Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
I don't type Marzia anything, yet.
Really? Because here are some of your own quotes from this thread:

Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
Pwediepie - ILE ?
Marzia - SEI ?
Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
Mariza tested INFP in MBTI, but I could see SEI for her.
Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
According to this, she's definitely ethical and an introvert. So it's going to be either SEI, ESI, IEI, or EII. ESI is probably the least likely of the 4.

Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
btw, not all IEI are heroin addicted and mentally unstable like Kurt Cobain, just like not all SEE are like Mily Cyrus.
Being "mentally unstable" or "heroin addicted" has nothing to do with being Beta type. That's a typing disorientation-deflection gimmick to portray Betas as crazies.

I'm asking what similarities do you see with Marzia and Fe-IEIs? She doesn't seem like she's looking for an Extrverted Sensing "Aggressor" type from the videos you posted. Or that she really needs one.