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Thread: Mayan Personality Types

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Default Mayan Personality Types

    The Mayan calendar has 20 signs and they follow each other, changing on a daily basis. Your birthday falls on one of the days of the 20 day cycle and this is called the Day sign. The Day sign shows your typical attributes. The core of your character begins to shape when you reach puberty around 12-13 years of age. Your life evolves around what your Day sign offers to you.

    Your higher self chooses your sign before you are born in to this world. You take into consideration your needs for evolving and growing spiritually. Your “Day Sign” provides you with your life mission that includes your strong and weak aspects. You forget all of this information the minute you are born, however. This sign guides you and reminds you of your spiritual essence and personal mission to help you evolve.

    Ix / Jaguar

    Ix / Jaguar

    Personality: Tight-lipped, sensitive, intelligent and psychic. Interested in spirituality and religion.

    Aggressive but avoids confrontation.

    As a Jaguar, you are probably a religious or spiritual person, or spirituality plays an important role in your life. According to the Mayans, the Jaguar is the guardian of temples and the ones born on this day are trained as shamans. The Jaguar is also known as the magician; you are interested in religion, philosophy and spiritual subjects, and you also have the talent to become a master in them. However, you prefer to stay hidden. You cast your spells while being invisible and you like to stay distant from people.

    You are born with a deep love towards mother earth and you are directly connected to all source of earthly spells. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of the plains, mountains and forests. Therefore, you are in harmony with feminine energy and you like working with women in the community. You may also direct the love you carry towards the nature and try to do good things for the environment.

    Relationships are a difficult subject for the Jaguar. [...]

    According to the Mayans, those born on the Jaguar day tend to become rich. [...]

    Jaguar is an animal with strong night vision. [...]

    The Jaguar's spirit lives in the temples and is called upon for help to assist in both material and spiritual ways. [...]

    Challenge: Relationships that are confusing and complex.[...]

    Solution: Developing counseling skills.[...]

    Signs that contribute to your growth: Jaguar, Knife, Wind, Death and Dog.

    Last edited by Aylen; 12-04-2019 at 03:40 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Chicchan / Serpent

    Stable, extremist, powerful and charismatic. Has strong emotions or personal forces that affect others deeply.

    You have a strong body and you like to do sports. Your good mental skills provide you with tools to handle stress better than many people. You are interested in science and reading. You have an ability to uncover information that is stored in your genes. Because you like following new information very closely, you can be successful in the field of information technology.

    You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking and have strong instincts and all of that makes you a natural leader. You are like a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. You carry high spiritual potential that can make you a psychic or spiritual healer.

    You can recall the symbol of the Serpent from the Kundalini snake used in yoga or the snake used for medicine. You carry magical powers and have strong connections with the other realms, giving you the opportunity to obtain wisdom that is difficult to understand.

    The energy you own is also about your sexuality which brings you the risk of becoming a slave to your desires.

    By bringing authority and truth together, you provide quick and final decisions.

    Challenge: To consciously experience powerful transformations.
    Solution: Learn and develop wisdom.
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Serpent, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Water

    Your Galactic Tone: 1(Unity)
    * Beginning of All
    * The First
    * The Whole

    You like to create because 1 is the tone of creation. You take action quickly and possess great power. You are confident and you like moving forward in life.

    Trecana Sign: Chicchan / Serpent

    Tree of Life Signs

    Your Past Sign: Caban / Earth

    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.

    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power.

    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine.
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships.
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life.

    Sign of Destiny: Ben / Cane

    You are intelligent, brave and productive. You have strong principles. You are a risk taker and a leader. You have a gift for public speaking and you deal with the results. Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. Whatever you choose to do, you always stand out in that area. The source of your talent is your self confidence and belief in your basic values. As an intellectual and educated person you attempt to understand the human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists and politicians registered in history.

    The Mayans define the Cane sign as the body of the Earth Tree. The Cane person stands just like the body of a thousand year old tree trunk. You have a strong character with an unshakeable confidence. This self confidence comes from knowing thyself and personal power which you display comfortably. Hardships of life make you stronger and you grow from it because you learn lessons from all mistakes and defeats. Besides your tough outlook, you have a compassionate and healing side to you.

    You are the spiritual essence, protector and guiding light of the home and family.

    You try to bring peace and harmony to all of your relationships in a tough and analytical way.

    The empty Ney metaphor in Sufi mysticism is used to explain how the Cane is a channel of Divine Origin.

    Your Female Sign: Chuen / Monkey

    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.

    Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person.

    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs.
    You may be in the search for a perfect life partner.
    The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality.
    As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between.

    Your Male Sign: Cauac / Storm

    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.

    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.

    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.
    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you.
    You are a good son or daughter and a parent.
    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain.[/quote]

  3. #3
    darya's Avatar
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    Kan / Seed

    Kan / Seed

    Personality: Interested in leadership and performance, active, dynamic and sexual. Influential, with high standards

    You are organized, energetic and dynamic. Family, sexuality and mysterious awakenings are important in your life. You are very earthly, generally have good health and carry energy of abundance. According to the Mayans, people born on the Seed day will be rich and wise. Good luck will come to you if you focus on your life purpose. If you direct your life force towards the business or art of your choice, you will become a master of it, be rich and live a life filled with wisdom.[...]
    You try to liberate yourself and others from karmic debt and overwhelming patterns of the past. The Seed must learn to be calm, avoid making simple mistakes and walk without stepping on its own tail in this lifetime. Life is full of tests and obstacles for you but these difficulties encourage you to find solutions and become resourceful. If you become fully aware of this situation and not give up on finding solutions you can rid yourself from many traps. In time you can even be a good advisor to others facing similar challenges.[...]
    Do not forget to take care of the seeds you plant; you must water it and show the necessary attention to it. In one sense you are like the seed; you carry great potential but if you do not nurture it, growth will not occur. [...]
    Sexuality has great importance in your life. [...]
    You are a natural networker and very social. [...]
    You are a strong and organized thinker. However, you may lack flexibility of the mind at times. [...]
    Challenge: Being a balanced individual and to mature in sexuality.[...]
    Solution: Performance related activities, sweating the details.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Seed, Road, Owl, Light and Rabbit[...]

    Your Galactic Tone

    Tone: 5 (Empowerment)

    * Dynamic
    * Amplification
    * Excitement
    * Strength
    * Positivity
    * Extrovert
    * Empowerment

    You are an intelligent and strong organizer, communicator and a person who knows how to use resources well. Like the spider, you are a natural web master that brings together all that is needed.

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    Akbal / Night

    Akbal / Night

    Strong, logical, tidy, deep, thoughtful and conservative. Durable, introspective.

    You have a benevolent, charming and respected character. You like to start everyday with new hopes. Be aware of innovations and opportunities brought by each new dawn. You are a glimmer of hope for yourself and other people. You get along well with young people and children, and that makes you stay young forever.
    You have a flexible and strong mind. Home life and family is very important in your life. You enjoy following the development in new technologies and you can be considered an expert in history. You like living on the edge; at times it may seem that there is no development in your life, but then suddenly everything happens. You tend to dominate situations. You choose to dress in a way that projects your inner strength. Your energy and physical appearance makes you very attractive.
    The Mayans call you the “bringer of dawn” or “a dreamer that brings the new sun by clearing the path of life”. Your life purpose is to find the light in the darkness and share it with humanity.
    According to the Mayan legend, the Heroic Gemini goes on a journey to search for enlightenment.
    You are a charming and passionate lover
    You always carry the wisdom of the "Feminine" (Yin) and "Masculine" (Yang) energies in all levels of your life.
    Challenge: Mental rigidity and problems with sharing.
    Solution: To build Systems and search for the basis of everything.
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Night, Monkey, Eagle, Storm and Deer.

    Tone: 7 (Reflective)

    * Mysterious
    * Magic
    * Beyond the realms of the worlds
    * Reflective
    * The flow of divinity
    * Dreams
    * Purpose
    * Arrow

    The 7, right in the middle of the thirteen tones, creates a bridge between the spiritual world; just like the top of the pyramid extends to the sky. You are involved in spiritual matters since birth. Your intuition and ability to receive guidance through your dreams are your strengths. The 7 energy is a mirror that divides the light and darkness.

    Trecana Sign

    Caban / Earth

    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.
    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power.
    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine.
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships.
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life.

  5. #5
    Olimpia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynn View Post
    Akbal / Night

    Akbal / Night

    Strong, logical, tidy, deep, thoughtful and conservative. Durable, introspective.

    You have a benevolent, charming and respected character. You like to start everyday with new hopes. Be aware of innovations and opportunities brought by each new dawn. You are a glimmer of hope for yourself and other people. You get along well with young people and children, and that makes you stay young forever.
    You have a flexible and strong mind. Home life and family is very important in your life. You enjoy following the development in new technologies and you can be considered an expert in history. You like living on the edge; at times it may seem that there is no development in your life, but then suddenly everything happens. You tend to dominate situations. You choose to dress in a way that projects your inner strength. Your energy and physical appearance makes you very attractive.
    The Mayans call you the “bringer of dawn” or “a dreamer that brings the new sun by clearing the path of life”. Your life purpose is to find the light in the darkness and share it with humanity.
    According to the Mayan legend, the Heroic Gemini goes on a journey to search for enlightenment.
    You are a charming and passionate lover
    You always carry the wisdom of the "Feminine" (Yin) and "Masculine" (Yang) energies in all levels of your life.
    Challenge: Mental rigidity and problems with sharing.
    Solution: To build Systems and search for the basis of everything.
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Night, Monkey, Eagle, Storm and Deer.

    Tone: 7 (Reflective)

    * Mysterious
    * Magic
    * Beyond the realms of the worlds
    * Reflective
    * The flow of divinity
    * Dreams
    * Purpose
    * Arrow

    The 7, right in the middle of the thirteen tones, creates a bridge between the spiritual world; just like the top of the pyramid extends to the sky. You are involved in spiritual matters since birth. Your intuition and ability to receive guidance through your dreams are your strengths. The 7 energy is a mirror that divides the light and darkness.

    Trecana Sign

    Caban / Earth

    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.
    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power.
    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine.
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships.
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life.
    I've got the exact same result.

    Our birthdays must be very similar.

    What is your Tree of Life like?

    Your Past Sign

    Men / Eagle
    As someone born on the day of the Eagle, you have very clear awareness and know what is going on. Just like an Eagle flying high, you see everything from afar, in a wide perspective, with sharp intelligence and intuition. Your basic feature is to see the big picture like the visionary Eagle. The little details people see springs you into action and you have a mission to help others to gain a good vision too. [...]
    The Eagle is the symbol of spiritual wisdom, to know from within. There is always something to learn at every step of the life. We find the power of the inner-knowing with the Eagle and this may make you very telepathic. You solve your problems easily but you then try to understand where the solutions came from. You are an intermediary between the earth and sky. You are strong in the material world as much as in the spiritual world and you know how to get what you want. You are able to do this because you have a strong spirit and high motivation. There is passion in your heart to be successful in society; therefore you can become a good businessman or merchant. Your ability to listen to your inner voice makes you a natural oracle and brings you spiritual power. These abilities bring spiritual and material wealth to you and thus give you the opportunity to become a powerful cleric or a spiritual leader. [...]
    The Mayans say that the Eagle person will have good luck and fortune for material things. [...]
    We can also say that you are lucky in love [...]
    Since you have the freedom to move around easily, you also have a potential to run away from reality when you face a problem. [...]

    Sign of Destiny

    Chuen / Monkey
    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.[...]
    Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person. [...]
    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs [...]
    You may be in the search for a perfect life partner. [...]
    The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality. [...]
    As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign

    Muluc / Water
    Your soft natured, humble, emotional and hardworking characteristics make you noticeable. You are a dynamic, intelligent and excellent communicator and these features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary and creative skills are worth noticing. You are able to find your balance like the water finds its way.[...]
    Water is used for purification in Mayan rituals. These rites are made to unite collective power and bring harmony. You are well known in your community for your sacrifice and devotion to bring peace, purification and harmony. Sometimes fulfilling this difficult task may seem like one is condemned to an unfortunate destiny. This is because you may take other peoples' negativity upon you. If you do, depression, serious health issues, various problems, pessimism and setbacks can occur in your life. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. If you are willing to face your challenges and overcome them, a successful life awaits you. As you clear your Karma, life will take a turn towards the better. Your sense of gratitude and will to surrender will be your savior and it will guide you to continue your life as a wise person.[...]
    If we consider Water as the subconscious, we can say that you have deep emotional currents and issues that are not yet resolved. [...]
    In addition to being very emotional and fragile, you have artistic talents. [...]
    You like to have passionate and intense relationships [...]
    The essence of this sign is gratitude, giving back, donating and giving offerings. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Caban / Earth
    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.[...]
    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power[...]
    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine. [...]
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. [...]
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life. [...]
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    I've got the exact same result.

    Our birthdays must be very similar.

    What is your Tree of Life like?
    we also have the exact same results for the tree of life signs.

  7. #7
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    Akbal / Night

    Akbal / Night

    Personality: Strong, logical, tidy, deep, thoughtful and conservative. Durable, introspective.

