Member Questionnaire 1 (Irime)
What is beauty? What is love?
Beauty is something that causes positive aesthetic feelings, something that people like to look at. There are various qualities that we can judge in terms of beauty, even non-physical traits. Beauty can be perceived totally different by various people.
Love is a feeling of adoration and attraction to another person or thing.
What are your most important values?
Acceptance, intelligence, curiosity, reliability, honesty…
Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
No. I was raised Roman Catholic, but found this religion conflicting with my views. I got to know superficially few other religious systems, but decided that I don’t need to believe in anything to fulfill my life. I also think that many religion followers are manipulated and feed by dogmas which kill curiosity and intellectual development and stop them to search for and form their own views.
Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
Power is something that when we have it, there is never enough. That is why there are wars – because few people tasted the power and want more. War has some benefits – it decreases overpopulation and competition between fighting sides makes technology progress.
What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
I could talk about anything that I’m interested in at the moment, especially about science and literature. Why? Because I find it interesting, duh. On the other hand, conversations about sports, celebrities, business, people and what they do and how fare bore me to death.
Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
Sometimes. I try to focus on my body, live healthy but it not always works because of lack of motivation.
What do you think of daily chores?
Don’t like it, but sometimes it’s necessary. Especially I hate it when I have to clean up after someone else. I’m all like ‘LOL, nope, you made mess, you will clean’.
Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
I don’t watch films often, but I like action, abstract humor and interesting/unusual concepts and views. When I was little I liked horrors – they were funny. I like criminals, fantasy and science fiction books. Now I’m reading Earthsea series and I enjoy it.
What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
I rarely cry, only when something goes wrong in my life and I don’t know how to fix it. I smile when I have fun and when someone do something nice to me.
Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
At home/alone, with friends and people who like me, in places where I can apply my knowledge.
What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
People always say that I’m shy. I’m socially awkward and I may appear insecure in many social situations and confrontations.
What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
People often say that I’m intelligent. I can easily learn new things, I’m calm and non-confrontational, I have rich imagination.
In what areas of your life would you like help?
Cook for me? I’m terrible at it, today I burned my dinner.
Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
Yes, it happens sometimes when I feel that direction of my life is pointless and I’m going to achieve nothing which I intended if I don’t change something. And instead of making change I sit and do nothing productive.
What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
I dislike insincere and intolerant people, people who think that they can use me (and others) to get what they want. I like people who accept me the way I am, don’t mind my few quirks and if they DO mind they tell me about it openly, not mocking aside.
How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
I’m inexperienced in romantic relationships, because I never know if person is interested in me in that way, and if (s)he would be, then why – I have plenty flaws. But that relationship and also sex could be fun if I’d have suitable partner, which I can trust.
If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
I would like to develop in my child love for gaining knowledge, respect and tolerance for others, find their individual interests. I would warn him/her of environments, etc. which (s)he should avoid.
I would read some psychology books, analyze errors made by my parents and other people who raised children.
A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
I would try to understand why he thinks that way. If I decide that he has sensible reasons, I’m okay with it. If not, let’s debate!
Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
I often feel like an outcast unsuccessfully trying to fit. I think everyone has his own concerns and must use society to deal with them. But society also products problems, making simple things difficult. I think that basic problem of people is nonconformity. There is one model how to live and when someone differs from it, he encounters many difficulties.
How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
I don’t choose friends, they chose me. I like them so I accept their presence, spend free time with them. Around my friends I’m less serious, more self-confident and less secretive about myself.
How do you behave around strangers?
Stiff and reserved, I exchange courtesy if I must. Don’t talk much, only about impersonal matters. Don’t initiate contact unless necessary.