and a leader. You have a gift for public speaking and you deal with the results. Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. Whatever you choose to do, you always stand out in that area. The source of your talent is your self confidence and belief in your basic values. As an intellectual and educated person you attempt to understand the human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists and politicians registered in history.

The Mayans define the Cane sign as the body of the Earth Tree. The Cane person stands just like the body of a thousand year old tree trunk. You have a strong character with an unshakeable confidence. This self confidence comes from knowing thyself and personal power which you display comfortably. Hardships of life make you stronger and you grow from it because you learn lessons from all mistakes and defeats. Besides your tough outlook, you have a compassionate and healing side to you.

You are the spiritual essence, protector and guiding light of the home and family.

You try to bring peace and harmony to all of your relationships in a tough and analytical way.

The empty Ney metaphor in Sufi mysticism is used to explain how the Cane is a channel of Divine Origin.

Your Female Sign: Chuen / Monkey

Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.

Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person.

Monkey is one of the luckiest signs.
You may be in the search for a perfect life partner.
The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality.
As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between.

Your Male Sign: Cauac / Storm

You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.

Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.

You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.
You are important for your community, and your community is important for you.
You are a good son or daughter and a parent.
You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain.[/quote]