    You have a benevolent, charming and respected character. You like to start everyday with new hopes. Be aware of innovations and opportunities brought by each new dawn. You are a glimmer of hope for yourself and other people. You get along well with young people and children, and that makes you stay young forever.[...]

    You have a flexible and strong mind. Home life and family is very important in your life. You enjoy following the development in new technologies and you can be considered an expert in history. You like living on the edge; at times it may seem that there is no development in your life, but then suddenly everything happens. You tend to dominate situations. You choose to dress in a way that projects your inner strength. Your energy and physical appearance makes you very attractive. [...]

    The Mayans call you the “bringer of dawn” or “a dreamer that brings the new sun by clearing the path of life”. Your life purpose is to find the light in the darkness and share it with humanity. [...]

    According to the Mayan legend, the Heroic Gemini goes on a journey to search for enlightenment. [...]

    You are a charming and passionate lover [...]

    You always carry the wisdom of the "Feminine" (Yin) and "Masculine" (Yang) energies in all levels of your life. [...]

    Challenge: Mental rigidity and problems with sharing.[...]

    Solution: To build Systems and search for the basis of everything.[...]

    Signs that contribute to your growth: Night, Monkey, Eagle, Storm and Deer.[...]

    Your Galactic Tone

    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 5 (Empowerment)

    * Dynamic
    * Amplification
    * Excitement
    * Strength
    * Positivity
    * Extrovert
    * Empowerment

    You are an intelligent and strong organizer, communicator and a person who knows how to use resources well. Like the spider, you are a natural web master that brings together all that is needed.

  8. #8
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    Caban / Earth

    Caban / Earth

    Personality: Mentally active, rational, intelligent and practical. Generally, liberal and progressive. Argumentative, and have strong convictions.
    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.
    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power
    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine. [...]
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. [...]
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life. [...]
    Challenge: Carrying out your own life in accordance with a plan.[...]
    Solution: Becoming more flexible and patient.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Earth, Cane, Crocodile, Serpent and Water.

    Your Galactic Tone

    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 9 (Patience)

    * Connection to others
    * Soft blanket
    * Comforting
    * Direct connection
    * Perspective
    * Patience
    * Remaining strong

    You have a wide perspective on life and issues therefore you know how to be patient, mature and own your power.

    Your Trecana Sign

    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Muluc / Water
    Your soft natured, humble, emotional and hardworking characteristics make you noticeable. You are a dynamic, intelligent and excellent communicator and these features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary and creative skills are worth noticing. You are able to find your balance like the water finds its way.[...]
    Water is used for purification in Mayan rituals. These rites are made to unite collective power and bring harmony. You are well known in your community for your sacrifice and devotion to bring peace, purification and harmony. Sometimes fulfilling this difficult task may seem like one is condemned to an unfortunate destiny. This is because you may take other peoples' negativity upon you. If you do, depression, serious health issues, various problems, pessimism and setbacks can occur in your life. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. If you are willing to face your challenges and overcome them, a successful life awaits you. As you clear your Karma, life will take a turn towards the better. Your sense of gratitude and will to surrender will be your savior and it will guide you to continue your life as a wise person.[...]
    If we consider Water as the subconscious, we can say that you have deep emotional currents and issues that are not yet resolved. [...]
    In addition to being very emotional and fragile, you have artistic talents. [...]
    You like to have passionate and intense relationships [...]
    The essence of this sign is gratitude, giving back, donating and giving offerings. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

  9. #9
    squirreltual's Avatar
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    Men / Eagle


    Men / Eagle

    Personality: Independent, ambitious and runs away from reality. Skilled in scientific and technical subjects, critical and meticulous. Have unique ideas about life.

    As someone born on the day of the Eagle, you have very clear awareness and know what is going on. Just like an Eagle flying high, you see everything from afar, in a wide perspective, with sharp intelligence and intuition. Your basic feature is to see the big picture like the visionary Eagle. The little details people see springs you into action and you have a mission to help others to gain a good vision too. [...]
    The Eagle is the symbol of spiritual wisdom, to know from within. There is always something to learn at every step of the life. We find the power of the inner-knowing with the Eagle and this may make you very telepathic. You solve your problems easily but you then try to understand where the solutions came from. You are an intermediary between the earth and sky. You are strong in the material world as much as in the spiritual world and you know how to get what you want. You are able to do this because you have a strong spirit and high motivation. There is passion in your heart to be successful in society; therefore you can become a good businessman or merchant. Your ability to listen to your inner voice makes you a natural oracle and brings you spiritual power. These abilities bring spiritual and material wealth to you and thus give you the opportunity to become a powerful cleric or a spiritual leader. [...]

    The Mayans say that the Eagle person will have good luck and fortune for material things. [...]
    We can also say that you are lucky in love [...]
    Since you have the freedom to move around easily, you also have a potential to run away from reality when you face a problem. [...]

    Challenge:To accept the unusual relationship patterns. [...]
    Solution: Knowing human nature. [...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Eagle, Monkey, Storm, Night and Deer. [...]

    Your Galactic Tone

    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 10 (Manifestation)

    * Manifestation

    * Matter

    * Materialization

    * Expression

    * Temporary, mortal

    * Beauty

    * Potential insight

    “Be careful what you wish for, it may happen” “Ne dü?ündü?üne dikkat et, gerçekle?ebilir” sözü en çok sizin için geçerlidir.. The power and responsibility to manifest has been given to you.

    Your Trecana Sign

    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Cimi / Death


    You have a soft and feminine character and you are also smart, wise and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet and you manage to reach your goals. Your strong psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success. You can become a respected and successful business person. You are well protected from accidents and sudden death. Illness will not happen unless you create it. [...]
    Do not be afraid of the word Death; according to the Mayans, this sign is one of the most fortunate signs. The most basic thing that Death symbolizes is “transformation”. The Mayan mythology explains how the heroic twins became gods by transformation. Death symbolizes the soul's evolution and the death of the ego. This is why your spiritual transformations are properly done and the effects will remain for a long time. [...]
    Because of your strong spiritual power and guidance, you can provide others to have peaceful and calm transformations. [...]
    Subjects like death, life after death and mysticism always interest you. [...]
    You are lucky with love and may have many relationships. [...]
    You have a political awareness, you commit yourself to social services or at least you follow the daily political events. [...]


    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Manik / Deer
    You have a calm appearance but in the inside, you have a very strong character. Friendship and camaraderie are important to you. Therefore, your social circle becomes like a family. Generally you are talkative with a peaceful nature. You have strong intuition and reasoning skills which able you to speak courageously and daringly. [...]
    You have an enhanced perception of aesthetics and beauty, therefore living with art is perfect for you. You can be content by living away from society and just doing art. Being close to nature will help you to find your true self. [...]
    Even though you are a dominant figure, you seldom wish to be a leader. [...]
    The best feature that identifies you is your strength. [...]
    You prefer relationships with deep love, devotion and loyalty. [...]
    The skills and the quality of the work done are important for you. [...]

    Sign of Destiny

    Akbal / Night
    You have a benevolent, charming and respected character. You like to start everyday with new hopes. Be aware of innovations and opportunities brought by each new dawn. You are a glimmer of hope for yourself and other people. You get along well with young people and children, and that makes you stay young forever.[...]
    You have a flexible and strong mind. Home life and family is very important in your life. You enjoy following the development in new technologies and you can be considered an expert in history. You like living on the edge; at times it may seem that there is no development in your life, but then suddenly everything happens. You tend to dominate situations. You choose to dress in a way that projects your inner strength. Your energy and physical appearance makes you very attractive. [...]
    The Mayans call you the “bringer of dawn” or “a dreamer that brings the new sun by clearing the path of life”. Your life purpose is to find the light in the darkness and share it with humanity. [...]
    According to the Mayan legend, the Heroic Gemini goes on a journey to search for enlightenment. [...]
    You are a charming and passionate lover [...]
    You always carry the wisdom of the "Feminine" (Yin) and "Masculine" (Yang) energies in all levels of your life. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign

    Crocodile / Imix
    You have a strong personality. Your most noticeable characteristics are your capability to deeply understand people and using your mind in the best way. You can become a good psychologist or counselor. You are defined as an unusual and even a strange person by your friends. [...]
    You have a sensitive nature and therefore you protect yourself by being a private person. Living like a Crocodile means channeling the motherly feelings, giving birth and feeding. Just like a mother protecting its offspring, you become protective and dominant. Your strong personalities are influenced by these traits. You like to be positive and hardworking. You may have difficulties being organized; therefore you must direct your energy towards practical and collective things to get productive results.[...]
    The Crocodile symbolically lives in the deep waters of the collective mind. You have a close relationship with the community you live with. [...]
    Your relationships can be a bit crazy and passionate and you like living wild love stories. [...]
    Even though you use your mind well, you must be very careful. The Crocodile symbolizes power and energy that is still dormant within ourselves. [...]
    In order to use your energies in a balanced way, you must see the people and situations around you from your heart. [...]
    Awareness of the collective human consciousness makes you very successful in the field of visual arts. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Muluc / Water
    Your soft natured, humble, emotional and hardworking characteristics make you noticeable. You are a dynamic, intelligent and excellent communicator and these features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary and creative skills are worth noticing. You are able to find your balance like the water finds its way.[...]
    Water is used for purification in Mayan rituals. These rites are made to unite collective power and bring harmony. You are well known in your community for your sacrifice and devotion to bring peace, purification and harmony. Sometimes fulfilling this difficult task may seem like one is condemned to an unfortunate destiny. This is because you may take other peoples' negativity upon you. If you do, depression, serious health issues, various problems, pessimism and setbacks can occur in your life. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. If you are willing to face your challenges and overcome them, a successful life awaits you. As you clear your Karma, life will take a turn towards the better. Your sense of gratitude and will to surrender will be your savior and it will guide you to continue your life as a wise person.[...]
    If we consider Water as the subconscious, we can say that you have deep emotional currents and issues that are not yet resolved. [...]
    In addition to being very emotional and fragile, you have artistic talents. [...]
    You like to have passionate and intense relationships [...]
    The essence of this sign is gratitude, giving back, donating and giving offerings. [...]
    Last edited by squirreltual; 11-05-2015 at 07:47 AM.

  10. #10
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Chicchan / Serpent

    Personality: Stable, extremist, powerful and charismatic. Has strong emotions or personal forces that affect others deeply.

    You have a strong body and you like to do sports. Your good mental skills provide you with tools to handle stress better than many people. You are interested in science and reading. You have an ability to uncover information that is stored in your genes. Because you like following new information very closely, you can be successful in the field of information technology.[...]
    You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking and have strong instincts and all of that makes you a natural leader. You are like a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. You carry high spiritual potential that can make you a psychic or spiritual healer.[...]
    You can recall the symbol of the Serpent from the Kundalini snake used in yoga or the snake used for medicine. You carry magical powers and have strong connections with the other realms, giving you the opportunity to obtain wisdom that is difficult to understand. [...]
    The energy you own is also about your sexuality which brings you the risk of becoming a slave to your desires. [...]
    By bringing authority and truth together, you provide quick and final decisions. [...]
    Challenge: To consciously experience powerful transformations.[...]
    Solution: Learn and develop wisdom.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Serpent, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Water[...]

  11. #11
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    The Mayan calendar has 20 signs and they follow each other, changing on a daily basis. Your birthday falls on one of the days of the 20 day cycle and this is called the Day sign. The Day sign shows your typical attributes. The core of your character begins to shape when you reach puberty around 12-13 years of age. Your life evolves around what your Day sign offers to you.

    Your higher self chooses your sign before you are born in to this world. You take into consideration your needs for evolving and growing spiritually. Your “Day Sign” provides you with your life mission that includes your strong and weak aspects. You forget all of this information the minute you are born, however. This sign guides you and reminds you of your spiritual essence and personal mission to help you evolve.
    Akbal / Night

    Akbal / Night

    Personality: Strong, logical, tidy, deep, thoughtful and conservative. Durable, introspective.

    You have a benevolent, charming and respected character. You like to start everyday with new hopes. Be aware of innovations and opportunities brought by each new dawn. You are a glimmer of hope for yourself and other people. You get along well with young people and children, and that makes you stay young forever.[...]
    You have a flexible and strong mind. Home life and family is very important in your life. You enjoy following the development in new technologies and you can be considered an expert in history. You like living on the edge; at times it may seem that there is no development in your life, but then suddenly everything happens. You tend to dominate situations. You choose to dress in a way that projects your inner strength. Your energy and physical appearance makes you very attractive. [...]
    The Mayans call you the “bringer of dawn” or “a dreamer that brings the new sun by clearing the path of life”. Your life purpose is to find the light in the darkness and share it with humanity. [...]
    According to the Mayan legend, the Heroic Gemini goes on a journey to search for enlightenment. [...]
    You are a charming and passionate lover [...]
    You always carry the wisdom of the "Feminine" (Yin) and "Masculine" (Yang) energies in all levels of your life. [...]
    Challenge: Mental rigidity and problems with sharing.[...]
    Solution: To build Systems and search for the basis of everything.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Night, Monkey, Eagle, Storm and Deer.[...]

