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Thread: Mayan Personality Types

  1. #41
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Haven't seen some of these ones come up yet...

    Your Day Sign

    Chuen (Yucatan) / B'atz (Kiche)
    Personality: Attractive, artistic, clever and demonstrative with feelings. Have many interests, talkative and very curious

    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. Monkey is a natural born artist and artisan [...]

    In the simplest way, the Monkey symbolizes the child within us. Innocent, curious, creative, playful and funny. This is the child which paints the walls of the house or play the violin in a new and creative way or anything artistic and creative in his/her free will [...]

    As an adult, our task is to protect this child, and in return, we receive the nourishment of inspiration. So remember your childlike dreams, unleash your creativity and free your expressivity [...]

    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs and has good luck with marriage, children, money, career etc. There is a net that connects all signs; a bond connecting everything through human creativity and spiritual unity. This net symbolizes the Monkey sign. The Mayan elders say that the marriages and relationships that start at this day will have a strong, lasting bond [...]

    Challenge: Not staying focused long enough to learn and be good on one subject
    Remedy: Being creative
    Appropriate professions: artist, dancer, midwife, physiotherapist, therapist [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: David Bowie, Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, Robert De Niro, Barbara Streisand, Ronald Reagan, Jacues Cousteau, Dustin Hoffman
    Signs you get along with: Monkey, Owl, Crocodile and Death
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Monkey, Eagle, Storm, Night and the Deer

    Your Tone


    * Playfulness
    * Active
    * Joyful
    * Weightlessness
    * Happiness

    Tone 3 represents movement and communication. You are very successful in expressing yourself. Your presence brings about more communication, more expression, more action and stirring up of things. Feeling the core of vibrations make you a rhythmic being in our universe. Due to your personality, you are a very cheerful, active, light-filled and vivacious person. Dance is a great way to express yourself [...]

    Your Trecana Sign

    Muluc (Yucatan) / Toj (Kiche)
    Personality: Emotional, imaginative, psychic and romantic. Can dominate others by reflecting intense emotions on others.

    This sign is all about giving, paying back. In one Mayan interpretation, the name of this sign is Sacrifice. So no surprise that as a native of this sign you may feel your life is all about humbly serving and giving for others. Or it might be that you suffer a lot from negativities, problems, diseases and so on. Nevertheless, I do not want you to fall into despair, because this is one of the most beautiful of the Mayan signs, as you will see [...]

    Your soft natured, humble, emotional and hardworking characteristics make you noticeable. You are a dynamic, intelligent and excellent communicator and these features make you effective in leadership positions. You certainly are not an average person. You are a risk taker and have a strong imagination. Your artistic, visionary and creative skills are worth noticing. You are able to find your balance like the water finds its way [...]

    Water is an element which is believed to bring purification and in certain Mayan rituals, people pray for the harmonization and purification of their society, the community they are living in. These rites are an essential part of their life so that people can live in a united collective power and harmony. The sign of Water is essentially seen as having the same purpose as the water in these ceremonies. As a Water person, you are here to bring harmony and purification to the collective life. Deep down, the purpose of this sign is to bring peace, purification, and harmony [...]

    Obviously, you are an emotional and fragile human being. Emotion is a big keyword for you [...]

    Challenge: Self control and responsibility
    Remedy: Consistency and persistence.

    Appropriate professions: Mathematician, social scientist [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: Mick Jagger, John Travolta, Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, John Lennon, Salvador Dali, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Neil Young, Bill Clinton, Saddam Hussein
    Signs you get along with: Water, Jaguar, Storm and Seed
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Water, Cane, Earth, Crocodile and Serpent.

  2. #42
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    I got the road.
    "Personality: Relaxed, courteous, thorough and useful. In addition, sensitive, touchy and easily hurt. Ambitious and hard working. Traveler."
    This does not fit me. I'm an unambitious homebody.

    "Mayans say the Road sign is an empty container. You are an empty vessel for the divine inspiration to fill, in service of helping humanity. This is the source of your humility. The less you are, the more you could be of service"
    This could fit me, but the whole traveler theme does not.

    "You are very delicate and extremely sensitive. Mayan people say that the Road people will be thinking about seven generations ahead."
    This is definitely not me either.

    "Appropriate professions: Merchant, administrator, mathematician, banker"
    No, that sounds really boring.

