I hate to add to her indentity crisis, but I think of Catholic Schoolboy as well, I really do, and I do wonder if she might well be an INFp. A dark sided INFp that hates everybody, their mamas and everything they ever fucking stood for -- yet deep down inside craving love, affection and attention, but has trouble receiving it. <3 But I can equally perceive her as a cute, hot, sexy, sexy, adorable INTp who enjoys her sense of humor(it's always nice to see an ILI that does). The type that logically realizes that most of us are just full of shit anyways, so if she is curious about something, she would prefer to research on her own, for her own sense of surety and therefore decides to just have a little fun with socializing, for the healthy sake of fun, instead of arguing with dipshits. Dipshits like me of course. I thought I'd just add that before any other dipshit out there thinks that I'm pointing a condescending finger... But then just maybe she has found away to balance her POLR with her creative fuctioning, if so then I would like to be her padawan, and I would gadly be her bitch. Most gadly indeed. But then maybe she has some sort of split personality, or demonic possession, or... but then.... and then... but then... and so on, and so forth, and beyond, to a journey where no man has gone before. These are the voyagers of the starship "Enterprise."

Any of the ways, I voted INFp back yonder. I hope that isn't displeasing unto you. It's just that you seem to fit so well with BETA.