    Your Galactic Tone
    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 4 (Stability)

    * Healing
    * Understanding
    * Contemplation
    * Stability
    * Comfort
    * Form
    * The most stable one in all forms
    * Calm energy
    * Reflective energy
    * Balancing
    * Listening with tranquil energy before making a decision
    * Thoroughly thinking
    * Regrouping
    * Allowing

    You bring stability and endurance to human life just like a table standing strongly on its four legs.
    Your Trecana Sign
    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Ahau / Light
    You are gentle, well-intentioned and generous. You are also courageous, intelligent and have a strong self-confidence. You were born on the day for taking the guidance of your ancestors. You reflect the purity and brightness of the Light. You are imaginative and have strong inner ideals. You are stubborn in your efforts to realize your ideals.[...]
    The Aztecs say that this sign is the sign of poets, singers, dancers and creative artists. These types of vocations show the inner connection with a higher power. You can be an artist, hero or an athlete, or a wise visionary that leads people. You can be an artist or an artisan in one or more fields. If you are more of an intellectual, you can find beauty in numbers, math, science and philosophy.[...]
    Light, being the last sign, signifies that you carry within you the highest level of developed consciousness.[...]
    Relationships are the biggest challenge for you. [...]
    In this life time you are going through many life lessons. [...]
    You may have psychic abilities and have strong connections with the collective consciousness. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Tree of Life Signs
    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Men / Eagle
    As someone born on the day of the Eagle, you have very clear awareness and know what is going on. Just like an Eagle flying high, you see everything from afar, in a wide perspective, with sharp intelligence and intuition. Your basic feature is to see the big picture like the visionary Eagle. The little details people see springs you into action and you have a mission to help others to gain a good vision too. [...]
    The Eagle is the symbol of spiritual wisdom, to know from within. There is always something to learn at every step of the life. We find the power of the inner-knowing with the Eagle and this may make you very telepathic. You solve your problems easily but you then try to understand where the solutions came from. You are an intermediary between the earth and sky. You are strong in the material world as much as in the spiritual world and you know how to get what you want. You are able to do this because you have a strong spirit and high motivation. There is passion in your heart to be successful in society; therefore you can become a good businessman or merchant. Your ability to listen to your inner voice makes you a natural oracle and brings you spiritual power. These abilities bring spiritual and material wealth to you and thus give you the opportunity to become a powerful cleric or a spiritual leader. [...]
    The Mayans say that the Eagle person will have good luck and fortune for material things. [...]
    We can also say that you are lucky in love [...]
    Since you have the freedom to move around easily, you also have a potential to run away from reality when you face a problem. [...]

    Sign of Destiny
    Chuen / Monkey
    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.[...]
    Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person. [...]
    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs [...]
    You may be in the search for a perfect life partner. [...]
    The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality. [...]
    As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign
    Muluc / Water
    Your soft natured, humble, emotional and hardworking characteristics make you noticeable. You are a dynamic, intelligent and excellent communicator and these features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary and creative skills are worth noticing. You are able to find your balance like the water finds its way.[...]
    Water is used for purification in Mayan rituals. These rites are made to unite collective power and bring harmony. You are well known in your community for your sacrifice and devotion to bring peace, purification and harmony. Sometimes fulfilling this difficult task may seem like one is condemned to an unfortunate destiny. This is because you may take other peoples' negativity upon you. If you do, depression, serious health issues, various problems, pessimism and setbacks can occur in your life. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. If you are willing to face your challenges and overcome them, a successful life awaits you. As you clear your Karma, life will take a turn towards the better. Your sense of gratitude and will to surrender will be your savior and it will guide you to continue your life as a wise person.[...]
    If we consider Water as the subconscious, we can say that you have deep emotional currents and issues that are not yet resolved. [...]
    In addition to being very emotional and fragile, you have artistic talents. [...]
    You like to have passionate and intense relationships [...]
    The essence of this sign is gratitude, giving back, donating and giving offerings. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Caban / Earth
    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.[...]
    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power[...]
    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine. [...]
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. [...]
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life. [...]


    Tzolkin Birthday

    Today is your spiritual birthday.
    The energy of the day you are born is fully active. Today you are in the day of Night and 4, and also week of the Light. This is a very special day that comes around every 260 days. Therefore, today, life seems very meaningful to you. You are at a day that strongly reminds of who you are, why were born and what your life mission is. You can take big steps towards spiritual development by understanding yourself and your spirit. Take time off for yourself today and celebrate...
    Have you ever wondered? Sometimes you celebrate your birthday and you just don’t feel or experience anything special. And at other times, you live a very special day but it is not your birthday. Perhaps these kinds of days were your birthdays according to the Mayan calendar. So today is an ideal day to come together with your loved ones and have a party.
    What you are living today tells you about your life purpose and why you were born into your sign Night. You are also given messages and signs that remind you of your spiritual essence. These messages may come to you in various ways such as visions, intuition, dreams, symbols, something you read, in a conversation with someone, in a moment of decision, etc...
    The universe can give you a message in any way today and when it does, it is a good idea to take some time to reflect on it by meditating, taking a walk, going in to nature etc...
    The least you can do is spend a few minutes to reflect on what message you have received today before going to sleep. Do this with the awareness that you have received something valuable and meaningful in your life that can make a difference.
    Today is the day to correct your course of your life. If you are not living a life that serves your life purpose, the universe may try to steer you on to the right route and this can bring some painful lessons. But if you know your route, you can go a long way using the energy of today.
    An ideal way to start your day is to listen to your intuition and create new beginnings. Start anything that will be good for your soul like a new job, project, education, hobby or relationship. To create new intentions and make important decisions about your life is very beneficial for you. Any new beginning you make today will be fully supported by the universe. The seeds you plant today will grow in 260 days and become fruitful trees. It is an incredibly ideal day to receive any form of advice, counseling or healing.

  12. #12
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    Eb / Road

    Personality: Relaxed, courteous, thorough and useful. In addition, sensitive, touchy and easily hurt. Ambitious and hard working. Traveler.

    You are sympathetic, obedient, self-dedicated, a diligent worker and an organizer. You have a practical way of thinking. Even though you accomplish your goals and are very competitive, you avoid confrontations. In addition, you are a traveler, agreeable and idealistic. Due to your interests and skills, you can become a master in international trade as well as a contributor in doing good deeds in your community.[...]

    There is a saying "Who knows more? The one who reads a lot or the traveler?" The best is to do both, but when it comes to the Road sign, traveling is the right choice. Being on the Road symbolizes being on a spiritual journey and growing, as well as traveling and learning. As a Road sign you discover your potentials outside the boundaries of your country. Through interactions with people from other countries, you find your place in life. You may choose to live where you can make a living and a career, instead of choosing to live where you were born. Also, having a relationship or marriage with a partner from a foreign country may be very suitable and good for you. [...]

    You are very delicate, extremely sensitive and think about seven generations ahead of you before you act upon something.[...]
    You are hard working and you like to be with people. [...]
    The Road sign symbolizes the spiral of life that is called “the stairs that lead to heaven.” [...]
    You are lucky in love and you have the need to live various relationships in your life time. [...]
    You are a pioneer and a guide for opening the path for people, groups and communities. [...]
    Challenge: suppressing anger to avoid poisoning yourself.[...]
    Solution: Letting others know how you feel.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Road, Owl, Light, Seed and Rabbit.[...]

    Your Galactic Tone
    Tone: 2 (Duality)

    * Decisions
    * Defiance
    * Facilitating Change
    The 2 tone is very mysterious. You feel separate yet you desire to unite with all.

    Your Trecana Sign
    Chuen / Monkey
    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.[...]

    Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person. [...]

    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs [...]
    You may be in the search for a perfect life partner. [...]
    The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality. [...]
    As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between. [...]

  13. #13
    jaein's Avatar
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    Ix / Jaguar

    Attachment 6589

    Ix / Jaguar

    Personality: Tight-lipped, sensitive, intelligent and psychic. Interested in spirituality and religion.
    Aggressive but avoids confrontation.
    As a Jaguar, you are probably a religious or spiritual person, or spirituality plays an important role in your life. According to the Mayans, the Jaguar is the guardian of temples and the ones born on this day are trained as shamans. The Jaguar is also known as the magician; you are interested in religion, philosophy and spiritual subjects, and you also have the talent to become a master in them. However, you prefer to stay hidden. You cast your spells while being invisible and you like to stay distant from people.
    You are born with a deep love towards mother earth and you are directly connected to all source of earthly spells. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of the plains, mountains and forests. Therefore, you are in harmony with feminine energy and you like working with women in the community. You may also direct the love you carry towards the nature and try to do good things for the environment.
    Relationships are a difficult subject for the Jaguar. [...]
    According to the Mayans, those born on the Jaguar day tend to become rich. [...]
    Jaguar is an animal with strong night vision. [...]
    The Jaguar's spirit lives in the temples and is called upon for help to assist in both material and spiritual ways. [...]
    Challenge: Relationships that are confusing and complex.[...]
    Solution: Developing counseling skills.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Jaguar, Knife, Wind, Death and Dog

    Your Galactic Tone
    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 8 (Justice)
    Attachment 6590

    * Patterns
    * Work
    * Creativity
    * Working with joy
    * Justice
    * Harmony
    * Balance realized as substance

    The main intention you have is to bring balance and harmony in to your life.

    Your Trecana Sign

    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Manik / Deer
    You have a calm appearance but in the inside, you have a very strong character. Friendship and camaraderie are important to you. Therefore, your social circle becomes like a family. Generally you are talkative with a peaceful nature. You have strong intuition and reasoning skills which able you to speak courageously and daringly. [...]
    You have an enhanced perception of aesthetics and beauty, therefore living with art is perfect for you. You can be content by living away from society and just doing art. Being close to nature will help you to find your true self. [...]
    Even though you are a dominant figure, you seldom wish to be a leader. [...]
    The best feature that identifies you is your strength. [...]
    You prefer relationships with deep love, devotion and loyalty. [...]
    The skills and the quality of the work done are important for you. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Tree of Life Signs

    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    Attachment 6591

    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Cimi / Death
    You have a soft and feminine character and you are also smart, wise and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet and you manage to reach your goals. Your strong psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success. You can become a respected and successful business person. You are well protected from accidents and sudden death. Illness will not happen unless you create it. [...]
    Do not be afraid of the word Death; according to the Mayans, this sign is one of the most fortunate signs. The most basic thing that Death symbolizes is “transformation”. The Mayan mythology explains how the heroic twins became gods by transformation. Death symbolizes the soul's evolution and the death of the ego. This is why your spiritual transformations are properly done and the effects will remain for a long time. [...]
    Because of your strong spiritual power and guidance, you can provide others to have peaceful and calm transformations. [...]
    Subjects like death, life after death and mysticism always interest you. [...]
    You are lucky with love and may have many relationships. [...]
    You have a political awareness, you commit yourself to social services or at least you follow the daily political events. [...]

    Sign of Destiny

    Ik / Wind
    You have a strong, sincere, harmonious personality that can live sudden changes. Because you are able to make quick changes people may sometimes think you are inconsistent or fickle. You are unpredictable like the wind and have a hyper nature. Your extreme imagination and ideas keeps your feet off the ground. However, you must learn to be tranquil, centered and balanced. [...]
    Spirit and breath of life. The Wind blows life to matter and brings new awareness to the world with its messages. You carry the power to spread good seeds and ideas. For example, you can talk about spirituality in a very inspirational way for hours without feeling a bit tired. However, you must be careful about the messages you share. You are very talented in communications and can be very successful in this line of business. [...]
    The Wind that gives us life and keeps us alive (called “prana” in India) symbolizes the essence of life. [...]
    You must be careful not to have sudden bursts of anger. [...]
    The Wind sign is behind the power of natural cycles of weather, erosion and cultural change. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign

    Ahau / Light
    You are gentle, well-intentioned and generous. You are also courageous, intelligent and have a strong self-confidence. You were born on the day for taking the guidance of your ancestors. You reflect the purity and brightness of the Light. You are imaginative and have strong inner ideals. You are stubborn in your efforts to realize your ideals.[...]
    The Aztecs say that this sign is the sign of poets, singers, dancers and creative artists. These types of vocations show the inner connection with a higher power. You can be an artist, hero or an athlete, or a wise visionary that leads people. You can be an artist or an artisan in one or more fields. If you are more of an intellectual, you can find beauty in numbers, math, science and philosophy.[...]
    Light, being the last sign, signifies that you carry within you the highest level of developed consciousness.[...]
    Relationships are the biggest challenge for you. [...]
    In this life time you are going through many life lessons. [...]
    You may have psychic abilities and have strong connections with the collective consciousness. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Lamat / Rabbit
    You have a mind that never gives up and needs constant stimulation. Therefore, you like to read, talk and communicate with people about every subject. We can call you an abundance magnet.[...]
    Your highly developed aesthetic perception, bright mind and humorous manner allow you to have a joyful life. Your magic secret to a healthy life is having the ability to keep your heart light and humorous even at the most difficult times. This helps you to keep moving forward. You are a morale booster for depressed people.[...]
    In general, you are very lucky and you have a fortunate destiny. The Mayan sign Rabbit symbolizes luck just like in China and it has similar characteristics in the Chinese culture and astrology. Your prominent feature is your comfortable and easy going way in the "real" world. You can easily become successful and always fall on your four feet. You have a natural talent that is embedded in your subconscious mind and that is the ability to make money. Efficiency and productivity are your main features.[...]
    According to the Mayan belief, the good heritage from the ancestors comes to the Rabbit child in the family. This situation is described as a" star seed", which means that a bright future awaits you. [...]
    Like all the stars in the sky you shine equally in all directions. [...]
    You search for peace in your relationships. [...]
    You may be a productive person as well as a pleasure seeker. [...]
    Like a star that shines in four directions, you wish to live and share the feeling of unity by overcoming duality. [...]