    It said my galactic tone is 7:|
    "mysterious, magic..." "You are involved in spiritual matters since birth. Intuition and ability to receive guidance through dreams are your strong aspects."
    No. This is not me at all. This is some IEI- garbage.

    My trecana sign is death.
    "Personality: Security conscious, materialistic, self-sacrificing and helpful. Curious about the community and politics."
    Okay, this could fit me.

    "You are a catalyst, of change. Transformation is the key meaning of your life. You either transform yourself by some internal or external force, or you love to help and facilitate the transformation of someone you are in touch with"
    No, I've always been avoidant of change.

    "You have a soft and feminine character and you are also smart, wise and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet and you manage to reach your goals. Your strong psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success"
    No. I'm not at all romantic and I definitely don't have or want psychic abilities. I'm also less feminine than most females. I reach my goals because I don't set them high.

    "Naturally, subjects like death, life after death and mysticism always interest you."
    Death interests me, but mysticism never has.

    Mayans don't know me.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  3. #43
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    Men (Yucatan) / Tz'ikin (Kiche)
    Personality: Independent, ambitious and runs away from reality. Skilled in scientific and technical subjects, critical and meticulous. Have unique ideas about life.

    The main quality of the natives of this sign is about rising above the difficulties and seeing the big picture. Just like an Eagle flying high, you see everything from afar, from a wide perspective, with sharp intelligence and intuition. As someone born on the day of the Eagle, you have very clear awareness and know what is going on, almost to the extent that nothing can be hidden from you [...]

    You are a natural born visionary and you like to inspire people around you with the visions you have. The little details people see springs you into action and you have a mission to help others to gain a good vision too. You do not appreciate getting stuck in details, although you are aware that they are part of the big picture too. If you have problems with your eyesight, or you are using spectacles, this might be a sign that this aspect of the Eagle is blocked within you [...]

    Eagle is an intermediary between the earth and sky. You are strong in the material world as much as in the spiritual world. You know how to get what you want, thanks to your strong spirit and high motivation. There is a passion in your heart for being successful in society; which prepares the fertile soil for becoming a good businessman or merchant. The Mayans say that the Eagle person will have good luck and fortune for material things. The money needed will always come to you [...]

    We can also say that you are lucky in love and like to live in intense relationships. It will be advisable for you to marry when you reach a mature age because you can be described as a “free spirit” who loves to party. Loyalty is an important and challenging lesson for you to get [...]

    Challenge: To accept the unusual relationship patterns
    Remedy: Knowing human nature.

    Appropriate professions: poet, sculptor, painter, priest, scientist, merchant [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: John F. Kennedy, Ringo Starr, Woody Allen Lady Gaga, Antonio Banderas
    Signs you get along with: Eagle, Light, Serpent and Dog
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Eagle, Monkey, Storm, Night and Deer.

  4. #44
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Reading through all of these for different people I think they’re fairly accurate. Better than the Western/Indian astrology for a basic summary.

  5. #45
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    My sign:
    Oc (Yucatan) / Tz'i (Kiche)
    Personality: Fair, intolerant of injustice. Detective, collaborative, consistent, loyal and helpful.

    You have many similarities with the symbol of this sign, the Dog. You are courageous, loyal, warm-hearted, smart and brave. You are sensitive and know how to enjoy life. Your playfulness helps you to understand human nature well and that leads you towards success and wealth. You like traveling and you make a wonderful travel companion [...]

    One of the aspects of the Dog sign is of discipline and justice. This aspect makes you somehow intolerant against unfairness in life. Just like a dog, you have the capacity to smell and trace every track of the action in order to reveal the truth and bring justice. Actually, you are a natural detective! Because of your sense of justice and protective attitude, you are respected in your community [...]

    The Dog is also a sign of simple pleasures and unconditional love. Just like a dog that chases its own tail to play, you also know how to play and find joy. Again just like the dog, you give and take love, and you especially like to feel this love through touch. Discovering the healing power through the body and touch is never difficult for you [...]

    On the negative side, a lack of emotional maturity might be your biggest weak point [...]

    Challenge: Emotional maturity and authority issues related to the father.
    Remedy: Accepting leadership of self or others when needed.