    Tzolkin Birthday
    Today is your spiritual birthday.
    The energy of the day you are born is fully active. Today you are in the day of Jaguar and 8, and also week of the Deer. This is a very special day that comes around every 260 days. Therefore, today, life seems very meaningful to you. You are at a day that strongly reminds of who you are, why were born and what your life mission is. You can take big steps towards spiritual development by understanding yourself and your spirit. Take time off for yourself today and celebrate...
    Have you ever wondered? Sometimes you celebrate your birthday and you just don’t feel or experience anything special. And at other times, you live a very special day but it is not your birthday. Perhaps these kinds of days were your birthdays according to the Mayan calendar. So today is an ideal day to come together with your loved ones and have a party.
    What you are living today tells you about your life purpose and why you were born into your sign Jaguar. You are also given messages and signs that remind you of your spiritual essence. These messages may come to you in various ways such as visions, intuition, dreams, symbols, something you read, in a conversation with someone, in a moment of decision, etc...
    The universe can give you a message in any way today and when it does, it is a good idea to take some time to reflect on it by meditating, taking a walk, going in to nature etc...
    The least you can do is spend a few minutes to reflect on what message you have received today before going to sleep. Do this with the awareness that you have received something valuable and meaningful in your life that can make a difference.
    Today is the day to correct your course of your life. If you are not living a life that serves your life purpose, the universe may try to steer you on to the right route and this can bring some painful lessons. But if you know your route, you can go a long way using the energy of today.
    An ideal way to start your day is to listen to your intuition and create new beginnings. Start anything that will be good for your soul like a new job, project, education, hobby or relationship. To create new intentions and make important decisions about your life is very beneficial for you. Any new beginning you make today will be fully supported by the universe. The seeds you plant today will grow in 260 days and become fruitful trees. It is an incredibly ideal day to receive any form of advice, counseling or healing.
    Last edited by jaein; 11-06-2015 at 05:38 PM.

  14. #14
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    Chicchan / Serpent

    Chicchan / Serpent

    Personality: Stable, extremist, powerful and charismatic. Has strong emotions or personal forces that affect others deeply.

    You have a strong body and you like to do sports. Your good mental skills provide you with tools to handle stress better than many people. You are interested in science and reading. You have an ability to uncover information that is stored in your genes. Because you like following new information very closely, you can be successful in the field of information technology.[...]
    You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking and have strong instincts and all of that makes you a natural leader. You are like a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. You carry high spiritual potential that can make you a psychic or spiritual healer.[...]
    You can recall the symbol of the Serpent from the Kundalini snake used in yoga or the snake used for medicine. You carry magical powers and have strong connections with the other realms, giving you the opportunity to obtain wisdom that is difficult to understand. [...]
    The energy you own is also about your sexuality which brings you the risk of becoming a slave to your desires. [...]
    By bringing authority and truth together, you provide quick and final decisions. [...]
    Challenge: To consciously experience powerful transformations.[...]
    Solution: Learn and develop wisdom.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Serpent, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Water[...]

    Tone: 13 (Ascension)

    * Bridge
    * Pure creative energy
    * Ascension
    * Spark of understanding
    * Connection to source
    * Remembering

    You are tolerant and sophisticated. You have unlimited motivation to overcome your obstacles and transform yourself.

    Your Trecana Sign: Ben / Cane
    You are intelligent, brave and productive. You have strong principles. You are a risk taker and a leader. You have a gift for public speaking and you deal with the results. Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. Whatever you choose to do, you always stand out in that area. The source of your talent is your self confidence and belief in your basic values. As an intellectual and educated person you attempt to understand the human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists and politicians registered in history.[...]
    The Mayans define the Cane sign as the body of the Earth Tree. The Cane person stands just like the body of a thousand year old tree trunk. You have a strong character with an unshakeable confidence. This self confidence comes from knowing thyself and personal power which you display comfortably. Hardships of life make you stronger and you grow from it because you learn lessons from all mistakes and defeats. Besides your tough outlook, you have a compassionate and healing side to you.[...]
    You are the spiritual essence, protector and guiding light of the home and family.[...]
    You try to bring peace and harmony to all of your relationships in a tough and analytical way. [...]
    The empty Ney metaphor in Sufi mysticism is used to explain how the Cane is a channel of Divine Origin. [...]

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    Your Past Sign

    Caban / Earth
    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.[...]
    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power[...]
    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine. [...]
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. [...]
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life. [...]

    Sign of Destiny
    Ben / Cane
    You are intelligent, brave and productive. You have strong principles. You are a risk taker and a leader. You have a gift for public speaking and you deal with the results. Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. Whatever you choose to do, you always stand out in that area. The source of your talent is your self confidence and belief in your basic values. As an intellectual and educated person you attempt to understand the human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists and politicians registered in history.[...]
    The Mayans define the Cane sign as the body of the Earth Tree. The Cane person stands just like the body of a thousand year old tree trunk. You have a strong character with an unshakeable confidence. This self confidence comes from knowing thyself and personal power which you display comfortably. Hardships of life make you stronger and you grow from it because you learn lessons from all mistakes and defeats. Besides your tough outlook, you have a compassionate and healing side to you.[...]
    You are the spiritual essence, protector and guiding light of the home and family.[...]
    You try to bring peace and harmony to all of your relationships in a tough and analytical way. [...]
    The empty Ney metaphor in Sufi mysticism is used to explain how the Cane is a channel of Divine Origin. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign
    Chuen / Monkey
    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.[...]
    Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person.[...]
    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs [...]
    You may be in the search for a perfect life partner. [...]
    The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality. [...]
    As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Cauac / Storm
    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.[...]
    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.[...]
    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.[...]
    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you. [...]
    You are a good son or daughter and a parent. [...]
    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain. [...]
    I promise if you keep searching for everything beautiful in this world, you will eventually become it.

  15. #15
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    I got the same results as Nelya.

    Ix / Jaguar

    Personality: Tight-lipped, sensitive, intelligent and psychic. Interested in spirituality and religion.
    Aggressive but avoids confrontation.
    As a Jaguar, you are probably a religious or spiritual person, or spirituality plays an important role in your life. According to the Mayans, the Jaguar is the guardian of temples and the ones born on this day are trained as shamans. The Jaguar is also known as the magician; you are interested in religion, philosophy and spiritual subjects, and you also have the talent to become a master in them. However, you prefer to stay hidden. You cast your spells while being invisible and you like to stay distant from people.
    You are born with a deep love towards mother earth and you are directly connected to all source of earthly spells. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of the plains, mountains and forests. Therefore, you are in harmony with feminine energy and you like working with women in the community. You may also direct the love you carry towards the nature and try to do good things for the environment.
    Relationships are a difficult subject for the Jaguar. [...]
    According to the Mayans, those born on the Jaguar day tend to become rich. [...]
    Jaguar is an animal with strong night vision. [...]
    The Jaguar's spirit lives in the temples and is called upon for help to assist in both material and spiritual ways. [...]
    Challenge: Relationships that are confusing and complex.[...]
    Solution: Developing counseling skills.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Jaguar, Knife, Wind, Death and Dog.

  16. #16

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    The Knife


    Personality: Skillful, well-organized, can be a mechanic. Social, but has difficulty in intimate relationships. Conciliatory and self-sacrificing, but suppressing anger.
    Knife is the mirror of reality. You create the sparks of divine intelligence, just like a flint stone. You are social, brave, skillful, hard working, filled with divine intelligence, talented and have great ideas. You are known to be polite, accommodating and selfless. The ability to separate emotions from reality (just like a knife) is your talent from birth. Since you are very detailed oriented, you are more interested in technical subjects. You are skillful in solving mechanical problems as well as a good craftsman. You can even be a virtuoso for musical instruments. Unraveling the mystery of veils and revealing the mystic truths is another ability you have.[...]
    To be aware of contrasts means to see the world as an arena of conflict. To choose one reality over another means going in to a conflict and being a warrior. This painful awareness makes this sign a potentially difficult one. As a Knife, you tend to see the world as black and white. One of your positive features is; your approach to seeing things as right or wrong results in looking at and correcting yourself first. [...]
    You have a mission of becoming the protector of truth. [...]
    The Mayans say that the Knife people are healers and this sign is related to healing. [...]
    Generally you are the person to solve the difficult problems [...]
    Even though you are generally fair and sensitive in relationships, you may over react and finish the relationship abruptly. [...]
    Defending the truth is more than just a political or legal defense. [...]
    Challenge: Being stuck between thinking about self-interest or sacrificing self.[...]
    Solution: Allowing others to take leadership.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Knife, Jaguar, Wind, Death and Dog.[...]

  17. #17
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Cauac / Storm

    Personality: Young and vigorous, lively, friendly and helpful. Has an important place in society. Very versatile, a good student and teacher. About healing and purification.
    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.[...]
    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.[...]
    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.[...]
    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you. [...]
    You are a good son or daughter and a parent. [...]
    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain. [...]
    Challenge: Becoming a healer for others.[...]
    Solution: Studying under a master teacher.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Storm, Monkey, Eagle, Night and Deer.[...]
    much nonsense.

  18. #18
    I sacrificed a goat to Zeus and I liked it
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    much nonsense.
    ...And not worth putting your birthdate in public over either, or at least, I won't, based on how these are calculated making it too easy to find. This has so many problems making it dubious, like that they can't keep straight whether they're referring to "the Mayans" or "the Aztecs", and they have other issues aside from just trying to get information out of people.
    Last edited by Pallas; 08-02-2017 at 03:07 AM.

  19. #19
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Wow its all crazy true.

  20. #20

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    Crocodile / Imix

    Crocodile / Imix

    Personality: Full of energy, creative and initiator. Protective and dominant parent. Sensitive and confidential.

    You have a strong personality. Your most noticeable characteristics are your capability to deeply understand people and using your mind in the best way. You can become a good psychologist or counselor. You are defined as an unusual and even a strange person by your friends. [...]
    You have a sensitive nature and therefore you protect yourself by being a private person. Living like a Crocodile means channeling the motherly feelings, giving birth and feeding. Just like a mother protecting its offspring, you become protective and dominant. Your strong personalities are influenced by these traits. You like to be positive and hardworking. You may have difficulties being organized; therefore you must direct your energy towards practical and collective things to get productive results.[...]
    The Crocodile symbolically lives in the deep waters of the collective mind. You have a close relationship with the community you live with. [...]
    Your relationships can be a bit crazy and passionate and you like living wild love stories. [...]
    Even though you use your mind well, you must be very careful. The Crocodile symbolizes power and energy that is still dormant within ourselves. [...]
    In order to use your energies in a balanced way, you must see the people and situations around you from your heart. [...]
    Awareness of the collective human consciousness makes you very successful in the field of visual arts. [...]
    Challenge: Rejection (Especially rejection from parents) [...]
    Solution: To build a business or create a family life. [...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Crocodile, Water, Cane, Serpent and Earth. [...]

    Your Galactic Tone
    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 7 (Reflective)

    * Mysterious
    * Magic
    * Beyond the realms of the worlds
    * Reflective
    * The flow of divinity
    * Dreams
    * Purpose
    * Arrow

    The 7, right in the middle of the thirteen tones, creates a bridge between the spiritual world; just like the top of the pyramid extends to the sky. You are involved in spiritual matters since birth. Your intuition and ability to receive guidance through your dreams are your strengths. The 7 energy is a mirror that divides the light and darkness.
    Your Trecana Sign
    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Men / Eagle
    As someone born on the day of the Eagle, you have very clear awareness and know what is going on. Just like an Eagle flying high, you see everything from afar, in a wide perspective, with sharp intelligence and intuition. Your basic feature is to see the big picture like the visionary Eagle. The little details people see springs you into action and you have a mission to help others to gain a good vision too. [...]
    The Eagle is the symbol of spiritual wisdom, to know from within. There is always something to learn at every step of the life. We find the power of the inner-knowing with the Eagle and this may make you very telepathic. You solve your problems easily but you then try to understand where the solutions came from. You are an intermediary between the earth and sky. You are strong in the material world as much as in the spiritual world and you know how to get what you want. You are able to do this because you have a strong spirit and high motivation. There is passion in your heart to be successful in society; therefore you can become a good businessman or merchant. Your ability to listen to your inner voice makes you a natural oracle and brings you spiritual power. These abilities bring spiritual and material wealth to you and thus give you the opportunity to become a powerful cleric or a spiritual leader. [...]
    The Mayans say that the Eagle person will have good luck and fortune for material things. [...]
    We can also say that you are lucky in love [...]
    Since you have the freedom to move around easily, you also have a potential to run away from reality when you face a problem. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Tree of Life Signs
    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Ben / Cane
    You are intelligent, brave and productive. You have strong principles. You are a risk taker and a leader. You have a gift for public speaking and you deal with the results. Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. Whatever you choose to do, you always stand out in that area. The source of your talent is your self confidence and belief in your basic values. As an intellectual and educated person you attempt to understand the human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists and politicians registered in history.[...]
    The Mayans define the Cane sign as the body of the Earth Tree. The Cane person stands just like the body of a thousand year old tree trunk. You have a strong character with an unshakeable confidence. This self confidence comes from knowing thyself and personal power which you display comfortably. Hardships of life make you stronger and you grow from it because you learn lessons from all mistakes and defeats. Besides your tough outlook, you have a compassionate and healing side to you.[...]
    You are the spiritual essence, protector and guiding light of the home and family.[...]
    You try to bring peace and harmony to all of your relationships in a tough and analytical way. [...]
    The empty Ney metaphor in Sufi mysticism is used to explain how the Cane is a channel of Divine Origin. [...]