    Appropriate professions: mathematician, educator, doctor, lawyer, spiritual leader [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: Bob Marley, Steven Spielberg, Mark Twain, Russel Crowe, Robert Bly, Bruce Springsteen, Florence Nightingale, Adolf ******, Indira Gandhi,

    Signs you get along with: Dog, Eagle, Light and Serpent
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Dog, Jaguar, Knife and Death

    It seems pretty accurate, actually — I’m surprised. I can’t actually make out anything that’s inaccurate besides being “respected in the community”; I don’t have a community ツ

    I tried a few more birthdays of people I know though and they seem hit-or-miss. So YMMV, I guess — a common theme, it seems, with astrology!
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 10-13-2019 at 09:22 AM.

  6. #46
    (◡‿◡✿) moloko's Avatar
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    Storm Cauac (Yucatan) / Kawoq (Kiche)
    Personality: Young and vigorous, lively, friendly and helpful. Has an important place in society. Very versatile, a good student and teacher. About healing and purification.

    You are lively, talkative, friendly and constantly vigorous. You have an active mind which never gives up. You love to learn and you are an excellent teacher as well as a curious student. Since you are always seeking new experiences, very often you meet your inner and outer limits. It is typical of you to take action without thinking. It is like you jump into the water without knowing how to swim and then you learn swimming while in the water. During these reckless experiences, you may get a few wounds. However, these challenges are indeed life lessons and you wish to enrich your life by taking risks. At the end of the day, you were born to experience ecstasy [...]

    Because you carry such youthful energy, you never age. On the surface, the Storm energy shows power, strength, youth, and curiosity. In fact, you have a deeper side who is interested in religion, spirituality or philosophy [...]

    Another name for this day sign is Community, which signifies that you are very much connected with the group consciousness. Any social group you belong to, family, extended family, community, class, ethnic group has a major role in your life. This is also true the other way around. Your community is important for you and you are important for your community. You have an important role for the family and/or society you belong to. Your purpose in this life has something to do with serving your social group, or the society in general [...]

    Your family bonds are very strong. On the positive side, you will always be supported by your parents or your extended family. You are a good son or daughter and a good parent too. You have a strong bond with your family, especially with your mother. Even though this bond may seem to benefit you, it actually creates an unhealthy attachment problem. It might be a challenge for you to let go of your bonds and make your individual steps in life as a mature adult person [...]

    Challenge: Becoming a healer for others.
    Remedy: Studying under a master teacher.

    Appropriate professions: Ecologist, community leader, politician [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: Yoko Ono, Sting, Bradd Pitt, Leonard Cohen, J. R. R. Tolkien, Prince, Lady Diana, Al Gore, Peter Sellers, Andrei Tarkovsky
    Signs you get along with: Storm, Jaguar, Seed and Water
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Storm, Monkey, Eagle, Night and Deer

    Your Tone



    * Manifestation
    * Come into being
    * Materialization
    * Expression
    * Temporary, mortal
    * Beauty
    * Potential insight

    The famous words of wisdom, “be careful what you wish for, it may happen” is absolutely valid for you. The power and responsibility to manifest have been carried by the Tone 10 and given to you. You have the capacity to manifest anything negative or positive, fears, hopes, and ideas etc. into physical reality [...]

    Your Trecana Sign


    Oc (Yucatan) / Tz'i (Kiche)
    Personality: Fair, intolerant of injustice. Detective, collaborative, consistent, loyal and helpful.

    You have many similarities with the symbol of this sign, the Dog. You are courageous, loyal, warm-hearted, smart and brave. You are sensitive and know how to enjoy life. Your playfulness helps you to understand human nature well and that leads you towards success and wealth. You like traveling and you make a wonderful travel companion [...]

    One of the aspects of the Dog sign is of discipline and justice. This aspect makes you somehow intolerant against unfairness in life. Just like a dog, you have the capacity to smell and trace every track of the action in order to reveal the truth and bring justice. Actually, you are a natural detective! Because of your sense of justice and protective attitude, you are respected in your community [...]

    The Dog is also a sign of simple pleasures and unconditional love. Just like a dog that chases its own tail to play, you also know how to play and find joy. Again just like the dog, you give and take love, and you especially like to feel this love through touch. Discovering the healing power through the body and touch is never difficult for you [...]

    On the negative side, a lack of emotional maturity might be your biggest weak point [...]

    Challenge: Emotional maturity and authority issues related to the father.
    Remedy: Accepting leadership of self or others when needed.