    Sign of Destiny
    Muluc / Water
    Your soft natured, humble, emotional and hardworking characteristics make you noticeable. You are a dynamic, intelligent and excellent communicator and these features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary and creative skills are worth noticing. You are able to find your balance like the water finds its way.[...]
    Water is used for purification in Mayan rituals. These rites are made to unite collective power and bring harmony. You are well known in your community for your sacrifice and devotion to bring peace, purification and harmony. Sometimes fulfilling this difficult task may seem like one is condemned to an unfortunate destiny. This is because you may take other peoples' negativity upon you. If you do, depression, serious health issues, various problems, pessimism and setbacks can occur in your life. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. If you are willing to face your challenges and overcome them, a successful life awaits you. As you clear your Karma, life will take a turn towards the better. Your sense of gratitude and will to surrender will be your savior and it will guide you to continue your life as a wise person.[...]
    If we consider Water as the subconscious, we can say that you have deep emotional currents and issues that are not yet resolved. [...]
    In addition to being very emotional and fragile, you have artistic talents. [...]
    You like to have passionate and intense relationships [...]
    The essence of this sign is gratitude, giving back, donating and giving offerings. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign
    Manik / Deer
    You have a calm appearance but in the inside, you have a very strong character. Friendship and camaraderie are important to you. Therefore, your social circle becomes like a family. Generally you are talkative with a peaceful nature. You have strong intuition and reasoning skills which able you to speak courageously and daringly. [...]
    You have an enhanced perception of aesthetics and beauty, therefore living with art is perfect for you. You can be content by living away from society and just doing art. Being close to nature will help you to find your true self. [...]
    Even though you are a dominant figure, you seldom wish to be a leader. [...]
    The best feature that identifies you is your strength. [...]
    You prefer relationships with deep love, devotion and loyalty. [...]
    The skills and the quality of the work done are important for you. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Men / Eagle
    As someone born on the day of the Eagle, you have very clear awareness and know what is going on. Just like an Eagle flying high, you see everything from afar, in a wide perspective, with sharp intelligence and intuition. Your basic feature is to see the big picture like the visionary Eagle. The little details people see springs you into action and you have a mission to help others to gain a good vision too. [...]
    The Eagle is the symbol of spiritual wisdom, to know from within. There is always something to learn at every step of the life. We find the power of the inner-knowing with the Eagle and this may make you very telepathic. You solve your problems easily but you then try to understand where the solutions came from. You are an intermediary between the earth and sky. You are strong in the material world as much as in the spiritual world and you know how to get what you want. You are able to do this because you have a strong spirit and high motivation. There is passion in your heart to be successful in society; therefore you can become a good businessman or merchant. Your ability to listen to your inner voice makes you a natural oracle and brings you spiritual power. These abilities bring spiritual and material wealth to you and thus give you the opportunity to become a powerful cleric or a spiritual leader. [...]
    The Mayans say that the Eagle person will have good luck and fortune for material things. [...]
    We can also say that you are lucky in love [...]
    Since you have the freedom to move around easily, you also have a potential to run away from reality when you face a problem. [...]

  21. #21
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    LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx

  22. #22
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    Eb / Road
    Personality: Relaxed, courteous, thorough and useful. In addition, sensitive, touchy and easily hurt. Ambitious and hard working. Traveler.

    You are sympathetic, obedient, self-dedicated, a diligent worker and an organizer. You have a practical way of thinking. Even though you accomplish your goals and are very competitive, you avoid confrontations. In addition, you are a traveler, agreeable and idealistic. Due to your interests and skills, you can become a master in international trade as well as a contributor in doing good deeds in your community.[...]
    There is a saying "Who knows more? The one who reads a lot or the traveler?" The best is to do both, but when it comes to the Road sign, traveling is the right choice. Being on the Road symbolizes being on a spiritual journey and growing, as well as traveling and learning. As a Road sign you discover your potentials outside the boundaries of your country. Through interactions with people from other countries, you find your place in life. You may choose to live where you can make a living and a career, instead of choosing to live where you were born. Also, having a relationship or marriage with a partner from a foreign country may be very suitable and good for you. [...]
    You are very delicate, extremely sensitive and think about seven generations ahead of you before you act upon something.[...]
    You are hard working and you like to be with people. [...]
    The Road sign symbolizes the spiral of life that is called “the stairs that lead to heaven.” [...]
    You are lucky in love and you have the need to live various relationships in your life time. [...]
    You are a pioneer and a guide for opening the path for people, groups and communities. [...]
    Challenge: suppressing anger to avoid poisoning yourself.[...]
    Solution: Letting others know how you feel.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Road, Owl, Light, Seed and Rabbit.[...]

    Your Galactic Tone

    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 2 (Duality)

    * Decisions
    * Defiance
    * Facilitating Change
    The 2 tone is very mysterious. You feel separate yet you desire to unite with all.

    Your Trecana Sign

    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Chuen / Monkey
    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.[...]
    Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person. [...]
    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs [...]
    You may be in the search for a perfect life partner. [...]
    The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality. [...]
    As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Past Sign

    Kan / Seed

    You are organized, energetic and dynamic. Family, sexuality and mysterious awakenings are important in your life. You are very earthly, generally have good health and carry energy of abundance. According to the Mayans, people born on the Seed day will be rich and wise. Good luck will come to you if you focus on your life purpose. If you direct your life force towards the business or art of your choice, you will become a master of it, be rich and live a life filled with wisdom.[...]
    You try to liberate yourself and others from karmic debt and overwhelming patterns of the past. The Seed must learn to be calm, avoid making simple mistakes and walk without stepping on its own tail in this lifetime. Life is full of tests and obstacles for you but these difficulties encourage you to find solutions and become resourceful. If you become fully aware of this situation and not give up on finding solutions you can rid yourself from many traps. In time you can even be a good advisor to others facing similar challenges.[...]
    Do not forget to take care of the seeds you plant; you must water it and show the necessary attention to it. In one sense you are like the seed; you carry great potential but if you do not nurture it, growth will not occur. [...]
    Sexuality has great importance in your life. [...]
    You are a natural networker and very social. [...]
    You are a strong and organized thinker. However, you may lack flexibility of the mind at times. [...]

    Sign of Destiny

    Ahau / Light

    You are gentle, well-intentioned and generous. You are also courageous, intelligent and have a strong self-confidence. You were born on the day for taking the guidance of your ancestors. You reflect the purity and brightness of the Light. You are imaginative and have strong inner ideals. You are stubborn in your efforts to realize your ideals.[...]
    The Aztecs say that this sign is the sign of poets, singers, dancers and creative artists. These types of vocations show the inner connection with a higher power. You can be an artist, hero or an athlete, or a wise visionary that leads people. You can be an artist or an artisan in one or more fields. If you are more of an intellectual, you can find beauty in numbers, math, science and philosophy.[...]
    Light, being the last sign, signifies that you carry within you the highest level of developed consciousness.[...]
    Relationships are the biggest challenge for you. [...]
    In this life time you are going through many life lessons. [...]
    You may have psychic abilities and have strong connections with the collective consciousness. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign
    Etznab / Knife
    Knife is the mirror of reality. You create the sparks of divine intelligence, just like a flint stone. You are social, brave, skillful, hard working, filled with divine intelligence, talented and have great ideas. You are known to be polite, accommodating and selfless. The ability to separate emotions from reality (just like a knife) is your talent from birth. Since you are very detailed oriented, you are more interested in technical subjects. You are skillful in solving mechanical problems as well as a good craftsman. You can even be a virtuoso for musical instruments. Unraveling the mystery of veils and revealing the mystic truths is another ability you have.[...]
    To be aware of contrasts means to see the world as an arena of conflict. To choose one reality over another means going in to a conflict and being a warrior. This painful awareness makes this sign a potentially difficult one. As a Knife, you tend to see the world as black and white. One of your positive features is; your approach to seeing things as right or wrong results in looking at and correcting yourself first. [...]
    You have a mission of becoming the protector of truth. [...]
    The Mayans say that the Knife people are healers and this sign is related to healing. [...]
    Generally you are the person to solve the difficult problems [...]
    Even though you are generally fair and sensitive in relationships, you may over react and finish the relationship abruptly. [...]
    Defending the truth is more than just a political or legal defense. [...]

    Your Male Sign
    Cimi / Death
    You have a soft and feminine character and you are also smart, wise and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet and you manage to reach your goals. Your strong psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success. You can become a respected and successful business person. You are well protected from accidents and sudden death. Illness will not happen unless you create it. [...]
    Do not be afraid of the word Death; according to the Mayans, this sign is one of the most fortunate signs. The most basic thing that Death symbolizes is “transformation”. The Mayan mythology explains how the heroic twins became gods by transformation. Death symbolizes the soul's evolution and the death of the ego. This is why your spiritual transformations are properly done and the effects will remain for a long time. [...]
    Because of your strong spiritual power and guidance, you can provide others to have peaceful and calm transformations. [...]
    Subjects like death, life after death and mysticism always interest you. [...]
    You are lucky with love and may have many relationships. [...]
    You have a political awareness, you commit yourself to social services or at least you follow the daily political events. [...]
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I love ego strokes

    Ik / Wind
    Talkative, mental, agile, intelligent and versatile. Idealistic and romantic. Fashion conscious or artist.

    You have a strong, sincere, harmonious personality that can live sudden changes. Because you are able to make quick changes people may sometimes think you are inconsistent or fickle. You are unpredictable like the wind and have a hyper nature. Your extreme imagination and ideas keeps your feet off the ground. However, you must learn to be tranquil, centered and balanced. Spirit and breath of life. The Wind blows life to matter and brings new awareness to the world with its messages. You carry the power to spread good seeds and ideas. For example, you can talk about spirituality in a very inspirational way for hours without feeling a bit tired. However, you must be careful about the messages you share. You are very talented in communications and can be very successful in this line of business. The Wind that gives us life and keeps us alive symbolizes the essence of life. You must be careful not to have sudden bursts of anger. The Wind sign is behind the power of natural cycles of weather, erosion and cultural change.

    Challenge: Responsibilities and fears associated with it, indecision, not being able to commit.
    Solution: Education and learning how to communicate better.
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Wind, Jaguar, Knife, Death and the Dog

    Ik? IK??? Did the test just call me gross?

  24. #24
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Cib / Owl

    Cib / Owl

    Personality: Serious, wise, deep, realistic and pragmatic. Hardened to life, status conscious. Becomes a counselor by learning life lessons from others. Has high standards.
    Old spirits carry the wisdom of the ancient times. With the energy of the Owl you are in contact with the other worlds and have telepathic abilities that keep you connected to the wisdom of sacred places. You wish the best for yourself and people close to you but you eliminate the people that do not fit your high standards. Because of your teaching characteristic, you tend to look for position and authority in society. This is also caused by you being an old soul, in anticipation of respect. You know who you are when in company of other people. You discover that you have an incredible inner strength that gives you space for quiet, internal observation. This trait brings you wisdom, which is considered much more valuable than any archaeological treasure. To remember this wisdom, you can take an interest in ancient cultures and their spirituality. You can even travel to ancient temples and wander around. [...]
    When you lack balance in your life, you may become numb towards life and be harsh in your relationships. At this point, it is important that you forgive yourself. When you are connected to your higher self, the temporary depression that may occur brings valuable lessons. After this experience, you develop a new perspective of life, a bigger heart and compassion. You are lazy but wise like the Owl. Even though you may lead an irresponsible life, you sail towards wealth with luck. It is possible that you will live a long and healthy life.[...]
    Your sharp awareness of difficulties in life and of what works and what does not, makes you an excellent guide.[...]
    The Mayans consider the people born on the day of the Owl, to be old souls that have come to this world to clear their karmas. [...]
    Let us tell you a short story describing what karma is. [...]
    Believe it or not, this is how the law of karma works. [...]
    Challenge: Overcome issues of self-confidence and self-control.[...]
    Solution: To excel in career and everything you do.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Owl, Road, Light, Seed and Rabbit.[...]

    Would you like to read your detailed report and learn your lucky days for the next 365 days?

    Your Galactic Tone

    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 5 (Empowerment)

    * Dynamic
    * Amplification
    * Excitement
    * Strength
    * Positivity
    * Extrovert
    * Empowerment

    You are an intelligent and strong organizer, communicator and a person who knows how to use resources well. Like the spider, you are a natural web master that brings together all that is needed.

    Your Trecana Sign

    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Eb / Road

    You are sympathetic, obedient, self-dedicated, a diligent worker and an organizer. You have a practical way of thinking. Even though you accomplish your goals and are very competitive, you avoid confrontations. In addition, you are a traveler, agreeable and idealistic. Due to your interests and skills, you can become a master in international trade as well as a contributor in doing good deeds in your community.[...]
    There is a saying "Who knows more? The one who reads a lot or the traveler?" The best is to do both, but when it comes to the Road sign, traveling is the right choice. Being on the Road symbolizes being on a spiritual journey and growing, as well as traveling and learning. As a Road sign you discover your potentials outside the boundaries of your country. Through interactions with people from other countries, you find your place in life. You may choose to live where you can make a living and a career, instead of choosing to live where you were born. Also, having a relationship or marriage with a partner from a foreign country may be very suitable and good for you. [...]
    You are very delicate, extremely sensitive and think about seven generations ahead of you before you act upon something.[...]
    You are hard working and you like to be with people. [...]
    The Road sign symbolizes the spiral of life that is called “the stairs that lead to heaven.” [...]
    You are lucky in love and you have the need to live various relationships in your life time. [...]
    You are a pioneer and a guide for opening the path for people, groups and communities. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Tree of Life Signs

    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

  25. #25
    * I’m special * flames's Avatar
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    It's true for me.

    Lamat / Rabbit

    Personality: Energetic, busy, nervous, intelligent and playful. Clever but slightly paranoid. Likes to fight.

    You have a mind that never gives up and needs constant stimulation. Therefore, you like to read, talk and communicate with people about every subject. We can call you an abundance magnet.[...]
    Your highly developed aesthetic perception, bright mind and humorous manner allow you to have a joyful life. Your magic secret to a healthy life is having the ability to keep your heart light and humorous even at the most difficult times. This helps you to keep moving forward. You are a morale booster for depressed people.[...]
    In general, you are very lucky and you have a fortunate destiny. The Mayan sign Rabbit symbolizes luck just like in China and it has similar characteristics in the Chinese culture and astrology. Your prominent feature is your comfortable and easy going way in the "real" world. You can easily become successful and always fall on your four feet. You have a natural talent that is embedded in your subconscious mind and that is the ability to make money. Efficiency and productivity are your main features.[...]
    According to the Mayan belief, the good heritage from the ancestors comes to the Rabbit child in the family. This situation is described as a" star seed", which means that a bright future awaits you. [...]
    Like all the stars in the sky you shine equally in all directions. [...]
    You search for peace in your relationships. [...]
    You may be a productive person as well as a pleasure seeker. [...]
    Like a star that shines in four directions, you wish to live and share the feeling of unity by overcoming duality. [...]
    Challenge: Keeping self under control to complete tasks.[...]
    Solution: Avoidance of extremes and excess. Choosing friends and lovers carefully. [...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Rabbit, Road, Owl, Light and Seed.[...]

    Tone: 10 (Manifestation)

    * Manifestation
    * Matter
    * Materialization
    * Expression
    * Temporary, mortal
    * Beauty
    * Potential insight

    Trecana sign
    Cauac / Storm
    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.[...]
    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.[...]
    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.[...]
    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you. [...]
    You are a good son or daughter and a parent. [...]
    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain. [...]

    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

  26. #26
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    Ix / Jaguar ....

    Sounds like astrology bit of enneagram and lots of BS.
    But yeah.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Etznab / Knife

    Etznab / Knife

    Personality: Skillful, well-organized, can be a mechanic. Social, but has difficulty in intimate relationships. Conciliatory and self-sacrificing, but suppressing anger.
    Knife is the mirror of reality. You create the sparks of divine intelligence, just like a flint stone. You are social, brave, skillful, hard working, filled with divine intelligence, talented and have great ideas. You are known to be polite, accommodating and selfless. The ability to separate emotions from reality (just like a knife) is your talent from birth. Since you are very detailed oriented, you are more interested in technical subjects. You are skillful in solving mechanical problems as well as a good craftsman. You can even be a virtuoso for musical instruments. Unraveling the mystery of veils and revealing the mystic truths is another ability you have.[...]
    To be aware of contrasts means to see the world as an arena of conflict. To choose one reality over another means going in to a conflict and being a warrior. This painful awareness makes this sign a potentially difficult one. As a Knife, you tend to see the world as black and white. One of your positive features is; your approach to seeing things as right or wrong results in looking at and correcting yourself first. [...]
    You have a mission of becoming the protector of truth. [...]
    The Mayans say that the Knife people are healers and this sign is related to healing. [...]
    Generally you are the person to solve the difficult problems [...]
    Even though you are generally fair and sensitive in relationships, you may over react and finish the relationship abruptly. [...]
    Defending the truth is more than just a political or legal defense. [...]
    Challenge: Being stuck between thinking about self-interest or sacrificing self.[...]
    Solution: Allowing others to take leadership.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Knife, Jaguar, Wind, Death and Dog.[...]

    Tone: 13 (Ascension)

    * Bridge
    * Pure creative energy
    * Ascension
    * Spark of understanding
    * Connection to source
    * Remembering

    You are tolerant and sophisticated. You have unlimited motivation to overcome your obstacles and transform yourself.

    Your Trecana Sign
    Cimi / Death
    You have a soft and feminine character and you are also smart, wise and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet and you manage to reach your goals. Your strong psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success. You can become a respected and successful business person. You are well protected from accidents and sudden death. Illness will not happen unless you create it. [...]
    Do not be afraid of the word Death; according to the Mayans, this sign is one of the most fortunate signs. The most basic thing that Death symbolizes is “transformation”. The Mayan mythology explains how the heroic twins became gods by transformation. Death symbolizes the soul's evolution and the death of the ego. This is why your spiritual transformations are properly done and the effects will remain for a long time. [...]
    Because of your strong spiritual power and guidance, you can provide others to have peaceful and calm transformations. [...]
    Subjects like death, life after death and mysticism always interest you. [...]
    You are lucky with love and may have many relationships. [...]
    You have a political awareness, you commit yourself to social services or at least you follow the daily political events. [...]

    My sign of the past: Oc/Dog
    My sign of destiny: Cimi/Death
    My female sign: Kan/Seed
    My male sign: Eb/Road

    NOTE: Cannot relate to the mechanical things mentioned for knife, but my enneagram tritype apparently seeks 'truth' in all aspects in life so I can relate to the truth seeker element of the sign. Also the part describing having talents and being success-oriented is relatable.
    The Trecana Death sign rings true for me in transforming my life and the political part.

  28. #28
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    It basically told me I value Se, Ne, Fe, Fi, Te, & Ti
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    It basically told me I value Se, Ne, Fe, Fi, Te, & Ti
    No Si?
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    No Si?
    No Si. Im, just, not personable like that.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    It basically told me I value Se, Ne, Fe, Fi, Te, & Ti
    Nice, you sound well rounded.

  32. #32
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    I got eagle. Felt about 85-90% right. Wacey's was super spot on damn.

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    20-1.png 20.png

    I really like these descriptions that make me sound much better than I really am:

    Personality:*Loving, devoted, artist, imaginative and romantic. Lack social skills but well-intentioned. Stubborn and uncompromising.
    You are gentle, well-intentioned and generous. You are also courageous, intelligent and have a strong self-confidence. You were born on the day for taking the guidance of your ancestors. You reflect the purity and brightness of the Light. You are imaginative and have strong inner ideals. You are stubborn in your efforts to realize your ideals.[...]*
    The Aztecs say that this sign is the sign of poets, singers, dancers and creative artists. These types of vocations show the inner connection with a higher power. You can be an artist, hero or an athlete, or a wise visionary that leads people. You can be an artist or an artisan in one or more fields. If you are more of an intellectual, you can find beauty in numbers, math, science and philosophy.[...]*
    Light, being the last sign, signifies that you carry within you the highest level of developed consciousness.[...]*
    Relationships are the biggest challenge for you.*[...]*
    In this life time you are going through many life lessons.*[...]*
    You may have psychic abilities and have strong connections with the collective consciousness.*[...]*
    Challenge:*To cope with the frustrations caused by unrealistic expectations.[...]*
    Solution:*Keeping life simple.[...]*
    Signs that contribute to your growth:*Light, Road Owl, Seed and Rabbit.[...]*
    Tone: 13 (Ascension)

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    Wow, never seen this before.

    The Mayan calendar has 20 signs and they follow each other, changing on a daily basis. Your birthday falls on one of the days of the 20 day cycle and this is called the Day sign. The Day sign shows your typical attributes. The core of your character begins to shape when you reach puberty around 12-13 years of age. Your life evolves around what your Day sign offers to you.

    Your higher self chooses your sign before you are born in to this world. You take into consideration your needs for evolving and growing spiritually. Your “Day Sign” provides you with your life mission that includes your strong and weak aspects. You forget all of this information the minute you are born, however. This sign guides you and reminds you of your spiritual essence and personal mission to help you evolve.
    Chicchan / Serpent

    Chicchan / Serpent

    Personality: Stable, extremist, powerful and charismatic. Has strong emotions or personal forces that affect others deeply.

    You have a strong body and you like to do sports. Your good mental skills provide you with tools to handle stress better than many people. You are interested in science and reading. You have an ability to uncover information that is stored in your genes. Because you like following new information very closely, you can be successful in the field of information technology.[...]
    You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking and have strong instincts and all of that makes you a natural leader. You are like a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. You carry high spiritual potential that can make you a psychic or spiritual healer.[...]
    You can recall the symbol of the Serpent from the Kundalini snake used in yoga or the snake used for medicine. You carry magical powers and have strong connections with the other realms, giving you the opportunity to obtain wisdom that is difficult to understand. [...]
    The energy you own is also about your sexuality which brings you the risk of becoming a slave to your desires. [...]
    By bringing authority and truth together, you provide quick and final decisions. [...]
    Challenge: To consciously experience powerful transformations.[...]
    Solution: Learn and develop wisdom.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Serpent, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Water[...]

    Your Galactic Tone
    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 7 (Reflective)

    * Mysterious
    * Magic
    * Beyond the realms of the worlds
    * Reflective
    * The flow of divinity
    * Dreams
    * Purpose
    * Arrow

    The 7, right in the middle of the thirteen tones, creates a bridge between the spiritual world; just like the top of the pyramid extends to the sky. You are involved in spiritual matters since birth. Your intuition and ability to receive guidance through your dreams are your strengths. The 7 energy is a mirror that divides the light and darkness.
    Your Trecana Sign
    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Cauac / Storm
    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.[...]
    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.[...]
    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.[...]
    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you. [...]
    You are a good son or daughter and a parent. [...]
    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Tree of Life Signs
    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Caban / Earth
    You are intellectual, intelligent and have strong analytical skills with a mind that is bright and filled with ideas. You like to be a student and you look at life like a scientist. Your views are generally liberal, progressive and sometimes radical. It seems like you live in the future with your thoughts. The energy you carry can bring the world to the next level during the spiritual transformation. You like to be a pioneer for change! Your mission in this life time is to carry humanities' consciousness to the future with your progressive thoughts. If the community and people around you do not understand your thoughts, ideas and mentality, you create tremors from frustration. Another name for this sign is Earthquake. The Earthquake people in these situations create thought tremors and shake the world to make way for new mentalities. When you lose your balance, you can exhibit extreme emotions or “emotional earthquakes” so to speak.[...]
    You need to calm down to avoid the harmful earthquakes by balancing your excessive mental activity. To create balance and calmness with your spirit, body and mind, you can do dancing, tai-chi, yoga and meditation. It would be very helpful for you to learn to focus on your mental power[...]
    Regardless of your sexual identity, your character tends to be more masculine. [...]
    You prefer to be a calm Earth in your relationships. [...]
    You make an effort to bring back natural order in all levels of life. [...]

    Sign of Destiny
    Ben / Cane
    You are intelligent, brave and productive. You have strong principles. You are a risk taker and a leader. You have a gift for public speaking and you deal with the results. Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. Whatever you choose to do, you always stand out in that area. The source of your talent is your self confidence and belief in your basic values. As an intellectual and educated person you attempt to understand the human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists and politicians registered in history.[...]
    The Mayans define the Cane sign as the body of the Earth Tree. The Cane person stands just like the body of a thousand year old tree trunk. You have a strong character with an unshakeable confidence. This self confidence comes from knowing thyself and personal power which you display comfortably. Hardships of life make you stronger and you grow from it because you learn lessons from all mistakes and defeats. Besides your tough outlook, you have a compassionate and healing side to you.[...]
    You are the spiritual essence, protector and guiding light of the home and family.[...]
    You try to bring peace and harmony to all of your relationships in a tough and analytical way. [...]
    The empty Ney metaphor in Sufi mysticism is used to explain how the Cane is a channel of Divine Origin. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign
    Chuen / Monkey
    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide yourself at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. You can become a highly respected merchant or a speaker.[...]
    Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. If you choose the path of oppression and rebuke, this child will become lazy, destructive, disruptive and a huge price will be paid. When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind. People may find it difficult adjusting to your endless questions and innocent curiosity. Since you are friendly and charming, you are very loved by people, which help them to tolerate your curiosity. Be aware that your attention seeking and jokester side needs balance. Otherwise you can be perceived as a clown instead of a charming, funny person. [...]
    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs [...]
    You may be in the search for a perfect life partner. [...]
    The Monkey is also known as the Weaver. You have the ability to handle thoughts as if they were threads, and weave them into our reality. [...]
    As a natural leader, you strictly choose leadership or independence; and nothing in between. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Cauac / Storm
    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.[...]
    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.[...]
    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.[...]
    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you. [...]
    You are a good son or daughter and a parent. [...]
    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain. [...]