    Appropriate professions: mathematician, educator, doctor, lawyer, spiritual leader [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: Bob Marley, Steven Spielberg, Mark Twain, Russel Crowe, Robert Bly, Bruce Springsteen, Florence Nightingale, Adolf ******, Indira Gandhi,

    Signs you get along with: Dog, Eagle, Light and Serpent
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Dog, Jaguar, Knife and Death

    tfw ****** results still haunt me

    yea id say these are pretty accurate, amusingly enough-- results were also pretty spot on for the bae (:

    “You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.”
    - Epictetus

  7. #47
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    Dog / Night

    Your Day Sign
    Oc (Yucatan) / Tz'i (Kiche)
    Personality: Fair, intolerant of injustice. Detective, collaborative, consistent, loyal and helpful.
    You have many similarities with the symbol of this sign, the Dog. You are courageous, loyal, warm-hearted, smart and brave. You are sensitive and know how to enjoy life. Your playfulness helps you to understand human nature well and that leads you towards success and wealth. You like traveling and you make a wonderful travel companion [...]
    One of the aspects of the Dog sign is of discipline and justice. This aspect makes you somehow intolerant against unfairness in life. Just like a dog, you have the capacity to smell and trace every track of the action in order to reveal the truth and bring justice. Actually, you are a natural detective! Because of your sense of justice and protective attitude, you are respected in your community [...]
    The Dog is also a sign of simple pleasures and unconditional love. Just like a dog that chases its own tail to play, you also know how to play and find joy. Again just like the dog, you give and take love, and you especially like to feel this love through touch. Discovering the healing power through the body and touch is never difficult for you [...]
    On the negative side, a lack of emotional maturity might be your biggest weak point [...]
    Challenge: Emotional maturity and authority issues related to the father.
    Remedy: Accepting leadership of self or others when needed.
    Appropriate professions: mathematician, educator, doctor, lawyer, spiritual leader [...]
    Celebrities born on this day: Bob Marley, Steven Spielberg, Mark Twain, Russel Crowe, Robert Bly, Bruce Springsteen, Florence Nightingale, Adolf ******, Indira Gandhi,
    Signs you get along with: Dog, Eagle, Light and Serpent
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Dog, Jaguar, Knife and Death

    Your Tone
    * Patterns
    * Work
    * Creativity
    * Working with joy
    * Justice
    * Harmony
    * Balance realized as substance

    From simplicity to eternity, the 8 energy organizes everything that exists. You have strong organizational skills and you weigh all possibilities with clarity before you reach the balance point. One of your strengths is being aware of basic patterns that emerge in life. You are born with a curiosity to understand patterns and systems that underlie the world around us. This makes you quite an intellectual type. You like going deep and wide in any subject you are studying [...]
    The main intention you have is to bring balance and harmony into your life. Understanding the patterns and the systems, you can easily weight where the balance is lost, what needs to be adjusted in order to bring the harmony back. This goes for everything in our collective life, as human species on this planet. Understanding the cycle of life and what it entails helps you bring principles, balance, and justice [...]

    Your Trecana Sign
    Akbal (Yucatan) / Aq'ab'al (Kiche)
    Personality: Strong, logical, tidy, deep, thoughtful and conservative. Durable, introspective
    The Night is the sign of mystery, journey into the unknown and revelation of the true self. Since the expression of the Night naturally reminds us of its opposite, the Day, this sign also is a sign of duality and extremes. Sometimes nothing seems to be happening in your life, and at other times you feel overwhelmed because everything is happening at the same time [...]
    You get along well with young people and children. It is almost true that you stay young forever. You enjoy following the development of new technologies. Whatever tools, devices, trends are flourishing in the contemporary culture, you would like to follow and use them and stay always updated [...]
    Another name for this sign is the House, which makes you almost obsessed with the feeling of security. In one of the Mayan legends, the Hero Twins go on a journey to search for enlightenment. Just about the time when the night falls, they find an empty house. Since they are on a demanding journey, they decide to sleep in this house. When they wake up in the morning, they feel an expansion of their awareness. Sleeping in this house, gave them a certain awakening and they continue their journey in a more enlightened state. The Night or the House symbolically tells us that the Twins found a sense of security in the unknown that led them to a higher consciousness [...]
    The Night is also a very romantic sign, as seen by the Mayas [...]
    Challenge: Mental rigidity and problems with sharing.
    Remedy: To build systems and search for the basis of everything.
    Appropriate professions: Doctor, physiotherapist, writer [...]
    Celebrities born on this day: Joseph Campbell, Jack Kerouac, Kevin Costner, Walt Whitman, Donald Trump, Dave Brubeck, Jack Nicholson, Ursula Le Guin, Uma Thurman, Jean Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, Martin Sheen, T.E. Lawrence
    Signs you get along with: Night, Cane, Knife and Rabbit
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Night, Monkey, Eagle, Storm and Deer.