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    Overall somewhat insightful and I like the cards I got but I don't buy this stuff fully.

    Cib / Owl

    Cib / Owl

    Personality: Serious, wise, deep, realistic and pragmatic. Hardened to life, status conscious. Becomes a counselor by learning life lessons from others. Has high standards.
    Old spirits carry the wisdom of the ancient times. With the energy of the Owl you are in contact with the other worlds and have telepathic abilities that keep you connected to the wisdom of sacred places. You wish the best for yourself and people close to you but you eliminate the people that do not fit your high standards. Because of your teaching characteristic, you tend to look for position and authority in society. This is also caused by you being an old soul, in anticipation of respect. You know who you are when in company of other people. You discover that you have an incredible inner strength that gives you space for quiet, internal observation. This trait brings you wisdom, which is considered much more valuable than any archaeological treasure. To remember this wisdom, you can take an interest in ancient cultures and their spirituality. You can even travel to ancient temples and wander around. [...]
    When you lack balance in your life, you may become numb towards life and be harsh in your relationships. At this point, it is important that you forgive yourself. When you are connected to your higher self, the temporary depression that may occur brings valuable lessons. After this experience, you develop a new perspective of life, a bigger heart and compassion. You are lazy but wise like the Owl. Even though you may lead an irresponsible life, you sail towards wealth with luck. It is possible that you will live a long and healthy life.[...]
    Your sharp awareness of difficulties in life and of what works and what does not, makes you an excellent guide.[...]
    The Mayans consider the people born on the day of the Owl, to be old souls that have come to this world to clear their karmas. [...]
    Let us tell you a short story describing what karma is. [...]
    Believe it or not, this is how the law of karma works. [...]
    Challenge: Overcome issues of self-confidence and self-control.[...]
    Solution: To excel in career and everything you do.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Owl, Road, Light, Seed and Rabbit.[...]

    Would you like to read your detailed report and learn your lucky days for the next 365 days?

    Your Galactic Tone
    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 11 (Resolution)


    Change must occur for new ideas to give fruit. You have the ability to bring change, creation and resolution of all kinds by preparing the foundation and space for it in the universe.
    Your Trecana Sign
    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Cimi / Death
    You have a soft and feminine character and you are also smart, wise and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet and you manage to reach your goals. Your strong psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success. You can become a respected and successful business person. You are well protected from accidents and sudden death. Illness will not happen unless you create it. [...]
    Do not be afraid of the word Death; according to the Mayans, this sign is one of the most fortunate signs. The most basic thing that Death symbolizes is “transformation”. The Mayan mythology explains how the heroic twins became gods by transformation. Death symbolizes the soul's evolution and the death of the ego. This is why your spiritual transformations are properly done and the effects will remain for a long time. [...]
    Because of your strong spiritual power and guidance, you can provide others to have peaceful and calm transformations. [...]
    Subjects like death, life after death and mysticism always interest you. [...]
    You are lucky with love and may have many relationships. [...]
    You have a political awareness, you commit yourself to social services or at least you follow the daily political events. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Tree of Life Signs
    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Lamat / Rabbit
    You have a mind that never gives up and needs constant stimulation. Therefore, you like to read, talk and communicate with people about every subject. We can call you an abundance magnet.[...]
    Your highly developed aesthetic perception, bright mind and humorous manner allow you to have a joyful life. Your magic secret to a healthy life is having the ability to keep your heart light and humorous even at the most difficult times. This helps you to keep moving forward. You are a morale booster for depressed people.[...]
    In general, you are very lucky and you have a fortunate destiny. The Mayan sign Rabbit symbolizes luck just like in China and it has similar characteristics in the Chinese culture and astrology. Your prominent feature is your comfortable and easy going way in the "real" world. You can easily become successful and always fall on your four feet. You have a natural talent that is embedded in your subconscious mind and that is the ability to make money. Efficiency and productivity are your main features.[...]
    According to the Mayan belief, the good heritage from the ancestors comes to the Rabbit child in the family. This situation is described as a" star seed", which means that a bright future awaits you. [...]
    Like all the stars in the sky you shine equally in all directions. [...]
    You search for peace in your relationships. [...]
    You may be a productive person as well as a pleasure seeker. [...]
    Like a star that shines in four directions, you wish to live and share the feeling of unity by overcoming duality. [...]

    Sign of Destiny
    Kan / Seed
    You are organized, energetic and dynamic. Family, sexuality and mysterious awakenings are important in your life. You are very earthly, generally have good health and carry energy of abundance. According to the Mayans, people born on the Seed day will be rich and wise. Good luck will come to you if you focus on your life purpose. If you direct your life force towards the business or art of your choice, you will become a master of it, be rich and live a life filled with wisdom.[...]
    You try to liberate yourself and others from karmic debt and overwhelming patterns of the past. The Seed must learn to be calm, avoid making simple mistakes and walk without stepping on its own tail in this lifetime. Life is full of tests and obstacles for you but these difficulties encourage you to find solutions and become resourceful. If you become fully aware of this situation and not give up on finding solutions you can rid yourself from many traps. In time you can even be a good advisor to others facing similar challenges.[...]
    Do not forget to take care of the seeds you plant; you must water it and show the necessary attention to it. In one sense you are like the seed; you carry great potential but if you do not nurture it, growth will not occur. [...]
    Sexuality has great importance in your life. [...]
    You are a natural networker and very social. [...]
    You are a strong and organized thinker. However, you may lack flexibility of the mind at times. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign
    Ik / Wind
    You have a strong, sincere, harmonious personality that can live sudden changes. Because you are able to make quick changes people may sometimes think you are inconsistent or fickle. You are unpredictable like the wind and have a hyper nature. Your extreme imagination and ideas keeps your feet off the ground. However, you must learn to be tranquil, centered and balanced. [...]
    Spirit and breath of life. The Wind blows life to matter and brings new awareness to the world with its messages. You carry the power to spread good seeds and ideas. For example, you can talk about spirituality in a very inspirational way for hours without feeling a bit tired. However, you must be careful about the messages you share. You are very talented in communications and can be very successful in this line of business. [...]
    The Wind that gives us life and keeps us alive (called “prana” in India) symbolizes the essence of life. [...]
    You must be careful not to have sudden bursts of anger. [...]
    The Wind sign is behind the power of natural cycles of weather, erosion and cultural change. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Oc / Dog
    You have many similarities with the symbol of this sign, the Dog. You are courageous, loyal, warm-hearted, smart and brave. You are sensitive and know how to enjoy life. Your playfulness helps you to understand the human nature well and that leads you towards success and wealth. You like traveling and you make a wonderful travel companion. You are sensitive towards the role you play in your community. You have a strong sense of communal consciousness. You are very creative with the interest towards music, drawing and painting. You need much variety in life.[...]
    The Dog is the sign of discipline and justice. Therefore you cannot tolerate unfairness in life. Just like a dog, you smell and trace every track to reveal the truth and bring justice. You are a natural detective! Because of your sense of justice and protective attitude, you are respected in your community. You can move up in your community by becoming a lawyer, judge or prosecutor. However, you may have a tendency to impose your own thoughts of justice, so beware.[...]
    A Dog's loyalty and trust cannot be ignored.[...]
    The Dog is also a sign of simple pleasures and unconditional love. [...]
    You like to live your relationships in a romantic and sensitive atmosphere. [...]
    When we look at the other side of the coin, we can see that lack of emotional maturity can be a problem for you.

    Kind of imagine what I got like this
    Last edited by lavos; 10-30-2017 at 04:15 AM.

  36. #36
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    My Day sign:

    Ben / Cane

    Personality: Popular, knowledgeable, successful and talented. A person who fights for principles. Responds to all challenges.

    You are intelligent, brave and productive. You have strong principles. You are a risk taker and a leader. You have a gift for public speaking and you deal with the results. Even though you like to relax and have fun, you are a disciplined hard worker. Whatever you choose to do, you always stand out in that area. The source of your talent is your self confidence and belief in your basic values. As an intellectual and educated person you attempt to understand the human nature. The Cane is the sign of famous people, psychologists and politicians registered in history.[...]

    The Mayans define the Cane sign as the body of the Earth Tree. The Cane person stands just like the body of a thousand year old tree trunk. You have a strong character with an unshakeable confidence. This self confidence comes from knowing thyself and personal power which you display comfortably. Hardships of life make you stronger and you grow from it because you learn lessons from all mistakes and defeats. Besides your tough outlook, you have a compassionate and healing side to you.[...]

    You are the spiritual essence, protector and guiding light of the home and family.[...]

    You try to bring peace and harmony to all of your relationships in a tough and analytical way. [...]

    The empty Ney metaphor in Sufi mysticism is used to explain how the Cane is a channel of Divine Origin. [...]

    Challenge: To overcome being stubborn, tough and bossy.[...]

    Solution: Learn about human nature.[...]

    Signs that contribute to your growth: Cane, Earth, Crocodile, Serpent and Water.[...]

    - My Galactic Tone

    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 7 (Reflective)
    - * Mysterious
    - * Magic
    - * Beyond the realms of the worlds
    - * Reflective
    - * The flow of divinity
    - * Dreams
    - * Purpose
    - * Arrow

    The 7, right in the middle of the thirteen tones, creates a bridge between the spiritual world; just like the top of the pyramid extends to the sky. You are involved in spiritual matters since birth. Your intuition and ability to receive guidance through your dreams are your strengths. The 7 energy is a mirror that divides the light and darkness.

    - My Trecana Sign

    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Manik / Deer

    You have a calm appearance but in the inside, you have a very strong character. Friendship and camaraderie are important to you. Therefore, your social circle becomes like a family. Generally you are talkative with a peaceful nature. You have strong intuition and reasoning skills which able you to speak courageously and daringly. [...]

    You have an enhanced perception of aesthetics and beauty, therefore living with art is perfect for you. You can be content by living away from society and just doing art. Being close to nature will help you to find your true self. [...]

    Even though you are a dominant figure, you seldom wish to be a leader. [...]

    The best feature that identifies you is your strength. [...]

    You prefer relationships with deep love, devotion and loyalty. [...]

    The skills and the quality of the work done are important for you. [...]

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    My Tree of Life Signs

    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    My Past Sign and My Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    My Past Sign

    Chicchan / Serpent
    You have a strong body and you like to do sports. Your good mental skills provide you with tools to handle stress better than many people. You are interested in science and reading. You have an ability to uncover information that is stored in your genes. Because you like following new information very closely, you can be successful in the field of information technology.[...]

    You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking and have strong instincts and all of that makes you a natural leader. You are like a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. You carry high spiritual potential that can make you a psychic or spiritual healer.[...]

    You can recall the symbol of the Serpent from the Kundalini snake used in yoga or the snake used for medicine. You carry magical powers and have strong connections with the other realms, giving you the opportunity to obtain wisdom that is difficult to understand. [...]

    The energy you own is also about your sexuality which brings you the risk of becoming a slave to your desires. [...]

    By bringing authority and truth together, you provide quick and final decisions. [...]

    Sign of Destiny

    Crocodile / Imix
    You have a strong personality. Your most noticeable characteristics are your capability to deeply understand people and using your mind in the best way. You can become a good psychologist or counselor. You are defined as an unusual and even a strange person by your friends.[...]

    You have a sensitive nature and therefore you protect yourself by being a private person. Living like a Crocodile means channeling the motherly feelings, giving birth and feeding. Just like a mother protecting its offspring, you become protective and dominant. Your strong personalities are influenced by these traits. You like to be positive and hardworking. You may have difficulties being organized; therefore you must direct your energy towards practical and collective things to get productive results.[...]

    The Crocodile symbolically lives in the deep waters of the collective mind. You have a close relationship with the community you live with. [...]

    Your relationships can be a bit crazy and passionate and you like living wild love stories. [...]

    Even though you use your mind well, you must be very careful. The Crocodile symbolizes power and energy that is still dormant within ourselves. [...]

    In order to use your energies in a balanced way, you must see the people and situations around you from your heart. [...]

    Awareness of the collective human consciousness makes you very successful in the field of visual arts. [...]

    My Male Sign and My Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    My Female Sign

    Cauac / Storm
    You are lively, talkative, friendly and you have an active mind. You are constantly vigorous and you exist to experience ecstasy. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher. Because you are always seeking new experiences you may come across internal and external difficulties. You take action then think. For example you jump in the water without knowing how to swim and you try to learn swimming while in the water. During these experiences you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking the risks.[...]

    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side and show interest in religion, spirituality and philosophy.[...]

    You are highly sensitive and compassionate which causes you to feel a great desire to serve the world.[...]

    You are important for your community, and your community is important for you. [...]

    You are a good son or daughter and a parent. [...]

    You bring humanity the abundance and gifts of the rain. [...]

    My Male Sign

    Manik / Deer
    You have a calm appearance but in the inside, you have a very strong character. Friendship and camaraderie are important to you. Therefore, your social circle becomes like a family. Generally you are talkative with a peaceful nature. You have strong intuition and reasoning skills which able you to speak courageously and daringly. [...]

    You have an enhanced perception of aesthetics and beauty, therefore living with art is perfect for you. You can be content by living away from society and just doing art. Being close to nature will help you to find your true self. [...]

    Even though you are a dominant figure, you seldom wish to be a leader. [...]

    The best feature that identifies you is your strength. [...]

    You prefer relationships with deep love, devotion and loyalty. [...]

    The skills and the quality of the work done are important for you. [...]


    Tzolkin Birthday

    Today is your spiritual birthday.

    The energy of the day you are born is fully active. Today you are in the day of Reed and 7, and also week of the Deer. This is a very special day that comes around every 260 days. Therefore, today, life seems very meaningful to you. You are at a day that strongly reminds of who you are, why were born and what your life mission is. You can take big steps towards spiritual development by understanding yourself and your spirit. Take time off for yourself today and celebrate...

    Have you ever wondered? Sometimes you celebrate your birthday and you just don’t feel or experience anything special. And at other times, you live a very special day but it is not your birthday. Perhaps these kinds of days were your birthdays according to the Mayan calendar. So today is an ideal day to come together with your loved ones and have a party.

    What you are living today tells you about your life purpose and why you were born into your sign Reed. You are also given messages and signs that remind you of your spiritual essence. These messages may come to you in various ways such as visions, intuition, dreams, symbols, something you read, in a conversation with someone, in a moment of decision, etc...

    The universe can give you a message in any way today and when it does, it is a good idea to take some time to reflect on it by meditating, taking a walk, going in to nature etc...

    The least you can do is spend a few minutes to reflect on what message you have received today before going to sleep. Do this with the awareness that you have received something valuable and meaningful in your life that can make a difference.

    Today is the day to correct your course of your life. If you are not living a life that serves your life purpose, the universe may try to steer you on to the right route and this can bring some painful lessons. But if you know your route, you can go a long way using the energy of today.

    An ideal way to start your day is to listen to your intuition and create new beginnings. Start anything that will be good for your soul like a new job, project, education, hobby or relationship. To create new intentions and make important decisions about your life is very beneficial for you. Any new beginning you make today will be fully supported by the universe. The seeds you plant today will grow in 260 days and become fruitful trees. It is an incredibly ideal day to receive any form of advice, counseling or healing.
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  37. #37

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    Cib / Owl

    Personality: Serious, wise, deep, realistic and pragmatic. Hardened to life, status conscious. Becomes a counselor by learning life lessons from others. Has high standards.
    Old spirits carry the wisdom of the ancient times. With the energy of the Owl you are in contact with the other worlds and have telepathic abilities that keep you connected to the wisdom of sacred places. You wish the best for yourself and people close to you but you eliminate the people that do not fit your high standards. Because of your teaching characteristic, you tend to look for position and authority in society. This is also caused by you being an old soul, in anticipation of respect. You know who you are when in company of other people. You discover that you have an incredible inner strength that gives you space for quiet, internal observation. This trait brings you wisdom, which is considered much more valuable than any archaeological treasure. To remember this wisdom, you can take an interest in ancient cultures and their spirituality. You can even travel to ancient temples and wander around. [...]
    When you lack balance in your life, you may become numb towards life and be harsh in your relationships. At this point, it is important that you forgive yourself. When you are connected to your higher self, the temporary depression that may occur brings valuable lessons. After this experience, you develop a new perspective of life, a bigger heart and compassion. You are lazy but wise like the Owl. Even though you may lead an irresponsible life, you sail towards wealth with luck. It is possible that you will live a long and healthy life.[...]
    Your sharp awareness of difficulties in life and of what works and what does not, makes you an excellent guide.[...]
    The Mayans consider the people born on the day of the Owl, to be old souls that have come to this world to clear their karmas. [...]
    Let us tell you a short story describing what karma is. [...]
    Believe it or not, this is how the law of karma works. [...]
    Challenge: Overcome issues of self-confidence and self-control.[...]
    Solution: To excel in career and everything you do.[...]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Owl, Road, Light, Seed and Rabbit.[...]

    * Manifestation
    * Matter
    * Materialization
    * Expression
    * Temporary, mortal
    * Beauty
    * Potential insight

    “Be careful what you wish for, it may happen” “Ne dü?ündü?üne dikkat et, gerçekle?ebilir” sözü en çok sizin için geçerlidir.. The power and responsibility to manifest has been given to you.

    Manik / Deer
    You have a calm appearance but in the inside, you have a very strong character. Friendship and camaraderie are important to you. Therefore, your social circle becomes like a family. Generally you are talkative with a peaceful nature. You have strong intuition and reasoning skills which able you to speak courageously and daringly. [...]
    You have an enhanced perception of aesthetics and beauty, therefore living with art is perfect for you. You can be content by living away from society and just doing art. Being close to nature will help you to find your true self. [...]
    Even though you are a dominant figure, you seldom wish to be a leader. [...]
    The best feature that identifies you is your strength. [...]
    You prefer relationships with deep love, devotion and loyalty. [...]
    The skills and the quality of the work done are important for you. [...]

    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Lamat / Rabbit
    You have a mind that never gives up and needs constant stimulation. Therefore, you like to read, talk and communicate with people about every subject. We can call you an abundance magnet.[...]
    Your highly developed aesthetic perception, bright mind and humorous manner allow you to have a joyful life. Your magic secret to a healthy life is having the ability to keep your heart light and humorous even at the most difficult times. This helps you to keep moving forward. You are a morale booster for depressed people.[...]
    In general, you are very lucky and you have a fortunate destiny. The Mayan sign Rabbit symbolizes luck just like in China and it has similar characteristics in the Chinese culture and astrology. Your prominent feature is your comfortable and easy going way in the "real" world. You can easily become successful and always fall on your four feet. You have a natural talent that is embedded in your subconscious mind and that is the ability to make money. Efficiency and productivity are your main features.[...]
    According to the Mayan belief, the good heritage from the ancestors comes to the Rabbit child in the family. This situation is described as a" star seed", which means that a bright future awaits you. [...]
    Like all the stars in the sky you shine equally in all directions. [...]
    You search for peace in your relationships. [...]
    You may be a productive person as well as a pleasure seeker. [...]
    Like a star that shines in four directions, you wish to live and share the feeling of unity by overcoming duality. [...]

    Sign of Destiny
    Kan / Seed
    You are organized, energetic and dynamic. Family, sexuality and mysterious awakenings are important in your life. You are very earthly, generally have good health and carry energy of abundance. According to the Mayans, people born on the Seed day will be rich and wise. Good luck will come to you if you focus on your life purpose. If you direct your life force towards the business or art of your choice, you will become a master of it, be rich and live a life filled with wisdom.[...]
    You try to liberate yourself and others from karmic debt and overwhelming patterns of the past. The Seed must learn to be calm, avoid making simple mistakes and walk without stepping on its own tail in this lifetime. Life is full of tests and obstacles for you but these difficulties encourage you to find solutions and become resourceful. If you become fully aware of this situation and not give up on finding solutions you can rid yourself from many traps. In time you can even be a good advisor to others facing similar challenges.[...]
    Do not forget to take care of the seeds you plant; you must water it and show the necessary attention to it. In one sense you are like the seed; you carry great potential but if you do not nurture it, growth will not occur. [...]
    Sexuality has great importance in your life. [...]
    You are a natural networker and very social. [...]
    You are a strong and organized thinker. However, you may lack flexibility of the mind at times. [...]

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others' contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign
    Ik / Wind
    You have a strong, sincere, harmonious personality that can live sudden changes. Because you are able to make quick changes people may sometimes think you are inconsistent or fickle. You are unpredictable like the wind and have a hyper nature. Your extreme imagination and ideas keeps your feet off the ground. However, you must learn to be tranquil, centered and balanced. [...]
    Spirit and breath of life. The Wind blows life to matter and brings new awareness to the world with its messages. You carry the power to spread good seeds and ideas. For example, you can talk about spirituality in a very inspirational way for hours without feeling a bit tired. However, you must be careful about the messages you share. You are very talented in communications and can be very successful in this line of business. [...]
    The Wind that gives us life and keeps us alive (called “prana” in India) symbolizes the essence of life. [...]
    You must be careful not to have sudden bursts of anger. [...]
    The Wind sign is behind the power of natural cycles of weather, erosion and cultural change. [...]

    Your Male Sign

    Oc / Dog
    You have many similarities with the symbol of this sign, the Dog. You are courageous, loyal, warm-hearted, smart and brave. You are sensitive and know how to enjoy life. Your playfulness helps you to understand the human nature well and that leads you towards success and wealth. You like traveling and you make a wonderful travel companion. You are sensitive towards the role you play in your community. You have a strong sense of communal consciousness. You are very creative with the interest towards music, drawing and painting. You need much variety in life.[...]
    The Dog is the sign of discipline and justice. Therefore you cannot tolerate unfairness in life. Just like a dog, you smell and trace every track to reveal the truth and bring justice. You are a natural detective! Because of your sense of justice and protective attitude, you are respected in your community. You can move up in your community by becoming a lawyer, judge or prosecutor. However, you may have a tendency to impose your own thoughts of justice, so beware.[...]
    A Dog's loyalty and trust cannot be ignored.[...]
    The Dog is also a sign of simple pleasures and unconditional love. [...]
    You like to live your relationships in a romantic and sensitive atmosphere. [...]
    When we look at the other side of the coin, we can see that lack of emotional maturity can be a problem for you. [...]

  38. #38
    mclane's Avatar
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    This here gave me an owl, which I can agree with. I've always liked them a great deal/saw myself in them.

  39. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    This here gave me an owl, which I can agree with. I've always liked them a great deal/saw myself in them.
    I've got cane/reed (as both day and trecana); this is not an animal though, so maybe another thread should be made? It also has a whole section about "tones" (mine is 1). I've never seen a thing like that before, but it's fun to look at, like other horoscopes.

  40. #40
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Haven't seen some of these ones come up yet...

    Your Day Sign

    Chuen (Yucatan) / B'atz (Kiche)
    Personality: Attractive, artistic, clever and demonstrative with feelings. Have many interests, talkative and very curious

    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. Monkey is a natural born artist and artisan [...]

    In the simplest way, the Monkey symbolizes the child within us. Innocent, curious, creative, playful and funny. This is the child which paints the walls of the house or play the violin in a new and creative way or anything artistic and creative in his/her free will [...]

    As an adult, our task is to protect this child, and in return, we receive the nourishment of inspiration. So remember your childlike dreams, unleash your creativity and free your expressivity [...]

    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs and has good luck with marriage, children, money, career etc. There is a net that connects all signs; a bond connecting everything through human creativity and spiritual unity. This net symbolizes the Monkey sign. The Mayan elders say that the marriages and relationships that start at this day will have a strong, lasting bond [...]

    Challenge: Not staying focused long enough to learn and be good on one subject
    Remedy: Being creative
    Appropriate professions: artist, dancer, midwife, physiotherapist, therapist [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: David Bowie, Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, Robert De Niro, Barbara Streisand, Ronald Reagan, Jacues Cousteau, Dustin Hoffman
    Signs you get along with: Monkey, Owl, Crocodile and Death
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Monkey, Eagle, Storm, Night and the Deer

    Your Tone


    * Playfulness
    * Active
    * Joyful
    * Weightlessness
    * Happiness

    Tone 3 represents movement and communication. You are very successful in expressing yourself. Your presence brings about more communication, more expression, more action and stirring up of things. Feeling the core of vibrations make you a rhythmic being in our universe. Due to your personality, you are a very cheerful, active, light-filled and vivacious person. Dance is a great way to express yourself [...]

    Your Trecana Sign

    Muluc (Yucatan) / Toj (Kiche)
    Personality: Emotional, imaginative, psychic and romantic. Can dominate others by reflecting intense emotions on others.

    This sign is all about giving, paying back. In one Mayan interpretation, the name of this sign is Sacrifice. So no surprise that as a native of this sign you may feel your life is all about humbly serving and giving for others. Or it might be that you suffer a lot from negativities, problems, diseases and so on. Nevertheless, I do not want you to fall into despair, because this is one of the most beautiful of the Mayan signs, as you will see [...]

    Your soft natured, humble, emotional and hardworking characteristics make you noticeable. You are a dynamic, intelligent and excellent communicator and these features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary and creative skills are worth noticing. You are able to find your balance like the water finds its way [...]

    Water is an element which is believed to bring purification and in certain Mayan rituals, people pray for the harmonization and purification of their society, the community they are living in. These rites are an essential part of their life so that people can live in a united collective power and harmony. The sign of Water is essentially seen as having the same purpose as the water in these ceremonies. As a Water person, you are here to bring harmony and purification to the collective life. Deep down, the purpose of this sign is to bring peace, purification, and harmony [...]

    Obviously, you are an emotional and fragile human being. Emotion is a big keyword for you [...]

    Challenge: Self control and responsibility
    Remedy: Consistency and persistence.

    Appropriate professions: Mathematician, social scientist [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: Mick Jagger, John Travolta, Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, John Lennon, Salvador Dali, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Neil Young, Bill Clinton, Saddam Hussein
    Signs you get along with: Water, Jaguar, Storm and Seed
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Water, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Serpent.

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