    Means, I'm basically the mutt that barks at night. So my neighbors are annoyed.

  8. #48
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    Your Day Sign

    Men (Yucatan) / Tz'ikin (Kiche)
    Personality: Independent, ambitious and runs away from reality. Skilled in scientific and technical subjects, critical and meticulous. Have unique ideas about life.

    The main quality of the natives of this sign is about rising above the difficulties and seeing the big picture. Just like an Eagle flying high, you see everything from afar, from a wide perspective, with sharp intelligence and intuition. As someone born on the day of the Eagle, you have very clear awareness and know what is going on, almost to the extent that nothing can be hidden from you [...]

    You are a natural born visionary and you like to inspire people around you with the visions you have. The little details people see springs you into action and you have a mission to help others to gain a good vision too. You do not appreciate getting stuck in details, although you are aware that they are part of the big picture too. If you have problems with your eyesight, or you are using spectacles, this might be a sign that this aspect of the Eagle is blocked within you [...]

    Eagle is an intermediary between the earth and sky. You are strong in the material world as much as in the spiritual world. You know how to get what you want, thanks to your strong spirit and high motivation. There is a passion in your heart for being successful in society; which prepares the fertile soil for becoming a good businessman or merchant. The Mayans say that the Eagle person will have good luck and fortune for material things. The money needed will always come to you [...]

    We can also say that you are lucky in love and like to live in intense relationships. It will be advisable for you to marry when you reach a mature age because you can be described as a “free spirit” who loves to party. Loyalty is an important and challenging lesson for you to get [...]

    Challenge: To accept the unusual relationship patterns
    Remedy: Knowing human nature.

    Appropriate professions: poet, sculptor, painter, priest, scientist, merchant

    Your Tone


    * Dynamic
    * Amplification
    * Excitement
    * Strength
    * Positivity
    * Extrovert
    * Empowerment

    You are an intelligent and strong organizer, communicator and a person who knows how to use resources well. Like the spider, you are a natural born webmaster, a networker that brings together all that is needed. You can be a good detective because you have a talent to get down to the core issue and look at things from a wider perspective [...]

    You are a positive, dynamic, happy person. By supporting their positive aspects, you empower the people around you, encouraging them to bring out their best attributes

    Your Trecana Sign

    Chuen (Yucatan) / B'atz (Kiche)
    Personality: Attractive, artistic, clever and demonstrative with feelings. Have many interests, talkative and very curious

    Cute, clever and generous. It is impossible not to notice you in the community. Even though you wish to hide at times, that is not possible. You have a strong character and you sometimes choose to stay distant from people because of intense emotions. You become the center of attention with the speed of light due to your charming character and jokes. Monkey is a natural born artist and artisan [...]

    In the simplest way, the Monkey symbolizes the child within us. Innocent, curious, creative, playful and funny. This is the child which paints the walls of the house or play the violin in a new and creative way or anything artistic and creative in his/her free will [...]

    As an adult, our task is to protect this child, and in return, we receive the nourishment of inspiration. So remember your childlike dreams, unleash your creativity and free your expressivity [...]

    Monkey is one of the luckiest signs and has good luck with marriage, children, money, career etc. There is a net that connects all signs; a bond connecting everything through human creativity and spiritual unity. This net symbolizes the Monkey sign. The Mayan elders say that the marriages and relationships that start at this day will have a strong, lasting bond [...]

    Challenge: Not staying focused long enough to learn and be good on one subject
    Remedy: Being creative
    Appropriate professions: artist, dancer, midwife, physiotherapist, therapist [...]

    Celebrities born on this day: David Bowie, Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, Robert De Niro, Barbara Streisand, Ronald Reagan, Jacues Cousteau, Dustin Hoffman
    Signs you get along with: Monkey, Owl, Crocodile and Death
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Monkey, Eagle, Storm, Night and the Deer

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